Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 01

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 01 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  


This was a personal autobiography until Marie, the greatest love of my life, suggested I publish it as a book of my life where it took a major turn. I’m writing about when I started to really live instead of just existing. This is the early weeks of how our ’family’ came to be and we set up house together. I spent much of my life living under another name, for security reasons. Names are changed to protect the guilty like me, and the innocent who got lucky; like I certainly did.

In a few weeks my life was totally changed, for the better. Yes, big changes, but I love the people they’ve brought into my life. Life is very much better now.

My Background

Eight years ago I retired from my main line of work. After nearly twenty years I wanted out of a life living in the shadows and under a false name. A life of never daring to really know the people you worked with for fear they’d betray you or worse, like die on you. After retiring I got work in a government clerical job and then retrenched five years later when the section was closed down.

It’s hard getting a job when you’re my age, especially when I’ve so little visible work experience you can acknowledge which they can check up on. It’s even harder when your best skills are ones you dare not list on an employment application form. It’s not as if I need the money as I’ve a good income from invested earnings which are in long term with six years to go. I’ve the interest payments of seven thousand and five hundred dollars deposited to my bank account each month, which is very good and more than enough to live on. I just don’t like sitting around doing nothing. To fill the time I did some computer and code writing studies at the technical college.


I’ve known Marie since she started bowling in my league team soon after her family moved into the area three years earlier. During this time I became good friends with Marie and her parents. She was new to ten-pin bowling so I coached her. She’s a quick learner and was soon doing very well with a 165 average after twelve months of bowling.

For some reason unknown to me Marie and her mother use her mother’s maiden name while all of their personal and business assets are under her father’s name.

Marie’s parents have a lucrative home business franchise run by her mother and her father acts as its salesman. Marie’s parents are going to attend a three day weekend conference in Hawaii and are extending their stay for an overdue holiday. Marie can’t go because it’s during the school term. Her parents arrange for me to house sit, be a taxi service, cook for Marie, and teach her to cook - we hope. Proximity to Marie is the main reason for me to agree to do the work. Soon after we first met I fell in love with her, but I haven’t told her how I feel because of our age difference.

Marie’s parents are very security conscious and they have a very good security system installed in their house. They’ve many concealed cameras and microphones in the house and around the grounds. These all go to a control panel and monitor in the first floor study where the computer and Internet access are as well. Some nearby houses have been broken into recently and concern for Marie’s safety is the main reason for my presence in the house. Marie doesn’t mind because she likes me and knows I like her. She also knows she can get me to agree to almost anything she wants to do. Just after lunch today Marie’s parents left to fly to Honolulu via Sydney with a thirty minute stop in Sydney to change planes.

Thursday 9th May

Afternoon Drinks

It’s a nice autumn day that’s sunny but not hot. There are no classes at Marie’s church owned school tomorrow because they’re doing urgent building maintenance. Due to safety reasons they don’t want the students present on the grounds at all while the work is being done. At 4:00 p.m. I’m in the study downloading a new version of Linux to try. Using the security system I watch Marie enter the house with Sandra, Janey, Harry, and Perc. I know Marie hates Perc and she’s scared of him. Sandra says he’s into kinky sex games but she gives us no details. I also know Marie wouldn’t have let Perc in if I wasn’t in the house. They walk in the front door, down the hall, and sit down in the lounge room.

Marie goes to the kitchen for some soft drink and glasses. While in the kitchen she uses the house phone to ask me to keep an eye on things. She’s worried about Perc because he knows her parents are away but he doesn’t know I’m here. Taking the glasses and a two litre bottle of coke into the lounge room Marie pours everyone a drink. Via the cameras I watch her serve the drinks. A little later Janey drops three tablets from a bottle into Marie’s glass while Perc distracts Marie. Rushing down the back stairs I arrive just as Marie finishes her drink, she must’ve been thirsty to down it all so fast. I back into the recreation room shadows to await developments. I’d arrived unseen and unheard because the door is behind the lounge they’re on and the radio is on at a loud setting. Just as Marie refills her glass the doorbell rings so she answers it, then she calls Perc to collect a box addressed to him. Marie must be worried about the box since it indicates Perc has planned something to happen here today without asking her permission or telling her what his plans are.

While they’re all at the front door and distracted by the delivery I enter the room and take the bottle of tablets out of Janey’s bag beside her chair. The bottle is unlabelled, so I can’t tell what’s in it. I don’t relish the idea of having to deal with, and possibly have to beat up, four angry youths when I interfere in their plans. So I decide to even things out by dropping three tablets into each of their drinks. I’m hoping to reduce the danger to everyone by drugging all of them. After going back upstairs I watch events unfold on the cameras.

They return to the lounge room and Perc opens the box to reveal four digital video cameras, a portable recording unit, ropes, and two fur lined handcuffs. He smirks at Marie when he places them on the low table near him. Marie asks what they’re for and Perc says, “You’ll see, later.” Marie is worried but she knows I’m watching and trusts me to keep her safe.

Five minutes later Marie is sleepy and slouches in her chair. Perc gets up to check her. He opens her eye lid and says, “She’s under, we can start our games soon. Like Lucie, she’ll do everything we tell her to do. She’ll know what’s happening but will still do exactly as we say.”

I decide it’s time to slow them down by going downstairs while I call out, “Marie, what do you want for dinner tonight?” Entering the lounge room I find Marie asleep, Perc glaring at me, and the other three looking very distraught. I ask, “What’s happening?”

Perc replies, “Marie just nodded off. We don’t know what’s wrong.”

He offers me a drink. Which I decline because I’m not that green. For a minute Perc and I stand there staring at each other. After a moment he sits down while he shakes his head and blinks his eyes. Noticing the other three are already asleep I sit down to watch them. He’s soon asleep.

I examine Perc’s cameras and gear before taking the recording unit upstairs to copy its contents onto the study computer. Once I view the material I decide to call on Lucie when I know her address. Taking the unit downstairs I set it up with a camera to record their statements. After ten minutes Marie sits up and asks what happened. I tell her what I saw and did before adding, “I’m waiting for them to wake up to ask them a few questions.” They wake up just after 5:00 p.m.

Question Time

After everyone wakes up I ask Janey, “What are the tablets for?”

She says, “They’re Perc’s and they make people totally responsive to commands.”

When I ask him about them Perc says, “The tablets were developed by my father, he’s well known chemist, to assist in treating certain mental health conditions by making the patient very responsive to suggestions. They’re restricted and require government approvals to use. I found the research notes at home. The usual dosage is one tablet while two tablets have no increased effect. But three make the recipient totally submissive and four causes aggressive behaviour. The patients always remembers what happened while drugged. Patients usually go to sleep within fifteen minutes of being drugged, sleep for about twenty minutes, and are affected by the drug for two hours per tablet. Three tablets equals six hours of submissiveness. Doses of more than one tablet will sometimes create long term obedience, but the effect varies between patients. I saw they’ll make people do anything I desire and wanted some. Dad’s notes included the formula and production method. So I got Harry to help me make a batch of two thousand tablets. The rest are in my car.”

In response to more questions I learn they’d used the tablets on Lucie six weeks earlier as a trial. Janey slipped the tablets into Lucie’s drink when she stayed with her for a weekend. They then used her as a sex slave while they captured it on the digital recorder. They’d not used any condoms while having sex with Lucie. She’s not on the pill and Perc wants to get her pregnant so he can try sex with a pregnant girl.

Also, Perc has always fancied Marie and he hates the way she ignores him. So he intends to use the time her parents are away to turn her into his permanent sex slave. He’s not told Sandra of his plans but is prepared to do the same to her if she doesn’t help. He intends to record it all on the digital recorder drive. They’re currently using the earlier recordings to blackmail Lucie to have more sexual encounters. Perc intends to do the same with Marie and other classmates of Janey. I ask for Lucie’s full name and address. Janey tells me. After ordering Perc, Harry, and Janey to stay seated and not talk I take Sandra and Marie upstairs. Once in the guest bedroom I’m using I tell the girls to sit down and I begin to question them.

Sandra and Marie

Sandra is shocked by Perc’s plans for Marie and her. Both Janey and Perc had told her Marie asked them over for an afternoon and evening of group sex but she needed something to help her to relax and enjoy it. Sandra is shocked by what they’d done to Lucie. She’s so angry with Perc she’s dropping him. She explains Perc is into domination and bondage, and often involved Janey in their sex games. Sandra is frequently tied to the bed then forced to perform oral sex on both Perc and Janey. She’d been thinking about dropping him for some time. She likes being under control and dominated, she doesn’t mind bondage, but some of the other games are too much. A few weeks earlier she was tied over the end of the bed while he had anal sex with her against her wishes. She was also forced to have oral sex with Janey while he had anal sex with her.

On seeing Marie’s shocked expression I ask, “What’s wrong, Marie.”

She replies, “I’d no idea how sexually active my classmates are. I just realised, if Perc does that to his girlfriend what does he have planned for a hated sex slave?” She’s frightened by what she’d narrowly missed out on. Especially because she’s a virgin. I ask her about her knowledge of sex and her sexual experiences. So she adds, “I know what the school teaches in the biology classes we have and you’re supposed to wait for marriage. I’ve not been properly kissed. I learnt to masturbate by listening to other girls talking about it.”

I cheekily ask, “What do you think about while masturbating?”

Marie replies, “I think of you because I love you and want you. I imagine they’re your hands touching my body and making love to me. Telling you this is very embarrassing.”

She’s responding fully because of the drugs. I like hearing how she feels about me and say, “I’m sorry I made you tell me your deepest secrets, ones you didn’t want to reveal. I forgot the drug’s effects. But I’m happy to learn you want me as much as I want you.” This makes her happy and embarrassed. “How do you feel about having sex?”

Marie replies, “I’m both excited and frightened. Some girls say how great sex is while others talk about how painful the first time is. This makes me very nervous about sex and it stops me from telling you my feelings for fear of the pain sex will cause.” I explain about her hymen. How it may hurt a bit when broached. How some people feel more pain because they expect it to hurt. I tell her not to worry about it any more. She smiles at me as her only response to my instructions to not worry.

I turn to Sandra, “I think you deluded yourself about thinking Marie agreed to being drugged and part of an orgy.”

Sandra replies, “You’re probably right. I believed Perc and Janey as I wanted to believe them. Since first having girl / girl sex I’ve wanted to have sex with Marie and this was the opportunity.”

“What would you’ve done when you learned the truth for today?”

“Comply. I know better than to cross Perc or Janey. And certainly not both of them at the same time.”

Sighing I ask, “Do you feel you’re partially guilty of the crimes intended against Marie? And how do you think you and the others should be punished?”

She nods while saying, “Yes, I’m guilty, I’m sorry. We all should be severely punished. It’d serve us right to be made into sex slaves, as they intended for Marie. May I be assigned to a kind master?”

Surprised I ask, “Do you want to be a sex slave?”

While nodding again she says, “Yes, I’ve often fantasized about being a sex slave, ever since watching a video tape about a sex slave two years ago. It’s why I put up with Perc as it sort of fulfils my fantasy.”

I turn to Marie as she’s staring at Sandra, and I ask for her thoughts on their punishment. She agrees with Sandra. Adding, “Lucie is to be freed from their grip and compensated for her suffering.” I agree and seek her thoughts on being or having a sex slave. She says, “I’m against being one. Not sure about having one. Yesterday I’d have said no, but after hearing Sandra talk I’m not sure now. I suppose it’s OK to have a sex slave if it’s what they want.”

Grinning I ask, “Marie, how do you feel about a lover who has sex slaves?”

Marie turns to look at me with a stunned expression. She gives me a slow and wide smile while saying, “I think I can accept that. Provided you share them with me and let me have a say in their activities.”

Sandra picks up on the undercurrent of our talk, smiles, and asks, “Master, mistress, how may I serve you, please?”

I look at them both while saying, “Don’t make any mistake. The pecking order is me, Marie, slaves. You’ll both have the right to disagree and to tell me your reasons. But I have the final say in all things. Got it?”

Both girls smile while saying, “Yes, please, Sir.”

Dinner Time

I look at my watch, it’s 5:30 p.m. Everyone is affected by the drugs until 11:00 p.m. as that’s six hours from 5:00 p.m. I can’t risk leaving them alone or taking them out. Taking Marie and Sandra back downstairs I ask everyone what pizzas they want and order the delivery of five large pizzas with drinks. I tell Janey, Perc, and Harry to donate all of their cash toward the weekend’s costs. They hand over one hundred and fifty dollars from Harry, three thousand and five hundred dollars from Perc, and one thousand five hundred and eighty dollars from Janey. Don’t you just love rich people who pay for your dinner.

Marie says she needs to go to the toilet. I’ve everyone follow me to the toilet. Marie goes first and she shuts the door. When she’s finished I tell Sandra to go into the toilet and to leave the door open. I order the rest to shut their eyes while Marie can open hers if she wants. Sandra is both embarrassed and excited by our watching her. I’ve everyone open their eyes to watch Janey, Perc, and Harry take their turns in the toilet with the door open. It greatly embarrassing them, just as I intended it to be. I tell everyone to follow me to the recreation room (rec room).

I order Perc and Harry to move furniture until the centre of the room is clear of all objects before I place a spare double bed mattress down in the middle of the room, a spare is kept here for guest overflow. They place couches at each end with their backs to the mattress to make low walls at the mattress ends. I check the house to ensure all exterior doors and windows are shut, locked, and blinds down. Activating the exterior sensors for everything except the driveway I return to the rec room. Smiling as I carry in the cameras, recorder, cuffs, and ropes.

After setting up the cameras to film the mattress I rearrange the lights for the best effect. Starting the cameras I tell Perc to stand on the mattress and do a strip tease. Harry is next, followed by Janey, and Sandra is last. I film the shows. Sandra is finishing when the pizza girl arrives.

Naturally I pay for the pizzas with the donated money. Taking dinner into the rec room I tell everyone to eat their fill and share out the drinks. The food is soon eaten and everything’s cleaned up.

Evening Fun

I’ve Sandra and Janey sit at one end of the mattress with Harry and Perc at the other. They all sit on a corner with their legs wide open at ninety degree angles and facing the person on the diagonally opposite corner. They can lean against the lounges if they wish. It’s 6:45 p.m.

The cameras have a perfect view of them as I order Sandra, Janey, Perc, and Harry to watch the person on the diagonally opposite corner and get sexually aroused by the sight. They’re to stay in place while they masturbate but no orgasms. They’re not to talk to anyone nor to touch anyone. It’s soon obvious they’re enjoying the show from the opposite corner but not enjoying being on show, except for Sandra who likes it as she’s following her master’s orders. I check it’s all recording OK. Marie watches all this with a smile. She’s both embarrassed and excited by it. For some minutes I watch Marie watching them. Walking up behind her I slip my arms around her and fondle her breasts. She leans back into me with a low moan while watching them. I say, “Come with me upstairs. My room has a double bed.” Smiling at me she follows me upstairs.

After getting a condom from my luggage I place it on the bedside table while saying to Marie, “Relax and enjoy. My touch will give you pleasure. Don’t worry about anything, do what you want. Do you understand?”

Marie smiles saying, “Yes, please, pretty please.”

Stepping closer to Marie I take her in my arms and kiss her as I caress her back and arse. She’s eager and happy in her response to my touch. After a few minutes I break the kiss while continuing to caress her body. Removing her skirt I let it fall to the floor and undo her blouse, to slide my hands inside, onto her shoulders and slip the blouse off. It falls on the skirt. While kissing her again I undo the bra’s clasp. Breaking the kiss I draw back and slowly run my hands along her sides inside the bra straps then I bring my hands around to gently cover her breasts with them. The bra falls to the floor as I fondle her breasts asking, “Are you happy?”

Marie moans and says, “Hmmm, this is nice. For over a year I’ve loved you and wanted to be with you like this. Now I don’t have to be scared about being hurt and I find it very pleasant and exciting.” Lowering myself I caress her body as I plant soft kisses on her neck, breasts and belly on my way down. Turning her a little to one side I slip my hands in the front and back of her panties and slide them down as I continue to caress her. While kneeling I lift her feet, one after the other, to remove her panties. I run my hands over her legs, arse, and lower back, eliciting moans of pleasure from her. Standing up I’ve her lie down in the middle of the bed with her legs spread. Marie lies there watching me undress. She can’t take her eyes off me as I finish and climb onto the bed. Smiling at me she says, “I know it won’t hurt but I still don’t see how you’re going to get all that in me.”

I smile, “It’ll take some preparation, but when it’s time it’ll fit nicely. You may even say, perfectly. Trust me. I intend this to be good for you as I want it to be the first of many such occasions and not a once only event. I need you happy and wanting many more performances.”

A grinning Marie says, “Yes, please.”

Half sitting and half lying on the bed I lean over and kiss her. Placing my right hand on her right thigh I use gentle pressure to draw the leg toward me. While continuing the kiss I move my hand to her left leg and push it further away. Having spread her legs wider I commence a gentle and slow run of my hand over her legs, belly, and breasts while kissing her. Her lips open wider and wider. When my tongue enters her mouth she’s ready and very willing to participate as our tongues dance, first in her mouth then mine. I draw back and break the kiss while saying, “Are you sure you haven’t kissed like this before?”

Marie sighs, “Never like this, but we must practice lots more.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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