Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 12
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
When Gina told Aiden they were invited to the Owens’ neighborhood barbecue, Aiden was, if not happy, at least a bit more comfortable with the idea of seeing her friends. As she had explained, this was to be a casual, public meeting, just as he wanted.
While sitting in her car at the office parking lot and after the latest of a hundred checks of her make-up in the mirror, she sighed. As a quiver traced through her, she swallowed; per her master’s guidance, she wore nothing but a tiny bikini and the leather collar. At first, she thought about challenging him, but something in his voice made Gina hesitate. Thus, she had complied, only wearing a sundress until she had could slip from home.
Once Aiden’s car pulled in next to her, Gina’s heart began to hammer. It sped when he slipped onto the passenger seat, saying nothing, and slid his hands over to lift away her bikini top. Eyes locked onto his smiling face; Gina’s mouth opened wide while his fingers found her tight stems. When he gestured with his chin, she gulped and drove them from the lot, trying to keep her focus while he stared out while pulling and twisting her throbbing nipples.
Another lesson.
She was his.
Any time.
As the reverberating echoes of energy pulsed from his squeezing fingers, more and more muted whimpers slipped from Gina. As shared sensations rippled between them, she knew well the very thin ice she trod with Aiden. His ... hesitation lingered in the distance beside his disappointment, bubbling as they rolled down the road.
When she risked a quick glance while stopped at a traffic light, Aiden’s eyes were fixed forward. At the sound of voices next to them, a grin slipped onto his face. He clenched her nipple, and she arched into him, groaning, even as she averted her eyes from the ogling stare of the passengers in the car beside them. She jerked in surprise. Perceiving everything, Aiden was like a coiled beast, pulsating with even more energy than before.
After he released her breast to bounce to her chest, the waves continued to increase in intensity as they washed over her. Gina rolled her lips and glanced at her shaking fingers on the wheel; Aiden had ... changed. The ever-present contact between them was sharpened. Once she pulled from the light and left her impromptu audience behind, she jolted when at last he broke the tense silence.
“Won’t this be awkward?” Just as she exhaled, beginning to relax at his calm tone, he lifted his hand once more to reach across and clasp her other tight, throbbing stem; lightning raced around her. “I mean, isn’t her husband a close friend of your husband’s boss?”
After forcing several short breaths between whimpers as his fingers rolled her nipple, Gina answered in a hoarse low voice. “No, master. He would rather die than piss off Kendra, and...” She had to pause and clench her teeth as he squeezed her flesh tight, before hissing out. “Kendra and I ... Kendra and I have been ... have been planning something like this for a long, long time.”
Aiden’s still-simmering anger burst into energetic pulses and Gina gulped. “No! No, I mean ... Please, master ... I mean her trying something new, master. Not specifically with you.”
“Okay.” Though he nodded, that single word erupted with such an icy tone that it sent shivers along her spine.
He was not convinced.
He no longer trusted her.
Her chest tightened and watery blurs formed around her vision as she drove on in silence.
The fear within her worsened when Aiden’s hand slipped from her heaving breast. Yet she continued to sense him as he stared out the window. His ever-rising distrust and simmering anger were consistent. What could happen next? Would Aiden become so aggravated he would abandon her? Would Kendra steal him away from her? Kendra was pretty. Gina gulped and her fingers tightened on the wheel. She flicked a glance at Aiden, but his eyes were locked on the distance. Her fear burbled as her heart slowed and coolness swept through her topless frame.
No, Kendra wasn’t pretty. She was drop-dead gorgeous. And rich. Filthy rich. And if their wine cooler talk was legit, very much looking forward to meeting Aiden. Gina chewed on her lower lip, wanting her master to fondle her again, but he paid her no more attention. Her bikini top lay in his lap, crumpled and forgotten. She sighed. Would that be her one day, crumpled and forgotten by him?
Mind whirling and shaking when chills rushed over her body, Gina struggled to breathe when they turned into the long drive. In the distance was the Owens’ enormous marble and glass, two-story mansion set back amongst tall trees beyond wide manicured lawns. But what had cooled her to the core was the emptiness before it.
Even as her brain processed the lack of vehicles before the home, she whipped her gaze to Aiden just as his eyes widened. But then, with his lips clamping shut, they narrowed once more; he had also noticed they were alone. Her chest froze when his brow furrowed and crimson raced up the skin of his neck and cheeks. Though trying to remain fixed forward, Gina risked another glance; his jaw clenched ever tighter as the wheels crunched further along the driveway. The empty driveway.
What had happened? Kendra said she was hosting a neighborhood barbecue. But where was everyone? Gina’s heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, her chest tightened even more, and she shook as her fingers crushed the steering wheel. By the time she brought them to a halt, Aiden’s eyes had narrowed to slits and his grinding teeth were so tight that his neck pulsed.
When Gina opened her mouth to speak, Aiden flung up his hand. “No. Just don’t...” He tossed her bikini top at her.
Though still struggling to retie her top behind her, she nudged open the door with her knee before tumbling from the vehicle. A tremor slid up her spine; not a single car was anywhere along the long, winding driveway. With a loud gulp, Gina slammed the door shut with her hip. Goddamit! Her fingers continued to fumble with the strings behind her back. Maybe ... maybe Aiden only thought she was nervous about him meeting her friend. One glimpse at him as he glared at the empty gravel dashed that flimsy hope to shreds.
At first Gina stumbled forward, hoping to escape his rising suspicions and flaring anger, but as she rushed up the sloping drive towards the marble-colonnaded home, she continued to sense his eyes boring into her. As he followed, his rapid footsteps reverberated, pounding into her as her own heartbeat thumped ever louder. For a brief second, she slowed, expecting to be ordered to return to the car, before pushing up the stone path around the side of the building.
Ignoring the trembles wracking her, she stayed ahead of Aiden’s thudding footfalls. At last, she yanked her fingers free from the sloppy knot behind her tingling spine and moved quicker. Silent, her master was ... simmering as he trailed her through a gabled gateway flanked by ivy covered trellises. Once in the back yard, she kept lurching forward in desperation, but stumbled with a gulp when she caught sight of the Owens, seated side-by side in a large hot tub beneath a wooden pergola.
The couple ... alone. Gina looked across the entire wide backyard and scanned the broad, tiled pool terrace. There was nobody else but her friends who turned to face her. The aromatic scent of fresh flowers mixed with those of the scent of cleansing chemicals wafting from the bubbling waters.
When Aiden’s eyes locked onto her friend, whose long, black, shining hair flowed in the warm afternoon breeze, a twinge of jealousy fluttered through Gina. Clad in only a teeny little gold-trimmed black bikini, Kendra did not appear anywhere close to her forty years. For that matter, the slender figure and features of her husband, Tim, made him appear much closer to Aiden’s age.
To say the couple were salt and pepper would be an understatement. Kendra was black. Not brown. Not mocha. But black as licorice and gave off the energy of a caged jungle cat; lithe, toned, and graceful to perfection. Meanwhile, Tim was alabaster. Very fair skinned, very slender, and also very effeminate with intelligent light blue eyes and long, flowing sandy hair. He also wore a tiny bikini. His was pink. Both continued to flash tight grins as Gina and her master appeared. As the tension peaked, Tim let out a nervous giggle.
Without warning, Gina jerked backward when, with a loud snarl and a piercing glare into her face, Aiden clipped something to her collar. Gina’s eyes widened as her heart stumbled. A leash! She was on a leash? Aiden glared at her. Yes. Yes, she was. His leash. Such intensity. A new power? Gina’s knees shook as he stared at her—daring her to speak. To complain. His fingers twisted on the long leather thong.
This was something beyond the norm. Even his new norm. Their new norm. Arcs of ... Gina had no idea what ... flared within him. Even as her entire frame quavered under his gaze, he spun away from her to laugh aloud while scanning the empty backyard.
After flashing a broad smile at the waiting couple, he leaned in and growled into Gina’s ear. “It’s not good to hide things from me, sneaky slut.” He tugged on the leash, pulling her lips closer to his, and added in a bitter tone. “You will pay for this later.”
“Yes, master.”
Though Gina’s insides fluttered with fear, she leaned in, seeking his lips. Heart racing, a moan ... a hungry moan slithered from her, but Aiden swayed away. Behind him, the couple still grinned, though their eyes had widened, and they whispered at each other as they stared at Aiden looming over her.
When her master had described first wearing the ring, he had explained how he had become ‘enhanced.’ But now ... Now, as she stood so close to him, he almost seared her bare skin ... Now, as his narrowed eyes bored so deep into her; he was seeking around in her mind. Now, it was clear how powerful he could choose to become.
Aiden had transformed into a blazing, world-conquering force of nature before her eyes. With a grunt, he still singed her with his roiling energy as he dragged her stumbling behind him, until they reached the deck around the large tub. She glanced at her friend and her husband; their eyes were saucers. Then she gazed at Aiden as he lashed her to a pergola column.
Without another single word or glance at her, he let the leash dangle free and stepped into the tub. As she pulled on the leash, Gina’s heart staggered. The yard, the swirling jets and the entire universe blurred near him as he moved. He was a raging god-like machine in overdrive. Her eyes flicked to her friends. What had she done? Oh, God. So much feedback was pouring from him that her teeth chattered as she shuddered against the pillar.
Under the bright sunshine, diffused into warping rainbows of light around him, Aiden shone, as if back lit by some powerful beam of ... Words failed Gina as she raised her shaking hands to clamp tight to the leash. As she gazed at him, the world slowed. Then stopped. Gina’s heart ground to a halt and her skin became cold. The whole time she had assumed Aiden wore the ring, but there was no glint of gold on his finger. While struggling to breathe, her jaw slid downward as her fingers crushed the squeaking leather.
He stepped between the now stunned couple, pushing a wall of water before him. In this world Aiden’s muscular frame, while on another plane his flaring aura, engulfed both seated figures. With a broad grin at their wide-eyed, open-mouthed faces, Aiden squeezed down between them, enveloping the shoulders of both trembling figures with his powerful arms.
Knees weakening, Gina wavered as she clutched the leash and drove herself back against the pillar. Aiden no longer needed the ring at all! Her master ... He was the ring! Quivering electricity spider-webbed out from her tingling spine as Gina watched him in full ascendancy.
“I love it, three hot chicks and me.” Aiden flashed a brilliant smile.
While Aiden’s eyes flickered, Gina knew he was sorting through the swirl of emotions and sensations racing amongst the trio. At the same time, unused to the ring ... No, not just it, but now Aiden’s full, unregulated power, the shuddering couple’s eyes widened and fluttered while their chests lurched. The yard wavered around her when, in but a few quick seconds, he looked over at her. He had already processed them. Every single thought and feeling in them. He flashed Gina a smile.
Oh my God, he knew what she ... As her heart pounded, a long moan meandered from her lips as a trickle raced down her inner thigh. She wanted him. Her hands flailed at the leash. She could untie the knot. She could run to him. Leap into the pool. Rip aside her bikini and mount him right there before Kendra. Before Tim. Before anyone. She could...
No, she couldn’t.
Eyes narrowed to slits; Aiden shook his head and flashed a glare at her. Gina swallowed and let her hands fall to her side. After settling back against the pillar and aligning her face with a strip of shade, she knew two things. Aiden had mastered the sensory connection, or whatever it was. And Gina remained in trouble; she would not play at all today.
Her buttocks aching from the Luxo spanking, Gina winced as she shifted, careful not to pull too much on the leash behind her neck. While the pair continued to shudder and twist, Aiden again squeezed them against him. Both sets of eyes expanded.
“I like you,” Aiden said, gazing into the bright blue eyes of Kendra’s trembling husband. “What’s your name, gorgeous?” Aiden slid his hand along the pale man’s shaking arm.
“Kitten.” After answering, the quivering man gave a nervous glance to his wife and then Gina.
Gina chewed her lips. Kendra hadn’t mentioned a pet name for her husband, but it made sense. There was no question; Tim was the type of man her friend enjoyed.
“Really?” Aiden raked his outstretched fingertips along the man’s twitching stomach.
Eyes fluttering and chewing his lips, Kitten stared at his wife while Aiden dragged his hand along the man’s torso. A yelp flew from him when Aiden plunged his hand into the water before the slender man. As he sought air, Kendra’s husband’s eyes bulged even further.
“Stand up, Kitten.” Though spoken in an even tone, Aiden’s words were unquestionably a command.
With a gulp, Kitten gripped the side of the tub with one clawed fist and stumbled to his feet. Aiden’s hand came into view, clenching the center of the quivering man’s bikini. With a smile, Aiden drove the bottoms down and grasped his narrow shaft. Mouth opened wide in a silent moan; Kitten’s hips thrust forward.
Gina’s jaw fell; the man was hairless. At first, his arching penis and bare balls were red, but his shaft and mushroom head soon darkened in Aiden’s firm grip. Still frozen next to Aiden, Kendra gasped while he stroked upwards along the jutting crimson flesh. As Kitten’s head rolled forward to stare down at him, Aiden glanced at his wife and chuckled.
The man shook when Aiden pursed his lips and sent a puff of air across the swollen little tip, dislodging a trickle of glittering fluid to dribble downward. His glistening body twisting under the warm sun, Kitten swallowed a moan and sucked on his lips. When Kitten stumbled, his other arm flailed until its dainty, pale, delicate hand landed on Aiden’s broad shoulder.
“Such a pretty little cock.” As he twisted his hand around Kitten’s rod, Aiden let his grin broaden. With her chest thumping, Gina flicked her tongue over her lips; her bikini bottom squelched as she squeezed her thighs together. Aiden sent another puff of air across Kitten’s deep purple knob and added as Tim shook. “For such a pretty little girl.”
His entire frame flushing crimson, Kitten managed a nervous grin at Aiden. When Aiden leaned so close to Kitten’s cock that Gina thought he would kiss it, Kendra spoke.
“Excuse me! Hey! Uh, I am the one who—”
With the world blurring once more, now accompanied by a sharp flurry of musical tones, Gina almost missed Aiden’s moving at supernatural speed. Aiden released her husband, flew upwards in the water, and spun. With a loud, wet, meaty slap, his massive rod slammed into Kendra’s cheek, smashing her open-mouthed face sideways in a wide spray of water. His trunks floated to the surface behind him. Gina swallowed; he had been expecting her reaction. He had known...
What happened next sent electricity jolting through Gina’s very core, and, from the expression on the slim man’s ashen, slack-jawed face, shocked Kendra’s husband as well.
Eyes locked on Aiden’s; Kendra’s yelp morphed into a long, low moan that dribbled from her trembling lips. As he towered over her, Aiden froze and stared deeper into her friend’s wide-eyed face. A smile slid onto him and Gina felt a surge of energy. Oh shit! He had found something else. Something hidden far inside her. Oh God. What have I done? Oh, Kendra. I’m so sorry.
Now she recognized the surge. It was the same reaction as when he had grabbed Gina under the chin at the lake house. And look where that had led; her hands slipped along the dangling leash as her thighs squeezed together once more. Well, Kendra had wanted ... She had begged for Gina to set this all up. She had broken Aiden’s trust by lying about the BBQ. Kendra had made her choice. With a slight smile on her face, Gina snuggled against the pole, shifting once more to stay in the shade. What would Aiden do now?
Even as Kendra gazed up at him, Aiden grabbed his meaty cock and slammed it into her other cheek. With a loud wet thwack, the ebon beauty’s head flew to the side as another spray of glistening water droplets covered her stunned husband. Slack-jawed, he remained standing with his pink bikini bottom around his knees and his shaft, marred by Aiden’s deep red handprint, jutting out in the bright sunlight. Gina muffled a chuckle behind her hand; hope he doesn’t get sunburned.
With a gulp at the next wet splat, her gaze returned to Aiden just as her friend’s face went sideways under the latest impact of his now hardening cock. As his shaft further lengthened and thickened, he continued to strike Kendra. On one side. Then the other. Gina’s heartbeat sped.
And all the while, Kendra ... powerful ... rich ... sexy as fuck Mistress Kendra did nothing but emit whimpers and gaze up at him. Aiden remained silent until, at last, he chuckled.
“Seems your naughty little wife loves a good cockwhipping, Kitten.” Aiden glanced over at her husband and flashed a wide grin. “Does she let you do this to her?”
As he asked, Aiden lifted his thick, swollen, long shaft and let it thump down on Kendra’s upturned face. When her husband didn’t respond, Aiden raised and dropped it on her again. Other than the constant quivering, Kendra remained motionless, but for her eyes that blinked with each wet, meaty thump.
“No,” Kitten at last murmured while shaking his head. As wisps of his long tresses swirled across his face, his eyes remained locked on his beautiful wife.
As Gina ground her thighs tighter, rivulets of water from Aiden’s slapping cock dripped onto her friend’s upturned cheeks.
“No.” With pursed lips, Aiden nodded and glanced at Kitten’s penis. “It’s a beautiful cock, but a small one. I think she prefers massive fucking cocks, don’t you, little slut?”
“Kend—” her friend started to respond.
Air caught in Gina’s throat at the loud impact. This time, Aiden had slapped his thick, meaty length down hard on her upturned face. Gina went cold. Yet again, all Kendra had done was blink as its throbbing mass stung her. Aiden leaned down so low that their lips almost touched; her long black hair fluttered between them.
“I don’t care what your name is...” Aiden paused, letting his eyes bore into Kendra, before adding. “Bitch.”
With that, her friend’s mouth slammed shut; Aiden’s aura engulfed the seated ebon woman. As he rose, Aiden kept glaring into Kendra’s darkening face until he slid forward and his heavy, full balls glided over her glistening lips.
“Open wide ... bitch.”
At that curt command, Gina was not sure who gasped louder, her or Tim, when her friend’s lips flew apart. Even as they both were recovering from that, they gasped again when, as soon as Aiden lowered one tumescent ball into her mouth, her lips closed and cheeks sunk inwards. This was not the Kendra either of them had known. Not even close.
“Oh, that’s good. Very nice little tongue. I didn’t even have to tell you what to do. So trainable. Such a good little...” Again he paused and leaned down, pulling his sac tight in her lips before adding. “Bitch.” Eyes ablaze, Kendra’s cheeks sunk deeper. As Aiden groaned, he stroked the side of her friend’s regal, upturned face with the back of his hand. “They’re full. All for you, horny little bitch.”
Mesmerized and clenching her leash, Gina pushed the fingers of the other hand under the taut damp material of her bikini bottom. Mouth opening wide, she let her fingertip drag along her clit and arched into her palm. She jolted as Kendra emitted a muffled yelp around Aiden’s ball. He had torn away her top and, caught in a warm gust, it sailed across the yard.
When Aiden crushed one of her pointy, dark purple nipples hard between his thumb and forefinger, Kendra’s eyelids flew open. Sucking air in over her clenched teeth, Gina plunged a finger deep into herself and pushed into her palm; she knew what that felt like—those strong fingers. Clamped so tight. Crushing. Twisting. Rolling. As Gina whimpered, swaying against the pillar, Kendra’s mouth opened wide.
Just as Kendra started to cry out, Aiden shifted. It happened so fast. The world blurred around her; that weirdly not-quite-familiar tune played, and Gina’s hand froze when, after grabbing Kendra’s chin, Aiden thrust forward, shoving the tip of his massive cock between her glistening lips. All the while, Aiden grinned as he stared into Kendra’s widening eyes. So fixated on their interaction, Gina almost missed Aiden’s hand, flicking out to grip Kendra’s husband by his wobbling shaft.
As the slim man uttered a cry, Aiden yanked him closer. Wide-eyed and shaking, Kendra’s husband wavered beside Aiden.
“Get me nice and hard, my little ... Kitten.”
Gina gulped when Aiden’s clenching fingers slid upwards and he ran his thumb over the bulbous tip of Kitten’s mast. With a smile, he tore his gaze from the man and glared back down at Kendra before adding in an icy tone. “I want to fuck this whiny little bitch.”
At first, Kitten glanced at his wife, then exhaled and stared at Aiden, who remained focused on Kendra. At last he flashed a quick look at Gina, who let her fingers slide from her slit and rest against her warm, puffy petals. With Aiden like this ... if she came ... It would be bad.
While staring down at Aiden’s shaft protruding from his wife’s face, the quivering man settled on his knees next to Kendra. When a gust of warm wind rustled the surrounding trees, Gina released the leash to push flowing strands behind her ear just in time to see Kitten lean forward.
After tilting his head, he thrust his tongue out to drag it along Aiden’s bulging, ridged shaft while his wife suckled the tip. With his fingers combing through Tim’s long, flowing brown hair, Aiden flashed him a smile.
“That’s very nice ... Kitten.” Aiden stroked the man’s cheek before adding. “You’ve got a wonderful tongue.”
While rocking back and forth before her, pushing himself in and out of her glistening, distended lips, Aiden ignored Kendra to caress her husband. As she slurped on the ever-swelling tip, long trails of saliva slid from her trembling chin to settle across her swaying pert black breasts.
“That’s good enough, my kitten.” When Aiden pushed on the man’s forehead, he gasped as the slender man thrust forward to mash his lips flat against the shaft. His gleaming eyes met Aiden’s as he planted a deep kiss on the turgid rod. “That’s enough.” Aiden’s voice was soft but firm and, after pushing him away, he ran his fingertips around the slim man’s open lips. “This one’s for the horny little bitch.”
Still smiling at her husband, Aiden jerked back, tugging his knob free of Kendra’s sucking mouth with a loud “plop.” Glittering in the sunlight, a flood of drool sluiced down Kendra’s quivering chin. Only then did he turn to her, run his powerful hands along her shaking, black ribcage and lift her. Oh, God! Was he really going to do it? Well, of course he was, Gina. You set them up. You agreed. All Kendra did was lick her lips and stare as Aiden landed her on the deck with a wet splat.
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