Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 03

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 03 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Sarai’s Father’s House

As we climb into the van Sarai says, “There’s things you should know before you take me home.”

I respond, “Speak to us, oh lovely maiden of delight.”

Blushing Sarai gulps and says, “I’m a virgin.”

Marie interrupts, “Oh, your favourite dessert two nights in a row.”

All the girls stare at her. She says, “His favourite dessert, Virgin Delight. It’s a pity for the girl he takes over an hour to go from clothes off to the full delight stage. I almost couldn’t take it.” They all laugh.

Sarai relaxes a bit saying, “My father is out but my eldest sister’s husband is home. He says I can’t go anywhere and to come straight home to stay in all weekend. If I can talk to father he’ll give permission. But until I do I’m bound by our culture to obey my eldest sister’s husband. It’d be better if we don’t go home.”

I ask Sarai, “Is this man a perfect example of what you fear in a controlling man?”

She replies, “Yes, he’s very controlling and very abusive of us all.”

I grin while saying, “I’m sorry, but if he tries that with me I may be forced to upset your sister by making her a widow. This is Australia, not your birth country. The culture here is different and that requirement doesn’t apply here.” Sarai looks shocked, then smiles and tells me her home address again.

Smiling I say, “Right, but first, some insurance.” They look at me as if I’m mad. I pull a card out of my shirt pocket, turn it over, and ring the mobile phone number written on it. The phone answers, and I say, “Hi, lovable, I may have a situation at - I give Sarai’s address - can you arrange some local blue suit back up, please?”

Lisa replies, “Love to, Sir.”

After driving to Sarai’s house I wait just down the street until Lisa arrives and a police car parks across the road. Taking Sarai with me we meet at the police car. Sarai introduces herself and produces her identification showing she’s twenty-three years old. I explain, “Sarai’s father is out and she wants to collect some clothes to spend the weekend with some girlfriends.” I point at the girls in the Tarago. “Her brother-in-law is a very controlling person and insisting she’s not allowed to go. I’ll accompany her to get some things but may need support if he turns nasty. I prefer to handle things without any police involvement or violence, if possible. But I prefer to use police assistance to control things instead of tearing the bastard’s head off.” The officers agree with me and say they’ll wait, watch, and join in if a domestic starts. I thank them then I lead Sarai and Lisa to the front door.

Sarai unlocks the door and lets us into the main hall. Lisa clicks the latch back so the door will shut but not lock behind us. A large man of about thirty years of age appears in the hallway. He looks at me and snarls, “What the fuck are you?”

In a very serious tone I reply, “I’m a gumboot.” Sarai gasps as Lisa laughs and the man stares.

He says in a questioning voice, “A gumboot?”

Staying calm I reply, “Yeah, a gumboot. You know, those protective things you use to keep the shit and other crap off. Well, I’m Sarai’s new gumboot.”

He just stands and stares at me while he tries to make sense of this. Meanwhile, Lisa nudges Sarai. They go upstairs to get her clothes. Gumbo and I stand there staring at each other for about five minutes.

The scene breaks when Lisa leads Sarai down the stairs. Each is carrying a suitcase, which I think is a bit much for a weekend. Then I realise Sarai is using this opportunity to escape, permanently.

When Gumbo moves toward the stairs I step across and block his access to Sarai. By the time he thinks to step around me instead of pushing through, a tough task at any time, Lisa is standing beside me. Between us we block the hall completely. As Sarai opens the front door she calls out something in another language and a couple of women stick their heads out of doorways. Each sizes up the situation, smiles, then tells Sarai goodbye and good luck as they ask her to write. Sarai picks up both of the suitcases and walks out the front door

Checking Sarai has the door open and is in the street I say, “Ready, Lisa, back up time; one step, two step...” We back up a pace at a time as I call the cadence. Reaching the doorway itself I say, “Right, please get Sarai into the car.” Lisa is quick to exit the house as I block the door.

Gumbo chooses that moment to speak and act. He tries to push me down the steps. Saying in an angry tone, “This is kidnapping, I’ll call the police.” Gumbo is leaning on my left shoulder. I simply let my left leg swing back and away. He falls to the ground as I pivot on my right leg to step over him and head to the car. By the time Gumbo gets up the two policemen are out of their car and at the gate inquiring after his health. I trust them to stop him from any further idiocy and to explain the law. I thank Lisa as I get in the car and drive away after seeing Lisa is back in her car.

Sarai is shaking as she says with much trepidation, “I can’t go back now.”

I reply, “Do you really want to?”

In a quiet voice she says, “No, but I’ll miss my sisters.”

Being as gentle and calming as I can I say, “That bastard can’t be home all the time, and now they know escape is possible they may find ways to flee. Maybe you should establish an underground railway to help them?” They all look at me for a moment before smiling. Sarai has the biggest smile: she really does look lovely when she smiles. Shame she doesn’t smile more often. I say, “You can always write or phone them. Sarai, regardless of what you decide on Sunday night you’ll be welcome to stay with us as long as you like.”

Saying, with a catch in her voice, “Yes, in which bed, with whom?”

I suddenly stop the van to turn around and fix her with a very icy stare. She starts to wilt. In a cold voice I say, “I don’t engage in rape or non-consensual sex. Who you choose to share your bed with is your choice, and only yours. Although I’d appreciate such a pleasure and treasure it, as will all the girls. The only variation is if you ask to be my slave then you’re giving me a permanent and irrevocable right to have sex with you in any way, any place, at any time I choose, or I choose to direct someone else to have sex with you. That applies the whole time you’re my slave, be it temporary, or otherwise. Do you understand?”

With a surprised look she says in a soft and meek voice, “Yes, I do understand, thank you.”

In a more level tone I say, “Good. Now the situation’s changed and things aren’t exactly as I thought they were. So, do you wish to spend the weekend with us as a temporary slave or as a friend or as anything else you want to be? This is your chance to change the game rules.” Sarai looks at me then says she’ll give me an answer soon. I accept that and turn to start driving home again. I can hear the girls talking quietly behind me but I ignore their discussions as I concentrate on driving. We get home and I park the van in the garage. We get out and go inside the house. Love those garden mounted card swipe security door openers, security and convenience.

Friday Fun Night

Once in the rec room, the garage opens into it, Sarai stops me as she places her hand in my pocket to take out the collar and hand it to me. In a calm and loving tone she says, “Please, Master; please make me yours and give me your children.”

I look at Sarai and say, “Are you sure? This is a long term thing you ask and we’ll never be married. Marie will be my wife as you’ll be my slave and an unmarried mother.”

She says, “You are the only man I’ve met, other than my father, who’s a man and not a bully. You have power but use it fairly. You’re strong but gentle, and you better fuck my brains out real soon as I’m well over due for becoming an ex-virgin.”

I stare at her and say, “That last bit is something they told you to say?”

She looks down, nods, and almost whispers, “Yes.”

I place my hand under her chin and lift it up until she’s looking into my eyes while saying, “Sarai, always tell me the truth. Always be yourself and open to me, mentally and physically. Always tell me how you feel and what you want. Know I can’t accept you as a slave unless I love you. Know the love I have for you will never be anything but a very pale shadow of the love I have for Marie. Marie will always come first with me. You may find a more fulfilling relationship elsewhere if you continue to look. If you take this step you’ll have little opportunity to look. Saying yes to the next question is likely to be the last free choice you’ll make in this world. Sarai, do you want to be my slave, to be at my beck and call, to serve me in all ways, even sexually, as is my whim, to sexually service others as I direct, and to always be obedient to me in all things? Is this truly your wish?”

She looks at me with awe and says with a big smile, “Yes, please, it’s what I want more than anything in the world. I know I can’t have you for my husband so I’ll have the next best thing and have you as my master. Your true greatness is when I offer you everything I have or can ever have you stop and force me to consider all the ramifications of the situation and give me the chance to change my mind. You’re a man, not a male bully like my brother-in-law. I want a man in my life, any way I can get him, and the only real man available is you. Please accept me as your slave.”

I step around Sarai to place the collar about her throat and do up the buckle. I turn her around and kiss her then say, “Brace yourself. Ladies, show Sarai a proper welcome into our family.”

Sandra is nearest so she steps up and kisses Sarai. As she does Sandra slides her leg between Sarai’s legs and starts to rub her thigh against Sarai’s groin. I see Sarai’s eyes go wide with concern. In a soft voice I say “Sarai, calm down, relax, and enjoy life.” She relaxes into the kiss and Sandra turns up the heat. Sarai responds and adds some heat of her own.

When they break the kiss I laugh as I saying, “New game rule,” as I unbutton Sarai’s skirt and drop it to the floor. When she steps back to let it be picked up I place my hand on her groin and rub it through her panties. Sarai gasps and pushes her hips forward against my hand, suddenly my hand’s very moist. I smile and laugh as I say, “I see we have another quick learner with lots of natural talent.”

Sarai smiles. I kiss her again while I continue to rub my hand up and down as Sandra unbuttons Sarai’s blouse. I break the kiss to remove Sarai’s blouse and step back as I ask Marie to take them up to the master bedroom to continue the welcome. Then I tell Sandra to pick up Sarai’s clothes and take them to the spare room.

I take Sarai’s, Sandra’s, and Janey’s bags to the front stairs. Then I check the garage is under full lock down and I lock the connecting door. Going around the house I make sure all of the downstairs windows and doors are properly locked and secured. I take the bags upstairs and place them in the spare room. Entering the study I check the security system logs to see we had two visitors who left no messages and no breach attempts. I re-activate all detection systems for the exterior and ground floor so we’ll know if there are any intruders. The phone answering machine has no messages on it.

As I stand up a nude Marie walks in saying I’m neglecting her and Sarai. I kiss Marie. Taking her hand I walk to the master bedroom. We enter a hedonist’s heaven. Three beautiful nude girls on the bed. One with her legs spread while the others suck on her breasts and play with her pussy. The one in the middle, Sarai, is having a very hard time breathing. Her wide eyes show her wonder, and her wet pussy shows her enjoyment of the situation. I tell Marie to give Sarai some tongue dancing lessons while I check her pussy.

Marie smiles while asking, “Why do you get all the fun jobs?”

I reply, “Because I can.”

A laughing Marie goes to the bed head and kneels over Sarai to kiss her. Sarai returns the kiss as I undress. Climbing on the foot of the bed between Sarai’s legs I start kissing the insides of her legs as I slowly work my way up them. Reaching mid thigh I lift Sandra’s right leg to set Sarai’s right leg under it and angled well out to the side. I do the same with Janey’s and Sarai’s left legs so it looks like Sarai is doing the splits. As I start kissing up her legs again she starts to writhe. She moans as Marie kisses her face instead of her lips. Reaching her pussy I introduce her to the art of oral sex. In very short order Sarai is saying what sounds like, “Aahhrgl, aahhrgl, aahhrgl,” mixed with a moan. She bucks like crazy as her juices flood out with her orgasms. I keep working on her while Sandra slips two fingers of her right hand into Sarai’s vagina. Triggering a repeat performance. After her fourth orgasm I stop and gently withdraw Sandra’s hand. I ask the girls to give her some air. As Sarai gets her breath I move up her body while kissing everything as I go. Lying on top of her I kiss her lips and lean back to see she’s still afraid of what she thinks is the next agenda item.

I tell her, “Not yet, as you’re not quite ready.” She relaxes. I rub my stiff dick against her for a few minutes. She smiles at the pressure and pleasure. Standing up I smile, “Later, but soon, very soon.”

Turning to Sandra and Janey I say with a smirk, “Why don’t you girls give Sarai some lessons in the fine pleasure of pussy eating.” They smile and starting talking about the lesson plan they have to deliver. I walk around to Marie to give her a gentle kiss on the lips and lay her across the end of the bed. Sandra turns Sarai around to lie across the bed as well.

I lift Marie’s legs up in the air so they’re stick up at an angle from her hips. Keeping them together I kiss my way along the back of them. Moving a few centimetres at a time I move up the bed as I work along her legs and point them more upright. Before I reach her knees she’s moaning low and rocking her head from side to side. When I reach her thighs her legs are straight up and I kiss my way back toward her feet.

Noticing a lack of sound from the side of the bed I glance at the others. They’re lined up along the bed head playing with their pussies and watching us. I smile at them saying, “Anyone who doesn’t enjoy the show will be in severe trouble, punishment is to be decided later.” This elicits smiles and laughs from the gallery.

I return to the pleasure, err task, at hand, err mouth, actually, and kiss Marie’s Achilles’ tendons. I move her left leg to the side and down to wrap it around my hip, and do the same with her right leg. Lowering my body down at an angle I start kissing her breasts and nipping at her nipples with my teeth. She moans as I wrap my arms around her waist with my mouth tightly on her left nipple and start to suck as if it’s the only source of life giving air. Her immediate reaction is to scream loud and buck her entire body in a very vigorous manner. She would’ve thrown me from her if I hadn’t held on hard. I keep sucking for ten seconds. I stop and repeat my actions on her right nipple for a repeat performance and scream then stop after ten seconds on that nipple.

As Marie lies there gasping for air I look at the girls. Sarai’s eyes are like organ stops and are wide with wonder at the same time while both Sandra and Janey have expressions of awe. All three are franticly working their hands in pussies: Sarai in the centre, with a hand in each of Sandra’s and Janey’s pussies as they each have a hand in Sarai’s as well as one in their own. I wish I’d thought to bring the cameras up to get that action as it’s such a hot scene - three nude beauties playing with each others sopping wet pussies.

When Marie has her breath back I look down at the smile on her face and ask, “Happy?”

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