Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 22
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 22 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
Once inside the pale-blue painted bedroom, its navy and white striped curtains swirling by the still open window, Aiden shifted Kate, her heels dragging through the taupe carpet, until she stood before him. As her firm tits jiggled in the taut red bra, he glanced behind her at his old, twin-sized bed, its light wood chipped and scratched from far too many moves. At least he’d remembered to make it. Once she’d stumbled to a halt, he lifted his hand from her wrist. Just after Dan slipped to her side, Aiden swallowed and tugged his t-shirt over his head.
“Jesus Christ, Aiden,” hissed from Dan while scanning Aiden’s bare torso.
With a steady, soft drumbeat, Kate’s fingers tapped against her thighs while her eyes drifted over him. Though he’d adjusted to his enhanced, post-ring, muscular frame, neither had seen him without clothes since that rainy morning run through the muddy field. With a sigh, Aiden shoved his shorts to the ground, revealing his solid pelvis and wobbling full shaft.
Air flew from Kate’s mouth as she and Dan stared wide-eyed. Of course, neither had seen that enhancement either. As a whimper escaped her glossy lips, Kate’s nails halted to sink into her skin; another tremor wriggled through her. Trembling jaw wide and eyes unblinking, Dan only gaped.
“Now. Really. Last chance, both of you.”
Eyes flicking between his face, his chest and his throbbing shaft, Kate, her entire frame vibrating, remained silent. Aiden only grinned at her. Of course, she’d still want him. If anything, even more so now. It was her darkness.
But Dan, still wide-eyed—hesitated. Glistening tongue sliding over his shiny lips, his eyes drifted up to Aiden’s face. With his eyebrows lifting, Dan’s lips opened. After a quick sigh, Aiden bent to retrieve his shorts.
“Dan.” Kate’s voice, though low, was firm.
When Aiden straightened, his shorts left pooled at his feet, he glanced at her. Kate’s green pools bored into her boyfriend as Dan shuddered. While they may have planned together, as Kate’s eyes narrowed and her fists balled tight, she lay her desperation bare. Such a dark fantasy and held so long. In its unintelligible murmuring, the ring whispered the obvious; she’d never told Dan the true depth of her—need. As she tensed before the thick Prussian blue comforter covering his bed, her neck muscles twinged; her jaw clenched and unclenched.
Once more, the ring, humming to itself as orange flames slithered upwards, bided its time. After flicking to the old wooden bedside table where it lurked, the silence stretched on as Aiden switched between Dan and Kate. At Aiden’s lengthy grunt when he rolled his tightening shoulders, she glanced at him, her eyes—so very hungry. Her glossy red lips glittered in the light as she swallowed before glaring at her boyfriend.
After once more bending, Aiden lifted his shorts with a long sigh. As hungry as Kate was, if Dan wasn’t supportive ... That’d been close. And something ... Something else lurked in her most profound depths; the ring was far too calm.
“Dan! Goddamit! You promised.” Kate’s wailing, high-pitched voice brought Aiden to a halt as he glanced at his friend. “Look at you. You also wanted this. You said so.”
Air hissed through Aiden’s lips when he noticed Dan’s tented shorts. With his eyes fixed on his friend, Aiden straightened once more, letting his shorts drop away; the orange-licked ring’s tune raised in pitch and vibrated. Really? Him? When he took a step towards Dan, his friend blanched and flicked his eyes from Kate to him. Alight with roaring fire, the ring—nodded.
“Lift your arms, Dan.”
“What?” His friend’s voice was low—wavering.
“Lift your arms for me, Dan.” Aiden took another step.
As Dan’s arms raised, the ring burst into a circlet of reaching flames. Despite its surging energy, Aiden remained careful to avoid touching Dan’s bare flesh while tugging the shirt free of his shorts. Once he’d pulled it over Dan’s head, revealing his friend’s slender, heaving chest, Aiden gestured; Dan lowered his shaking arms to his side.
With a quick glance at Dan’s wide-eyed, slack-jawed girlfriend, Aiden unbuttoned and unzipped Dan’s shorts. After a swift yank, they dropped free to reveal Dan’s crimson shaft, its tight skin gleaming and head smeared with shiny fluid.
“Dan? What do you want me to do?” Aiden asked as he stepped from his trembling friend.
His eyes glistening as he gaped at Aiden, Dan’s fingers bounced off his hard thighs. Beneath his suddenly shot with crimson neck and face, his pale chest pounded. At Kate’s hands sliding onto Aiden’s hips, Aiden jolted; a moan escaped as her digits crept forward. With a whimper, she pressed her warm, vibrating, lingerie-wrapped frame into his back as her gentle fingers slid onto his shaft.
“Baby, please.” As she spoke, gazing at her boyfriend over Aiden’s shoulder, her hot breath sent shivers down his spine.
Which then met the shivers racing upwards from his full shaft, throbbing beneath her stroking hands. Eyes flicking from Aiden’s pole between his girlfriend’s caressing palms, to Aiden’s thumping chest, to Kate when she placed her soft lips against Aiden’s shoulder—more speeding trembles—Dan couldn’t decide where to look.
As her velvet tongue slithered along Aiden’s bare skin, sending ever stronger tremors through him, Aiden’s heart raced; her unquenched hunger seared deep into his soul. In its brightening corner, the ring arched, warping towards the flames that encircled it, swirling ever higher. Why? What did it see in his future? In her future? With Aiden?
With a slow spiral, Kate’s tight fists stroked upward, pushing a swaying thread of glittering pre-cum from his throbbing, deep-purple bulb. His jaw trembling, Dan tracked its twisting descent to the carpet before returning to her and gulping. When Kate rolled a silken palm over his tip, smearing the next driblet into his aching flesh, Aiden could only gasp for air. His legs shaking, Aiden let the ring’s gentle energy pulses, and Kate’s forceful sensations, slide through him; keeping only Mrs. Davis’ rising arousal hidden from her.
Too late, Aiden realized Kate’s palm, glossy with his pre-cum, had settled around her boyfriend’s cock. Images flashed. Feelings tumbled. His friend’s teeth clicked together, then shot wide as his eyes—wavered on the edge of madness. Time slowed, then halted as Kate’s sticky fist continued stroking Dan’s cock, leaving Aiden’s smeared, shiny fluid behind on his shaft. Beneath her puffing nostrils, her lips mashed into Aiden’s skin. A moan left her as her teeth gnawed. Aiden staggered back into her, his heart at first stuttering before lurching forward to race as sensations churned between the trio.
That image. Timeless; her hidden behind him, reaching for Dan. The ring—smiled. She was another key, like Kendra and Kitten. But only if she stayed with Dan. To lose Dan would lose her to Aiden. So clear. So very clear. Yet the ring chuckled; not all was revealed to Dan. As Aiden chose to keep Mrs. Davis secret, it opted to hold Kate’s fate from his friend.
Tell Dan and lose Kate? And his future? Or hide Kate, keep Dan as his friend, and unlock whatever mystery the ring refused to share?
Curled up and sizzling with heat, the ring waited. While stroking both, chewing and dragging her silken tongue along his shoulder, Kate waited. Shiny parted lips trembling, Dan rocked under her gliding fist.
Aiden should tell him. Friendship trumped...
As soon as Dan nodded, the ring flared. Blinded, after a swift stumble, Aiden turned with a primal groan to shove Kate with his body backwards towards the bed. Blasts of air flew from him and Dan as her shiny fingers twisted free of both cocks.
No, friendship didn’t trump—this. Aiden’s future. And Kate’s future with him.
After lifting her hands behind her back, taut red satin slipped from her chest; the sharp darkened nipples atop her swollen pink areolas seared his chest. Her crimson lips. Glossy. So full. So close. Spiraling sensations of need pulsated from her as the slick skin of her cheek slid along his.
“I know what you are,” Aiden whispered into her ear just before pushing her to the comforter.
While crabbing backwards over the dark-blue bed, she drove her hands downwards to sweep her panties off her twisting pelvis before kicking them across the room. At Dan’s sharp gasp, Aiden glanced up to see him narrowly dodge the flying red wad. Beneath a neat landing strip of orange-tinged golden fur, her tight peach glittered, flushed with crimson. Once her head slid into the pillows, she squirmed. After tearing the headband away, she raked her fingers through her shimmering bronze tresses while the taut, gleaming skin of her toned legs skimmed the thick blue covers.
Her jade eyes blazed, ravenous.
For him. At last.
A sigh slipped from Aiden as he climbed up after her. Eyes glinting, Kate spread her legs wide. While gliding his hand along one sleek calf, Aiden focused. How Kate craved the darkness. To play on the very edge—where Dan could never dream of taking her. But Aiden...
As a tune—an ancient tune—resounded, the ring burst into orange-tinged, white flames. Her eyes bored into his.
A widening grin crept across his face as Aiden scanned Kate’s wriggling frame—so alive—so needy; while letting the ring sing its little song and flare its fire. He let his thought slide into her. Yes, he’d take her to the edge. The ring murmured as Aiden nodded. And so very far beyond. So very deep into that darkness. As she swallowed and nodded, a long, winding whimper escaped her trembling lips.
With his back to Dan, Aiden mouthed the words she needed. The ones from her darkness. “My little cock-slut.”
After only a quick flick to her boyfriend, a rippling shudder twisted Kate as she nodded and dug her heels into the mattress, presenting him with her rising pelvis. The taut darkened skin of her peach twinkled. As her pulse pounded beneath his skimming palm, her thoughts slid into him. Her darkest dream.
The one from her childhood.
The one her daddy had explained.
The one her mother feared because she knew it so well herself.
And now...
Air stuck in his throat as Aiden crawled between her shaking legs. After her eyes fluttered when he placed her hand on his shaft, they widened. Quiet once again, the ring watched.
And now, as Aiden had promised ... He’d ... And he’d never tell Dan. Or anyone. As long as...
Even as Dan clambered onto the bed and slid beside Kate’s head, his smaller red pole in his quaking fist, Kate’s fingers tightened while sliding up and down on Aiden’s cock. Her eyes remained locked on Aiden, flicking between his aching shaft and his face.
As long as ... As long as Kate served him.
The ring became blinding once more; its bright, bluish-tipped white flames scorched its no-longer-dim little corner. As its strident, victorious song pounded through Aiden, he struggled to breathe. After flinging up his hand to bat it away and smash it down, he stopped, stared at the blue flickers, and lowered his shaking ghost fist. The ring chuckled before singing again—louder. Far more strident. Remorseless.
Kate would be his. Well, of course she would; the ring laughed. Of course she would.
Eyes glittering and remaining focused on Aiden, Kate opened her shiny lips and rolled her head to the side. Still slick with Aiden’s juices, her other hand clawed for her boyfriend’s slim, smooth rod. When she found it, Dan gasped as she tugged him towards her open mouth. While gliding his purple knob into her lips, her eyes sparkled—at Aiden. She was where she belonged. Between them.
With ever more forceful twists, her fist stroked quicker and tighter on Aiden’s cock. When the ring, amidst its blue-white fire, uttered a cackling laugh, Aiden let a grin slip onto his face. From now on, she’d always stroke quicker and tighter on Aiden’s cock.
A burbling whimper slid from Kate before her cheeks sunk. His head flying back, Dan’s cry echoed across the room. As her glossy lips bobbed along his turgid rod, her jade eyes gleamed. Still focused on Aiden.
With the bedroom blurring around them, Aiden shifted closer. As he lifted and spread them, the warm, silky skin of Kate’s lean thighs glided under Aiden’s fingers. After gripping below her stroking fingers, Aiden exhaled while tilting his shaft downward. Widening, Kate’s eyes left his to track the disappearing ball of purple flesh pulsing at the end of his aching pole; her hand stopped moving.
From its corner, the ring also tracked Aiden’s slow, methodical motion. Aiden’s eyes narrowed, and he cocked his head; the ring surged. This time, Aiden batted it away before leaning over her—his cock-slut. Mine, not yours. When his glossy tip spread the silken smooth, slippery halves of her peach wide, Kate’s opening mouth dropped from her boyfriend’s dripping crimson knob.
With a groan, Aiden rocked forward, pushing into her inner gate, driving apart her pulsing flesh and sinking ever deeper. Kate’s frame arched upwards as her hands ripped from both cocks to claw at Aiden’s arms. Motionless but for his shuddering, Dan, his eyes widening, watched Aiden disappear into his girlfriend. Dan jolted when air hissed from her lips. As her full tits wriggled, her red-nailed fingers clamped on Aiden’s forearms.
“Oh! God! Jesus, Aiden! You’re so fucking big!” Kate’s frame twisted as Aiden shoved further into her clenching tightness.
The ring’s spiraling blue-white flames rippled higher into the fading darkness.
At first, Aiden opened his mouth. Say something funny? Keep it light. One time. Kate was simply amazing. So tight. Silky and so very slick. Her slippery interior was so alive as she pummeled him with her—everything. When Kate’s glimmering jade eyes fluttered, he let his lips drift closed and drove her clenching flesh further apart.
No, there was nothing light about this? One look at his friend’s ashen face and the drooping shaft in his fist told him that. The ring laughed. Decisions. Aiden opened his mouth. Friendship?
With a sigh, Aiden stopped and slid himself backwards, pulling from her. The ring’s flames guttered.
While a mournful groan tore from her, Kate slapped her hands to Aiden’s chest. When Aiden whipped downwards to peer at her, her eyes shimmered like emeralds, her red nails clawed deep into his flesh, and her soul wrapped around his—pleading. Begging from the darkest, hungriest pit within her.
Heart hammering, Aiden spared one last glance at his friend before ... Before taking his girlfriend from him forever. Well, part of her. The part she’d required Aiden to keep. With each slow rock of his hips, Aiden drove his thumping helm back and forth through her most sensitive area, pulling moan after open-mouthed moan from Kate; her body twisted and wriggled over the deep blue coverlet.
With a lengthy cry, Kate’s mouth pulled as wide as it could. That was followed by a warbling scream as her shiny emerald pools ignited. As it torqued, tremors wracked her entire frame. Inside, her pussy walls spasmed, sending long, chaotic ripples along Aiden’s gliding shaft and pulling quick huffs of air from his open lips.
“One.” Aiden couldn’t resist as he flashed a smile at his ashen-faced friend, who’d fallen back on his knees. Dan was his friend. He’d never know. He needed to believe something. So let him think this was all just good fun. With his eyes on Aiden’s cock pushing in and withdrawing, taunting his girlfriend, Dan’s shrunken rod lay across his lap as his clawed fingers twitched atop his folded thighs.
When Aiden slowed, Kate followed his gaze and swallowed as she looked at Dan. As she opened her mouth to speak, the ring flared, Aiden pushed, and Kate ... Eyes wide, she spun to stare at Aiden as her torso arched into his waiting hands and a moan ripped from her. While her legs wobbled and glided along his hips, Aiden slid her sharpened hot nipples between his fingertips and—twisted.
With another high-pitched scream, Kate bucked and twisted, her insides once more pounding their silken flesh along Aiden’s still sinking shaft.
“Two,” Aiden grinned and held up two fingers.
Neither noticed. Kate’s eyes were unfocused and aimed at the ceiling, while Dan’s were locked on her bisected, gleaming peach and the gentle spurts slipping free of her taut, stretched pink petals.
After screwing her eyes shut, with teeth clenched and neck muscles pulsing, Kate’s head rolled from side to side. In one swift motion, Aiden pulled his hands from her jiggling tits, gripped her legs, yanked them to his chest, and shoved forward.
“Oh...” Kate’s eyes flew open to stare at him, then down at his still disappearing cock. “Oh, my ... Oh, my ... Oh, my ... Oh my fucking God! Dan! Dan!”
As her insides clamped and released and her chest wobbled, Kate’s words became a high-pitched scream when Aiden’s tip nudged the top of her canal and his aching, full balls settled against her twitching sphincter. Lower jaw trembling, she spun wide-eyed to gaze at her boyfriend’s ashen face before whipping back to Aiden. Her eyes blazed with green fire.
“Touchdown.” Aiden smiled into her crimson-tinged face.
“He’s ... Aiden’s...” Kate lost her words when she scanned her abdomen.
After tearing one clawed hand from a crumpled bunch of blue covers, she placed her shuddering palm over the bulge under her skin. Wide-eyed and with her open mouth trembling, she gaped at her fingers, bouncing with each of Aiden’s heartbeats, before gazing into Aiden’s eyes.
“Dan...” While keeping his voice jaunty, Aiden forced a smile as he swept his hands along Kate’s shaking legs, vertical against his chest. “Seems, uh ... Seems Kate got what she wanted, huh?”
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