Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Sunday 26th May

The day

Hearing a moan I open my eyes to see Manae giving Marie a good tongue lashing while Shutra gives Manae a good fucking from behind. I see Sarai is also awake so I start sucking Marie’s right breast, Sarai goes to work on her left breast. A few minutes later Marie screams as her orgasm brings her fully awake. I kiss her and tell Manae to stop. When I slide to the end of the bed Manae immediately dives onto my dick and starts sucking like crazy. After a few minutes of her normal action Manae starts up some heavy duty suction and deep throats me. Oh bliss, when I start coming in her throat she has an orgasm and moans around my dick, oh what a feeling. Her pussy clamps down on Shutra and sets him off, which gives Manae another orgasm. As I calm down I look over to see Sarai bucking in orgasm with Marie playing limpet on her clit, leaning over I play limpet on Sarai’s breast to give her another orgasm.

We go for a five way shower, dress, and down to breakfast. Bacon and fried eggs with French toast. Cooked by Toy supervised by Jock.

We have an easy day lazing around and talking most of the morning with large lunch and making clothes for Jock’s shop in the afternoon. About mid afternoon Warreed rings to ask if we can help to move him into the cottage as he doesn’t have a car and he just found out there’s no public transport out here. Therai, Mum, Dad, Shutra, Dave, Melody, Maizey and Greta take a Tarago and trailer to help him move. Only one load needed as most of the furniture came with the flat he had so he is quickly settling-in to the cottage.

Therai insists Warreed join us for dinner so he comes over about 5:45 p.m. We chat. He says he’s a clothing designer by training but can’t get employed as such and is working as a general labourer. I smile as I offer to arrange to test his clothing design skills and if he’s good enough I’ll find him some work. He likes the idea and offers to get his sketch pad. I tell him to get it as after dinner he has to design something simple and erotic for each of the ladies in leather or chamois. He blushes as I get him a sample pad of the colours Jock can get. Dinner is a delicious mix of oriental and English foods.

Designing Times

After dinner we sit in the lounge with cold drinks while the ladies get dressed in the various sexy outfits we have. Warreed sets up in a lounge chair with his pad and pencils. I explain the ladies will first model some of the various erotic outfits they have and will then pose so that he can design something specific for each one.

The parade begins. Judy, Melody, Janey, Sandra, Jehra, Purra, and Manae in very skimpy normal street wear outfits. Followed by Sarai in a pinafore, Nerra looking like Heidi which is the third maid outfit we bought, Marie in her new blue outfit, Therai as a French maid, Mum and Lisa in their Jock’s Straps dom outfits. I say they all have the maid outfits. By the end Warreed is sporting a huge erection and is drooling. Then the real fun starts as I have each one strip to allow him to see what they have to work with, so they all do sexy strip teases.

As Warreed finishes one sketch the next person strips and no one gets dressed. The order is Melody, Nerra, Jehra, Sandra, Janey, Manae, Mum, Purra, Lisa, Judy, Maizey, Greta, Sarai, Marie, and last is Therai. By the looks of his pants he’s already come a few times. When he finishes Therai kneels before him, takes his dick out, and gives him a blow job, then all the girls took turns sucking his dick. He’s a bit surprised but he doesn’t object when Lisa directs Jock and Toy to take a turn each.

During all this most of us are examining the sketches and they’re good. I asked Jock if he can make them, he’s not sure but Therai says yes. Jock forgot we have a resident seamstress.

Organising the Family

Gathering everyone around I say we have to get properly organised. They all looked confused. I explain we now have several commercial activities with more to come. We need to set pay rates and operational activities. Jock jumps in saying his business is now part of the family operations and I’m not getting out from under. I acknowledge that but we need to sort a few more things out. Mum speaks up from where she, Dad and Marie have been whispering to say their business is now part of the family assets. Everybody adds they need to transfer their existing bank accounts over to the family account.

I thank them all and say, “We’ll have four worker groups within our operations; employees, family, family slaves, and children. They have to earn money for themselves and it’s best we do it right. Commercial activities will be established with proper accounts and family working in them will have wages assigned at the proper award rate for work as casual contractors, except the designated manager for each operation as they’ll be listed as a permanent full-time employee.”

After a look around them all I continue, “All wages payments will be to a family bank account. Family members and slaves will have the ability to draw against their sub-account as they wish. Basic living expenses will be dealt with as a family expense and not an individual one. Regardless of what the actual wages payments are family members will earn at the following after tax hourly rates. Also, bonuses may be awarded by myself or by family vote as appropriate.” I set the rates as:

1. Work on household activities - family and slaves $10.00 per hour, others and kids $8.00 per hour.

2. Work on commercial activities - family and slaves $15.00 per hour, others and kids $12.00 per hour.

A check of nods and I continue, “Household work doesn’t include personal housekeeping chores such as keeping your room tidy, studying, and getting washing to the laundry; failure in this can result in being charged for another to do it. It does include food shopping, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. Payable as from Monday 13th of May, so please work out outstanding hours worked.”

There’s a bit of a fight about back dating the payments. I win by being stubborn about it. Then I state the playtime rules apply all of the time and non-family members can not be involved in any playtime with family members except with my permission, such as approved guests etc. Also, I’m the family patriarch and I want to confirm who wants to be part of the family and who doesn’t. Currently it includes Marie, Sandra, Janey, Sarai, Nerra, Jehra, Purra, Lisa, Jock, Toy and myself. Melody, Dave, Judy, Mum, Dad, Shutra, Manae, Therai and Warreed are invited to join, and I hope they will. Shutra’s other daughters and sons-in-law can also join if they wish. I add ours is a family of the heart as much as a family of the blood. So I’m including all the children we have away at school as family members too.

Therai explains the rules to Warreed and begs him to join, he agrees. So do the rest. I asked Manae and Shutra if they now agree to full sex with others. Manae smiles weakly as both nod. Greta knows the play and work rules and asks to join. This surprises Maizey. I do a quick head check and welcome her. She’ll move in tomorrow.

Warreed asks Therai, “Beloved, how many children do you wish to bear after we are married?”

A very surprised Therai replies, “But I thought?? Several, if I can.”

We all looked a bit confused so Warreed adds, “Therai and I love each other and she knows I’m sterile due to an illness some years ago. My body still produces sperm but it doesn’t work. Although Therai wanted children of her body and I do to, we had resigned ourselves to being childless. However, I see no reason why other family members can not help us out and give my love the children she wishes.” Therai is very happy with this and throws herself into his lap to hug him.

I reply, “I’m sure we can make some suitable arrangements after your honeymoon, but not before.” They both smile.

Evening Entertainment

Thinking this a good time to start the fun I tell Therai she should show Warreed how useful mouths are. Smiling she quickly undresses him to get him into a sixty-nine position on the lounge with her on top. From the look of joy on his face when she starts sucking his dick I think he likes the idea. When he starts licking her pussy I indicate for Jock to fuck her in the arse, Lisa smiles and nods. Warreed disengages his mouth while Jock mounts Therai’s arse then returns with a will when Jock is into a steady rhythm. Therai starts moaning as she sucks, I know how good that is and Warreed is really enjoying it too. In short order Therai comes several times. When Jock comes and withdraws I walk over and smack Therai’s arse hard. On the third smack Therai screams into Warreed’s dick as her body heaves in a huge orgasm then she starts to make a gargling sound as he starts coming. I stop smacking Therai. She sucks him dry and quickly gets him erect again.

Sitting up Therai looks at Melody and smiles, she returns the grin and speaks to Dave who’s beside her playing with her body. Melody walks over and pulls Warreed up off of the lounge to fed his dick into her vagina as she kisses him. Breaking the kiss she tells him to fuck her, he does. Dave joins in by fucking Melody’s arse and Therai starts smacking Warreed’s arse very hard. He has an ear to ear grin and is soon coming in Melody to cause her to come and set Dave to filling her bowels with his seed. Therai has a huge grin.

Looking around I see all the girls have ’just come’ expressions and the boys are like me, stiff as a board. I say Therai is to be punished for not inviting Warreed to our games last week and order her to lean over a single lounge chairs. I tell Warreed to stand on one side of the her and Sarai on the other. They take turns spanking Therai as she sucks cock. First me, then Toy, Jock, Dad, and Dave. Both Therai and Sarai are coming with each hit. None of us lasts long as Therai is moaning into a dick while giving deep throat. Then Marie makes her stand up as she turns the chair around and sits in it pulling Therai’s face to her pussy. She makes Therai eat her while the spanking continues. All the girls take turns at this game. Judy is last and when Therai has made her come twice she pushes Therai away and drags Warreed’s rigid dick to her pussy. He gets the message and starts fucking her hard.

Meanwhile the girls are taking turns making each other come and Shutra is going for his third come in Manae. After I come in Therai’s throat I walk over to put my wet dick to Manae’s lips. She starts sucking with vigour as she starts coming again, making Shutra very happy.

Once Manae has me good and hard again I withdraw and walk over to where Nerra is eating Maizey. Drawing Nerra aside I slide into Maizey’s vagina and start fucking her hard. On the fifth stroke she has a big orgasm, Nerra re-enters the game by playing limpet on Maizey’s left breast. Maizey starts bucking like a rodeo champion as she has orgasm after orgasm. I’m enjoying the pleasant feel of her satin sheath as I slide in and out, then her vagina clamps down on my dick to hold me tight. As I start to enjoy her pussy rippling along my dick Marie walks over and ’returns the favour’ with the special vibrator to make me come and fill Maizey with my sperm as she bucks harder.

Nerra says that’s enough and orders me to stop as I withdraw from Maizey, so I go and make sandwiches and hot chocolate. Bringing my plunder back I see everyone is trying to catch their breath so I hand them out and take the tablet Nerra has for me. During the break Sarai has a word with me and then with Judy after I agree.

When we finish the drinks and sandwiches I ask Judy, Therai, Sarai, Marie and Warreed to help me clean up, so they start collecting mugs and plates. I wish everyone a happy evening and reminded them tomorrow is Monday and a working day, so don’t be too late to sleep. We soon clean up the gear and head upstairs for a shower.

We have a nice six way shower in the third floor bathroom with Therai and Judy showing Warreed the shower protocols; he has no complaints. Once dry we go into bedroom 3 V 1 and Sarai has Warreed lie in the middle of the bed with Therai and Judy on either side with a breast in each hand. He has a huge grin as I told him to enjoy his night’s sleep. I take up a similar position with Marie and Sarai in the other king sized bed we have in the bedroom and we go to sleep.

Monday 27th May

Morning Alarms

I wake to the sound of spanking and look over to see Warreed eating Therai’s pussy as he spanks her while Judy is fucking up and down on his dick as she kisses Therai. Marie is playing limpet on Therai’s right breast and Sarai is grinning as she spanks both Judy and Marie. I get up and give Sarai a quick hard fucking, causing her to come on the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth strokes before she collapses and I withdraw.

Moving over to Marie I tease her by entering only half way and use short slow thrusts without gaining full entry. After a few minutes Marie pulls away from Therai, stands up, pulls herself off me, grabs my arm and throws me onto the other bed. Calling me all sorts of names, she has a much bigger vocabulary of abusive names and swear words than I ever suspected, Marie jumps onto the bed and thrusts herself onto my dick. She sets up a hard fast rhythm as she fucks herself onto my dick. Oh what a lovely feeling as her velvet tunnel slides up and down on my dick. On the fifth stroke she starts coming and goes straight into a multiple orgasm. At that point I pull her to me and slide the fancy vibrator into her arse turned on full as I clamp my mouth on hers. Marie starts bucking and trying to scream as she has ripper orgasm after orgasm. She finally collapses after what seems like thirty or forty orgasms. All during this her delightful pussy is clamping and rippling along my dick, which feels great. I turn the vibrator off and remove it then I roll her over onto the bed and withdraw.

Therai, Warreed, and Judy have all collapsed onto the bed. Looking at the clock I see it’s 6:15 a.m. I go downstairs to check how things are elsewhere. All are asleep and smiling. Finding Maizey and Greta asleep in each other arms in 1 V 4 I decide my stiff dick needs more action.

After gently lifting the doona off them I lay Greta on her back and spread her legs wide. I lightly lick her pussy until she moans in her sleep and her juices are flowing. Then I move up the bed and slowly slide my dick into her. Once in I increase the speed of each stroke, on the ninth stroke Greta has an orgasm and wakes up in the middle of it. She immediately bucks her hips against me in a fast rhythm as she pulls me to her and my head to her mouth as she has a multiple orgasm. A few minutes later I feel a something in my arse and break the kiss. I haven’t finished turning my head when I feel the fancy vibrator kick in, causing me to come. Then a mouth clamps onto the back of my neck like a leech and I’m coming again. I’m soon spent and collapse. The vibrator turns off and is removed. Greta has a huge smile on her face. Maizey is sitting there with a damp pussy and a ’just come’ expression.

Then I hear Marie snarl, “Don’t you ever do that to me again, I can’t walk straight you bastard.” Turning to her I smile and wink.

I say, “Convince me you didn’t greatly enjoy yourself.”

Laughing she says, “I did, way too much. I now understand, for the first time, what you said a few weeks back about how too much of a good thing can be very bad as well. I won’t be able to sit in class all day.”

Sitting up I pull Marie to me, kiss her, and say, “Sorry, I didn’t mean it to be that good. If you are too sore we can send a sick note.”

Marie replies, “Let’s see how I feel when it’s time to go to school.”

We get up and have a four way shower, dress and go to breakfast.

Morning Activities

After breakfast the girls leave for school, including Marie. Jock, Lisa, and Judy go to Jock’s shop. Dave and Warreed leave for work, Warreed in a family sedan and he’ll give his notice. Toy leaves for uni while Greta and Maizey go home. I kiss all the girls on their way, so do Dad, Dave, and Warreed. So the girls also give the leavers a good kissing. I then decide all the girls need a good morning kiss from us all. A very pleasant interlude.

Therai co-opts Purra to help her with making Warreed’s designs into clothes and leaves for the clothing workshop. Melody is assigned to chase down what we need in the way of text books and educational programs to get Judy’s education organised and started. I also ask her to find out the exact qualifications of everyone and then relate that to the awards so we can work out their wages. Sarai organises the rest into Heidi outfits to do the cleaning, which is a delightful sight.

Jimbo turns up at 9:00 a.m. and starts wiring the cottages while his helper uses a ditch-witch to make the cable trenches between buildings. Jimbo also has an electrician upgrading the power throughout the complex to ensure the computers have dedicated fully protected power circuits. Knowing we’ll later need new cables for new buildings Jimbo has a couple of strategically placed pits planned to simplify the work.

The builders to renovate 2 V 3 and 2 V 4 into one large room arrive at 9:15 a.m ... They’re finished and the paint is starting to dry by 5:00 p.m. that day.

About 10:00 a.m. the Telstra crew arrive at the plateau with the fibre optic trunk cable. It has extra capability for later expansion. Jimbo shows them the chosen path between the lodge and the cliff and around the side of the building to a cable entry pit that feeds into the server room. They only have to run it in and set up the terminal box on the wall. They figure they’ll finish about mid-afternoon. The cable is being buried deep and in very well insulated conduit to protect it from bush fires, etc.

At 10:30 a.m. the surveyors for the tree clearing people turns up and wants to confirm and walk over the areas that have to be cleared. They have already done all the work for the road. They tell me the existing access road is logged and the crew is about a third of the way along the new road stretch, which is very good news. Thanking them I introduce them to our resident forester, yard-man, and handyman then leave them to get the rest of the trees marked. Before leaving at lunch time they tell me the logging should be finished by Thursday or Friday.

The surveyors for the construction company arrive 11:00 a.m. as well and I show them where we want the new buildings and point out the guys marking the trees for removal. They have a quick chat to sort out tree priorities. They peg out the sites for the new cottages as that area is already clear and they tell me the work crews will start tomorrow. They promise to return next week to peg out the ground for the rest and inspect the road. They’re sure once the trees are out they can bulldoze the new road areas and lay gravel, but it will be another month before they could lay the road itself. During that time we can use the road, in fact, it will help compact the gravel if we do.

Sitting down with Nerra I discuss the medical equipment needs and suggest a change in plans to have one of the new cottages purposely built as a two doctor surgery with an emergency operating room. She agrees and starts amending her equipment list and plans.


After lunch Nerra, Sarai, Wendy, Jenn and I go into town to do some shopping. First stop is to talk to the people about redesigning the interior of the cottages and the workshop / garage building. Having got some input from Jenn and Mac I’m having one of the new cottages done as a security centre for the on-site security people. Basically, one of the bedrooms gets extra windows and is set up as the security control point. the other cottage is being totally redesigned as a mini medical centre.

Next is to order the medical equipment and supplies Nerra wants. Followed by a few places to look at PABX units. I figure with a working lodge and our residence we need a large phone system. I settle on two units that allowed for 250 extensions, 25 phone lines and use VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Jimbo is a licensed installer. I have them load the two units and 100 handsets in the van. One is for the residence lodge, the cottages, and the workshop. A fibre link to the second unit in the main client lodge for it and the pool area. Later Jimbo tells me they’re the best choice for us and is glad of the extra work as he just loves gouging me, I allow it as he’s worth the money.

Next is a furniture shop for more items Sarai wants. Followed by a specialist furniture shop Jock and Lisa recommended for some special items for use in the new playroom. All of the gear is to be delivered tomorrow.

We’re then very busy dealing with a very large grocery shopping list to load up and take home.

Arriving home at 4:15 p.m. we see the Telstra people driving out. Looking carefully through the trees we can see where the logging crew are packing up for the day. They should be to us tomorrow morning. Greta has moved her gear and settled into 1 V 3 as arranged with Judy and Nerra.

Nerra suggests I go up and help her settle in, smiling I undress as I go upstairs. Entering the room I see Greta has her back to me putting clothes into a cupboard. I walk up and put my arms around her to fondle her breasts as I kiss her neck. She leans back saying, “Please.” Greta stands there as I undo her blouse and bra then slip them off her shoulders. Unzipping her skirt I let it fall before sliding her panties down. After removing her shoes I push Greta to the bed where she lies down. Grinning I pick up her stockings and follow her to the bed. She watches me as I pull her across the bed, spread her legs, and tie her feet to the bed legs with the stockings. Thus keeping her legs spread wide. Telling her not to move I got another pair of stockings and tie her hands to the other bed legs.

I lie down on Greta to kiss her and nibble at her neck. I ask her what she uses for contraception to be told Nerra had, at Greta’s request, taken out her IUD after her shower this morning. I suck her breasts and lick my way down to her pussy. I enjoy the flavour of her sweet pussy as I lick and suck her to five orgasms. When I surface Purra and Jehra are lying on the bed beside Greta sucking on her breasts with Nerra giving advice. Coming up onto my knees I spread Greta’s labia folds to slowly slide my dick into her juicy vagina and start fucking her deep and fast. She immediately starts to scream as a huge orgasm rips through her body. The feel of her sweet pussy on my dick is great. Nerra leans down to kiss her, going into super suck mode and Greta’s eyes open wide in response. After Greta has nine or ten orgasms Marie enters the room and cuddles me from behind as she sucks on my neck and tweaks my nipples. She says, “Hurry up and get the horny bitch pregnant.” This causes me to come and fill Greta with my sperm.

Marie tells the others to let up on Greta. When my breathing settles down Marie pulls me out and leads me off to the shower. We’re soon were joined by Purra and Jehra holding Greta up. When we finish in the shower we take Greta back to the bed for a rest. I tell Purra to lie down because she doesn’t look right. When she lies on the bed I spread her legs and dive into her pussy. After her third orgasm I stand up, look at the smile on her face, and say she looks a lot better. I kiss her as Marie and Jehra laugh while Greta sleeps.

We arrived back downstairs at 5:45 p.m. just as Jock and company arrive home from his shop. We’re all sitting around the lounge when Jimbo walks in and stops short. Jehra, Purra, Marie, Nerra, and I hadn’t bothered to get dressed again and it catches him by surprise. Damned if I know how he could have been working in the building for a week without noticing the high level of nudity and undress. But he does tend to concentrate on his work to ensure it is perfectly done, that’s why people pay him top dollar.

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