Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 02

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 02 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Friday 10th May

Morning Call

Being a holiday weekend for us we’d not set any alarm clocks. I’m mightily upset when I’m woken up at 8:15 a.m. by the telephone ringing. I get up and answer it in the study. It’s Marie’s mother giving me the hotel phone number and their room number. Also wanting to know how things are going, I tell her all’s well. She asks if Marie is on hand and I say she’s still asleep in her room.

She replies, “Oh, not in your bed huh, I suppose she’s not yet convinced you to make her a woman?”

Gulping for air I say, “Can you send that pitch again. I think it was a bit too hot and fast for me to catch?”

She says, “I know Marie wants you to be her lover and she’s hoping to seduce you while we’re away. I just wondered if she’d made her move and you’re too resistant. How should I nudge you along? OK.”

Awe struck I reply, “I see. Can I suppose you’re agreeable to such an arrangement?”

She says, “You’re a nice guy and I approve. Her father wouldn’t approve of anyone for another twenty years. But I think, with a little combined effort, we can talk him into accepting you as he likes you too.”

“Gee thanks, I think.” I reply.

Laughing, she says, “Well, can I start working on him yet?”

“We’d some minor issues last night. Nothing to worry about but we did have the police around for a visit. A noise complaint from the neighbours. I’ve everything in hand.” While I’m saying this Marie walks in with Sandra and takes the phone out of my hand to hold it against my ear with one hand as she cuddles up to me while placing my right hand around her and on her breast. Sandra does the same on the other side. Marie laughs saying loud enough to be heard over the phone, “Yes, you now have everything nicely in hand.”

“I gather Marie is now awake and in the room with you?”

Laughing I say, “Yes, and you won’t believe what she’s just done?”

“What, opened her robe to give you a good look at what’s on offer.”

“No, your beautiful daughter is cuddled up to me, nude, and holding the phone to my ear while she holds my hand to her breast and squeezes it.” There’s a moment’s silence on the phone while Marie and Sandra stare at me in awe.

Marie’s mother says, “I think I just got beaned with a super fast ball or slipped into a time warp. Can I have a detailed situation report?”

“No, the full story will have to wait until you get back. Feel free to extend your holiday further. High notes: we need to sound proof the house as Marie is a real screamer when she orgasms. I’m assisting Marie in making a baby. We plan to get married before the birth but after conception.”

Silence for a moment, “I’m stunned about the marriage and family bit. I see she’s faster than I thought. My intent today was to encourage you and lower your resistance. How did she win such a victory?”

“Marie hit me with three very extreme and dangerous weapons of mass distraction at once. She told me she loves me and desires me as her lover while standing in front of me nude. I’d no defences left. However, I think it was a mutual surrender and joint win, Mum.”

“I see I’ve underestimated her. I suppose she’ll be well on her way to motherhood very soon?”

“That’s the plan. We figure there’ll be no marriage objections then.”

Laughing she says, “I better start working on her father.”

Marie leans to the phone, “Thanks, Mum, but it’s worse than that.”

“How can that be?”

“We’ll have some sex slaves as part of our household.”

Another stunned silence is followed by, “That sounds like a long story that’ll have to wait until we get home.”

A laughing Marie says, “Yes, but we can use it to our advantage with Dad, two are schoolgirl classmates.”

Her mother say, “Hmmm, that can help. I’ll wait and see.” We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Status Report

I look at Marie. She smiles and says, “Many months back Mum and I noticed Dad is attracted to Sandra. It can be an ace if he really objects.”

While laughing I saying, “Leave that for now.”

I ask her how she feels without the drugs. She says, “I’m not having any second thoughts, are you?”

“Do I look crazy? A very sexy young woman I love wants to marry me, let me keep some pretty girls as sex slaves, and you think I may be having second thoughts.” That earns me a long kiss and a smile.

Turning to Sandra I ask her if she’s still happy to be our sex slave. She smiles and says, “Yes, please, Master.”

We go to the guest bedroom and untie Janey. She sits up saying, with concern, “Do I have to be tied up each night, Master?”

I reply, “Only when I want to do so, but I’ll probably reserve it for when you’re being bad.”

Relieved she says, “Thank you, Master.”

I tell Janey to roll over and suck my cock. She smiles and slides across the bed to suck me. I pull her further across and turn her around on to be on her hands and knees with her legs spread wide. When Janey is ready I look at Marie.

She smiles as she says, “Yes, fuck her well.”

Janey is ready and very willing. I fuck her hard and fast from behind. As I near my orgasm I say, “Come two.” She starts an orgasm. It pushes me over the edge. “Come two, come two, come two.” Janey’s rapid orgasms feel like heaven. A moaning Janey collapses onto the bed.

She says with joy, “Thank you, Master. In the short time you’ve owned me I’ve had more orgasms and enjoyed sex much more than ever before.” Surprised I ask why. She says, “I’ve never had an orgasm when fucking with Perc or Harry as they’re only interested in their own pleasures. Sandra is the only person to give me an orgasm before.”

“I’m pleased the trigger works. Are you happy to be our sex slave?”

Smiling she says, “Yes, please, Master.”

With the girls happily settled we go check on the boys. I duck into the bathroom on the way. Both boys lie there giving us dirty looks. Handing the keys to Janey I instruct her to undo the cuffs on Perc. When free Perc leaps off the bed and looks ready to start a fight.

I look him straight in the eye while saying, in an authoritative tone, “Suck my cock, Perc toy.”

He stares at me and cries as he whispers, “Yes, Master.” He drops down to take my dick in his mouth and suck it. He does a better job than last night’s first effort. I tell him to stop.

I tell Janey to release Harry. He stands beside the bed with a very uncertain look on his face as he studies everybody. His eyes return to me. I tell him to lean on the bed end and to spread his arse cheeks wide.

Harry gulps and softly says, “Yes, Master,” as he does as told.

Holding out the liquid soap I’d brought from the bathroom I tell Perc to fuck Harry’s arse. With a weak smile he takes it. To pour some on Harry’s arse before fucking him, hard and fast. Perc is soon enjoying himself. I think the girls are also enjoying the show. After a few minutes I say, “Come three,” and Perc orgasms well before he wants to.

As Perc withdraws from Harry I tell them to exchange places and for Harry to return the favour. Neither is happy but they do it. Harry is soon well mounted and I wait a few minutes before saying, “Come five.” Harry has an orgasm. I’m gratified to see they accept me as their Master without the drugs and the triggers still work.

The house has a bathroom and an en suite with shower. I send the boys to the main bathroom to shower together there. Telling them to thoroughly wash each other, including their arse holes, when washed and dried they’re to wait there. I take the girls to the en suite and start the shower. I ask Marie to help me shower and apologise we don’t have time to make love this morning.

Smiling she kisses me and says, “We better have time later.” She soaps my front as I promise we will. Sandra enters the shower and soaps my back. Washed and dried I tell the girls to take their time and have fun. They all smile. As I’m leaving the room Janey is kissing Marie while Sandra is washing Marie’s breasts and Marie has one of their breasts in each hand.

After dressing I turn off the alarms for inside and the driveway. I get the boys and take them downstairs to get dressed. I take Sandra’s and Janey’s clothes upstairs to leave them on Marie’s bed. Once the boys are dressed I start on a hot breakfast for us all while I tell Harry and Perc to note how it’s done as they’ll be expected to get breakfast in the future. They pay attention to how I cook the eggs, bacon, and toast.

I stop and grin when we hear Marie scream in pleasure. Harry and Perc set the table. The food is just hitting the table when the girls arrive. They all appreciate a good hot breakfast being ready for them. Marie notices I’d done the cooking and raises an eyebrow at me. I say, “They don’t know how, yet.”

She replies, “Oh, thank you for a hot breakfast.” The huge kitchen table is a problem to walk around and provide food. It’s three metres long as Marie’s parents also use it as a work bench for their business.

Morning Visit

We’ve nearly finished breakfast at 9:45 a.m. when the front doorbell rings. I answer it. Opening the door I see Senior Constable Lisa and another officer who Lisa introduces as Superintendent Dave X. I ask to see his ID and he shows it. I ask the reason for the visit. Lisa explains her partner complained about my attitude and her actions last night. The superintendent is following up the complaint. I open the security screen and I invite them into the lounge room. While they’re getting seated I stick my head in the kitchen and tell the gang to get their identification documents and come into the lounge room.

I walk over and sit near the police officers to tell, for the tape recorder, my version of last night but only the bits relevant to the police visit. I also say I’d been seriously thinking of complaining about the other officer’s attitude and behaviour. I’d not done so as I thought it would cause trouble for Lisa. Since the trouble’s here I’m lodging a formal complaint about him now. Dave notes it all down.

The gang enters the lounge room and show Dave their IDs. Formally identify themselves and confirm they’re the people Lisa saw last night. Lisa gives me an odd look. I say, “This’ll eliminate the need to check ages later as they’re all of legal age. I figure someone’s out to cause me trouble so I’m just trying to think one step ahead and cut them off early.”

Turning to Dave I say, “I don’t know who that gorilla was last night and I don’t care. However, if I see a lot of him or other police about I’ll be talking to the divisional commander about harassment, capiche.”

He capiched. I say over my shoulder, without looking, “Anyone who’s here and doesn’t want to be, please put up your hand, ditto, anyone who’s here because I made them come here or told them to come here?”

I ask, “Any hands up Dave?”

Concerned he says, “Yes, there is.”

In a peevish voice Marie says, “Correct, I don’t want to be here, I want to be out visiting people and shopping, so hurry up and finish this chat.”

Dave chuckles and says, “OK, we’ll be going. You needn’t be worried about being bothered.”

I say, “Thank you,” as I show them out.

Morning Tasks

Marie and Harry get the rest of the tablets from Perc’s car and I lock them in the study safe. I tell Perc he won’t need them and if he ever makes more he’ll end up wishing he can kill himself, his face goes very white. Getting out Mum’s Tarago I hustle everyone into it and lock up.

We go first to Sandra’s house where she and Harry change while getting clothes for the weekend as I tell their parents where they’ll be. We do the same at Janey and Perc’s house. Then over to Lucie’s house.

Telling everyone to stay in the car I go up and knock on the door. Her mother opens the door and I ask to speak to Lucie. She explains Lucie isn’t feeling well and is in bed sick. I ask if I can go up and see her. She says no. I ask if I can come in and speak to her for a few minutes to convince her to let me talk to Lucie. She’s very hesitant but agrees. She shows me into their lounge room as she calls her husband into the room.

It’s clear this is a hostile situation. I introduce myself and say, “I don’t know Lucie but I know some of her classmates. They’ve noticed she’s become withdrawn and depressed of late. They’re concerned for her. Last night I found out the reason for this behaviour.” Lucie’s parents look shocked, concerned, and worried. I say, “I can do something about the people blackmailing Lucie.” However, by their worried looks I’m not sure that’s the priority issue now.

They looked stunned as Lucie’s mother says, “Blackmailing Lucie.”


Her father says, “Yesterday she found out she’s pregnant. We’re afraid of what the parishioners will think.”

I’m very angry as I snap, “You should be more concerned about how Lucie feels and how Heavenly Father will feel about how you treat your daughter than what any snotty nosed parishioners think.”

Her mother smiles while saying, “I think you better talk to Lucie. As you may be able to help her after all.”

“I agree, but you best sit in on it and be prepared to be very shocked.” Her face loses all expression. We go upstairs to Lucie’s bedroom. Entering I say “Hello.” She sits there looking like she’s dead.

I say “Lucie, Honey, I know you know you don’t know me, sheesh, what a statement. But you bloody well better start talking to me. You’re in deep shit and I’ve the only handy dandy shit shoveller in town.” She turns and stares at me. I look at her mother while saying with some concern, “Shock therapy’s needed. I’ll be back.” Going downstairs I go to the van to bring Marie and Janey to the room. Lucie looks scared and starts to snarl at Janey. Her mother becomes frightened.

I say “Lucie, Honey, things have changed a lot in the last twenty-four hours. There’s a way out for you but I can’t help you until you talk to me.”

Lucie just looks at me. Turning to Janey I say, “Toy, strip naked.”

In a flat voice Janey says, “Yes, Master.” She removes her clothes. Lucie’s mother is shocked while Lucie smiles. This gets her mother’s attention as it’s the first smile they’ve seen in many weeks.

Turning to Lucie I say, “Janey made a very big mistake last night. She tried to do to Marie what she did to you. I stopped her and I’m now in a position to help you.”

Lucie looks at me and says, devoid of all emotion, “Yes, you can help with some things but not the most important. I’m pregnant and the church gets really down on people in my situation.”

“That’s one attitude I can not understand as the most well known unmarried pregnant woman in history is Mary, mother of Jesus. The RC church venerate her and vilify everyone else in the same situation.”

This causes shocked looks on all of their faces. Lucie’s mother laughs and says, “You’re right, it’s absurd when looked at like that.”

I ask Lucie if there’s anyone she loves enough to consider marrying. Sighing she says, “Yes, but he’s not available to me. Even though I’m fairly sure it’s his child I carry.”

Shocked her mother says, “Fairly sure.”

Turning to her I say, “I told you to be prepared to be shocked, Lucie has been badly used, and against her will.”

Her mother says, “Oh, sorry to interrupt.”

I tell Lucie to name her love. She looks at us while saying in a flat and almost dead voice, “Harry.”

In a happy voice I reply, “Well, that’s better than that total arse hole Perc. After what he did to you will you still have Harry as your man and husband, if you can?”

Lucie’s eyes light up as she says, with hope in her voice, “Yes, oh yes, please. But he’s Janey’s and under Perc’s control.”

I reply, “Not any more. He’s in reconditioning by me.”

Lucie sits up and smiles as a new hope lights up her face,”You mean..., are you sure ... oh what if...” I tell Janey to dress.

Smiling I say, “Marie, my Love, will you please get toy Harry for me.”

Lucie and her mother look surprised as Marie says, “Yes, Dear.”

Lucie’s mother looks at me while saying, “You and Marie?”

With great joy I say, “Yes, she seduced me last night, and with any luck we’ll soon have to get married. And no, I didn’t put up much of a fight as I’m not that crazy.” Lucie, her mother, and Janey laugh.

I say, “Janey, speak truth and your own feelings in answer to these questions. Do you love Harry? Will you stand between him and Lucie?”

Janey says, “No and no. Until this morning I didn’t know what love is or was, but I do now. I love being your sex toy and slave. Lucie is free to have Harry if she wants him.”

Both Lucie and her mother look at Janey with stunned expressions. I tell Janey to return to the car. I inform Lucie I’ve the recordings Perc and Janey made. She needn’t fear them any more. Lucie says she’s glad not to have to fear the videos being distributed. A minute later Marie returns with Harry.

I say, “Toy Harry, have you ever loved anyone in your life, outside of your family, and is there anyone that you love or like a lot now?”

He replies, “I used to think I loved Janey, but I now know that was only lust. I like Lucie a lot but I don’t know if you’d call it love as I don’t know what love is.”

“Harry, this morning you had an opportunity to cease being my slave, why didn’t you take it?”

“Last night, after you caught us, I’d time to think about what we’d been doing. I realised I wasn’t only screwing up my life but Sandra’s, Lucie’s, and almost anyone else I came in contact with. If I can’t manage myself properly then maybe I should let someone else do it and you were there ready to do it.”

Turning to Lucie I say, “At the moment Harry is more screwed up than you are. He did it to himself and doesn’t know what he did or how. You have an advantage in that you know who screwed up your life and how. Thus, you can sort it out. Harry needs to be dominated and controlled, do you think you can do it?”

A happy Lucie replies, “Yes, I think; no, I know I can.”

I tell Marie to close and lock the door. I tell Lucie and her mother not to yell or scream about what’s about to happen. They both look at me with worried expressions. I say, “Harry, suck my cock.” After dropping to his knees he undoes my pants to take out my dick and suck on it. He stops when I say, “Stop, stand up.” Putting my dick away I say, “Lucie, do you now understand the level of control and domination I mean?”

Stunned she says, “Yes! Yes, I can and will do it.”

I’ve Harry pull his dick out and Lucie hand him some tissues. “Lucie, there are two very special commands you need to be aware of as they have an immediate effect on Harry, they’re,” Harry looks at me in horror as Lucie and her mother look concerned, “Come five.” He moans as he orgasms. I wait a moment and say, “And come cake.” Harry moans with another orgasm. Both Lucie and her mother are shocked. “Harry has no control over these reactions. I’ve programmed them into him. Harry, put your dick away.”

Lucie smiles and says in a very cold voice, “Well, I can live with them and he better learn to live with them, and me.”

Harry looks at me with surprise. I say, “Harry, with what you and Perc have done to Lucie she’s pregnant. She’s loved you for some time and wants you as her slave husband. I’m giving you to her. You’re now Lucie’s slave and you must obey her in all things from this moment on. Do you understand?”

He smiles and says, “Yes, I do. Lucie will be much better than you.”

Turning to Lucie he says, “Mistress Lucie, how may I serve you?”

With a cool smile she says, “However I tell you to. First, you’re never to having anything to do with Perc or Janey again without my prior permission. From now on you’ll remember I’m your mistress in all things and address me as darling. Do you understand?”

Harry says, “Yes, Darling, I understand perfectly.”

Lucie snaps, “Suck his cock.” Harry drops to his knees, draws out my dick, and sucks it. Happily she says, “Stop, put it away.” He does as he’s told and stays on his knees until he’s told to stand.

Lucie turns to her mother and says in a happier tone, “Mum, I’m feeling a whole lot better. I think we all should go and speak to the priest about our wedding. What do you think about that, Harry?”

He replies, “I think that’s the most perfect thing to do, my Darling.”

Turning to Lucie I hand her five hundred dollars while saying, “This was Harry’s. I don’t let slaves handle money until I feel I can trust them to do so wisely.” She smiles as she takes it. Harry sees it’s more than he gave me but he keeps quiet about the increase, the good boy.

A smiling Lucie gets up to get dressed. Marie and I turn to leave the room. Lucie’s mother joins us while shaking her head. There’s a nice family photo on the wall opposite the door with a familiar face - Lisa’s.

As we go downstairs Lucie’s mother says in a very thoughtful tone, “Even seeing that I find it hard to believe.” She yells, “George, Lucie is now much better and we need to talk to the priest about a wedding.”

Lucie’s father shoots into the hall from the kitchen and looks at me. Hearing a noise he looks up the stairs at a bright and cheerful Lucie fairly bouncing down the stairs with Harry in tow.

Turning back to me in awe he says, “Hell, that’s a sudden change, can you fix stopped drains just as quick?”

Laughing I say, “I’m no good on the mundane things. I only handle miraculous medical recoveries and similar small matters.” They all laugh as Marie and I leave.

Busy Afternoon

It’s noon so we go to the local McDonald’s for lunch. On the way I inform everybody of Harry’s change of owner and the wedding. Sandra and Janey are happy for Lucie. Perc isn’t sure where that leaves him and I say he can take himself in hand. The girls have a good laugh. At Maccas we run into Lisa and her new work partner having lunch. Her shift is changed due to the complaint.

With a grin I tell her, “If you want to keep tabs on us you can always go plain clothes and travel with us. A monokini is acceptable.”

She laughs and asks what happened to Harry. I reply, “Some weeks back he had forcible sex with a girl. She didn’t report it as she loves him. She’s turned up pregnant and still loves him. I gave him to her as a slave husband. Now I’m down to three sex toys and a beautiful fiancé. I wouldn’t mind giving Perc away if I get a reasonable offer, interested?” She laughs and tells me she’ll let me know.

After lunch we go to a shopping mall and I’ve a ball spending some of Perc’s donated money on new sexy clothes for the girls. They model everything for me. I love the ladies underwear. I’d no idea you can get so many styles of bras, or so small, or so see through. I bought Marie an engagement ring with my own money. This last item causes her to make certain promises for the night. If she keeps them all I may not be alive in the morning - but what a way to go. We’re leaving the mall at 5:10 p.m. when we run into Lisa wearing a lovely lightweight mini dress and I can she has great legs. She grabs my arm and hustled me off to the side.

She snarls, “All right, smart arse, what’s the deal?”

I respond, “What’s up your nose?”

In anger she replies, “I get off shift and go to see my Mum. I find her sister sitting there with her family and telling us how my favourite cousin, Lucie, is marrying your missing toy. What’s the real deal?”

“Answer my questions then consider if you want to ask that question again. Did you talk to Lucie, is she happy with the arrangements?”

She’s slow to reply then says, “Yes, I did. She’s over the moon about getting married and having his baby.”

I say, “If she’s happy, what’s your beef?”

“I want to know what sort of arse hole she’s marrying.”

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