Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 07

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 07 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Monday 13th May

Morning Alarm and Call

I wake up to a new variation on the Judy alarm clock. She’d slipped my morning woody into her and is gently humping me. I make note to have her teach everyone this way of waking me. Oh, yeah, what a way to start the day. I fondle her breasts and kiss her neck. She speeds up. Judy says, “My clit’s still a bit sore but the rest is OK. This position is delicious so you just lie there and let me fuck you.”

“Hmm, yes. Please, Miss, can I have some more?” Judy giggles and speeds up. I’m on the verge of an orgasm when the obligatory morning phone call comes. I reach over Judy and pull the plug on the phone in the room. I can still hear the phone ringing on the extensions in the study, the master bedroom, and downstairs. It stops ringing, footsteps, Sandra walks in, and looks at me. I say, “I don’t care who it is. Tell them to get fucked. I’m not getting up until my new alarm clock finishes its wake up music and I’m fully awake.”

Sandra gives me a strange look. Seeing Judy is moving she lifts the sheet to see I’m still while Judy fucks me into her. She smiles and throws the sheet off the bed. Judy keeps up her delicious rhythm; heavenly, the best alarm clock ever. Sandra leaves the room yelling, “Hey, everybody, get up and check out the master’s new alarm clock, it’s a beauty of a wake up call process.” This causes a general stampede in the hall and we’ve a doorway full of heads looking in. Each one has a huge grin once they work out what’s happening. Judy smirks and keeps up her rhythm.

Marie says, “One thousand dollars extra shopping bonus to Judy for inventiveness. Everyone take note of how this is done as it looks like the best way to wake Ed up each morning.” They all move in and kneel or stand at the side of the bed to watch the action while playing with themselves or each other - mostly each other. Judy ignores the kibitzers and keeps on. Marie leans over Judy and kisses her. She says, “Thanks for the idea, now you should speed up a little and get him to come unless you have the strength to keep that up all day as he does.”

Judy responds by doubling her speed. It’s lovely. Lisa walks around the bed to climb on behind me. She reaches down and tickles my balls as she leans down to kiss me. As she gets the lip lock started she sucks my tongue into her mouth and tries to suck it right out of my head while running hers all over it. I make note to remember this trick. Between them I’m gone and I fill Judy with sperm. When I go limp Judy slides forward to stand up and push Lisa out of the way so she can lay on my chest to kiss me.

When she breaks the kiss I look at the assembled voyeurs, saying, “Now that has just got to be the very best alarm clock in the universe. Sadly, I doubt they’ll allow us a patent on it.” I look at Judy saying, “Thank you, Darling.” Judy smiles and stands up to saunter off to the bathroom. I look at Melody watching Judy walk of and say, “Judy has matured about five years in the last forty-eight hours.”

Melody replies, “Yes, I think you’re right. Thank you for helping us as you’ve done much better than I thought possible. I’m no longer worried about how she’ll turn out when she grows up as she’s grown up. She’s now much more mature than her father and stepmother, combined.” We laugh and smile as we go for showers.

I grab Marie and Sarai while yelling we’ve first dibs on the en suite. I enter the master bedroom to find Sandra hanging up the phone. She says, “Mum likes the sound of your new alarm clock and intends to try it on Dad. All’s well there and they’ve started planning a baby shower, engagement party, and wedding; in that order. She said you’ll be in trouble if it’s not. Dave said he’ll call by around 9:00 a.m. to talk to you and Melody about various matters.”

I thank her and we have our shower with just some pleasant grab arse as we give each other body wash showers. At one point I turn around to kiss Marie to find her getting dried and Sandra is in her place. I kiss her and turn back to find Janey. I kiss her and get out to push Melody into the middle. Kissing Sarai and Marie as they dry me. We go and get properly dressed. I stop and check for security staff as it’s 8:30 a.m., and I let in two duty staff with seven off duty staff.


I lead them to the kitchen to find breakfast nearly ready. Jock is a great head chef as he has scrambled eggs or bangers and mash (hot sausages stuck in a pile of mashed potatoes), he tells us to choose.

With a thick Cockney accent I say, “Zeppelins in a fog, thanks mate, make it a heavy fog with a three ship squadron, please.” He’s not heard them called this before, but he gets the message and gives me a huge plate of mashed spuds with three snags shoved into it so deep only the ends sticking out a little. I lick my lips and take the plate to the table to find jugs of ice cold juice, three flavours, and milk awaiting consumption. The security staff place their orders.

One of them says, “I’ll be sad when this contract’s over as it’s the absolutely best deal ever.”

I look up saying, “Ladies, in the past I sometimes did what you’re now doing. I got very pissed off when some arrogant bastard treated me like a piece of furniture and expected me to go hours without food or drink. Add in I love my lovelies and if the shit hits the fan you’ve agreed to, and are expected to, protect them with your own bodies as shields if needed. Any normal person would be highly grateful of such service and show it any way they can. Well, I am, and do. Also, feeding you properly keeps you full of energy and alert.” They all look at me and smile as Jock looks a bit surprised by the speech.

One of today’s duty staff, probably the senior one, says, “Thank you, it’s a nice change to be appreciated for once, and even better to have an understanding and cooperative client.”

I start eating and have a brainwave, having all these sexy ladies and constant sex must be making my hormones shift some. They must stimulate my thinking processes. I turn to Jock saying, “Jock, Baby, do you have to run your business from your shop?”

Keeping an eye on his cooking he says, “Not really, it just provides a stable contact point, why?”

“Well, once we get to building our own house you could possibly run it as a home business and we can build a shop into the house if we build in the right area or got council approvals. That way you can continue your business while also undertaking other duties at home.”

“It’s worth thinking about, but I’ll have to see what mistress has to say first.”

“Well, that’s my point. I want to minimise the amount of travelling the family members do, and running a few businesses from home will help toward this. Also, it’ll mean you’d have Toy, your mistress, and a few others on hand to act as shop assistants and models for your wares. One thing: anything that you make on commission for the family gets charged at full rates and you get paid for it. Oh, you better do me up a black chamois slave collar for Lisa. Just have it read - Lisa, Ed’s property.” Lisa walks in and I say, “Lisa my lovable Slave, please go and put on your dom outfit for me. And wear the hat.”

She stops to look at me, about faces, and walks out. A few minutes later she returns wearing the outfit and swinging a riding crop in her hand. Walking up to the table she places one leg on a chair. She reaches out with the crop and runs it up Jock’s leg and crotch before she sticks it between Toy’s legs and wiggles it. By now everybody is on hand and eating, except Lisa isn’t eating. I tell her to walk the length of the room. Several of the security staff are watching her and licking their lips. That outfit’s really sexy and it almost hides her charms.

I tell them this is an example of Jock’s work and have him give the guards one of his business cards each. I’ve finished eating so I call Lisa over to draw her down to give her a long kiss. Standing up I sit her at the head of the table as I go over and get a plate of food from Jock to place it in front of her. She smiles and places the crop beside the plate as she starts eating. Damn, she looks good in that outfit.

I say, “Lisa, when we go out I want you in the business suit again. Sarai, do you have a traditional style dress that makes you look just hot instead of your normal super sexy ’please fuck me’ style?”

She sports an ear to ear grin, “Yes, Master, I can manage that.”

“Good, everybody got the idea for today’s dress style?” They all nod. “Judy can wear one of Marie’s outfits. Melody, when you go home to get changed make sure one of the duty guards goes with you. I’m not taking any risks with family members who leave the house, capiche!” They all capiched.

Morning Visit

I go to the study and start checking light industrial property sites on the Internet for possible use as a residence. Ten minutes later the door bell rings. I answer it to find Dave there and I invite him in.

Melody walks in with one of the guards. I introduce her to Dave and tell her to bring those papers back when she returns from changing. He asks if she’s staying here now. She says, “Yes, as my daughter is his alarm clock.” Melody and I get an odd look from Dave and the guard. Dave also has some papers for Lisa.

I call into the kitchen, “Lisa Love, when you’ve finished eating Dave has some papers for you.”

She replies, “Coming, Master.”

I respond, “Oh, well, you may finish that first too.”

That gets hearty laughs all round. Lisa walks in, glaring at me. Dave takes one look at her in her dom outfit and nearly has a heart attack. He hands her the papers as his mouth moves and no words come out. Lisa is exceedingly pleased with the reaction. She rubs his crotch with her riding crop while saying, “After I’ve resigned if master invites you over for an evening’s fun and I’ve been good he may let me play with you.”

She departs while giggling and reading the papers as he stares after her. I tell her to quickly get changed to go shopping and come back to talk with Dave. He says, “If she wore that outfit to work she’d have half the staff following her around saying ’yes Mistress’ and the other half wishing they weren’t married so they can follow her around and say the same thing.”

I laugh and give him a brief on my sordid past, his eyes go wide.

He says, “I took this district command as I wanted a quiet post with no hard nuts. Now I find I have one of the hardest nuts there is living in my command area. Boy, you do know how to go underground.”

Realising Dave is the district commander I say, “It’s not a matter of going underground but a matter of coming home. Before starting the other work I created a solid false identity to use. By the time those in command knew it was fake they knew enough to not care about it. When I needed to drop out I just picked up my real identity.”

He thanks me for the briefing and says he just needs to confirm Melody is who she says she is, although he’s already sure she is. He has new ID papers for Judy on him with her real date of birth etc. I thank him. Lisa returns in the business suit and stands near by. It takes him a moment to realise who it is. He blinks and looks at me as he asks her to sit down to bring him up to date. She hands him back the papers and thanks him for preparing them all. She’s signed them and will come in to hand over her equipment and empty her locker.

Dave responds, “Come in any day this week, but don’t wear that enticement to an orgy outfit I just saw you in or I’ll arrest you and lock you up in my bedroom for a month.” A smiling Lisa laughs and nods.

After briefing him on what she’d seen and heard in the last few days Lisa goes to check on Jock and Toy. Melody returns and speaks with Dave. When he’s finished checking her papers he hands her some more.

Dave is ready to leave. As we exit the house a twenty seater minibus with driver turns up to take us shopping. Everybody looks at me. I say, “You didn’t think I was going try and squeeze all of us into that Tarago, did you? I’d have enjoyed the togetherness, as most of you would. But Dave here would’ve had us issued with a fine every few metres and we’d have gotten nowhere.” They smile and start getting on the bus.

Shopping Fun

As the security staff get on the bus they recognise the driver, Fred, as this is a company bus. They look at me and I say, “I’d rather pay for a little extra protection from good people I know than deal with strangers.” Thus confirming this is a ’hardened’ vehicle with bullet resistant glass and panels. I’ve Fred take us to the swankiest mall in the region via a light industrial area with a reputation. He stops outside one of the biggest adult shops in the country. I say, “First stop, intimate apparel and tool treatment systems.”

They get out laughing. Yesterday I’d spoken to the owner on the phone and he’s prepared for our arrival. He knows I’m wanting to look at some specific outfits and he has three female staff wearing the basic styles waiting in a large private show room. He shows us in and smiles at the large group. Probably already estimating profits and thinking I’m setting up a new brothel or escort service.

I say, “I don’t know exactly how many or what outfits we’ll want as much will depend upon what the girls will like to wear. I want to start with a French Maid outfit in black frilly lace crotchless knickers.” One model, a stunning beauty, takes off her house coat and steps forward in such an outfit. Standing up the skirt’s just short of where the crotch of her panties would normally be. It looks perfect.

Marie sidles up saying out loud, “I’ll happily wear such an outfit for you, as will all the girls, but if you even think about talking to the girl currently wearing it I’ll rip your balls off. Got me, Mister?”

The owner looks happy and then shocked as the models and my group laugh. I say, “Then, my Love, you better take her outside so I’m not tempted and put that outfit on so I can give it a good check over.”

Marie walks over to the girl and says, “OK, Love, where can we change?” The girl laughs and leads her through a door at the back. Meanwhile, the other models show us some more modest outfits.

I turn to the girls saying, “Once we got our new house organised you’ll all be taking turns doing housework and you’ll have to wear one of the three outfits we’ve just seen. Please make a choice of style and give the sales girls your sizes so they can get some for you to try. Shopping here is mandatory for first string and optional for contract support.” Interestingly it’s the security staff for whom it’s optional who’re first to the sales staff. I’ve Lisa lead Toy over to the owner. Pointing at Toy I say to the owner, “We want a comfortable black dick strap that’ll hold his dick up ready for action and a set of the French maid outfits in suitable sizes for him.”

The owner looks surprised saying, “I’ll see what we can do.” He goes and speaks to one of the sales girls who looks over and smiles. She goes into the main shop and soon returns with a basket of plunder from which she starts to check sizes against him.

The room goes absolutely silent. I look round and see Marie in the French Maid outfit. She’s embarrassed but set on toughening it out. She struts over to me and kisses me. The owner and half the sales girls are drooling. As Marie breaks the kiss I snarl, “You bitch, you bloody bitch, look what you’ve done.”

Marie steps back in fright, stammering, “Wh ... wh ... what.”

I take her hand and shove it down the front of my pants saying, “I haven’t done that for over thirty years.” Feeling where she’d made me come in my pants she grins, jumps up and down, and prances over to the sales staff saying she wants two sets of all three outfits for all the girls in the first string. All my girls are looking at the wet spot on my pants and grinning to put Cheshire cats to shame. Marie asks Sarai for sizes of her sisters who’ll be working for us and adds them to the order. Sarai looks shocked, then grins and chuckles.

I ask Lisa to have Toy strip and get dressed so we can evaluate the effect of the outfit. He doesn’t hesitate. He strips and listens closely to the sales girl as she places the dick strap on and instructs him on its fitting. Once she has him dressed she gets a simple makeup kit and shows him how to apply rouge, eye liner, and lipstick. When done he looks like a little girl playing sexy dress-up with a dick instead of a pussy. Everyone says he looks good. Lisa says she can’t wait to see him doing the housework in the outfit. Our retraining must be working as he smiles. Another girl in one of the pinafore type outfits walks up and stands beside Toy. She seems pretty but a bit shy in the chest, then I realise it’s Jock.

With a cheeky grin I ask, “Hey, Lisa, where’d Jock get to?”

She looks around the room saying, “Damned if I know, I can’t...” Her speech stops as she realises the cute maid is Jock. She says, “Jock, sweet, you can have as many sets of that outfit as you want, in as many colours you want, and can wear them whenever you want.”

Jock grins saying, “Thank you, Mistress, I think about six will do.”

The owner is a little shocked at the exchange. I ask, “Do you have a quality digital camera. He doesn’t but a very discreet professional photographer has a shop nearby and he knows the phone number as they do his catalogue. I request he gets their best portrait equipment and race right over. The owner calls them.

I open the shoulder bag I’ve with papers and other things. Pulling out a pile of leather straps I tell Lisa to put it on. Grinning from ear to ear she strips where she is and changes into her dom outfit. I hand her the riding crop and ask the sales staff for a couple of small but clean cloths. One gets two blue cloths and a feather duster. She grins as she hands me the duster. I thank her.

A woman with a large photographer’s kit bag comes running into the room and skids to a halt. Staring at Lisa she lets out a very long wolf whistle, making Lisa’s smile widen. I speak with the photographer, making sure to get her card for later, and discuss backgrounds. We have Lisa stand a little in front of a bookcase full of video tapes facing the camera with a small turn away, back leg on a chair, and the riding crop pointing at something on her leg. Toy is facing the camera looking down at the spot Lisa is pointing to and trying to clean it with a cloth. His dick’s at full attention and the front of the maid outfit is lifted a bit. Jock is just behind Lisa facing the camera with his stiff dick obvious in his silk panties as he cleans the bookcase with the feather duster. Everybody in the room is smiling at the scene. When we get it set the shop owner has a wet stain in the front of his pants. The photographer takes a number of shots from different angles, distances, and focuses.

Next is a set with Marie standing in front of the bookcase with the duster upright in one hand while the other has a raised finger under and just touching her chin. I’ve her do a slight curtsy which causes the panties’ crotch to open a little and places her pussy on clear display. She has a huge smile on her face. What an erotic sight. I turn to the photographer, “Stop drooling and start snapping.” She jumps and starts taking photos, shooting about a hundred from different angles.

By then there’s not a dry set of panties in the room. I’ve everyone try on different outfits they fancy and have a set of photos taken. I let the girls loose in the main store to select anything they want. About two nanoseconds after my bevy of beauties enters the main store no one is moving except them as all of the staff and clients are frozen to the spot while drooling at the sight of so many sexy nymph maids running about the store. I let the photographer go crazy taking shots of the girls as they go around the store, when they return with their plunder, and when I order them to get properly dressed again. I don’t think a single girl ended up dressing herself. Everywhere I look it’s girl helping girl get out of the outfits or into clothes, and having a good game of squeeze tit and grab arse in the process.

When we’re ready to leave Janey insists on using her credit card to pay the eighteen thousand and four hundred dollars for the clothes etc. and the one thousand and one hundred dollars photographer’s charge with three hundred dollars for the computer drive with the images as I take it with me. We hired her and I want total control of the images.

Everyone is in a very happy mood as we climb back on the bus. Twenty minutes later I’ve Fred stop at a major branch of my bank and I deposit my six million dollar pay cheque. The poor girl serving me nearly faints as I put it into my first investment account as I’ll sort it out later. I take the opportunity to get three thousand dollars from my main account, I’d have got more if I’d thought to warn them last week, oh well.

On to the mall. Fred drops us at the main entrance and I tell him he’s free for the next four hours provided the bus and plunder from the first stop is kept safe. He says, “I’ll drive to our local office and have lunch there with my wife, Betty, as she’s the receptionist.” I’ve his beeper and can call when we’re ready to go, so it’s not a problem.

The Mall

Entering the mall we go for lunch at the food court. The main topic of conversation is the first shopping stop. The girls chat rather loudly and I notice quite a few people, both genders, who’re taking time over their meals as they listen in. Men seated near my beauties have trouble when they leave as crotch adjusting is a bad disease today. I notice one young fellow staring at and drooling over Sarai. I point him out to her. As she looks over at him I say he seems to have a real problem with his clothes, especially in the crotch. She grins and asks permission to help him. I agree. She goes over and speaks to him to get his name and number. She leans over and kisses him. His expression says he’s in heaven. She reaches into his crotch to play with his dick. He stiffens and goes limp. As she returns he stands up and staggers away with a big damp stain in the front of his pants. She hands me a piece of paper saying, “He’s nice but not really my type. Here’s his details if we need a sign writer.” Our Sarai is blossoming and I’m wondering where it’ll end. But I can’t fault the fellow as she looks positively scrumptious in a sari.

First stop after lunch is a store specialising in outfitting female business executives. With the help of the sales staff we get one ripper outfit for everyone and several for Lisa; damn, she looks good in a killer chair of the board outfit. The store’s owner asks Lisa, Marie, Sarai, and Judy if they’ll model for their next catalogue in a few months. We say we’ll give it consideration and take her card.

Next is a Miss Teen fashion shop. I leave Lisa in charge of the group. Taking Sarai and one of the duty guards I walk over to an eastern fashions shop, a few of the extras join us. Sarai seems reluctant to enter this shop. When we’re inside one of the senior sales staff haughtily approaches Sarai as she says, “Well, Cousin, I hear you left home to be a white man’s slut.”

I stiffen and the duty guard says, “Please, no corpses today.” I look at her and smile as I nod.

I walk over and say, “My Dear Sarai, you need only two or three traditional outfits suitable to your new station in my household. I think you can limit the expenditure at this shop to six thousand dollars. If the staff give you any trouble we can easily go elsewhere. Oh, you may also get two or three outfits for those of your relatives who’ve agreed to join our domestic work force, so make that a limit of fifteen thousand dollars. I’d appreciate you giving our staff some advice on their choices as well. Please take your time, as I’ve all the time in the world for you, my Dear.”

Sarai smiles while saying, “Although there are many low quality items visible this shop has a few high quality items for the more discerning clients. I think they may suit our purposes. We’ll see.” Turning to another staff member she says, “Sharla here has good taste and can be trusted to give good advice while showing us the best stock. Sharla, we’ve been invited to a major evening dinner affair later this week can you please show me what you have that’s suitable for such a formal occasion?” Smirking at the supervisor’s discomfort Sharla dashes into the back room to get some magnificent outfits of high quality materials. I test the material and indicate I’m not sure it’s of an appropriate quality. Sharla is shocked. Sarai says, “It’s suitable, you shouldn’t judge the quality of a lady’s outer garment by the quality of your silk under shorts.” This causes Sharla to blush and Sarai’s cousin to storm off in a huff. Sarai asks Sharla to bring out everything of this quality and better. Sarai selects four beautiful outfits for herself, and each is fit for a queen.

When the shop staff are out of earshot I say to Sarai, “Sorry, my Darling, I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble. You handled that perfectly and your budget is unlimited. If it goes beyond the figures stated, as I think it will with top gear, ad lib an argument to convince me to pay up and I will. Got it?”

She smiles saying, “Yes, Master.” When Sharla returns, “I think I’ll buy some nice cheaper saris for the other women in the household to wear around the house.” Sarai selects two nice outfits for each of the girls, three for Toy, and three for Jock. Thoughtful girl, thinking of Jock like that as he really does seem to like the girls clothing more and more. Six more for her sisters and several more nice quality items for the security people with us. She also chooses a couple for me. Seeing an outfit for a larger breasted woman of high quality but of more severe colours than the rest of the outfits on display she asks Sharla to bring it over and she examines it closely. She turns to me, “I think this’ll be ideal for Miss Lisa to wear to her next board meeting. What do you think?” The shop staff are stunned as this comment indicates Sarai is making clothing decisions for a very senior female executive. It means she has a much higher status than they’d been thinking of.

I examine the outfit, “Hmm, you could be right, my Dear.” I turn to one of the security extras, “I believe Miss Lisa is still in the shop across the walk. Please go and tell her to come here.” More staff consternation as I’m ordering a senior executive around. Lisa enters the shop with Toy at her heels carrying some shopping bags. She walks up to me. I hold out the outfit, “My darling Sarai thinks you’d look good in this outfit as business wear, put it on so we may see.”

She hands Toy her purse and takes the outfit to the changing room. She soon emerges looking like a cross between an Indian goddess and a Valkyrie, absolutely no nonsense and scrumptious at the same time. By now the rest of the gang have joined us. The way they spread out makes me suspect they’ve been briefed. Lisa stops in front of a full length mirror to admire herself. Smiling she says, “This is just the most perfect outfit for next week when I’ll be representing you at the board meeting. It tells them, ’Yes, I’m woman, but I’m not yours.’ Oh, Sarai, we’re most fortunate you agreed to join us as you’ve impeccable taste.” All the sales staff agree it’s perfect on Lisa. It would’ve been too severe for most women, but just right for Lisa.

Sarai says, “Good, best get changed back, Miss Lisa, as we’re yet to pay for our purchases.” Pointing to our plunder. “Everything else is packed and piled up ready for us to take.”

Jock steps forward saying, “I’ll take care of that for you, Madam Sarai.” He directs several girls forward to collect the shopping.

Janey steps toward the cashier saying, “Do you wish it all charged to the household account, Madam Sarai.”

Sarai responds without skipping a beat, “Yes, Janey, please do that.” She turns to me, “I believe I’ve gone over the budget allocation. But I’m sure you’ll be happy with the results once you see the household properly outfitted.”

I pat her hand while saying, “Sarai, my Dear, I trust your judgement. Whatever you think is right is perfect for me.”

Lisa returns from the change room. It’s all paid for and the bags distributed amongst the girls. Sarai’s cousin is dumbfounded. We leave with Sarai, Lisa, and I walking like we own the world. Toy scuttling around Lisa like a personal lackey as Jock works as the overseer of servants on a royal shopping expedition.

We get down the walk and around the corner out of sight before I burst out laughing. That sets the whole gang off. Janey says, “Sarai, Love, I don’t care how much of our money you spent in there, I didn’t even look at the docket. It’s well worth it to see the expression on that bitch’s face when you walked out like the Queen of Sheba with a royal entourage.” We all second that and have another good laugh.

We’ve just settled down and starting to move on when Sharla races around the corner. She stops in front of Sarai saying, “I’m on my break so I can’t stop long. I think I’m the only one who saw through your little game as I know Constable Lisa. But I want to thank you. We’re on commission and the highest cut is for the expensive items you bought. Usually only brought out by the supervisors. My cut of this sale is about a third of last year’s earnings, thank you all. I also want to say, Sarai, I don’t care what gossip those bitches put around. When you’ve found friends that rally round and help at such short notice as these have you’ve fallen into honey favoured by the Gods and are truly blessed.” Sarai is crying as she kisses Sharla and thanks her for bothering to come and talk to her. Sharla dashes off.

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