Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 06

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 06 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Sunday 12th May

Morning Call

I wake up at 8:20 a.m. to the pleasurable feeling of Judy sliding her damp pussy along my stiff dick. We’re still in a spoon cuddle. My dick had awakened during the night and is now sticking between her legs. It’s nestled nicely along her pussy with the head touching her clit. Judy is gently moving herself back and forth to rub her clit with my dick; as I said, nice. I squeeze her tits saying, “Now that’s what I call an alarm clock. Practical, multi-functional, discreet, and a pleasant to wake up to.”

She giggles saying, “I’m glad you like it.”

I kiss her neck, “Sorry, but I’ve to get up and get breakfast started.” I put my dressing gown on and am passing the guest bedroom when the phone rings. I go in to answer the phone there. By the evidence before me I’d say Marie and Melody were enjoyably late getting to sleep.

Happily I say into the phone, “Hello, Mum.”

Only to hear a laugh and Dave saying, “Don’t think so.”

“Sorry, I’m expecting a call from someone and thought this was it.”

“That’s OK, I didn’t think you meant the greeting for me. Thought I’d let you know I’ve the evidence your B & E artist is also the poison pen writer. Won’t help much in a criminal matter but will help you get a court order for him to keep away.”

With a cold voice I say, “Maybe I should just let him get close enough to realise he’s made a fatal mistake.”

Dave gulps, “I’d hate that to happen as the paperwork’s terrible.”

“Dave, I suggest you get an intel update from Lisa at your first opportunity. If that scumbag gets close enough to trouble my people you’ll have a very hard time finding parts bigger than a few cubic centimetres in size. And you’ll certainly not have enough forensics to tie it to me.”

Shocked he says, “What the hell!”

In a flat tone I say, “Dave, did you used to do something else before you becoming a cop. I ask because your name sounds familiar.”

In a wary voice he says, “Yeah, I used to do liaison between DoD and ASIO. I can’t tell you much more without a security clearance.”

“Did you ever get involved in anything to do with the Cleaning Crew at General Securities.”

Silence then a concerned Dave asks, “Yeah, where’s this headed?”

“I used to do some freelance work for GS. I’m still here and most of the others I worked with aren’t. They weren’t always as professional or careful in their work as I was. Good work meant longevity.”

Dave gulps saying, “I think I get the picture.”

Marie and Melody are awake and watching me. “Hey, Dave, can you check something for me? I’ve a pretty woman laying naked on the bed in front of me. She and her family were given witness protection some years ago. Her daughter is eighteen but the current legal papers show her as fifteen. I need to get confirmation on the link. The lady says she’s got papers to prove it. If that’s all kosher I need new valid docs for the girl under her current name as it’s the only one she knows, but I want it showing her real age.” Looking at Melody I hand her the phone, “Give him both sets of names, please.” She tells him original and current names for her family and the case concerned. I take the phone back saying, “Do you think you can handle this or should I ask General David Zaster to call in a few favours for me?”

In shock Dave says, “I’ll see what I can do. You know, I’ll have to do some more checks on you now.”

Laughing I say, “Yeah, I figured that. Do what you want as my cover’s good because it’s real, it’s me. Don’t get upset if you can’t find anything. There are no links between my identities, except a few sets of memories.”

Silence for a moment then he says, “I think I may have to come out and speak to you at length, later.”

“Sure thing. The lady is my next door neighbour so you can do both visits at once. Best phone and check we’re home first.”

“Yeah, I’ll give you a call after I check some things.”

“Oh, and another heads up, Lisa is resigning to run my household security team and motherhood.”

Surprised Dave says, “Whaaat. Well, shit. Now that takes some real doing and impresses me more than anything else you’ve said.” We say our goodbyes and hang up.

I put the phone down and drag Marie out of the bed as I sit on the edge of the bed and place her across my lap ready for spanking. She’s starting to get a worried expression on her face when the phone rings. Holding her down with my left hand I pick up the phone with my right and say, “Hello, Mum.”

Laughing hard Marie’s dad says, “Close, but no bullseye. How are things?”

I reply, “OK, except I’m about to spank your little girl senseless.”

“Interesting. We’d a call from a Superintendent Dave X about the message the other day. He straightened me out on a few things. Sorry about going off half cocked. Why are you spanking Marie?”

“I’m glad we’re friends again and I won’t mind your going off half cocked as long as you don’t mind my going off fully cocked in your daughter. The spanking is because last night when we went to bed I was looking forward to a nice, leisurely, long fucking with your dear daughter before sleep. When I climb into bed I find she’d swapped an eager young virgin into the bed in the hope I’d screw her silly, like the virgin wanted. The girl isn’t emotionally ready yet so I didn’t fuck her. I don’t mind Marie bringing other girls into our bed but I object to her trying to mousetrap me like that, especially where it could have hurt someone.”

Worried he asks, “How can your fucking another girl hurt her?”

“She was in bed with her back to me and in a position ready for a good fucking from behind. A virgin, eager and willing; dripping wet. I was expecting my nice super sexy, experienced, little sex pot with the extra juicy pussy. I was at the point of slipping it in and starting by slamming it home in one solid thrust when I picked up on the change. If I’d slammed my rigid dick into this virgin without loosening up her vagina first I could’ve done some real physical damage and definitely cause her pain as I open her up, pop her cherry, and jam against her cervix in one stroke. Her scream would’ve echoed around the world.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. But I did think I’d let you know all’s forgiven.”

“That’s OK. Oh, by the way, I ran into an old employer and he paid up fees he owed from way back. We’re going hunting for a bigger house. Will you two want to live with us and our hedonistic life style?”

“Hedonistic life style? Look, can you get something that’ll allow us to move in with you if we want to as Marie’s mother will want to be there for the last trimester, anyway.”

“Will do, Dad.” We say good bye and hang up. Looking down at Marie I say “Your dad is now happy with the situation and would like our home to include room for them. I think he likes the idea of being a granddad.”

A very worried Marie looks up at me saying, “Sorry, I didn’t think about stretching etcetera.”

I say, “No, you didn’t think at all. You knew my position.”

I hit her bottom so hard I hear the slap echo off the end hall wall. Marie screams and my hand print stands out on her arse like a bright red stop light. I roll her over and hold her to my chest as she cries. The doorway is full of concerned faces looking in. I wave them away.

Cuddling Marie I say in a loving tone,”That really hurt, didn’t it?”

Through her tears she painfully sobs, “Yes, it did, you bastard.”

“That’s about one hundredth of the level of pain Judy would’ve felt last night if you’d gotten away with your deception. Can you imagine how she would’ve felt, and think about how I’d have felt having done that to her.” Marie’s eyes go wide with pain and concern. We just sit there cuddling for a few minutes. As her tears stop I say, “My Love, I don’t think you’ll ever forget this lesson. Now let’s get breakfast.”

Marie stands up and turns around. I grab her about the waist and kiss her sore arse, right in the middle of the hand print. Which causes her to jump and giggle when she realises I’m kissing it better.

Walking down the stairs she says, “We’re of similar build and hair, how’d you tell it wasn’t me in the dark?”

“I was just about to give you a good hard fuck, right up close and personal, millimetres away from slipping it in when I realised you didn’t smell like you but smelt like Judy. So I stopped and fondled your breasts. They’ve the resilience and texture of Judy’s breasts, ergo, it was Judy and not you. There I was, looking forward to having a nice leisurely fuck with my lady love and having to go to sleep frustrated while you’re fucking your heart out with Melody.”

A worried Marie says, “Oh, I’m really in the shit. I was up earlier and reset the security for downstairs.”


We enter the kitchen to find Jock in full charge of making a hot breakfast for everybody with Toy assisting him.

Smiling I say, “I knew there were two reasons for taking Lisa in.”

From the corner, where I’d not seen her, Lisa says, “Two?”

I turn saying, “Yes, your incredibly hot body and the kitchen help. Close call as to which is the most important.”

Standing up she walks over, “It better be my hot bod, Sonny.”

I look her up and down then look over at the kitchen staff, and keep switching between the two for a few minutes. Jock keeps looking over and smiling at the interplay. Lisa is starting to get very red faced when I step forward, push her against the wall and reach around her hips to grab her thighs and pull them apart as I lift her up a little. The head of my dick slides down to her vaginal entrance. I push forward and in as she starts to move her hips back. I look into Lisa’s face and smile as I let her whole body drop a bit. Gravity impales her on my stiff dick and causes her to grunt. She wraps her legs around my hips as her arms go around my neck and she drops her head on my shoulder to moan as I slow fuck her. I laugh saying, “I bet you don’t give a shit what my priorities are as long as you get a good length of this occasionally.”

Moaning and smiling Lisa says, “Too fucking right, just fuck me, please, Darling, oh shit, please Master, fuck me please Master.”

Smirking I say, “That’s a good girl.”

It’s heaven as her breasts are squashed into my chest and her arms are around my upper chest with head on my shoulder as she kisses and licks my neck. She has her legs around my hips with her feet trying to push me further inside her. I’m in no hurry to finish and Lisa doesn’t seem in any hurry either. I look around the kitchen to see Melody has taken over supervision of the cooking. Marie is sitting in a chair watching Lisa and I. Her legs out wide and Jock’s face is buried in her pussy as she moans and writhes.

About twenty minutes later Melody rubs her body against me from behind as she licks my ear and whispers, “I can’t delay breakfast any longer without burning it. Please hurry and finish up so we can eat.”

I look over my shoulder to see the table’s set but no diners. Jock is leaning over Marie as she whispers in his ear. Jock leaves the room and returns a minute later with a vibrator. I’d kept the same pace as I’m drawing out the beautiful sensation. Jock comes over and drops to his knees beside us. The vibrator starts up and Lisa jerks as she howls, moans, and bucks like crazy as he’d shoved the vibrator in her arse. The vibration really notches up the feelings of physical bliss. Lisa’s bucking adds to the tempo as she has an orgasm, and another. I can’t hold back and start my own orgasm as she has a third, followed by a long multiple orgasm. Very soon Lisa is a limp rag in my arms. Holding her to me I turn and walk over to Marie saying, “Bitch, I was going to keep that up all morning until you had Jock intervene. That’s what I was going to give you last night.”

Smiling Marie says, “Sorry about last night and this morning but we have to hurry you two up. Everyone’s hungry and the food’s in here.” She kisses my face saying, “Sorry, Love, I’ll make it up to you later.”

I sit down at the head of the table with Lisa still in my arms and impaled on my dick saying, “Jock, this is partly your fault and Lisa is too stuffed to lift a finger so you can feed us.” Jock sits on my left and places food in our mouths between bites of his own. Everybody else comes in and takes seats while grinning like nutters. Laughing I say, “To look at us like this people would think we’re crazy. Hey, has anybody bothered to check if our travelling bodyguards for today have arrived yet and should be invited in?”

Marie jumps up and races out. A few minutes later she returns, wearing her dressing gown and leading two smartly dressed, pretty women. Both are very fit, of medium height and athletic builds, one blond - Diane, one brunette - Carla. Diane looks around the table saying, “I think we are a bit overdressed for the occasion.”

Giggling I say, “Don’t worry, we’re an informal lot and we’ll get dressed after breakfast.” Melody prepares two more plates of food and places them at the table for Diane and Carla.

Carla says, “That’s OK,” and takes off her shift to hang it over the chair. She has an all over tan, no bra on her nice handful of breasts, and a light blue thong she’s almost wearing. Lisa moans as she feels my dick start to come back to life.

Marie looks at Carla and says in fright, “Oh shit, that’s torn it. You’ve reawakened the monster, now we may never get him out of the kitchen or loose of Lisa.” Everybody laughs as we work on breakfast while I enjoy the view of all the beautiful bodies on display. I’m beginning to suspect I may be a hedonist as well. I apologise for making the ladies wait outside and suggest they ring the door bell next time.

Getting Organised

About 10:00 a.m. I say, “We best get organised for the day as house and land shopping’s on the agenda. Anything else?” Melody adds she needs to sell her house. Marie adds a fashion show of yesterday’s gear, and I groan. The guards laugh saying they’d heard about that. Most of the staff are jealous of the girls with yesterday’s duty, some because they got free sexy underwear but most because of the free sex show. I say, “The household seems to be developing personal interaction rules such that you’re likely to be involved in a sex show.” They laugh.

Melody adds Judy doesn’t have many clothes and what she has isn’t suited for the new Judy. Judy looks up as Marie says, “No problem, she can share mine for now. We can go shopping any time.”

I look at Sarai saying, “Sarai Love, I think you need to talk to your father on the phone. We should also see about liberating some of your sisters. If any go to school we can offer to pay for them to attend as live-in students. We can also offer others some work as live-in domestic servants. That should get a few out of the house and away from Gumbo while reducing the family living expenses for your father. I’m prepared to go around and visit him at any time. As long as he can either keep Gumbo caged or is happy to have me neuter him.”

She smiles saying, “Thank you, can I call them now?”

“You may call them when ever and as often as you like, provided you keep smiling. If you’ve trouble getting past Gumbo we can have one of the girls ring and ask for one of your sisters.” Sarai blushes and leaves for the lounge room to use the phone there. “Right, who’s good at Net searching and not just chat rooms.” Toy, Lisa, Judy, and Jock put their hands up. “Lisa, I’ve a laptop in the study and Marie has another in her room. Both can be plugged in to the house LAN in the study. It has enough space for three to work there. Take Judy, Jock, and Toy to the study and coordinate their Internet search for a large house to buy or rent for a year, say five or six bedrooms minimum. Also a large block of land to build a house on, say from two thousand square metres up to a mini farm. Don’t worry about price as size and location are the only considerations. Print out any possibles for family discussion later.” Everyone likes the family discussion bit. I ask Marie to plan and organise a grocery shopping expedition with Melody, Sarai, herself, and the bodyguards. I want her to make a point of having Sarai obtain food ingredients for her to make some of the less spicy but very tasty dishes of her culture as I want to see how well she can cook.

Marie smiles saying, “Will do, but I caught you palming that card and it’s a good idea, my Love.”

Looking at Janey and Sandra I say, “Now I get to find out how good you two are at house work. We need all the dirty clothes and linen washed, on the line, and the house cleaned. I’ll assist and help with overall supervision.” Remembering the time I say, “Oh, Marie Love, since it’ll be about lunch time when you return can you please bring back something hot for lunch, and it better not be pizzas.”

She smiles saying, “Can do.”

“We’ll have the fashion parade after lunch and include Judy in some of Marie’s nicer mall hunting clothes. Sarai in some of her other outfits as I need to see them in different outfits to get an idea of what we should buy them. A major all day clothes shopping expedition is on the schedule for Monday as we need to properly outfit a few people. It’ll include Toy’s cleaning clothes. At least two different styles.” Toy blushes and Lisa smiles. Looking at the security team I say, “I know you won’t have the duty on Monday but if you and any other off duty people want to come along you’ll be more than welcome. When clothes shopping I’ve real trouble remembering who bought what for who so I don’t bother trying to and I settle for paying for it all as it reduces the stress and arguments.”

Stunned Diane says, “I just want to make sure I got this straight. If we join you on your clothing shopping trip on Monday while off duty you’ll pay for any clothes we buy at the shops you visit and the offer’s open to the whole security team?”

“You got it right.” They look at each other and ask why.

I respond, “I know, from yesterday, when you get a group of women together clothes shopping they’re all going to get involved, no matter what. If I can con more of the security team to tag along off duty then I have extra cover for whenever my lovelies distract some with talk over clothes, and I can give them a wider range of opinions at the same time.” They nod their heads in understanding. “Lisa, I want to include buying some power executive business outfits for you and I want a couple to be extra sexy and enticing.” She smiles.

I turn to Jock saying, “Those lovely collars you made for the girls, do they come in other colours?”

He says, “Yes, I carry tan, black, white, and brown but I can also get red, light green, dark blue, and light blue - a sort of washed sky blue.”

Smirking I say, “Jock, can you make me one in light blue saying ’Marie - sex maniac,’ please.”

Marie says, “I’ll ’sex maniac’ you if you do that, with a dull knife.”

Turning to Jock I say, “Better make it just ’Marie,’ please.” Marie smiles and nods. “Right, people, we’ve our jobs, let’s go.”

Lisa smirks when there’s an audible ‘pop’ as she disengages herself from me. I stand up, do up my dressing gown, and start clearing the table. Later, while Janey and Sandra strip the beds, I locate the cameras and recorder. Taking them to the study I copy the data to the computer and clear the drive for re-use. Taking them down to the rec room I set them up with good views of the planned runway, but out of the way.


The resupply team returns just after 1:00 p.m. with about two tonnes of supplies and half a store of deep fried chicken. Janey and Sandra have done a good job of cleaning and the search team has a stack of places to look at later. I call everybody down for lunch and we spread out around the table eating and discussing houses. It’s a fun time. When we finish Lisa has Toy and Jock clean up.

I tell the security team we won’t be going out again and we’ll pay for the booked twelve hour shift, but they can leave now if they wish. If they stay they can join in the show and leave at dinner time. But if they stay I mean join in not just watch so they’ll have to find some gear that fits them and model it for the rest of us. They think about it for all of five hundred nanoseconds and agree to stay. Everyone gets ready for the fashion parade as I have a quiet word with Lisa about how to end it and start an orgy. She laughs and leaves - smiling. I collar Jock and Toy to help me finish setting up the rec room as the lounge room is going to be the girls’ change room. Considering they’re going to be almost naked and take turns fucking me during the show I can’t understand the need to have a change room, but they want one. Everyone comes back down the stairs with their plunder and starts setting up in the lounge room. I have them draw numbers from a hat. The girls all look at me strange. I say, “The order in which you’ll take turns riding my dick during the show. Security team are exempted.”

Carla snarls, “You do and I’ll charge you with discrimination.”

I laugh as I say, “Well, fuck you.”

She counters, “You bet you will.”

She smirks and Diane smiles as she reaches toward the hat. That means we’re two numbers short so I stop Marie and Judy from drawing. They look at me. “Marie is going to be last and I’ll use Judy as a wild card interlude at my discretion. OK, the game rules are simple. You can touch yourself as long as your hands don’t touch me. You can use your vagina muscles in any way you wish. You may not move your body. I can move your body and play with any part of your body I wish. You’re to try and bring me to an orgasm during your assigned time of twenty minutes. Do that and you get the special bonus prize. Understand?” They all nod while sporting huge smiles.

Fashion Parade

They’re all smiling. I leave them to get ready and take my seat in the recreation room after checking the cameras are set and turned on. Jock takes a seat nearby and Toy kneels down to suck his cock. Smiling I say to Jock, “I see you’re all set, Lisa’s idea?”

He replies, “Yeah, it’s a surprise as I expected her to make me MC it. Now I can appreciate the show.”

Sandra enters the room to stand in front of me as she slips off her dress saying, “I’m number one.”

Licking my lips I say, “You certainly are.”

Blushing and smiling she turns around and backs on to my dick. She sits down and plays with her pussy knowing her orgasm will affect me. I smile and tell her she’s off to a cheeky start. Reaching around I fondle both breasts and lean her back against my chest. Oh, what a lovely way to spend the day. A nice warm pussy gripping my dick while both hands are full of nice tits with a warm back against my chest and no pressure to fuck her or make her come. We sit back and enjoy the show. What a show. A regular parade of sexy women in sexy clothes. The cheeky darlings decided they can best display each item by wearing only one at a time. One girl in just a thong can be followed by one in just a bra. Interspersed through these are Judy and Sarai in full outfits.

After twenty minutes I inform Sandra her time’s up. Sighing, she stands up and disengages. As she clears my dick I whisper in her ear, “Come cake.” She drops back into my lap while having an orgasm. When recovered she stands up and gives me a look of half glare and half thank you. As she reaches the door to the lounge room Carla walks in nude and heads in my direction. I stand up to walk around the lounge chair and direct her to join me. I have her lean over its back.

Smiling I say, “You made it clear you wanted me to fuck you so I intend to do a proper job.” She smiles as I spread her legs wide and slip my dick into her to start a long slow fuck. We both watch and enjoy the show while I slow fuck her for twenty minutes. She moans aloud and is ready to come but not getting there while I keep the pace so slow. I look over at Jock. He’s watching us and licking his lips.

I say, “What’s up, Jock, got something on your mind?”

Smirking he says, “Yeah, her beautiful arse.”

Giggling I lean forward saying, “How’d you like to have Jock fuck you in the arse, will that get you off?”

Moaning she says, “Anything to get me off, you bastard.”

I turn to Jock saying, “Bring Toy over to play lip lock on her clit and you can have this lovely arse. But you’re to pound her hard and fast until she has at least three orgasms.”

A smiling Jock stands up and walks over. I disengage as Jock directs Toy to clamp his mouth on her clit and play limpet. As Toy starts on her she starts to hump like mad. Jock stands behind her to slide his prick into her pussy a few times for lubrication. He withdraws it and rams it in her arse, hard and fast; going deep with the first thrust. He hits bottom and Carla screams, “Fuuuuuck.”

Looking up I see everybody watching the action. Diane stands there naked and eyes wide. Lisa is behind her fondling Diane’s breasts. I wave them to get the parade back on the road. They leave, with a few shaking fists at me for stopping their appreciation of the show.

Carla yells, “Oh yes, I’m coming.” She goes straight into a multiple orgasm and comes for five minutes straight until Jock reaches his own orgasm and withdraws. He lays her over the chair and directs Toy to stop sucking on her.

I walk back to lean over and gently kiss her neck saying, “Still want to make smart arse comments?”

She apologises, “Hell no, I’m sorry.”

With an evil laugh I say, “You will be as you’re going to come back and sleep over after you sign off tonight, aren’t you?”

Gulping she replies, “I’m not sure I can survive that, but I don’t think I have any real options, do I?”

I reply, “Not if you want to ever return here in the future.”

She smiles, “Oh, if it means I get a return visit I’ll do anything.”

“Oh, you will, you will - do anything, that is.” I pick her up and place her in one of the other chairs before calling for Judy.

Judy’s Time

She comes running in wearing only a pair of lacy off white knickers which she quickly removes in a very sexy manner. Smiling I say, “Very sexy.” She blushes. I sit down and direct Judy to suck my cock. She does. The cheeky girl must have been asking advice as this time she uses a different technique. When she raises herself up and feeds my dick down her throat I realise she must’ve been speaking to Lisa, as none of the other girls know how to deep-throat yet. I make a note to have Lisa teach them.

I say to her, “Judy, you evil sexy bitch, you’ve been studying and practising. How am I supposed to use you as a pressure reduction break if you’re working hard to become the best cock sucker in the world?”

She removes her head to look at me and smile while saying, “You say the nicest things.”

Laughing I reply, “Leave off that and bring those lovely tits up here for me to play with.” Judy stands up and sits in my lap so I can play with her breasts, what fun. I turn her side on to place her so I can suck on the tit nearest me while one hand goes around her back and plays with the far tit. I can still watch the show and use my free hand on her pussy. Judy sits there moaning and groaning as I play with her body. After about ten minutes I have myself back under control.

I stop working her up and ask her a few questions about how she feels about things now, as against yesterday. She says, “Thinking about things last night and talking to people today I realised my problems are all experience and knowledge based. Not problems with my body or personality.” I tell her it sounds like she’d grown up a whole lot since last night. She replies, “I now feel a lot happier with myself and my body. And happier about being accepted for myself than I used to be.” I agree with her and say that’s good.

I tell her to stand up and I walk around the chair while turning it around. I place Judy with her legs spread wide on the chair arms and her upper body resting on the back of the chair. She looks over her shoulder at me with an odd expression of concern as I stand directly behind her. I place my dick between the folds of her labia and slide it up and down to rub against her pussy. She moans and giggles when I tell her this feels just like my new alarm clock. Marie comes over thinking I’d finally taken Judy’s virginity. I play with Judy’s tits while I rub her pussy. She groans out loud and her body shakes with her orgasm. She half collapses onto the chair back and turns her head to the side as she recovers. She says, “That’s better than anything so far, and I can’t begin to think what it’ll be like when I get properly fucked.”

I say, “I’m glad you liked that.” I pull back a little as I grin and wink at Marie. Realising what I’m up to she catches her breath. Placing the head of my dick at Judy’s vaginal entrance I start a long slow stroke forward. As I slowly push through her hymen Judy realises, through the fog of after orgasm joy, what I’m doing.

Pushing back at me she yells, “Yes, fuck me, please fuck me,” This causes another pause in the parade as everyone races over to watch me give Judy her first fuck. I’m beginning to feel like I should sell tickets. When I reach her full depth Judy shivers with another orgasm. With slow care I pull out and slide all the way back in. Every time I reach the end of her sheath Judy has an orgasm. It’s delicious as she feels so nice as she comes, so I want to slow fuck her all day. After her tenth or so orgasm Judy humps at me fast, wanting more action. I reach bottom and stop. Leaning over I fondle Judy’s breasts, saying, “Judy Love, do you want me to get you pregnant now or later.” Marie and Melody both suck in their breath as it’s clear neither had thought things through that far.

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