Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
Once he awakened, Aiden Wilson scrambled up the narrow stairs from the basement of his buddy Dan’s house, where he had crashed the night before. They were high school friends, and he often slept over at Dan’s parents’ house after returning to town for college; he split his time between the dorms and Dan’s home. As he stepped into the brightly lit kitchen, Aiden slipped his shirt over his broad, muscular shoulders.
“Good morning Mrs. Davis,” Aiden called out to the dark-haired, shapely woman sitting in her white terry-cloth robe at the table.
As usual, she was nursing a large mug of coffee and reading her tablet. Rain splattered against the window, and the fragrant woman raised an eyebrow as she glanced at him.
“Good morning Aiden. Are you really going out there?”
After tugging his shirt into place, Aiden grinned and nodded. Gina Davis was in her mid-forties and Dan’s stepmom. Though Dan kept taunting him by calling her his step-MILF, he was not wrong. Even though it was still early morning and she sat under harsh lighting, her dark wavy hair framed her high cheek boned, well-sculpted face. While his heart thumped, he turned to adjust his shorts at the slight swelling between his legs. Her thick robe did nothing to hide her curvaceous figure. By the time she changed into her fitted business outfits to leave for work, she would be a complete head-turner. If she noticed his quick move to conceal his boner, Mrs. Davis said nothing. But her eyes sparkled before returning to her tablet.
“Yeh. It’s not so bad,” Aiden said.
“It can get worse, you know.” The pretty brunette stifled a yawn before taking another sip of her coffee.
With a shrug, Aiden stepped outside and pulled the door closed behind him.
After Aiden left, Gina Davis leaned back in her chair, looked at the closed front door, and grinned. Aiden had turned out quite handsome, considering the skinny little boy he’d been. Her smile broadened. And his not so surreptitious glances and nervous motions around her were so cute.
“Still attractive to younger men,” she muttered before chuckling.
An early riser, Gina had a quick breakfast and prepared for her senior management job, which meant reading through the overnight reports while sipping her coffee. Whenever he stayed over, Aiden also woke early to run. They joked about calling themselves the ‘A-shift’ since her husband, Paul, now supervised the late shift and Dan was a late sleeper unless taking early classes. It was nice to have the brief morning company; Aiden, always polite, did his own thing. After a comforting sigh, her eyes dropped back to her tablet to read the reports.
Meanwhile, about a mile from the house, Aiden admitted Mrs. Davis was correct. With a sudden roar, sheets of dark gray rain slashed down. Brilliant, violent flashes of lightning illuminated him while ever-louder thunderclaps rocked him. Heading for a shorter way home, he dashed along a narrow path he never used. Splashes of cold water doused his calves as his running shoes blasted across the muddy puddles and soft muddy grit of the weed-choked trail.
After slipping on a flat stone, Aiden regained his balance just as a bolt of lightning traversed the black, cloud-choked sky. Something glinted up at him from the mud below a clump of battered wildflowers; a small, circular, brownish yellow metallic object. With a swift but awkward braking motion, Aiden slid to a halt and grasped the dirt-covered ring in his rain-drenched palm. The ornate jewelry was heavier than it appeared. Blasted from his reverie by a resounding thunderclap, he lurched forward to continue his homeward dash. To keep from losing the slippery and dense ring, he slipped it onto his finger.
Air flew from Aiden’s lungs.
As his feet blurred below his dropping head, he staggered, bouncing off a small tree, and stumbled to a halt in the middle of the small trail. While Aiden stood open-mouthed, rain continued to pound the brush and his shivering body. The world blurred and then ceased to move. He cried out and shook, not from the cold, when everything roared back into focus. But now it was technicolor and ... And different. More. Sharper. Deeper detail than should be possible. Every single color was bright.
Even as he struggled with the vision changes, Aiden rotated his head; every sound was loud. His nose exploded with scents, from the aroma of wet dirt below his soaked running shoes, to the ozone from the lightning, as well as every nearby plant and animal.
All of it blasted into his mind. At once.
Just as that overwhelmed him, Aiden emitted a loud groan and twisted when the raking fingers of a hundred outstretched hands clawed across his skin. Time shuddered to a halt once more. All the nerve endings within his soaking body jangled. More than alive. Hyper-alive. Each sweep of those phantom digits blasted him with crackling electricity. The bolts went deeper. His soul jangled. Moaning to the sky and clawing at the sodden shorts on his thighs, Aiden’s body—tightened, hardening and stretching.
When his blurry eyes fluttered open, the darkness was no longer dark; details of—everything, as far as he could see, were there. Right there. As if he were next to everything in his field of view. Each massive, thundering rain drop reverberated in his ear like a drumbeat. Their impacts on everything around him smashed into his ears. Gasping for air, Aiden jerked with each painful slam of every cool, stinging splat on his skin. His nostrils flared with every odor, every single one. All of them. At once. Under it all, he crumpled, staggered and slid against a tree trunk, shaking.
Almost as soon as it had begun, the ferocity of the sensations diminished and Aiden’s world became, if no longer normal, his new normal. With a short exhale, heavy raindrops dripping over his blinking eyes, Aiden stumbled forward to restart his run. But it wasn’t the same. As his heart pounded, Aiden was not just running; he was now slamming the ground with his feet, beating it into submission to propel himself forward. The incredible vigor in his stride. With each pounding, mud-splashing step, the smile on his face widened. With the roaring of blood through his veins, his will, his newborn drive, intertwined with his enhanced physicality. Even as he staggered, getting used to the power in each step, Aiden shook his rain-soaked head, struggling to clear it of whatever had struck him. A close lightning strike? Something else? His gaze flicked to the droplet-covered circle of gold on his finger.
Whatever had happened, he pushed himself towards home. After his fingers, rain-slicked and shaking, fumbled with his key, Aiden got the front door open and flung it wide. With cold water sluicing from his frame, he dashed inside before too much sideways-driven rain blasted in with him. Once he slammed the door behind him, he huffed, wordless and wide-eyed in the foyer, dripping and still shaking his head while trying to blink icy droplets from his eyelashes.
At first, Mrs. Davis glanced at the doorway, but at the sight of the shaking young man in his soaked clothing, her face contorted. Eyes widening, her gaze followed the rainwater dripping from him onto the hardwood floor as cold chills sliced through his shaking body. His fingers were blue.
“Aiden! Get out of those wet clothes! I’ll get you a towel!” Mrs. Davis rushed to her feet and dashed into the laundry room.
So many scents. The brightly lit room hurt his eyes as they whipped around all the sharp, reflective corners, so sharp. Mrs. Davis wore her favorite French perfume. Coffee. His eyes flicked to her mug all the way across the room, but the coffee smelled like it was in his hand. As he squinted in the bright lights, Aiden shook the rainwater from his arms.
Clutching a towel, Mrs. Davis hurried into the kitchen, her shiny black hair flaring out behind her while dashing to his side. After slipping his soaked running shirt over his head, Aiden looked up just as she held the towel out to him. But his eyes widened, and hers became even wider when one foot lost traction on the rain-slick flooring and she lurched towards him. With a sharp yelp, Mrs. Davis’ outstretched hand slapped onto his bare, wet, shivering chest.
Time stopped. Every. Little. Thing. Warped. And then flashed back as Aiden’s heart hammered in his heaving chest. Every millimeter of Mrs. Davis’ soft, warm hand sent crackling arcs of blistering heat across his icy, wet flesh. The ring singed his finger, and he flung his gaze towards it, but he sucked in air as Mrs. Davis’ beautiful, deep brown eyes stopped him. Beautiful? Blazing and so very warm and inviting, they locked onto his own. Already thumping, his heart whizzed.
Unable to tear his eyes from her, Aiden groaned and jerked under her fingertips; Mrs. Davis’ heart—he could feel it. Inside her. As if it were his. How? While his own thumped, racing to match her fleeting pulse. Just as in the rainstorm, every part of her—became him. Every feeling racing from her clenching fingertips on his icy skin, every sensation, confused, aroused, scared, caring and—terrified. All of it flowed into Aiden as he gasped for air and trembled.
With a moan, Mrs. Davis flattened her palm against his chest. So much heat. So much everything poured from her as Aiden swayed under her single hand. Everything around them was blurry and colorful and—irrelevant.
God! He feels amazing! No! He’s your son’s best friend! Stop it!
As her thoughts flowed into him, her glistening lips parted, and, flushing crimson, Mrs. Davis quivered; her soft, super-heated clenching fingers caressing his chest. Air wouldn’t come as sensations, his and hers, overwhelmed him. Aiden’s brain struggled to separate them. While time seized, it couldn’t have been long, but each rain drop slipping from him took forever to thunder onto the floor.
To add to the madness, Aiden jerked when faint whispers in a strange tongue murmured. Though he couldn’t make out the words, he tore his eyes from Mrs. Davis and stared at the ring. The voices continued, but it was just a ring. As his heart sped, Aiden whirled around, but there was nobody in the room other than the conflicted, and now frightened, woman leaning against him with one trembling hand. Forgotten, the towel dangled in her other.
Time remained still. The murmuring continued while Aiden whipped his head around, licking his lips and shaking, no longer just from arousal or confusion, but fear as well. At last, after repeatedly looking around, Aiden gasped several times and clenched his fists. While his mind still grappled with Mrs. Davis’ clashing thoughts, the racing hot breath on his cooling wet chest, and the incredible burning in her loins, he—asked.
Who—who are you?
Aiden scanned the normal-looking room for ... Somebody? Something? But nothing or nobody answered, though the murmuring became a soft, rhythmic chant. Now clasping his hands, Aiden licked his lips and gazed around him once more. As the chant sped, his rod pulsed and swelled, reacting to it and Mrs. Davis’ caressing fingertips gliding along his bare, cool flesh.
When her fingers clenched once more, Aiden gave up searching and stared into Mrs. Davis’ deep brown eyes. Though trembling, her face contorted in confusion and fear, her still-widening eyes blazed up at him.
I can hear and feel everything she can.
At his thought, her eyes blazed and then became wild; something else had happened as well, beyond the ability to sense her thoughts. As moans slipped from her parted glistening lips, her shiny pink tongue skimmed across her trembling lower lip.
My pussy is so hot and wet; fuck, it’s fluttering like mad.
Air exploded from Aiden. Mrs. Davis’ eyes blinked as her mouth opened wider and a low growl slid from her. As he struggled for air, her thoughts glided into his mind.
I am so light-headed. Why! No, this is so wrong. God, Paul and I haven’t made love in such a long time! My husband! My husband! I am married. This is not right! What’s happening? My fingers and the toys are nothing compared to what Aiden has. Oh god, I can feel its pulse getting stronger. It’s getting longer. How can I feel that? Something’s definitely wrong! I want him so badly! No! No, I don’t!
Focus, Gina!
So many thoughts and images. Oh god, she wanted him. She didn’t want him. Confusion. Desire. Fear. Need. Something hungry.
Time started once more.
With a cry, Aiden shook, tore his eyes from her, ripped the towel from her hand, jerked from her outstretched hand, and dashed around the confused and aroused woman.
As Aiden stumbled towards the basement door, Mrs. Davis staggered forward with a gasp. Not looking back, Aiden flew downstairs, slamming the door closed behind him. Only then did he totter, huffing as if he’d just completed another long run, into the shower. Under the warm spray, Aiden crumpled to the floor, shuddering. What had he just heard? Sensed? Thought? The glittering gold ring pulsated on his finger.
Have I gone fucking mad? Am I still going insane?
Had lightning struck him? None of this made any sense. Not the least, was the crazy whispering in his head. And he had heard voices. Plural. The creature. God? Thing? It had projected both a female and male voice into his mind when he had first worn the ring. At the same time.
Either way, Aiden, shaking as chills wracked his body and the echoing thoughts and sensations blasted through his mind, huddled downstairs until Mrs. Davis’ heels clacked overhead. When, in a plaintive, concerned voice, she called out; he stared at the closed door. Heart hammering; he was torn between hoping she would open it and hoping she would leave him be, so he could—do something. What could he do?
Only after the clacking of her heels disappeared, Mrs. Davis having left for work, did Aiden creep back to the kitchen. After a quick breakfast, still scanning the room for the source of the now silent voices, Aiden tugged the ring from his finger to stare at it under the bright kitchen lights. Unfamiliar symbols were engraved within the band. The gleaming, untarnished golden ring was decorated with interleaved ropes and bands. As it shimmered under the sharp kitchen lighting, it offered no discernible clues as to its origin.
As soon as Gina clambered into her car, ready to leave for work, Aiden’s heart slowed and his fear diminished. While staring into her eyes in the mirror, she shook. How could she know that? She didn’t want to be feared. He also...
“Oh,” she moaned as her legs ground together.
He wanted her.
After a long exhale, Gina swallowed and looked into her face, reddening under her makeup. How could she sense such things so strongly? Both earlier, in the kitchen, and now, sitting in the garage. He should have calmed by now, but ... But he wasn’t.
As she ran her fingertips through her hair, moving a loose strand from her cheek, Gina blinked and pursed her red lips; the fresh lipstick shined in the car’s interior light. Aiden wanted—her. And she...
With another swallow, Gina glanced at her trembling fingers, tapping on the wheel. No. No. it wasn’t right. Gina loved Paul, because she should—he was her husband.
And Gina was his wife.
Simple. Straightforward. What had happened this morning was unacceptable. But Aiden’s pull on her remained steady. Now white-knuckled, her hands crushed the leather-wrapped steering wheel. After a soft moan as shivers raced along her spine, Gina flicked her gaze to the hand that had settled onto the bare, hard yet soft, warm yet icy, pulsing and so very much alive flesh of her son’s best friend.
It was wrong. So alive. She shouldn’t feel this way about anyone but her husband. So hard. And yet ... So warm.
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