Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 23
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 23 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
In the days after Catherine, Aiden’s life—altered. Whenever he and Dan met for lunch, Dan was reticent, sitting farther away and tossing sidelong glances during their usual banter. Which wasn’t normal. It was strained. Dan was—changed.
This time, there were no rain-laden storm clouds approaching as they sat beneath the tree. But the silence was heavy. And while the ring chortled, each glimpse of his friend pulled a sigh from Aiden.
All morning, Catherine had texted. Again. She’d begun pleading the very next day after Aiden. Though he’d warned her, she’d only pleaded more. Hungry eyes blazing, she’d even managed a quick drag of her nails across Aiden’s butt while Dan was paying for beer at the local quick-mart.
Anytime Catherine was around, Dan was always nearby, concerned and on-edge.
While they sat beneath the rustling tree, though the ring poked, Aiden shoved it harder. He swallowed and glanced at his friend, who was also—hungry. With his head down, focused on the weed-choked grass, Dan didn’t know what he’d sensed or why he’d touched ... But he had, and each quick glance at Aiden only highlighted his confusion. At the echo of Dan’s gentle fingers gliding along his shaft, sticky with his and Catherine’s cum, Aiden’s heart raced.
“When’s your stepmom back?” Aiden asked, trying to talk about anything else other than Dan’s disquieting waves of—need.
“Monday, I think,” his friend replied in a voice a thousand miles away.
“Gonna head home, man,” Aiden said as he stood and reached for his friend’s shoulder before jerking his fingers back. He couldn’t even do that anymore, either.
When Dan only nodded, Aiden sighed and headed across campus. At least with Mrs. Davis now home, they could finally meet. She’d left town for work right after the night with Catherine. With a groan, Aiden stumbled. Mrs. Davis knew he was thinking of her. She had such needs.
As the ring flared, Aiden regained his footing and squinted towards the afternoon sun skittering behind high clouds. Even if they had to ... His cock ached. Even in the park, it would be worth it. She needed him. Though after Jimmy’s, not the party, but what had happened afterwards, any brief encounter wouldn’t satisfy her—or him—for very long
After sliding into his car and dropping the windows to let the heat slice out with a minutely cooler breeze, Aiden exhaled at his phone’s ringtone. Catherine! She just ... His eyes narrowed as he stared at the screen. It wasn’t her. It was Kitten. A smile—the first in days slid across Aiden’s face. Were they finally home?
“Hi Kitten,” he said, letting his gaze roam to the trees and imagining Kitten’s slender frame.
“Sir. Thank God!”
“What’s the matter?” Chest tightening at the pain in Kitten’s voice, Aiden sat up. “Are you okay? Kendra?”
“Yes. Yes. Sorry, sir.” If Kitten’s using “sir,” it couldn’t be all bad, but Aiden gulped as Tim Owens went on. “Kendra. She’s been beside herself. This whole time. I don’t know what she did. Or what you did to—with—her, but she’s so...”
The phone shifted on Kitten’s end as if he were hunching with his hand covering the speaker. His voice lowered to a whisper before adding. “She almost lost a deal. A big deal. She can’t concentrate. She needs you, sir.”
“And you? Do you need me, Kitten?” Aiden ran his tongue over his lips, staring into his reflection in the rearview mirror.
There was silence, but for heavy breathing, before Kitten hissed. “Yes.”
“I’ve got finals coming up.” Aiden sighed and tapped his fingers on the hot, dark plastic dashboard. “I can cram, I guess. It’s my last year, anyway. How about, uh, Sunday?”
“Saturday, sir. Please. She’s—”
“Oh, Kitten.” Aiden cut him off, a grin on his face. Kendra could wait. It was good for her. He held in a chuckle and added in a breathy voice, sure to rile up the slender man. “I’m coming for you, my pet.” At the loud gulp and rapid breathing, Aiden let his grin widen further. “Saturday. Lunch. I’ll be there. Hang out at the pool? BBQ?”
“Sir. Yes, sir. Anything you want, sir.”
“Anything, Kitten?”
“Anything.” As Kitten replied, his voice was an airy whisper.
The rest of the week dragged, with Aiden focusing on studies, not paying attention to the brunette and her boyfriend, ignoring Mrs. Davis’ aching need, and trying to avoid further contact with Catherine. Just yet. Dan continued being—weird. Dan’s sidelong glances hadn’t stopped. And Friday, as Aiden stood and walked towards his car, he’d caught a much longer lingering look from him.
The ring chuckled.
Saturday morning found Aiden rolling past the strip mall where he’d stopped the last time he’d headed to the Owens home. For his ice cream picnic with Kendra. When she’d told him her deep secret. The one the ring had hinted at during their first encounter in the hot tub. So dark it had Aiden glancing at his narrowed brows in the mirror. Now Kendra was—desperate? Determined. Dedicated? To him? Only his command held her at bay. Not the ring.
And the ring? He’d been so busy studying, or trying to, he’d had no chance to think through Catherine and Dan. How the flaring ring had leaped at Dan. Wanting Dan to do more. And ... Aiden swallowed as he slowed the car. Dan had ventured so close. Though Aiden couldn’t sense him, with every furtive glance from Dan, he still—knew.
And Mrs. Davis? He owed her so much. And desire didn’t come close to what he felt for her. Yet ... What she’d said. His future awaiting. Though he had no future. At least not with her. Not here. He swallowed a gloomy chuckle. Grad school hadn’t picked him up.
And that’s the thing. Magic or not. The ring had limits. Though it could enhance and—detect, it could also dig so much deeper. Yet, now, it also had restrictions because of Aiden. As his chest tightened and he lifted his foot from the peddle, the car slowed more. At his focused glare, the cold gold circle, dulled, huddled tighter in the darkness.
Aiden rubbed his chin. Yes, the ring had found him. But he’d also—mastered? No, not mastered. Challenged? Yes, challenged the ring. And its reaction ... Well, not many had done that before him. When the ring murmured, Aiden discovered himself nodding. The ring had enhanced him, but there’d been something deep within him for it to enhance.
After slapping his hands on the wheel, he gunned the engine.
Yet. It meant shit. He’d have a pleasant time with the Owens. Let Kendra play her naughty n—er whore game. Toy with Kitten ... No, that wasn’t fair. Kitten adored him. Aiden’s heart raced and Kitten’s sad face brought a hitch to his breathing. No, he wouldn’t toy with Kitten. Never.
As he slid to a halt at a traffic light, he glanced at his red-cheeked face. And he—enjoyed Kendra’s little game. And Catherine’s hidden needs. Also Mrs. Davis’ happy, hungry slut fantasy. As well as those dancers. The ring had given him a gift. Something unique. So what? It didn’t solve all of life’s problems. He still spent more nights alone than...
A flare of white flames erupted around the ring. He could use the ring. Take them all. Make them his. Keep them. The Owens mansion could be his home. All the others, except the dancers, wherever they were, could come to him. Screw secrets. To Hell with their other baggage. He could reign in a pleasure palace for all time. The ring’s flames became tipped with thickening blue tendrils as they licked at the walls of its enclosure.
He could.
With a snarl, Aiden back-handed the fiery gold into its corner, where it rolled in a chaotic flurry of diminishing orange flickers.
But he wouldn’t.
The ring was silent—glaring.
“They’re real people,” Aiden murmured, his mind on the smoldering metal circle as he turned onto the long, winding driveway. “And they deserve better.”
After pulling to a halt on the gravel, Aiden glanced at the main entrance, shaded from the bright sunlight, and let go a long, whistling exhale. His bones creaked as he stepped from the car and rolled his shoulders. The fiery sun was high in the cloudless blue sky. A warm gust cut the oppressive midday heat, sending his loose, unbuttoned powder blue shirt billowing around his gray and blue striped baggy swim trunks.
“They deserve more.” He squinted at the ring, now cooling and barely visible in its dark corner. “My time will come—perhaps.” At a sudden flash of the brunette, he grinned, then shrugged. The grin slipped away when her boyfriend swaggered into the image. After Aiden’s shoulders sagged, he trudged, kicking gravel with the toes of his sandals, to the entrance. “Maybe not.”
After hesitating for a brief moment, checking to ensure the ring was watching, Aiden tapped his finger on the doorbell. As soon as the chimes echoed through the marble interior, the loud click-clacking of heels sped towards the door. There were soft scraping noises and a low moaning before a second set of heels approached—at a much more measured pace.
When the door glided open, Aiden’s heart surged, and a smile swept across his face as he scanned Kitten. God, had it been so long already? At the slim man’s flowery, elegant perfume tickling his flaring nostrils, shivers wriggled up Aiden’s spine.
“Hello, Kitten.”
“Good morning, sir.” Kitten wore a small scarlet and pink bikini cut high on his thin hips and tight to his—padded—chest. As the breeze fought with the air conditioning, an open, gauzy crimson flower print cover-up billowed around his shoulders. A tremor rippled through him when Aiden returned to his face with a grin. A hint of eye make-up, a little rouge on his high cheeks, and glossy cherry lipstick highlighted Kitten’s features.
“Beautiful as always, my pet.”
When Aiden reached out to drag his fingertips across the man’s bare midriff, Kitten, his lips parting to emit a hungry whimper, pushed into his hand.
At a louder groan from behind the door beside him, Aiden glanced downwards and nudged it further open with his knee. His heart slowed at the sight of Kendra, naked, kneeling with her head bowed and her toned coal black body—vibrating with need. The next gust of air brought the musky, sweet aroma of her arousal to his nose. Brushed out, her raven tresses swept free over her shoulder—just like she knew he preferred.
At the slender man’s smacking lips, Aiden glanced at Kitten, who continued to suck on his shiny lips while gazing at his wife. Pity was in his eyes. With a sigh, Aiden glided his fingers under Kendra’s warm, sleek chin and lifted her face. At his touch, she tensed. As her soaking outer lips squelched, a long hiss of heated air fluttered from her. Dark hungry eyes sparkling, she stared up at him as quivers raced beneath his fingertips.
Even as Aiden looked deep into her bottomless black pools, so deep he could see her secret, he managed a tight grin before turning to her husband.
“Has she been a good little bitch, Kitten?”
“Ye—yes, sir,” he stammered, his voice breaking as Kendra moaned and shoved herself into Aiden’s hand when he cupped one of his wife’s shaky pert cones.
Though she couldn’t be that hot, the soft but firm flesh seared Aiden’s palm, and her stiff nipple burned his fingertips as he pressed inwards. A low, continuous moan pulled from her as she stared into him. After releasing her jiggling tit, Aiden raked his fingers downwards across her silky, heated skin.
“Well, let’s take care of her first, shall we?” While lowering himself to his haunches, Aiden flashed Kitten an impish grin. Kendra’s gaze tracked him until Aiden gazed directly into her eyes. a shudder rippled through her when he leaned in close to her ear. “I’ve missed you, my little n—er slave.”
At her yowl and sudden lurch to find his lips, Aiden drove his hand downward, pushing into her already parted outer lips, finding her slippery tightness, and plunging deep into her. When he gave her a forceful stroke, off balance, she wrapped her body around Aiden’s arm. Her soft lips gnawed and sucked at his chin, blasting hot air, desperate to meet his mouth.
As her yowl became a rising moan, Kendra’s long red nails clawed at Aiden’s arms as her teeth nibbled along his jaw. At long last, he turned and let her lips plow into his while her little pointed tongue swirled deep to find his. Still, he played inside her pulsating, slick heat, driving her higher and higher. Connected, he felt everything the poor women had suffered—it wouldn’t take long.
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