Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 19
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
As Gina carried her dirty dinner plates into the kitchen, she shuddered to a halt before whipping around to look behind her. Heart pounding, she gulped as the metal fork clinked on the ceramic dish in her shaking hands; Aiden wasn’t there. But he’s so close.
Her eyes scanned the empty house. No. No sign of Aiden.
He needed to be there. With her.
He had to be.
“Oh, God ... Oh God, he’s...,” she murmured as Aiden—prepared.
After dumping the dishes into the sink, she flashed a quick taut grin at her reflection in the dark window. As soon as she dropped her head, letting her long dark tresses shadow her face, she gripped the counter edge with both hands and spread her legs, bracing for ... She gulped; not him. He wasn’t there. With her. Where he should be.
As the room blurred, Gina blinked and flicked to her phone, next to her purse. All the way across the kitchen. Even in her heels, she could risk a dash across the tile. She’d call him. Offer to meet him anywhere. He can’t ... Not without her.
“Oh, Aiden. No!” hissed from Gina as her aching pelvis slapped against the counter. The world darkened before flooding with colors as her teeth sank deep into her lower lip. “No! Such a waste. I want you, master.”
As his jetting pulses of relief battered her twinging—everything, Gina, nails squeaking along the counter, arched upward, her hair flailing as a dark fan behind her, and let out several rapid pulses of air. Such a waste. She would’ve helped him. Taken him into her—where he belonged. So deep into her. Her moan echoed across the dark kitchen as his ghostly flesh glided into her slipperiness, shoving her apart as he plunged deeper—so much deeper. While struggling for air, she bit into her trembling lower lip.
A murmur fled her as the soft blanket of his love swept over her. Head down once more, she nodded under her dangling dark tresses. He’d never use her. Not just for himself.
“But I need you, master,” she whispered while glancing through her shaking hair at the floor. “I want you so badly.”
She jolted; he’d a plan for her. Something special. A reward. While chewing her lips, she nodded and lifted her head to stare out the dark window at the rising moon.
Just then, her phone pinged. After a long swallow, she lurched free of the counter and moved, one shaky click-clack at a time, across the kitchen tile until she could glance at the screen.
It was Kendra.
As she exhaled, trying to slow her heart, Gina stared at the pinging phone before grunting and lifting it to her ear.
Nothing but rapid, shallow puffs of air resounded in the speaker for several seconds.
“Gina! He just ... I mean!” At her friend’s hoarse voice, spitting out an unceasing flow of words, Gina recoiled. Kendra sped onward. “Oh, my fucking God! I was naked! I mean, completely fucking naked! And ... And he just ... I mean ... We drove around and he showed me off. He showed me off, Gina! To anyone.”
Her voice replaced by more rapid huffing; Kendra fell silent before adding in a faint whisper. “And I loved it Gina. I loved it. I sucked his cock. The whole time. He let me suck him as we drove and I loved it. I loved being his—pet.”
Gina’s nails clenched so tight on the phone they rattled as she fell back against the counter and squeezed her eyes shut. That’s what she’d been feeling from him all afternoon.
“And then ... And then, Gina ... Oh—” Her friend’s voice trailed off into a winding moan, followed by loud panting before Kendra slurped as her lips mashed into the phone.
“I didn’t tell Tim. I couldn’t. He, Aiden, knows. Everything. But I just couldn’t tell Tim. Aiden knows, but I told him anyway ... And Gina! Oh, my fucking God in heaven! His cock! Wow! I just sat on it. And ... Oh...” Again Kendra’s voice cracked into shallow panting before she whispered in a breathless voice. “It was so far inside me! I felt ... I felt his pulse pounding inside me! So fucking powerful! My entire body rocked in his lap and do you know what he did? Do you know, Gina?”
As she vibrated against the counter, reliving the deep aches and desires from him earlier, Gina swallowed and whispered. “No.”
“Aiden fed me fucking ice cream. The entire time I rode his cock and listened to people wander past. Listened! Because he’d blindfolded me. The whole time ... I ... I couldn’t see the faces staring at us. And he fed me ice cream and held me tight. God, he loves to play with my nipples! And I love the way he twists and tugs them! He knows that, too!”
Her voice disappeared into another long, low, primal groan.
“What happened nex—”
“Next? He ... Aiden just pulled me off him! Took his cock from me before ... He just ... I tried to keep him, but he’s too ... He wanted me off him!” Kendra spurted out. “Just like that, Gina! He didn’t say a word! Just took me home and told me I’d have to earn it. Earn him. And ... Oh, God, I’m so fucking horny, Gina! He ... Aiden said I mustn’t come. I can’t. I won’t, but I need to ... So badly!”
Gina nodded as she squeezed her thighs ever tighter; she knew that feeling. Her pussy squelched as it spasmed between her quivering legs.
“And I know...,” Kendra huffed before spitting out, “my husband is going to take my panties away before I leave the house! I know it ... And I will leak all over myself. And he’ll know! Aiden will know! God, Gina, I want his cock back inside me. I didn’t even get to ride it! He just put me on it like I was a toy. A little nig—black toy for his pleasure. To keep his cock warm ... Oh fuck, Gina! I’m his little n—er cock warmer...” Gina gasped as Kendra said the disparaging word, but gripped the phone tighter in her shaking fist when her friend’s voice raised. “And, God help me, that’s what I want to be. I need to earn it, Gina!”
While glancing out at the dark, empty living room, Gina gulped. That’s what had driven her master to ... Relieve himself. She rolled her lips before emitting a long sigh as Kendra’s racing breath resounded through the speaker.
“What do you want me to do, Kendra?”
“Nothing. I just ... It’s so intense with him. So intense. You understand?”
“Yes.” Gina drifted her hand downwards to press in between her legs. Her lips unstuck and parted as she rubbed. But only once before pulling her palm upwards to tremble against her stomach.
“My husband must call him. Aiden was specific. As much as I want, I can’t even beg. Oh, God. I hope he phones soon, Gina. I need—him. To earn him.”
Nothing but loud, rapid breathing echoed from the speaker until, at last, Kendra’s wispy voice, between sniffles, added. “Good night ... Good night, Gina.”
Once she managed to unclasp her trembling fingers and lower the phone to the counter, Gina shuffled to the sink and washed her dish. As she stared out into the darkness, she sensed him. So, Aiden had been with Kendra. But hadn’t—used her. And he wouldn’t use Gina. He’d just ... The soapy sponge slipped from her fingers as a tremor rippled through her, driving her shaking frame into the edge of the counter.
So much hunger. His. For Gina. The relief hadn’t done enough.
While wiping her hands, Gina glanced at her phone. Aiden could come over—and stay this time. Paul was away for the weekend with his folks, and Dan was out with Kate.
He could.
She slid towards the phone, lifted it in her shaking hands and hovered her finger over the touch-pad. When it pinged, she jolted and stumbled backwards.
I’m going to a birthday party tonight.
No! A desperate moan tore from Gina as she shook her head and raised the phone high in her shaking fist. He couldn’t abandon her. His need. Her need. So clear. So bright. Her phone sounded again.
You’re coming too.
Even as the kitchen blurred around her, a smile slipped onto Gina’s face. Was this her reward? Her master taking her to a party. After sweeping a loose strand of dark hair from her face, she flicked her gaze upwards. What to wear? What kind of party? Formal? No. He’s too young for that. Maybe a ... The phone pinged again.
You’re going to be my present.
Whatever air she’d possessed hissed out through her trembling lips as she struggled to focus on the hazy white letters on her dark screen. A “present?”
Her phone pinged again. As she read his directions, Gina’s heart tightened. The nails of the balled fist that wasn’t crushing the shaking phone clicked on the kitchen counter. A tremor wriggled through her—deep. Then another. More came, and she smashed her thighs together—hard—while rereading every single letter.
A joke? It had to be. He was testing her. But he’d said “reward?”
“Oh!” slipped from her as she nodded. He’d remembered. She’d wanted to try ... After a lengthy exhale, she typed two words. The only two words she’d ever type to him.
Yes, master.
Later, at the sound of Aiden’s car pulling into the driveway, Gina’s knees wobbled. So long ago, under the bleachers, she’d wanted this. Could she—could she do it? At his footsteps on the stoop, she swallowed and tugged the door wide even as he was reaching for the bell. Though a mix of giddiness and anxiety wriggled through him, his eyes widened as he scanned what little she wore.
“Very nice, Gina.” After a swift flick of his tongue around his full lips, a tight grin slipped onto Aiden’s face as he moved past her with packages under his arm. Then he added as she pulled the door closed and turned to him. “Or should I say—slut?”
Gina only nodded and tracked the boxes as he lowered them to a table. Could she really go through with this? After turning to her, Aiden smiled. Gina’s heart slowed. For him—yes. He was so beautiful and hers. Heat flared around her quivering frame, chilly in only a black garter belt, black lace-topped stockings, and shiny black high heels. And, of course, the black leather collar he’d given her. Not even lingerie—as he’d commanded. Nose crinkling, his eyes narrowed as he went to her pelvis. Gina inhaled—the aroma of her arousal sent shivers through her as a pair of dribbles slipped down each shaking thigh.
“Your slut, master,” she murmured before leaning closer when he opened the first box.
When Aiden lifted something leather from it, she cocked her head. Gina gulped as he shook it out. That’s why he’d ordered her to bind her hair in a compact bun. When he stepped behind her, the room wavered and she snatched the back of a chair with her shaking hand. A long muffled groan escaped her as he lowered the smooth, black leather darkness over her head.
After tugging it snug, she caught his blurry, darkened face in the tiny tinted eyepieces as Aiden leaned in to check the fit before zipping it tight to her skull. With a sigh and a nod, he snugged it around her neck. As she prodded and slid her tongue around the beveled leather of the wide circular opening before her mouth, air hissed through two smaller nostril holes.
With a smile, Aiden pried open the second box. Gina’s fingernails, painted blood-red as he’d commanded, sank into the chair back as he unfurled the lengthy black leather leash. The one he’d used at the Owens’ home. When he hesitated as he lifted the clip beneath her jaw, a sliver rippled along Gina’s spine. Face—drawn and pale, he peered into the dark holes concealing her eyes. His hands shook.
“Your slut, my master,” Gina whispered while raising her chin. “Yours—my love.”
At the echoing click as it snapped into her ring, Gina’s knees gave way; one thing to say it, another to feel it. Then Aiden’s concern sped to her, wrapping her own and warming her—soul. He’d be there. The whole time. With a gentle tug, he led Gina from the house. Though frigid air swirled about her, it had no impact on her super-heated frame. She kept her eyes locked on his back as he walked to his car.
Who cared if the neighbors watched? She was his. She’d explain it to anyone. This was what she needed. She’d craved this since—since the bleachers.
While they drove through the darkness in complete silence, Gina’s heart raced. She caught Aiden’s sidelong hungry—and anxious—glance. With a whimper, she’d spread her legs for him, letting her quivering nails drag along her thighs. Oh, how he wanted her. A smile slid onto her face under the mask, and she sighed, catching his quick glimpse at her black-leather covered face. Though nervous, he wished her—his love—to be happy.
After bumping along the ruts to the end of a long farm road under thick trees that blotted out the night sky, they pulled to a skidding stop on the dirt. Before them, Gina managed to make out an older two-story white and blue wooden house. A dilapidated, faded red barn was just visible at the edge of Aiden’s headlights. Even outside, in the car, thumping dance music pounded into her chest. Through the dark lenses, she squinted as she looked around—there were a lot of cars parked haphazardly before the house.
A lot of cars.
Gina gulped.
“You don’t have to do this.” Though soft, Aiden’s voice jolted her. “This is for you. I can take you ho—”
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