Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 17
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
A bright flash of lightning illuminated the pool and parking lot as it crinkled diagonally through the dark clouds. With his legs propped up on the railing, Aiden sat on his balcony. As he shifted his weight and stretched his aching arms, a long sigh slid from him.
Across the way, the lithesome brunette was climbing the steps—hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. The rhythmic left-right swish of her skirt as her hips moved mesmerized him. Another lengthy exhale slipped from his quivering lips when her boyfriend placed his hand around her waist as they disappeared into their apartment.
Quivering? Why were his lips fucking quivering?
And why was the ring watching? It was—silent, and its flames were controlled—barely.
No matter, Aiden ripped his gaze from their apartment to stare at the next blue-white bolt tearing across the sky. A muffled rumble of the earlier one shuddered through him.
He needed to focus. The ring. Him. Mrs. Davis. The others. So much had been learned. Yet, so much more remained to discern.
The ever more submissive Mrs. Davis continued to be enthralled—in every sense of the word. Though the link between them was the most solid ... The ring let slip a whisper of fire to lick the darkness of the corner in which he’d flung it. He couldn’t help it. Aiden grinned then pursed his lips as he stroked his chin; her unquenchable desire for rougher sex and ... He gulped—dangerous sex was challenging.
Each time they came together, they risked being discovered, and she was enticed by that. Thrilled by it. She had little fear—with him. Even as he thought of her, she was out there, pleading. Every time, she craved more. Expected more. And—Aiden swallowed while glancing at the backlit shadows behind the brunette’s apartment curtains—he wanted to give her more.
The ring thrummed as the svelte silhouette glided and then faded from view.
Aiden shook his head and returned to catch the next flash of lightning. The challenge remained: how, when and where to provide for Mrs. Davis, safely. A tremor slithered through him as a wave of her love swept over him; the ring sang.
As he nodded, he smiled. Yes, he also found providing for her thrilling. And terrifying. But mostly—he flicked to the brunette’s now dark apartment—mostly he loved the way she felt under him, around him, and near him. As he gasped for air, his heart thumped; the ring flared, becoming a circlet of rhythmic orange blazes.
He wanted her—again. A moan traveled to him. A hungry moan. He inhaled through gritted teeth. But not yet. The ring guttered. Aiden’s fingers squeaked on the armrest of his chair. Not yet!
The ring quieted.
As Aiden rubbed his tense jaw, he swallowed. And what of the ring? He’d only worn it with Mrs. Davis. Yet, he’d used its power with the dancers. What were their names? He shook his head but couldn’t recall. No matter. He’d had no connection with them since that single night. What, a month ago? Two?
Chest tightening, he focused, boring past Mrs. Davis as the outstretched, seeking tendrils of her desire clawed at him. Nothing. He’d only had the ring’s powers when he’d been in physical contact. He shifted, ignoring the muttering ring and Mrs. Davis’ hunger.
Kendra and Tim Owens?
When he’d been with them, he could plunge deep into their psyches; find everything. So fast. So—deep. Profound, even. Truly profound. He jerked at Kendra’s dream—fantasy. And fear. Mrs. Davis quieted. Once more, the ring—watched. Yes, he wanted Kendra. Hmm, he’d found almost everything. Yet, something lingered, deeper.
Mrs. Davis cooled.
“But I do love you,” Aiden murmured, his heart stammering.
A groan and wave of hungry desire ripped from her to shudder through him; he swayed in the chair.
“Yeh, not gonna use the ring anymore.” Aiden nodded, peeling one hand free to raise his shaking water glass to his lips. After a long gulp, he added in a low voice. “One ... One is enough.”
The ring—frowned and further chilled.
“Oh.” The glass shuddered, and he forced it to the table. “Oh, shit.”
Kendra? Tim? Low. So low. But there they were. In its dark corner, the ring chuckled. Weaker. Nowhere near as powerful as Gina—Mrs. Davis, but still...
Why? What was different about them vice the dancers?
Maybe because he’d acted on their fantasies?
It was fun turning Kendra from a powerful black woman to a subservient one. For both of them, since she hadn’t told him to fuck off—yet. After licking his lips, Aiden chuckled. He swallowed; she still had that mystery hidden inside. And, as the ring flared into a bright orange circle once more, he grinned. Both she and her husband were important.
Just beyond his ken, the ring murmured words of import.
“Fine. Be that way,” Aiden muttered before lifting the glass to his lips.
In the darkness, the guttering ring laughed.
It didn’t matter what Kendra wanted, anyway. If she decided against further contact, her husband would still want Aiden to play. And he was also key. And much easier to discern. Even as Aiden sipped, the man’s—heat wandered, wafted over him. Far subtler than Mrs. Davis, but enough to send a shiver along Aiden’s spine.
Tim’s attraction had been instant; love at first sight. Followed by respect and, only then, lust as he’d become comfortable with Aiden. All that rushed into Aiden as he gnawed on the cold, hard rim of the glass.
All of which meant what?
At the end of all this, ring or not, here he was. Alone, sitting on this fucking balcony. Fucking alone. At the brunette’s tinkling laughter echoing from across the pool, he tilted his head. At least she had somebody to laugh with.
So did Mrs. Davis. She had Paul. The dancers had been fun, but were far out of his league, nor did they seem the long-term relationship type, anyway. Even if he possessed some way of finding them. Which he didn’t. And that left who? The Owens? No. Duh. They were married to each other.
So, at the end of the day, the ring meant nothing. It was a distraction—an entertaining one, but...
With a grunt, Aiden flung himself upwards, rolled his shoulders, grabbed the glass and slammed down the last of the water before tromping inside.
No. The fucking magic ring meant nada. It gave him what, exactly?
As the brunette’s giggles and her boyfriend’s deeper laughter echoed around him, he winced before thumping the door closed and marching towards his bedside table. With his lip curled in a snarl, Aiden snatched the little box that held the ring. He raised his fist high, aiming at the garbage can.
The ring became—silent. Every flame sputtered until only chilled darkness embraced it; it was terrified.
Mrs. Davis? Was silent as well.
Aiden glanced at the phone. He could call her. Except it was a Saturday evening, and she’d be out with Paul or doing something around the house. The crowded house. Dan was home. Probably with Kate. While their kitchen play had been thrilling, it wasn’t worth getting her caught.
Whatever happened to him didn’t matter. But she ... With a growl, he tossed the box back onto the table. Mrs. Dav—Gina mattered. And being revealed as the plaything of a much younger man—wouldn’t be right.
As the box tumbled, spun into the base of his lamp, and settled, the tiniest orange glow restarted, the ring murmured and its thrumming became louder.
“No. Not right.” Aiden snarled and cursed under his breath. “I’m not ruining her, just for me.”
“Not for me,” he mumbled while gripping the phone so tight his fingers ached.
A long sigh slipped from him. The Owens. No. He’d ordered Mrs. Davis to have Kitten let him know when they wanted to play. He’d not yet called. And calling them didn’t seem fitting; it was their game as much as his. When Kendra chose to play, her husband would call.
And Kendra’s fear? It was out there. Next to her ravenous desire. A grin slipped onto Aiden’s face. Tim would be phoning soon.
That left the dancers. After storming from his bedroom, he tossed the phone to the coffee table. Useless. He hadn’t saved their number. Didn’t matter anyway, since he’d sensed nothing. They’d have moved on. Hell, they were so far out of his league, they wouldn’t even know him, even if he could track them down.
With a lengthy exhale followed by a longer yawn, he gazed at his phone, askew on the shiny wooden tabletop.
It stared back.
With a grunt, he stood and wandered to bed.
After a week of grueling schoolwork while also struggling to keep Mrs. Davis from his mind, Aiden jolted when his phone pinged in the other room. As he paused at pulling clothes from his backpack, he swallowed. The latter effort had been especially difficult. He’d just returned from a weekend with his parents at the lake home. Everywhere he’d gone, he’d seen, and smelled, and heard traces and echoes of Mrs. Davis. The trip hadn’t been relaxing—at all.
He wanted her. And as he wavered, then jolted at a second ping, she craved him.
Swallowing a groan, he stumbled from his bedroom to the phone. As he caught sight of the five white words glowing on the glossy ebon screen, his chest froze.
Your bitch is ready, master.
As he swallowed, Aiden’s eyes widened. A grin slipped onto his face as he collapsed to the couch and gaped at the message. Tim had never called him master before. Aiden had been explicit, telling his wife not to call him that, and his pet had always said sir.
Was he also getting desperate?
It sure sounded like it. Poor little Kitten. Aiden grinned.
I will never be your master, my sexy little kitten.
When can I pick her up?
There was a lengthy delay. Confusion. Uncertainty. A touch of fear. Flaring desire—from them both. No. Not at their home, where it was safe. No, Aiden would take Kitten’s wife to wherever Aiden wanted and do whatever he wanted to her. As the ring’s russet circle exploded into bright orange flames, her desire crushed her fear.
Tomorrow AM?
Aiden smiled as he typed his reply.
Nine AM. Naked, head down, and kneeling in the driveway.
Aiden shuddered as a hungry wave from her battered him. Oh my. That fear was back, but wrapped in craving—deep craving. And ... Aiden groaned and shifted his shorts to permit his swelling shaft more room. Mrs. Davis? She remained so horny, poor thing. After he and his parents had cruised past the island in the lake, Aiden had been pummeled by raging swells of her need.
“Soon. Soon, my love. But this first,” Aiden murmured as he awaited Kitten’s response.
Aiden chuckled to himself. First, he had to push Kendra Owens as far as she’d let him. He nodded when Kitten’s reply appeared.
Yes, sir.
Aiden’s smile widened. Tim was—entertained. As much as he remained anxious for his wife ... She craved this. And he wanted to help Aiden give her what she sought. Aiden shuddered; and he also wished to see Aiden again. Hold Aiden. Be in Aiden’s arms.
Yes, sir.
I miss you.
I miss you, too, sir.
When Aiden drove through the wide gate and crunched along the gravel drive the next morning, his low whistling ended in a hiss of air. Per his directions, his wife kneeling naked and trembling by his side, Kitten stood in a billowing, pastel yellow floral-print sundress on the driveway. Head bowed and hands clasped behind the rounded swell of her firm rear, Kendra’s toned, coal-black body shimmered under the bright sunlight.
Even as he stopped the car and stepped out, her neck muscles tightened, desperate to glance at him. But she held her face to the ground as Aiden moved to her husband.
“Is the bitch ready?” Aiden smiled as he ran his fingertips along the man’s quaking cheek.
“Yes—yes, sir.” A tremor slid through Kitten; Kendra’s breathing sped.
“Good, a hot little bitch like this needs to be shown off, right, my pet?”
Before he could respond, Aiden wrapped his arms around the slender man and settled his lips over the shaking man’s mouth. With the ring engulfed in roaring fire, a surge of heat flared under Aiden’s skin as Kitten’s hunger pulsated. Aiden’s eyes went wide, when Kitten’s pointed tongue surged past his to play as he lunged into Aiden’s arms.
Kendra’s breathing became shallow, racing across Aiden’s trouser leg as he squeezed her husband tighter, letting his swelling shaft pulsate against the smaller man’s trapped need. Moan after muffled moan fled Kitten as his long nails scraped along Aiden’s back.
Beside them, Kendra quivered with frustration, her neck tensing as she struggled not to look upwards. Enough. After releasing his arms, Aiden pulled himself away. As Kitten gasped for air, a trickle of drool sliding from the corner of his smeared glossy red lips, Aiden flashed him a smile.
After glancing down at Kendra, now shaking as the aroma of her arousal floated upwards, Aiden, his eyebrows raised, returned to Kitten.
“Oh, uh ... Yes, sir,” Kitten breathed out, his chest heaving as his shaky fingers swept along his slender hips to clutch at the sundress.
A shiver sliced through Aiden; one snap of his fingers and Kitten would strip it away and give himself to Aiden. Right there in the daylight. Before his wife. Before the universe.
The ring’s flames flared as triumphant music blared, reverberating from its little corner.
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