Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 13
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
The next day, almost halfway to the Owens, Aiden was passing through a small town when he sighed and pulled off into the dusty, cracked asphalt parking lot of a long, half-abandoned strip mall. Its dingy white, glass-fronted buildings, choked with peeling, browned signage, reflected his car as he drifted to a halt. Once stopped, his fingers tightened on the steering wheel; he gazed at his reflection in the rearview mirror.
What the hell was he doing? The dancers had been an experiment. He had learned so much while with Kira and Shayla ... about himself, the ring, and whatever he had become, but they were gone now. As he hung his head to stare at his shaking arms, he sucked in air and swallowed. He’d never hear from them again and ... With another gulp, he focused, attempting to sense anything from them. But there was nothing. Though his chest sank, he nodded. Then sighed once more. Out of his league or not, he kinda missed them.
Once more staring into his eyes in the mirror, he crinkled his brow. And then, he had lied to Mrs. Davis at the Owens’ place. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. At the time, he had called her friends “toys,” but he had been irritated and confused. And always receiving such powerful waves from her; even now he sensed Mrs. Davis. God, he wanted her.
Why could he never stay mad at her for very long? Waves of ... warmth and need ... and love flowed from Mrs. Davis. Kinky, hot Mrs. Davis. My Mrs. Davis. A smile crept across his face. Because they shared something so deep. That’s why. So ancient and so wonderful, that’s why you can’t stay angry at her ... idiot.
But toys? No. Kendra ... when he had seen the secret inside her ... No, a powerful woman like her. She was no mere toy. Nor would she ever be one to Aiden. Oh, he knew how much she loved being treated as one, but ... But she wasn’t a toy to him. No, she needed Aiden. She was ... special.
His teeth clenched tight as his fingers trembled on the wheel. And how the ring had sung while he had dominated the ebon beauty. The wide-eyed shock on Kendra’s face when he’d spotted the dark secret deep, so deep, in the corner of her mind. She had never ... never shared that with anyone. But now she knew he understood. Her brilliantly sparkling dark eyes as he had slapped his shaft across her face. Oh, and the feelings that had blasted from her with his initial thrust. No, she was unique. Though similar to Mrs. Davis, yet different. And, unlike Mrs. Davis’ squirming needy pulsations, as much as he tried, he could sense nothing from Kendra.
Nor her husband.
And Tim, or Kitten. Wow! Not only had Aiden been rocked by Tim’s instant attraction to him, which was unusual. Aiden had never perceived such a powerful feeling from anyone, let alone a man. The ring had screamed into him as soon as he had wrapped an arm around the slim man. Kendra’s husband was also a key; every bit as much as she was. All last night Aiden had tossed and turned, reviewing her husband’s reaction to him. Spiking so high, the man’s sensations ... running under his gripping fingers as Aiden had blown across his knob. Aiden gulped. If he’d leaned in a little closer and planted a kiss on the slender man’s cock, Tim would have come right then and there.
Why? Aiden had seen inside him. He was brilliant. Successful at building and operating his own business, Tim Owens was as powerful as his wife anywhere else, except when they were together. But, with Aiden, Tim was not merely submissive ... he had simply melted. The sense of ... completion the man had given off whenever Aiden directed him. As Aiden held him. As much as his love for his wife was boundless, Aiden provided something Tim really craved. Respect? Acceptance? At no time had Aiden critiqued or belittled him for who and what he was. No, Aiden had simply accepted Tim and guided him. Yeh, okay, acceptance it was.
As Aiden looked at the dusty window of a closed antique store, a tremor slid up his spine; he gnawed his lower lip. Further, as unique as his wife or Mrs. Davis, Kitten was quite enticing. In the distance, and deep within him now, the ring hummed louder. It knew something. It always did. Yes, Tim ... Kitten was the key. He would be ... worth it. The critical person for both his wife, to bring her secrets to the surface, but for Aiden as well.
“What a ride,” Aiden murmured. “I have no idea where it goes.”
With a quick tap on the wheel, he exhaled and once more let the car roll forward. As he hummed to himself, in tune to the ring’s steadily rising music, Aiden continued his drive to the Owen mansion to pick up Kitten. His chest tightened as he turned from the road and wound towards the waving trees. When the magnificent home came into view through the pruned foliage, he rolled his lips.
Once parked in the long circular drive, Aiden walked to the front entrance. After pushing the doorbell, majestic chimes echoed inside the home. As he waited, he caught muffled, panicked voices before the approaching clack of heels sounded across a hard surface. There was a brief delay, after which the murmured pleading stopped and the handle turned.
When the door slid inwards to reveal Kitten, Aiden’s heart thumped and a low wolf whistle flowed from his lips. As he chewed his shiny, red-lipstick coated lower lip, crimson raced up the wiry man’s neck and face.
Time slithered to a creaking halt as Aiden struggled to breathe. Kitten’s long, flowing chestnut hair shimmered under the lights, framing his sculpted face. He had brushed his wavy tresses out, and a jeweled headband held them back. Subtle evening makeup enhanced his regal features. As he stood waiting, his red lips glistened and parted to let him flick his little pink tongue along them.
Kendra’s husband wore a halter-style red dress with a short, billowy skirt that hung from his slender hips. Encased in black silk, his toned legs ended in matching red T-strap heels. Only after Aiden’s eyes meandered back to his, did Kitten open the front door wider.
Behind him, his wife came into view.
Kendra, her charcoal skin gleaming, kneeled with her thighs spread wide and her arms behind her. As soon as she caught sight of Aiden, a tremor raced through her and she dropped her gaze. Though he let a tight grin cross his lips at the newly shaven mound between her legs, his brows knitted when he glimpsed the glossy plastic collar around her neck. Cheap and flimsy, it could do far more harm than good. Oh, and he would be the one to do those honors.
The crimson drained from his face and Kitten swallowed when Aiden looked at him. “Take that piece of crap off her, Kitten.”
Despite Kendra raising her head to glare at him, Kitten only hesitated for a split second before his trembling hands undid the thin plastic. With a grunt, Aiden squatted to stare into Kendra’s graying face. One after another, tremors wriggled through her kneeling frame. His nose wrinkled with the rising sweetness of her arousal.
“You don’t deserve a collar yet ... bitch.” As he spoke, Kendra’s entire body tensed; her neck muscles twitched. Beside her, Kitten shifted feet. Aiden continued in the same icy tone. “When you do, I will be the one to put it on your nasty cum-loving little body. Am I clear?”
“Yes, yes mas—”
“I am not your master, bitch.” Aiden cut her off with a sharp motion of his hand. “You haven’t earned me as your master.” Wide eyed and on the verge of tears, she couldn’t decide to look at him or turn away. When he leaned closer, he could smell the salty tang of the sweat beading across her shiny forehead. “Yet.”
As soon as Aiden’s fingertips dragged through her black hair, she shook like a leafy tree in the wind. A muted whimper slipped from her quivering lips. “One day, you might earn my collar and then, maybe ... Just maybe, I will allow you to one, speak to me, and two, call me ‘master’. Am I clear?”
She snapped her head up and down, as the first tears slid onto her fine-boned cheeks.
“Good.” Aiden pulled his hand away and scanned her quaking frame as her eyes remained locked on him. After standing, he turned from her and stepped outside before adding. “I’ll have Kitten back later. Or maybe in the morning, depending on if I get lucky tonight.”
When Aiden flashed her husband a lascivious wink, Kitten flushed deeper and then, with unexpected grace, strode out beside him and grinned. Behind him, now in the shadow of the closing door, his wife emitted a low moan and trembled. Kitten gasped when Aiden took his fingers from the handle and stared down at his wife.
“Close the door, little bitch.” As her frame shook, Kendra started to rise, but Aiden held out his palm. “No one told you to stand.”
While keeping her eyes averted, Kendra returned to her knees. Kitten’s hand trembled in Aiden’s grasp as the slim man’s gaze remained on his struggling wife. With his gleaming lips sealed and eyes narrowed, his expression was neutral.
After a last whimper, Kendra pushed the door shut. For a long second, they stared at the closed door before Kitten turned to face Aiden. He rolled his lips, and a quiver slithered through him while Aiden once more scanned his frame.
“Come on, gorgeous.” When the ring blazed inside him, Aiden quickly tamped it down while holding his smile. “Let’s get that hot body of yours fed.”
After wrapping his arm around Kitten’s waist, he guided them down the stairs and towards the car. While the swaying, warm, perfumed man was tight against him, Aiden swallowed. Two things poured from Kendra’s husband. One, Kitten actually was aroused at being manhandled, and two, he was also turned on at seeing his wife treated the way he usually was.
What happened next caused Aiden to stumble as they crossed the gravel. Deep sadness, intense arousal, and disappointment flowed from Kitten’s wife. So, there could be some residual remote sensations? Or perhaps it had arrived via Kitten? Weird. Whatever the method, Kendra was used to having her way. And she had never failed so miserably at attracting somebody. Oh, and to lose her ... not master ... to her husband ... When Aiden chuckled under his breath, Kitten raised his eyebrow and cocked his head.
But Aiden remained silent as they approached the car.
After assisting the pale man inside, Aiden slipped into the driver’s seat and let out a long sigh. While driving away, he caught sight of Kendra in the window, but kept his eyes straight ahead, only letting a grin slide across his face. Once out on the road, he lowered his outstretched fingers to Kitten’s warm smooth thigh. As soon as he clamped the man’s silk-covered leg, a low moan erupted from the slender man’s lips. When Kitten locked his dainty manicured fingers into Aiden’s digits, the road blurred and the ring’s music changed to a lighter, higher pitch.
Kitten’s hand trembled.
After they had ridden in silence for a while, Kitten spoke in a low voice. “She wants you ... sir.”
“Who?” Aiden raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kitten.
“My wife.”
“Oh, I know.” Aiden squeezed the man’s thigh and his lips parted as his eyes twinkled. “However, the question tonight is ... do you want me, Kitten?”
As they rolled closer to the remote restaurant Aiden had chosen, Kitten was silent until, with a huff, he pried Aiden’s hand free. When Kitten pushed their interlocked hands under his dress, Aiden’s heart hammered and the ring sang louder. The strained satin of his panties slid under Aiden’s fingertips; beneath it, his little cock, rock-hard, surged with his racing pulse.
“Yes,” hissed from Kitten’s lips as Aiden pressed his fingers into the pulsating bulge and flashed a smile at the once-again crimson-faced man.
When Kitten pushed into his hand, Aiden held in a chuckle. Man or not, key or not. No matter, the waves of pleasure from Kitten were intoxicating and the thumping pulse under Aiden’s fingers synchronized with the ring’s up-tempo music.
After only a little more driving, Aiden stopped before the exclusive French restaurant. His parents used to frequent it when they lived in town. Fronted with rough stone, the eatery was sheltered beneath broad, tall dark trees and lit by muted faux-candle-topped lampposts.
When the valet, a young blonde-haired man, opened the door, he swallowed. Kitten uncurled his long legs and stepped out to the youth’s ogling stare. With only a nervous glance at the valet, Kitten waited for Aiden to sweep him onto his arm. After settling against him, Aiden let the flowing energy from his dinner date slice through him as eyes tracked them. Once again, Kitten was the picture of graceful elegance as he clacked up the marble steps.
And Kitten turned heads. Well, Aiden also did, and he grinned down into the slender man’s wide-eyed face as they walked into the restaurant. Similar rough gray stone walls lined the dark dining room, which was lit by dim, faux-flame sconces that cast flickering shadows over the crowded tables. The sensations from Kitten were blurring the world around Aiden; through Kitten’s eyes admirers saw a gorgeous woman on a powerful young man’s arm. Kitten’s footsteps became surer, his heartbeat slowed, and he snuggled ever tighter to Aiden as he ... she clacked onwards.
While they waited to be seated, Aiden leaned closer. As a tremor shook his sleek frame, Kitten’s long eyelashes fluttered. When Aiden settled his lips against the man’s neck, a whimper slipped from him. His elegant, flowery perfume tickled Aiden’s nostrils as the cords of the slim man’s throat tightened.
“You are so beautiful.” As soon as Aiden spoke, another whimper escaped Kitten’s red lips, and he trembled in Aiden’s grip. The lean man’s blue eyes blinked when Aiden straightened up, smiling, and added. “My horny little Kitten.”
“Thank you, sir.” Kitten sucked on his glistening lips and gazed deep into Aiden’s eyes.
Once the hostess called for them, Aiden centered his hand on Kitten’s toned back; Kitten’s heartbeat raced under Aiden’s fingertips. As they weaved between tables on the deep, red carpeting, catching sidelong glances, the slim man moved with more grace; his confidence soaring with Aiden beside him. Though several women gave Aiden longing peeks, they all turned away once they saw who accompanied him. Kitten noticed as well; he purred in Aiden’s grasp.
Lit by a single flickering candle in a circular red glass holder, the cozy half-moon booth lay in the far corner of the dining room with a view of the small dance floor, as Aiden had requested. After Kitten had settled onto one side of the plush crimson cushion, the hostess stepped back to let Aiden sit across from him. However, Kitten gasped and the hostess’s eyes widened when Aiden continued to slide closer while moving his place-setting.
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