Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Friday 24th May

Morning Alarms

I wake before Sandra and start a long slow fuck. After about three minutes she stirs and I tip her head to kiss her. She relaxes into the kiss so I go into tongue suck out mode and trigger her orgasm. I’m enjoying the feel of this until Marie shoves her finger in my arse to cause me to orgasm as she says, “From now on, if I don’t get your morning woody it better be a bloody quick fuck for who does. Understand me, mister?”

I nod acknowledgement as I fill Sandra with my sperm while saying, “All you had to do was ask me. You know I’m always happy to oblige you.” She relents. We get up and wake Sarai and Therai. We have a five way shower, get dressed, and go downstairs - waking people as we go.

We enter 2 V 4 to find Judy is using her alarm clock on Dad and telling me to wake up. Dad is moaning and Mum is nearly choking as she tries to laugh without making any noise. It’s clear Judy thinks Dad is me. Walking around the bed I pull the quilt back and tell Judy I think it looks good as I direct Sarai to suck her clit off. Judy’s eyes fly open when I speak. She jumps at seeing me standing there. Sarai hits her clit and Judy starts an orgasm. Her orgasm sets Dad off on his orgasm. Mum, bless her evil little soul, leans over Dad to rub her breasts into his face as she kisses Judy and does the tongue suck trick. This sets Judy off on another orgasm. Sarai is rising but drops down and goes back to work. They keep Judy in a constant string of orgasms for about five minutes. All this time Dad’s empty dick is trapped inside her. When they let up Dad lies there groaning as Judy moans. Mum says to Dad, “I hope you liked Judy’s morning alarm today because if I ever find you getting another I’ll cut your dick off. Got me?”

In a tired tone Dad replies, “I don’t think I can take another one of those and live.” We laugh. Melody and Dave offer to teach them proper shower etiquette while the rest of us go to breakfast.


We reach the dinning room to find the security team sitting down to cornflakes and juice as they’d arrived at 7:30 a.m. They’d started arriving early last week. It’s no charge as they just want time to enjoy a good breakfast. They inform us Zeppelins in a fog will be out soon. We get stuck into breakfast. A little later everyone is finishing breakfast and it’s time for the girls to go to school. They line up to be kissed and it seems the security team really like this little exercise too. I assume this from the enthusiasm they display.

They check guns are loaded and safe before leaving the house to drive to school in one of the vans. The gun check is blasé for us but it shocks Mum and Dad. Mum asks what’s going on. I explain about wanting security coverage for the girls when Gorilla started his trouble and I decided to keep it on for a while longer after the first brush with the terrorists. Now I’m waiting until ASIO give us a clearance notice about that group. I tell Mum and Dad I can get extra guards for them and I suggest I do. They say they’ll think about it after they get a full briefing. Lisa and Jock go to his shop to try and sell out the stock again. Lisa leaves Toy with Sarai for housework as he has no classes today. Dave leaves for work. I sit in the lounge to bring Mum and Dad up to date. Jimbo arrives and starts work. He should finish wiring the lodge today.


We have to go shopping. Mum and Dad dress casual and the rest wear saris, including the guard team. What a colourful lot. Sarai dresses me to match. We take the a van. The first stop is a jewellery store to get some jewellery to fit with saris for everyone. Next is the store where we’d bought our current saris. The bitchy supervisor doesn’t recognise us at first. Sharla has the day off so Sarai chooses one of the other junior staff and makes a point to ignore the gossipy senior staff.

We buy some low and top end outfits for Mum, Dad, Shutra and Manae. Some middle level outfits for the whole household. A few very high end ones for Sarai. She surprises me by insisting I get some very high end outfits. I look at her for a moment saying, “I find the current outfit quite comfortable.”

Sarai replies, “My Lord, I realise you don’t like to dress as befits your true status but there are times you should, and as the head of your household it’s my duty to see you’re properly dressed at such times. I can’t do this if you don’t have the proper clothes and don’t let me buy them for you.” I concede the point.

She chooses three very lovely outfits and I try them on. Sarai insists some minor adjustments be made and the shop seamstress does this as we wait. I try them on again. She makes me keep the last one on. I pay with my black Amex card to give the gossips another quiver.

As we turn to leave the Indian Ambassador, his wife, and several others are entering. The Ambassador looks us over. One of their number who I know as Shamra (he’s a very good security type) steps between me and the Ambassador. I slowly raise both hands in a gesture of peace. Shamra says, “So Kartikeya, you still live. I’d heard certain mutual enemies killed you.” The Ambassador is walking past but stops at this reference to the God of War and watches us.

I reply in a friendly manner, “Yes, I live. Those of your people I was sent to educate refused to learn and tried to kill me. I showed them I taught more than one subject. Then they shook in fear and died as Shiva walked their camp. I let some live to tell others about my visit and teachings. Later, those who trained and armed them sent many killers after me, some found me and died. Some killed one of their own and took the body back and claimed it was me, thus they lived. I let the deception stand. Now I’ve returned to my old life.” Mum and Dad are wide eyed at this revelation.

Sarai says, “My Lord, you’re neither Kartikeya, the God of War, or Shiva, the God of Destruction. You’re Rama, the Great Warrior and Ideal Man, returned to us in human form.” Many in the shop are upset by this statement comparing me to a major God whose greatly revered in their home country. However, Shutra, Manae, Nerra, Jehra, and Purra just nod their agreement with Sarai’s statement.

Laughing Shamra says, “Yes, you’re being a reincarnation of Rama makes so much more sense as there were times I felt you were Saraswathi or Dharma with a fair bit of Ganesha thrown in. Rama really suits you my old friend.”

I laugh saying, “I’m no god, just a man who gets tired after loving.”

Melody says, “Yes, tired after loving four or five of us so much we know we’re in heaven and are so tired we can’t move for hours.”

Shamra laughs again and tells me he’s now a senior bureaucrat at the embassy. I give him my current phone number and e-mail address as I ask him to let me know when he has some free time so we can get together to talk over old times. He promises he’ll contact me.

I tell him my name and introduce him to my party. He does the same with his party. I ask the Ambassador how his children’s charity fund raising is going. He says they’re thirty thousand dollars short of the target for the new medical centre. I pull out my cheque book and write a check for fifty thousand dollars for the charity. I hand it over saying, “It’ll need some supplies. Please send the receipt to my business address,” as I hand him my card. He looks pleasantly surprised and thanks me. I add, “You can best thank me by seeing the children get the maximum benefit from the money.” He nods and goes on with his shopping.

With us all properly dressed for the occasion we go for lunch at the restaurant where I first met Shutra. It’s a splendid meal. The owner explains he’s moved Gumbo and his wife to a one bedroom flat. He put the excess rent Shutra paid to fixing a few things at the house and having it cleaned. The remainder is credited to Gumbo’s new flat with the bond being transferred as is. He says what happened to Mahmoud and his friends leaked to the community. The more troublesome elements now keep away as the leaked story credits his staff with the deaths. So he’s very happy with the outcome.


We go to Jock’s shop to see how things are going. Sarai asks Jock to prepare a dark blue collar with the name ’Lord Rama’ for me. He smiles and promised to do it today. When he asks why that name Sarai summarises the discussion with Shamra and explains who all of the gods are and their attributes. Jock and company agree Rama suits me. I don’t fight it as I’m smart enough to know this is one fight I can’t win.

We hang around Jock’s shop and chat for a while. We help him use up the materials on hand by making outfits as Mum and Dad review his wares. Mum even tries a few on, and she looks good in them.

Getting home around 4:30 p.m. I speak to Nerra about her doctor’s office. She’s preparing plans for setting the largest ground floor front office up as a consultation room and emergency operating room. She’s also setting up one of the small offices as another consultation room. All sounds good and will be useful in emergencies etc. Most of it is a matter of installing the equipment where she wants it. I tell her to include a drug safe and its location. She’s to order all of the equipment and cabinets she wants.

Lisa, Jock, and Dave arrive home about 5:45 p.m.


Sarai has taken over the kitchen so she now organises dinner and who’s doing it. Jock only gets to use it for breakfast due to a special approval from Sarai. I’m not permitted in the kitchen except when approved by Sarai and everything for making the hot chocolate is now available elsewhere. Dinner is a lovely mixed grill with all the trimmings and well cooked. I say, “Sarai, I don’t mind being evicted from the kitchen while the meals are so nice. Please pass on my compliments to tonight’s cooks for a lovely meal.” Sarai and Mum both say ’Thank you.’ Dessert is mixed jellies, ice cream, and fresh whipped cream they beat late today.

During and following the meal everybody updates everyone on the day’s important events. Jock has brought home his manufacturing equipment and materials and asks for a hand rearranging the shop and the display over the weekend. He gets plenty of volunteers and will work it out later.

Dave mentions his current posting’s a good promotion but it will end in three years time and then he’ll have to take a demotion or move across the state. I suggest he worry about that in two years time as he may be better placed for outside local employment by then. He likes the idea of staying in the area, so does Melody.

I raise the idea of a working lodge with paying guests, they look shocked. I explain. Build two new larger buildings set up as serviced apartments, the guests look after their own meals and washing etc. Some conference rooms, and we’ve minimal work beyond bookings, collecting fees, and departure cleaning. We can offer the guests walking trails, the swimming pool, and privacy. Limited bookings of Friday night to Sunday morning, or Sunday night to Friday morning, or both; take it or leave it. Run a small general store and a laundry for those too lazy to do their own washing. Everybody likes it so I’ll prepare plans and talk to people next week.

Sarai mentions an idea for a large play room by combining 2 V 3 with 2 V 4 and installing some punishment devices. My hedonistic lot weren’t too sure about the big playroom until the installations are mentioned. Shutra and Manae walk in and ask what’s happening tonight. We retire to the lounge room to spread out on the lounges and chairs.

Evening Fun

Apologising to Judy I tell her she has supervisor duty and promise to make up for it later. She’s not happy but nods and understands. Sarai sits on the end of the lounge with Therai kneeling as she eats Sarai’s pussy. Janey is leaning over the end of the second lounge being eaten by Manae who’s being slow fucked by Shutra. Janey is sucking on one of Manae’s breasts and Mum is leaning over the lounge sucking on the other. Melody and Marie are in a sixty-nine on the third lounge. Jehra is sitting in a chair with Jock’s face buried in her pussy and her face buried in Lisa’s pussy as Toy pounds Jock’s arse. Nerra is kissing Lisa as Purra eats Nerra’s pussy and Dad eats hers. Dave and I are standing, watching, smiling, and really enjoying the show.

He lies down to slide under Therai and start on her pussy. I walk up and kiss Sarai. With an evil laugh I tweak her nipples hard, she screams and gurgles with an orgasm. Marie looks up at us and smiles when she sees what I’m doing. I kiss Sarai again. She smiles at me as she calms down and calls me a bastard.

Grinning I walk to where Therai’s backside is stuck up in the air saying, “Sarai, watch this.” I spank Therai very hard. She jerks with an orgasm and screams into Sarai’s pussy. Which sets Sarai off on another orgasm. I give Therai ten very hard spanks with each one triggering an orgasm and muffled scream into Sarai’s pussy to give her an orgasm too. When I stop both are having trouble breathing.

A spluttering Dave slides out from under Therai as his face and chest are soaked with Therai’s juices. He laughs while saying, “You bastard, you damn near drowned me with that.”

Looking around I see Janey has left Manae and is in a sixty-nine with Sandra in a chair. I walk toward Manae. She smiles as I approach and pokes her tongue out as I slide my stiff dick into Mum’s pussy. Fondling her right breast with one hand I use the other to play with her clit as I give her a fast fucking. Mum starts moaning as she sucks Manae’s breast. After a few minutes of this heavenly delight Mum has a strong orgasm and sucks extra hard on Manae’s breast to cause her to have an orgasm. By the look on Shutra’s face he’s enjoying the sensation and trying to hold back. Leaving Mum I go to Melody.

Standing behind Melody I grab her hips and enter her, fast. She grunts and pushes back as she sucks harder on Marie’s breast. Reaching around I give her nipples a tweak to trigger a multiple orgasm in her. I enjoy the ecstasy of being in her as she does. Melody nearly sucks Marie’s nipple off to cause her to have another orgasm. Turning around I see Purra has taken over guard duty. Nerra is beside me with a stern look and ready to check my blood pressure. I ain’t stupid I stick my arm out and give a weak grin as she smiles. As she checks me out I nod at Marie. Nerra looks at Marie saying, “OK, but be quick. I’m not happy with your BP or heart rate, Mister Smart Alec.”

I smile and nod my thanks as I walk around the lounge and Marie moans in another small orgasm. I remove the flesh coloured ring clamped on the base of my dick and place it on a table. Leaning over I grab Marie by the waist to pull her away from Melody and turn her a little. She’s still in the throes of her orgasm as I spread her legs, lift her hips, and enter her. As our groins meet Marie’s eyes fly open and she screams as her body shudders in a bigger orgasm. Each hard, fast, thrust is rewarded by another shudder and scream. I try to make it last as long as possible but I soon reach my own orgasm. Lowering us to the lounge I pull her close and hug her tight as I fill her womb with my sperm. A few minutes later Marie reaches up to pull my head down and we kiss. Breaking the kiss Marie says, “Now that’s a premium load.” We laugh. Judy interrupts us all with a screamer of an orgasm that shows she’s having a great time.

Nerra walks toward me with a small drink. I stand up saying, “Well, I think it’s bed time. Sarai with Marie and me. Everyone else make your own arrangements for the night.” Passing Nerra I take the drink and down it on one swallow.

Smiling Nerra pats me on the head while, saying, “Good boy.” More laughter.

Sarai grabs a hand of both Marie and I saying, “Shower and bed for us.”

Dad offers to clean up and everyone heads off for showers.

Sarai and I wash and dry Marie then put her to bed. We have a slow mutual shower, no sex, and join Marie in bed. Marie in the middle with Sarai and I gently sucking a breast each. We sleep soundly.

Saturday 25th May

Morning Alarm

I wake up to the feel of Marie rubbing my dick against Judy’s clit as Judy moans in her sleep. Leaning back a bit I pull Marie’s face to mine and kiss her. Marie slides my dick back and places it at the entrance to Judy’s vagina and tells me it was my turn to give her a wake up alarm. I start a gentle rhythm as I kiss Judy’s neck and fondle her breasts. Judy starts mumbling and moaning in her sleep.

Walking over Nerra says, “Sorry, a quickie only now.”

Nerra throws the covers back to kneel and apply super suction to Judy’s clit while tickling my balls. Judy wakes up screaming, “Fuuucck” as her orgasm hits her. Just as Judy is coming down from that Marie shoves her finger in my arse causing me to slam forward into Judy and to come in her. This sends her off on another orgasm. As we regain our breath Marie drags me out of bed towards the shower and we have a lovely five way shower. Each of the girls got off a few times and Sarai gave me a lovely blow job to suck me dry.

We check on everyone on the way down stairs and find them all happily involved in showers except Jock. He’s busy cooking breakfast and chatting with today’s security team. By the time we all finish our breakfast, scotch fillet steak and poached eggs, it’s 8:15 a.m.

Jimbo arrives to set up the servers saying, “All the computers are set up and configured. They just need to be put where you wanted them and patched in, the patch panel is ready in the server room. Everything is properly identified and here’s a set of documents on the lot.” He’s a good man. He’ll be done with the lodge by noon and wire the cottages next week, but he’ll have to return when the phone line is connected.

As he goes to the server room Sandra asks if she and Janey can move Jehra and Purra to 1 V 2 with them. When I say that’s OK Mum asks if she and Dad can move into 1 V 1. I reply, “That’s OK, move as you wish on an evening or long term basis as room assignments are more for clothing storage and first check points for people.” She smiles and nods.

Grinning Mum say, “I think I can learn to like your hedonistic lifestyle. I don’t know about Dad, but if I’d known evenings were like last night I would have been home weeks ago.”

We all laugh and I say, “OK. Seriously Mum, Dad. Do either of you have a problem with the other being ’borrowed’ for fun on a regular basis?”

Mum replies, “No, not now, except I’m his only alarm clock.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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