Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 18
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
Just as Kendra’s clasping hands tightened when she rose to slurp on his tip, Aiden turned down the fresh, black asphalt of the entry road under parading rows of shady oak trees. Centered on a sizable lake, the park’s grassy areas hosted several ball fields in the distance, while winding foot trails traced the dense vegetation along the lakeshore and wandered through the wilder parts of the green space.
After a quick glance down to ensure the black satin blindfold still concealed her face, Aiden tugged on her hair.
“That’s enough for now,” he said.
At first, Kendra resisted; her cheeks sunk and her fingers gripped tighter. While gritting his teeth, Aiden pulled harder. With a slurping whimper, she relented, allowing him to peel her away from his saliva-gleaming red shaft. As she rolled into her seat, a mournful moan slipped from her open glossy lips; twin trails of glistening drool swung downwards to slap into and dribble across her gleaming ebon chest.
Beneath that blindfold, her eyes ... Aiden gulped. So much hunger. Raw need.
After rolling closer to the shore, Aiden’s heart slowed as the spot he wanted came into sight—unoccupied. The lakeside trail was just beyond the key feature—a narrow dirt path leading behind clustered thick foliage towards the lake. Once they’d stopped, another moan pulled from her when he swept his hands past her wobbling firm black cones to release her seatbelt.
At the sudden approach of several bicycle riders moving along the trail, Kendra’s lower jaw trembled, and a tremor raced through her. Aiden held back a grin before clenching his jaw as he focused. The ring—watched. Hiding his calm, while sharpening his concern at being caught. Why hiding his calm? Once beyond the foliage, nobody but those on the distant shore could see them. However, she’d hear every passing jogger and bicyclist. Even then, those on the far shore would struggle to spot them amidst the shrubs and overgrown trees.
But Kendra didn’t need to know that. Not today.
So Aiden—adjusted the ring; the ring sputtered, struggling, until at last Aiden wrapped it in its new “truth.”
A sharp intake of air shot from Kendra when Aiden left the car. Her blindfolded head tracked him while he walked around to her side. With a smile as he inhaled the aroma of freshly mowed grass, he opened her door and gripped her wrist. Shaking, she unfurled her long, toned coal-black legs into the warm sunlight and shifted to rise. After placing the ice cream and water on the car’s roof, Aiden leaned in, brushing her face with the bulge in his shorts.
With a growling moan, Kendra surged forward, shiny lips widening to gnaw at his crotch while her hand came up to stroke his hips.
“So hungry, my little bitch.”
Rather than reply, her hands began tugging his shorts downward. At the sound of a pair of approaching bicyclists, Kendra froze. They couldn’t see her in the car, but she didn’t know that. She’d get no hints from him, or, as Aiden gripped the ring in its corner tighter, from it either. Smile widening, he pushed into her. With a whimper, she pulled downwards as her teeth dragged along the material.
At last, Aiden nodded, raising the ring’s flaring heat to encompass them. Though fearful, she was far more aroused. Good. Kendra only moaned when he dropped his hands to hers and stopped their downward motions.
More whimpers slid from Kendra when Aiden raised her from the sticky seat and closed the door. While balancing the water and ice cream in one hand, he slipped the forefinger of his other between her shaking, bright white teeth. Her entire frame tensed as he curled it upwards into her soft pallet and tugged forwards on the back of her teeth. Without a word, he turned and dragged her beside him down the narrow dirt trail towards the secluded gap in the rough, overgrown lakeside greenery.
“So well trained, already,” Aiden said as he led her to the right and under a spreading thick branch; its flat dark-green leaves rustled in the gentle, warm midday breeze.
For you.
At her driving thought, Aiden’s heart thumped, and he staggered under the sudden surge of her desire. Need. That deep, deep, unspoken craving. She’d come so close to adding it ... Them—the words in her mind—but feared to speak or share with him. Yet. However, what she did, though, was seal her lips around his finger and suckle as they walked towards a gray iron bench. Even as sweeps of her soft tongue along his hooked digit sent shivers down his spine and into the core of his aching hardness, Aiden’s eyebrows furled.
He tamped the ring; as it yowled, it cringed. How could he read her mind? And she, his? With Mrs. Davis, he’d been wearing the ring. And he could ... He shuddered as her ceaseless longing, now matched by curiosity, wafted over him. He could sense Mrs. Davis, but not her thoughts.
“Oh,” slipped from him as an image appeared.
At her desk, legs parted, Mrs. Davis was sneaking her nails along her lace panties as she watched a video call. So horny. Always so horny.
As he stopped next to it, he scanned the battered and faded bench. Despite it being one of the few surviving original seating areas in the park, its flower-patterned wrought iron remained unrusted. Surrounded by tall dark foliage, it was screened from the nearby trail.
A moan slithered in the bubbles along his finger as Aiden swept Kendra behind the bench and placed the ice cream cup and water on the metal seat. After tugging his digit free with a wet pop, he set her hands on the back of the bench. Another moan, hungrier and longer, pulled from her while she spread her shaking legs and tracked the sounds of his movements behind her.
“Oh, no. Not yet.” Aiden chuckled as he scanned her feet, gliding outwards to dig into the grass. “We’ve got a lot more—” A loud groan ripped from Kendra, interrupting him, when Aiden dragged his fingertips along her arching ribcage. With a laugh, he continued—”training to do first.”
“But, let’s make this fair.” Aiden chuckled as he dropped his shorts and tossed them onto the bench.
When he swayed forward, pressing his swollen purple head into her shaking ebon thigh, Aiden sucked in air as she struggled to breathe. While nudged against her silken sun-warmed skin, he lifted away his shirt; shivers flew through him as she shook. His hand shaking, he piled the shirt atop the shorts.
While sliding around Kendra, his sticky-with-saliva tip dragged across one firm quivering charcoal-black buttock. Then she gasped as it poked into the warm void beneath her before gliding along her other velvety globe. As it moved in the mottled shade, it left a shiny trail across her shuddering, muscled black body. All the while, her head, still covered, whipped to track his movement.
Just then a sharp breeze off the glittering blueish-gray lake sent the sweet scent of her sex into Aiden’s tingling nostrils. With her long, dark tresses swaying behind her, on the verge of begging, Kendra’s shiny red lips parted. Then pursed tight when he slipped his fingers around her wrist.
Careful to move her wide of the bench, Aiden placed Kendra’s back to his before sitting. Splayed white hands gripping her shaking dusky hips, he tugged her backwards. When she pressed against him, a hungry moan ripped from her. It became a long groan when he glided his legs between hers. With one hand bending his tight shaft away, the other guided her downward until she straddled him, while he spread her legs with his. When he released his rod, it whipped upwards to trap her.
Hands wavering in midair, Kendra froze when her sharp, heated nib sank into the turgid flesh of his root. After several quick puffs of air, she dropped her clenching fingers towards her shaking thighs. While gazing at her muscled back, its gleaming black skin highlighted with purple, Aiden intercepted her hands and placed each fist against his shaft.
“There you go. All yours.” As Kendra swallowed, her fingers slipped around his rod—and tightened; with the subtlest of motions, she pressed her pelvis upwards, curling against his root. With a smile, he added. “A massive shiny, white boy’s cock in your hands, just like you wanted, right...?”
Though Aiden didn’t speak the last word, he thought it. With Kendra’s swift gasp, the ring shuddered. And Aiden nodded to himself. She’d tell him—soon.
Just then, a crowd of noisy, laughing cyclists rolled past beyond the shrubs. As rapid puffs of air shot from her, Kendra tensed; her hands froze in place and her hard pelvis pushed into him.
“Oh, they like you.” Aiden taunted. “Such a pretty little black bitch sitting naked in the sun.”
Torn, Kendra paused for a second, before pushing forward to sweep her folds apart along his root. Warmth dribbled onto Aiden’s balls as her fists stroked his cock like a protective totem. With a sigh, Aiden leaned against the warm metal and let Kendra—play.
Each time voices passed; she’d tense but then speed her motions. And each time, she relaxed more, until after another lengthy sigh, Aiden reached for the ice cream.
“Open that pretty little mouth...”
Again he left off the word she expected, but her red lips flew apart. Jaw trembling, Kendra waited. With his heart pounding, Aiden lowered a shaking spoonful of the soft-swirl onto her tongue. As she sealed her mouth and swallowed, her moan of pleasure brought a smile to Aiden. When her glossy lips formed a grin, he relented, letting the ring slip free in its dark corner.
As he fed her, her warm, drooling folds glided a little faster and pressed a bit firmer into his rod. With slow pressure, Aiden spread her legs wider with each spoonful. Once out of ice cream, he placed an ice chunk on the spoon. When he dropped it into her open mouth, she gasped at first, but slurped as his hands rubbed along her ribs.
“Now, let’s chat for a while.” After letting the sputtering orange ring unfurl, Aiden spoke in a soft tone. As she vibrated atop him, her feelings mixed with the sensations of her silken skin gliding beneath his fingertips. “Just you and me.”
With the ring unrestrained, Aiden jolted, as did Kendra, when he held dripping ice cubes to both wavering little tits. As the coal-black woman twisted, he pressed them tighter, driving groan after groan from her. With each sweep of the dribbling blocks over her darkened areolas and their sharp hard nibs, her fists tightened on his cock as her clit bored deeper.
As he toyed with her, Aiden’s eyebrows raised. Though she bucked and torqued, not once did she lift from him. Instead, as glistening rivulets of cool water raced from her pert breasts to trickle across her roiling stomach muscles, she slumped against Aiden’s warm body. Air pulsed from her shaking lips as he and the ring searched.
With whimper after whimper slithering from her rolling mouth, she surrendered to his relentless icy sweeps.
The ring shrugged. Brow knitted, Aiden glared at the lake, then sighed before looking down at the writhing woman, hands pumping his shaft and legs spread wide. The ring flared; Aiden gritted his teeth as her sensations swirled with his.
“Tell me the Kendra story,” Aiden whispered before lowering his lips to the soft, quivering skin of her tensing neck. A moan rippled from her before ending in her voice hitching; his thought was faster than his words. “All of it, n—er.”
As she struggled for air, Kendra whipped her blindfolded head to face him. Lips wide and shaking, any protest died as a cry when his fingers found her breasts, now cool and wet to the touch, before pressing her sharp little nipples.
“Yes, I know. I said it. So, now tell me what happened.”
With his fingertips rolling and tugging her re-heating stems, the jet-black woman, tremors racing through her, gritted her teeth in silence. Aiden’s eyebrows raised; though she hesitated, her fists sped as they corkscrewed along his cock. Shiny lips parting, Kendra’s blindfolded face turned to him.
“It’s okay. It’s only me.” While Aiden had spoken the words as softly as he could, he jolted at the wave of warmth radiating from him to wrap around her.
That was the ring; it wanted her safe.
He didn’t understand. At all.
But, as her chest heaved under his clenching palms, the ring ... No, him. No, Aiden and the ring, unified, slipped into her. And snuggled against her soul, calming her racing pulse. As her back slipped along him, her curling pelvis rubbed harder, driving pulses of air from Aiden’s shaking lips.
It was time.
With a sigh, Aiden slid his hands to her ribs and lifted. Even as her concealed face remained aimed at him, Kendra flexed her powerful shiny thighs, raising herself while her fists tilted his shaft beneath her. Air pulsed from Aiden with each warm spatter from her folds as she shifted to center herself.
Time slowed.
Then stopped.
Kendra hovered, one hand clenched under his rim, the other now resting on Aiden’s shoulder; its blood-red nails clawing at his skin. Another fat, warm droplet slapped onto his aching tip to dribble down his shaft and balls.
“We can end this now, Kendra.” Aiden let his palms slide along her shaking hips; a powerful tremor rippled through her motionless, quivering coal-black body. “I’ll take you home and say nothing of this. To anyone. Not Tim. Not Gina. Nobody will ever know, I promise.”
After rolling her lips, she swallowed and another warm dribble sluiced down from the impact of her syrupy sweetness. As her nails dug deep into his shoulder, her hand glided upwards to squeeze his head; air hissed from Aiden’s quivering mouth.
The ring flared; Aiden smacked it back into its corner. It grumbled, sputtering orange flickers, then watched—sullen.
“You can feel it?” When she nodded, Aiden pressed his hands into her shaking ribs. In the calmest tone he could muster, Aiden added. “You know me. You can—”
Air shot from his lips as Kendra dropped onto him; his head pierced her folds, drove apart her tight inner opening and bored deep into her. With her shiny back pressing into him as she flew downwards, her cries echoed louder. After releasing his shaft as she sank, her hand dug into his thigh.
“I trust you, Aiden,” tore from her shaking lips before a long moan as she continued to take him into her velvety tightness.
Once she’d settled on his lap, he moved his hands to grip her jiggling silken cones, letting her sharp nipples play between his fingers. Inside, Kendra was so alive. So warm. So wet. Everything around his shaft pulsed with her—soul.
An image flickered into Aiden. After a swallow, he pressed his fingertips against her stems, pulling a desperate moan from her as her other hand now dug into his thigh. Sensations whipped between them; the ring burst into flames.
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