Femdom - Cover


by MaryS

Copyright© 2021 by MaryS

Erotica Sex Story: Sharon Turner, founder of the PAP, becomes the first female president.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   FemaleDom   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   .

“Our Mistress, Sharon Turner, who is amongst us, hallowed be her name; her kingdom come; her will be done here and in Washington. Give us this day our daily sexual relief; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not to the right, but to the left. Amen.”

Clapping and cheering erupted from the capacity crowd at the indoor arena. It was a political rally and only people 14 and older were allowed to attend.

Alan Gardner came out on stage waving his hands at the audience of families, couples and groups of teen boys and girls. The jumbo screens around the arena had a close-up of him walking across the stage. He was wearing black corfam shoes with black knee high socks, no pants or underwear. Around his waist was a one inch wide leather belt that had a cup for his cock and two small cups for his testicles. He was bare chested and around his neck was a rainbow colored tie and a black leather collar. The men in the arena were similarly dressed as were the teen boys. They also had collars around their necks to which a leash was attached. Either their mother or daughter, sister or girlfriend were holding the leash. The collar and leash were the latest fashion rage.

“Thank you, thank you! So how the fuck are ya all?” he said into the microphone in his best southern drawl. The arena erupted in cheers. “So happy you could come today. We’re here to support the next president of the Common States of America, Sharon Turner!”

More cheering and clapping along with noise makers. The crowd was riled up. Behind Alan on the giant jumbo screen was Sharon Turner, 35, her blonde hair flowing over her soft shoulders. She was wearing a black PVC form fitting mistress outfit. The outfit displayed her ample cleavage with the hem of the outfit coming to mid-thigh. She wore black leather gloves that came to her elbow and on her feet were her “Yes Mistress” corfam boots that came just above her knees. Across the top of the screen were the words, “Turner for President”.

The podium Alan was standing at was glass and had blue lotions stored on it, he continued. “I turned my life over to Miss Turner. My family is better for it, my life is certainly better for it. Some males are able to turn their life over to Miss Turner through her teachings, some turn their life over to her through attending her family friendly seminars, like my family and I did.” He looked out over the audience. “All males should make the females in the family the center of their life and ask them to help you do Miss Turner’s will each day, like I do.” Alan paused. There was loud cheering and noise making again. He smiled. “A male should seek forgiveness of his sins against his family and the females in his life everyday. When you seek forgiveness, believe in your heart that Miss Turner has heard your prayer and pray that her will be done, not yours.”

Alan loved going over his back story before each campaign rally. Miss Turner encouraged it. She said that it would show other males who hadn’t had a chance to turn their life over to her, that there was still a chance for them to redeem themselves in the eyes of the female population.

“My redemption started last year. I was driving home from work listening to my favorite podcast, the Freddy Killjoy hour.” There was loud booing. “I know, but he was talking about this Turner woman, Sharon Turner, founder of the Progressive Action Party. Freddy said she was a man hating bitch. She and her ilk want to take over this country, push the hard working males like me aside for some utopian female society.” Alan paused. “You remember Freddy Killjoy?” Alan smiled as the audience booed. Freddy was one of the most popular conservative voices on the internet. “He said what this PAP group is trying to do is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country. This PAP group wants to remove free speech because this Turner woman is afraid of the truth, he said.”

There were boos.

Alan looked out over the audience. “But I know Miss Turner’s truth will come out, it will come out bigger and stronger than ever before. The people of our country will not stand for conservative ideals!”

There were cheers and noise makers again.

Alan continued. “I remember he was talking to his co-host, Linda Snelling, ‘Lens’ for short. “What’s this woman do anyway for a living, Lens? He asked. The conversation went something like this. Lens replied, ‘She owns a cosmetic company, called ‘Lotions’ in California, selling lotions and creams. It’s a privately held company.’”

“Ah, salesman, she’s a freaking salesman, not a sales woman or a sales person. We’re to politically correct.”

“It’s a multi-billion dollar company, built from the...” Lens added.

“Whatever. You know, women have tried to run for president of this country a dozen times and they failed, miserably. Voters were having none of their nonsense. These ideas of fair pay, sports and education, and women having control over their bodies are non-starters, women already have these. It’s the men of this country that have given women opportunities.”

Alan smiled at the audience. “Damn right! I yelled as I drove to my suburban Birmingham Alabama home. You all know my background, I worked as a political operative for the MASA (Make American Special Again) party in Alabama. The deeply conservative and religious south.”

The arena erupted in boos.

“I know, I know,” Alan replied waiting for the boos to die down. “When I found out her corporate office was located in Atlanta and it was rumored that twenty percent of its workforce was males. I thought, how scandalous was that? I mean, no self-respecting company would be run by females.”

In addition to her private company, Sharon Turner was the latest rage in internet podcasts giving the male broadcasting hosts a run for their money and even encroaching on loyal television viewers of popular conservative cable news channels. She was a chemist by training and a self-made billionaire with her body lotions and hand creams. During college she rose to prominence as a social media influencer, having literally tens of millions of female followers across all the social media platforms. She graduated with a degree in art appreciation and two years later a masters degree in business. Last year there was talk of her running for president. On her podcasts she would talk about how to change males for the better, have better husband’s, father’s, son’s and brother’s. She talked sexy fashion advice for girls which upset a lot of religious and conservative people in the south and mid-west. She encouraged girls to wear thong underwear, push-up bras, and child friendly high heels.

Rumors were circulating that she was a religious cult leader and her followers were weak minded. It was thought the rumors were started by the MASA party, but nobody could prove it. Alan didn’t even know and he was an operative for the party.

Alan continued. “My wife, Millie and my fourteen year-old daughter, Cindy, avidly listen to her podcast every Saturday afternoon and follow her on social media. I learned the advertisers on her programs were all female centric companies or advertisers that featured female only products, and of course she pushed her lotions. Lotions for this and lotions for that, who needs lotions? She has this lotion called “Blue” that is all the rage, one of her fastest selling products online.” Alan reached under the podium and pulled out a blue bottle of body lotion and held it up. “Her best selling product!”

The arena erupted in cheers. Alan squeezed a palm full of lotion in his right hand then rubbed the lotion onto his chest. The arena cheered even louder. All males loved the feel of the lotion.

He put the bottle on the shelf and looked up. “My wife and daughter insisted I listen to one of her podcasts one Saturday afternoon, and when I commented that she sounded like a feminist man hating bitch, they got upset. My daughter called me a male chauvinist pig, which pissed me off and told her to watch her mouth. I told them I wasn’t about to listen to a self-important woman.” Alan paused. “To my way of thinking, this Turner woman and females like her didn’t have anything of value to add to society. How wrong I turned out to be.”

The audience started a chant of, “Turner! Turner!” and Alan held his thumbs up.

“Millie went on about how I had treated her like a queen when we were dating and even after we were engaged. I had hung on her every word, bought her flowers, and thought she looked beautiful no matter what she was wearing and no matter what time of the day or night I saw her.”

The audience cheered and Alan looked out over the arena and smiled. Over on the left side of the arena were a line of men and boys, masturbating against the wall. The ones who had a collar and leash had their female standing behind them waiting patiently for the male to finish his business.

“After we were married she said that I look right through her, disregarded what she was saying and never bought her anything. My daughter complained that I didn’t know anything about her, her interests, hobbies, and that we never do father daughter things anymore, like go to the zoo or a museum. Okay, I felt like a fucking slug, but that didn’t change my mind about this Turner woman. I was a manly man, that guy who watched porn videos when my wife wasn’t looking, drank beer on Sunday afternoons watching football, while at the office I made crude and demeaning jokes about women and progressives I didn’t like.”

The audience booed.

“After listening to her podcast, I said, “See what I mean? You were both perfectly happy until you started listening to that man hating bitch. I decided right then that I really hated this woman. She was ruining my perfectly ordered life.”

There were boos again.

“Things got worse after that. Millie began complaining that I didn’t put my dishes away, didn’t throw my laundry in the hamper, never helped with the housework, always left the toilet seat up. The list went on and on. That’s not a man’s job you know?”

More boos.

“Cindy complained I was never around for her tag football games in the fall or her basketball games in the winter or her softball games in the spring, never showed up for the parent teacher conferences throughout the school year. What can I say? I’m busy getting good religious conservative men in the MASA party voted into office. And I was good at it. I didn’t have time for this other stuff.”

The boos were louder.

“I was on the mayor’s successful re-election team, got the governor elected and was appointed to his transition team. Both of our senator’s are good religious conservative men that I helped get elected, our representatives in Congress? All good men. I’m good at what I do and proud of it. So what if our two senators voted to defund family planning services, make abortion a crime no matter if the pregnancy was through rape or incest.” Alan paused. “You know women shouldn’t have a say over their body or health decisions, that should be left to the political leadership.” The arena booed. Alan smiled. “And Title IX? Who cares, it’s gone, we don’t need that crap. Equal pay? Pfft! Women get paid just as much as men.”

There were boos and some in the audience were chanting, “We need Turner! We need Turner!”

Alan was pleased, the arena was eating it up.

He continued. “Last November, friends of ours, Betty Roberts and her husband, Jonathan, attended Turner’s family friendly seminar in Montgomery. After the seminar, Betty tells Millie that Jon has decided to be a better husband. He brings her small gifts twice a week, takes over all the house chores, and according to Betty, Jon practically worships her. Jon’s favorite Turner verse is, “Let a man learn quietly with all submissiveness. Do not permit a man to teach or to exercise authority over a female; rather, he is to remain quiet. For Eve was formed first, then Adam; and Eve was not deceived, but Adam was deceived and became a transgressor. A man must redeem himself.”

The audience cheered.

“I mean the guy is a staunch conservative and now he is working on Turner’s presidential campaign, how weird is that?”

The audience kept cheering.

Alan looked out over the arena. “So last fall I was working on our senator, Daniel Glover, his presidential campaign. The thing is, Senator Glover’s poll numbers had slipped and we met half of our fund raising goal that quarter. Which is strange because Senator Glover is a well known face nationally and within the MASA party. He was instrumental in pushing national legislation restricting voting rights of minorities and women.”

There were loud boos across the arena. Senator Glover was the second ranking person on the Justice Committee, which could be relied upon to approve white male centric laws.

“After our friends Betty and Jon’s successful conversion, I knew it was coming and it only took a few days before my wife started comparing me to Jon. Jon does this for Betty and Jon does that for Betty. How the fuck do I know if he’s doing anything for his wife? Millie could be making it all up for all I know just to irritate me.”

There was laughter.

“After a few weeks of being hounded, she hit me with the big request. She wanted me to go to a family seminar with her and Cindy, for a whole weekend, in Birmingham after the first of the year. Even worse, the weekend seminar was during football playoffs when I should be glued to the television with a beer in one hand and the remote in the other.”

Alan looked out over the arena. “With football in full swing, I told her to find another date later in the year. She replied it was the only time Miss Turner would be in town next year and if I didn’t go I would regret it. I told her I wouldn’t regret anything, so I wasn’t going to go anyway.”

There were boos.

Alan chuckled as he looked out over the audience. “I learned over the Christmas holidays just how influential my wife could be when she set her mind to it. The things she did could not have been her own ideas because they were too cunning and unfortunately for me, all too effective. Am I right guys?”

There was laughter and cheering. Alan looked out across the arena. On the Mezzanine level were men and teen boys leaning over the rail, behind them were women and teen girls fucking them with their strap-on’s. Most of the women and teen girls wore “Yes Mistress” uniforms like Miss Turner. All of the men and teen boys were masturbating themselves as they were being ass fucked. Alan felt his cock getting hard in the leather cup. He wished he was up there with them.

He continued. “One Saturday, after I finished raking the leaves, I was all sweaty and dirty so I took a shower and when I came out, Millie had put on sexy lingerie, and a different smelling perfume, had lit her scented mood candles. She liked to call it her “get me in the mood” setting. Cindy was doing her homework. I went downstairs to my favorite recliner to watch my team play.”

“Millie said, ‘I know your team is fighting for a wildcard spot for the playoffs. Would you like me to watch the game with you?’ She stood next to me. ‘Why don’t you sit on the floor and I’ll give you a nice shoulder and neck massage while you watch the game.’ I laughed and asked, ‘What’s the catch. What do you want?’ She ran her fingers through my hair and replied, ‘I’ll tell you when we go to bed later.’”

There was cheering. “I know right?” smiled Alan. He was looking forward to the orgy later. He hoped Miss Turner would pick him to suck her toes as she directed the orgy like some Roman emperor.

He continued. “So during the game she rubbed my shoulders and neck, but would also playfully skim my nipples under my t-shirt or brush the back of my ears. As she was doing that, I noticed the stadium wasn’t filled to capacity. The color commentators made mention of the poor attendance showing. Also, the team’s cheerleaders weren’t on the side lines. Huh? I thought, that’s strange as this is the most important game of the season, they needed a win for a wildcard playoff spot and the cheerleaders were needed to pump the fans up, which in turn pumped the team up.”

The crowd chanted, “Turner! Turner!”

“Anyway, I didn’t make it to half time before I was taking her to the bedroom. I was so ... hmm, ready.” The arena laughed. “I picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, kicked the door open and ripped my clothes off. I remember she was giggling the whole time. I started to climb on top of her when she said, ‘Not so fast horny boy. Lean back and let me give you more pleasure.’”

There was cheering.

“I leaned back on the bed and she climbed up along side of me. She kissed my balls and licked my cock, she sucked on my nipples, kissed my ears, bit my neck and so on until I was one big nerve ending.”

Then she asked, “Are you ready big boy?”

I eagerly repiled, “Hell yes! I’ll do anything.”

Then she surprised me by asking, “Anything?”

“You know I tried to think about the significance of her tone, but she tweaked both my nipples until I screamed, “Yes anything.”

The arena cheered.

“She forcefully flipped herself on top of me and slid herself down to my crotch, but I didn’t move a muscle. My body screamed for her to pump her hips and finish me off but she wouldn’t.”

Then she asked, “Promise me you’ll go to Miss Turner’s Family Seminar next month.”

The arena chanted, “Turner! Turner!”

Alan smiled. “I promised over and over as she worked my cock into her cunt. She started moving her hips up and down and back and forth. As the frenzy intensified and I neared orgasm she said, “Don’t break your promise or you’ll fucking regret your decision.”

The arena cheered.

Alan nodded. “I came so fucking hard that I couldn’t help but yell out. My wife put a pillow over my mouth so Cindy wouldn’t hear. After she crawled off me, I had a big smile on my face as we went downstairs to watch the second half. My team won, just barely, but they were in the first round of the playoffs and I had gotten laid. So the next morning I woke up to the smell of French toast and bacon. I came downstairs to the kitchen and kissed Millie. Cindy was sitting at the counter eating breakfast. She had a smile on her face like she knew what happened yesterday.”

The arena cheered.

“I said, “You were awesome yesterday. What did I do to deserve that treatment?”

Millie replied, “You gave me what I wanted.”

The arena kept cheering.

“Then she walked over and showed me the e-mail confirmation for our attendance at the family seminar. It was on the day of the first round of the playoffs! I immediately protested and told her to look for a seminar later in the year.”

The audience booed.

“She handed me my breakfast and replied, “You can miss one silly football game to make your wife and daughter happy can’t you?”

Cindy added, “Yeah, dad you did promise mom as you fucked her yesterday.”

I glared at Cindy and said, “Watch your mouth young lady!”

I looked at my wife and replied, “This isn’t any football game. This is the first round. We’ve never made it this far, like ever. We can’t go on that weekend.” I paused. “Besides, I made that promise under duress and a contract made under duress is null and void.”

The crowd got really worked up with the booing. Sometimes at this point at other campaign rallies, arena security had to prevent angry males from climbing up on stage to pummel me. One time this guy got close enough to pick up and throw the podium out of his way before security tackled him.

“She pulled my breakfast away from me before I could close my hand around the plate and said, “Fine, feed yourself.” She dumped the plate in the garbage.”

The arena started chanting, “Millie! Millie!”

Alan smiled. “She and Cindy walked out of the kitchen. I had a microwave breakfast. For the next two weeks Millie cooked wonderful smelling meals for her and Cindy and then ate them before I got home. The smell drove me crazy. She wore her sexiest outfits and continued to burn her candles. Even Cindy took to wearing tank tops with no bra, which highlighted her budding breasts, and very short denim shorts around the house.”

The arena started chanting, “Cindy! Cindy!”

“Fuck, I couldn’t help but look at my daughter as she walked past the living room, or the kitchen, or wherever. And the perfume, oh my god, I loved the smell of the perfume for some reason. When they did wear the perfume, for some reason my cock got hard as a rock when they walked by smelling wonderful.”

The arena cheered.

Alan looked around the arena. “On Christmas day, Millie and Cindy went out to a Chinese restaurant for Christmas dinner. I stayed home eating a TV dinner and watching other playoff games. The attendance at these games were worse. Some stadiums were less than half-full. No sexy cheerleaders out on the field. At a final season game in Chicago, two female color commentators were calling the game and the two guys who call the games were on the field interviewing players. First time that’s ever happened.”

Chants of, “Turner! Turner!”

“A couple of days before New Year’s, Millie finally came up to me and said, ‘It’s so hard to be mean to you like this. How about we talk tonight when we go to bed.’ That evening I went to bed a little smug knowing she and Cindy had lasted several weeks. She climbed into bed and said, ‘Let me make it up to you.’ She did all the things she had done to me the last time and before long I was begging for release. She climbed on top of me again, inserted my cock into her and I begged her to finish me off. Then she coldly replied, ‘Finish yourself off. Until we go to the family seminar you’ll not have sex with me again’ and she rolled off me.”

Chants of, “Turner! Turner!”

Alan smiled. “No matter how hard I tried or how many times I promised to go she refused to budge. She said I had broken my promise once and would obviously do it again. She rolled her back to me and went to sleep. It took me several hours to get my body relaxed enough to drift off to sleep. The next day, we barely spoke to each other. Cindy was still walking around in her slut clothes, as I called them, to myself, not to her.”

The arena laughed.

“Creepy thoughts crawled into my head each time she walked by. That night I climbed into bed, rolled my back to Millie and tried to go to sleep. Then she came up behind me, gently ran her fingers through my hair and said, ‘You know I don’t ask for much. If you just give me this one thing I’ll be very grateful.’ She kissed my neck and then my ear and said, ‘I mean very grateful.’”

“I tried not to allow my body to react to the sensations because I had a feeling I would be left quivering in my bed, but Millie knew my body all too well. I tried to think of baseball, war, progressive politicians I hated, which was all of them, ugly women and anything else I thought could ruin the mood, but nothing worked.” The arena laughed. The men and teens nodding in agreement.

“I swear within 10 minutes I was on my back with her sucking on my nipples and caressing my cock. Then she moved up alongside of me and started kissing my ear while her one free hand went back and forth on my chest and the other hand kept caressing my cock. Her touch was just gentle enough to keep me from reaching an orgasm. Then she whispered, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to shoot your cum in me?’”

Alan laughed. “I moaned my reply, ‘Oh fuck yes. Let me fuck you, please, I beg you.’” She replied, ‘You have to ask yourself what is more important then. A silly football game or your sexual frustration?’ as she slowly rubbed my cock up and down.”

The arena was chanting, “Sex! Sex! Sex!”

Alan smiled. “Fuck. It’s sexual frustration. I swear I’ll go to the seminar with you and Cindy. I’ll do anything. Oh my gosh, please let’s fuck! She whispered again blowing air into my ear and sending shivers down my spine, ‘And you’ll go with us and do everything that Miss Turner has planned?’” I was gasping for air now and my balls hurt as I groaned, ‘Yes, yes, yes, I will do everything Miss Turner has planned for us.’ Then she let go of me, took her hand from my cock and sat up, ‘Great. I’m going to give you so much pleasure after the seminar,’ and rolled away from me again.”

The arena laughed along with Alan.

“New Year’s was miserable as were the days after New Year’s. I microwaved my meals, did my own laundry and masturbated in the shower, to those creepy thoughts. I was ashamed I was looking at my daughter that way, but I was frustrated. I couldn’t wait for that stupid seminar so I could return to my normal life.”

The men and teen boys in the arena were nodding and laughing.

“That Saturday morning I drove the three of us to Montgomery. When we arrived I was handed a stupid looking blue shirt that said, ‘I ‘heart’ Sharon Turner.’ Millie and Cindy got the pink version. I pulled my wife aside and protested but my wife looked at me and said, ‘Do you want to cum later or not?’”

“I took off the shirt I was wearing and put the blue shirt on, Cindy was smiling at me for some reason. While I was putting on my blue name card I thought I heard the wife behind me say to her husband, ‘Do you want sex tomorrow or not?’”

“I quickly turned around to see a man who was clearly drained of his resistance putting on the same stupid shirt I had just put on. We were allowed to mill around and read pamphlets. There were blue and pink coffee mugs, blue and pink drinking glasses, blue and pink finger food plates. There were Sharon Turner for president stickers, buttons, and yard signs, it was so sickening that I had to bite my tongue.”

The arena erupted in booing.

Alan continued. “Millie and Cindy handed me several plastic bottles of this “Blue” lotion, Miss Turner’s company sold the product they said. It was funny to see all the men lined up at the cash register buying bottles of this lotion, but yet there I was in line with them. I had a couple of glasses of orange juice from my blue glass and several jelly doughnuts with a tasty blue cream in the middle. A teen girl came into the lobby and yelled out that the seminar was about to start. I followed Millie and Cindy into the large conference room. The seats were very plush and comfortable. I sat down and figured I could catch a nap while the feminist bitch who had ruined my perfectly ordered life, spoke.”

“Miss Turner stepped onto the stage and all the women and girls began clapping. My wife nudged me with her elbow so I begrudgingly clapped too. She was wearing a form fitting white blouse with a pink tie, black knee length skirt, hose, and spiked heels. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. That was odd, I thought.”

“I sat up as Miss Turner said, ‘Good morning. Well ladies congratulations on getting the male members of your family to come with you. Gentlemen, I assure you that I’m only here to make your marriages better. You will leave here tomorrow with a renewed interest in your family life.’ She had a small microphone on the lapel of the blouse. The acoustics of the room was really good.”

The arena laughed.

“Miss Turner spoke for a long time about the schedule for the weekend, the after hours activities and on and on. As she spoke I noticed that her voice had started to sound far away and that I was feeling really comfortable in my chair. Millie was holding my right hand and Cindy was holding my left and both them were gently running their fingers up and down on my forearms. The sensations became more noticeable and enjoyable but I didn’t say anything. I felt drowsy for some reason.”

“The next thing I know, I blinked my eyes open and looked around. Millie and Cindy were gone as were the other women and girls. The men and teen boys around me were either still asleep, just waking up or had woken up and were trying to figure out what had happened. I was dressed. I sat there for a good 10 minutes not wanting to believe that I willingly came here. Damn how long was I out?”

The men and teen boys in the arena cheered. They knew what that was like.

It had bothered Alan that he couldn’t totally remember what happened during the seminar, just bits and pieces of memory.

He remembered Miss Turner saying something along the lines of, “If you followed my guidance and steps on the website, your husbands and sons are ready for the next phase. Males are controlled by three things that I call the three esses, sight, smell, and sex. We’re going to combine those three things and get your males to where they should be.”

He sat there feeling completely helpless and to be honest, he felt quite nervous about what Miss Turner, Millie and Cindy had in store for him. He got a whiff of his favorite smelling perfume and realized Millie and Cindy were wearing the same perfume. He didn’t remember them wearing perfume on the drive here, but they rubbed a little bit of it under his nose.

He felt the t-shirt being lifted off his body, next came his shoes, socks, pants and finally he felt his underwear being tugged down. Hmm, he was nice and comfortable but he couldn’t make up his mind whether he was on a bed or still sitting in the chair. He heard giggling, was that Cindy? He couldn’t tell. He smiled when he felt fingers on both of his nipples and a tongue on either side of his neck. He felt his cock grow rock hard. Two sets of hands grasped it and started rubbing it up and down. Fuck that felt nice. He remembered he was preoccupied with the sensations his body was feeling, the hands, the kisses, tweaking his nipples, tickling of his scrotum.

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