Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Wednesday 22nd May

Morning Alarm

Surprise, the woman in my arms today is the one I went to sleep with last night. I start fondling Nerra’s breasts and kissing her neck. Well, she’s fucking back and forth on my stiff dick so I feel she deserves some attention. Her pussy feels heavenly. Nerra says, “Hmm, yes please.”

Jehra gives me the vibrator treatment again. So on the next stroke I’m filling Nerra with sperm as she has her orgasm. We all get up and go for the showers. I promise Jehra she’ll soon have the pleasure of getting the same treatment. She says, “I already do, isn’t it nice?” We all laugh.


Surprise, I make it to breakfast before everyone leaves. I have them line up to kiss them goodbye. Marie, Wendy, Janey, Ingrid, Sandra, and Marg off to school. Therai, Carla, and I skip Jock - not my scene, off to his shop. Melody, Judy, Sarai, Purra, Nerra, Jehra, Greta, and Maizey off to the lodge. They take a load of gear with them as well. Dave has already left for work. Toy - another skip, and Diane to uni. I appreciate the guards getting in line too. Leaving Lisa and Jenn with me. Lisa gives me last nights updates I’d missed while I eat my breakfast. Dave contacted the child welfare people and his solicitors. The paperwork for permanent adoption is in and expected to be finalised within the month. Welfare are pushing the issue as well. Also Jenn briefed them all on the talks with Boots and BW.

Shutra and his sons-in-law have handed in their notice and are finishing up on Friday so they can start working for us full time. Although lower money the overall deal is better. They end up with more money in pocket due to reduced travel costs and us providing housing, vehicles, fuel, and food. They also get to spend more time at home. Sarai has arranged for her brothers-in-law to spend part of their lunch period taking the two old cars over to exchange for two of the new cars, they don’t seem to mind that at all which is not surprising. The other three are to be delivered here about 10:30 a.m. and we have to run their people back. The first Tarago will be ready before lunch. The truck for our new beds and cupboards will arrive soon. We still have to visit the uni and sign the final house sale papers today.


Just after 9:30 a.m. the doorbell rings. It’s the three guys with the truck to take the new beds and cupboards away. We join in to carry them out and on to the truck, packed them, and on their way. The new cars arrive. We lock up the house and take the drivers back in the Tarago. Pick up the new Tarago, Lisa driving, and head to the lodge. We get hot pizzas and drinks on the way.

We arrive at 12:15 p.m. just as they finish unloading the truck we’d loaded, so a lunch break is just right. During lunch I have a short word with Nerra about my health. Given a few more days with low stress she thinks I’ll be recovered enough for our usual activities by the weekend.

Lisa, Jenn, and I go up to inspect the work done. They’ve moved the walls, built or rebuilt the bathroom walls, re-plastered, and painted since Monday. Plumbers are very busy at work doing the showers and baths. Fast workers. I must keep their card for future work. We go through the building. It looks different with furniture and rugs, real homey and liveable now. We may want more renovations later for larger showers, spas, and the like.


Leaving the new Tarago at the lodge we go to my solicitor and sign the rest of the papers he has for the housing sales and purchase.

Off to the uni and sit in on one of Toy’s classes. Jenn knows one of the other students and approaches her about helping with the missed notes. She’s unhappy as she doesn’t like Toy, but agrees to do it as a favour for Jenn. That was her last class for the day so we go to a mall and copy all her notes for the year to date. She has all the same classes as Toy and better grades. Afterwards I lead her to a fashion shop for a new outfit as a thank you. She says that’s not necessary. I reply, “It is if I can talk you into letting me help with the changes as you try things on. Then I can look at your lovely body in only panties.” She has no bra on. She laughs, looks at Jenn, and agrees when she sees Jenn’s huge grin. A pleasant and happy interlude for the day before she has a new set of clothes on.

We go home and start preparing dinner as no one’s rostered. We settle for lamb chops with boiled potatoes in their jackets, boiled carrot slices, and corn on the cob. Lisa does a pudding for dessert.

Everybody turns up around 5:30 p.m. and gets ready for dinner. Toy had gone to help Jock after finishing classes, thoughtful of him. He’s very grateful for the notes and he starts reading them before dinner.

Dinner and Updates

Everyone’s put in another hard day’s work and they really appreciate the dinner. They love Lisa’s caramel and chocolate pudding.

Dave has good news. Welfare have talked a judge into looking at Petra’s case in chambers. There’s a hearing tomorrow for immediate adoption by Dave on the condition he and Melody marry by the end of the year. The hearing is to interview Dave and Melody. I agree it’s great and we smile. His work big wigs are happy as the intel they’re getting from ’God’s Sword’ and Mahmoud is helping them to roll up the local support network of a major international terrorist organisation, they even get some leads overseas that make the USA’s NSA happy. He thinks the Minister may have spoken to the court re the adoption as the terms are legal but well outside those normally applied, and at an unprecedented speed.

Laughing, Jock reports a slow day at only thirty-two thousand dollars of sales, which is the same as the whole of last month. Nearly all of the sales are new customers and only a few are into BDSM, while the majority of them just like the look, especially the chamois stuff.

Sarai reports all is ready for us to go to our new home to sleep in tonight. The main freezer isn’t at working temperature yet, but the small fridges are and there’s enough food on hand for breakfast and snacks. She plans a major shopping expedition for tomorrow to get groceries and more furniture that’s needed. My friend has filled one office with boxes of computer gear and has started installing the cables for the network in conduit that looks like part of the kick boards.

Marie says Lucie spoke to her and wants to come around for a visit and talk to me, so she’ll come home with Marie one day. I agree.

After the meal we finish loading everything that has to go (including Dad’s computer from the study), tidy up and take most of the remaining groceries to our new home. Once I lock up and turn the security on the convoy starts. All six new sedans, both Tarago vans, and the security mini-bus. We arrive at the lodge at 8:00 p.m. and the security people see us settled before going to sign off. I ask them to tell Mac and the others start time is now 8:00 a.m. as it’s further to town.


We sit in the lounge room and work out the general arrangements. The room identification or numbering system is: the ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor; Valley end and Road end; then the rooms are numbered clockwise from the Valley end left corner. Thus, the first bedroom is number 1 V 1, first floor, Valley end, first room on that floor in the back left corner. The room directly opposite to it is 1 V 6. The lounge area between the two rows of bedrooms is 1 V lounge. The bedrooms each have two clothing cupboards, two desks and two king sized beds in them. More furniture can be added to suit the main users’ tastes and needs. Everyone gets what they ask for, although I think they all sorted it out earlier. Dave and Melody are in 1 V 1. Jehra and Purra are in 1 V 2. Janey and Sandra are in 1 V 3. Judy and Nerra are in 2 V 1. Lisa, Jock, and Toy are in 2 V 2. Marie, Sarai, and I are in 3 V 1. I also suspect there will be many nightly shifts of people. This leaves the inner rooms vacant and we all have outside balcony views of the valley. Therai asks permission to sleep with Marie, Sarai, and I until her wedding as she doesn’t want to sleep in a cottage by herself. We agree. However, I think she just wants to improve her sex education and experiences.

We head off to our bedrooms. I stop and make some hot chocolate and leave it warm on the 2V kitchenette as I figure someone will need it later. I’m tired but not sleepy so I go out on to the veranda to look at the stars across our little valley. There’s a full moon so we can see quite a bit of the valley. The little lake at the far end glints in the moonlight. The girls join me. We stand there enjoying the magical view for about ten minutes. I have an arm around Marie on one side and Sarai in the other, Therai stands beside Sarai. When I turn to go inside I find we have a full line up along the rail as Jehra, Purra, Janey, and Sandra have joined us.

I walk back in to get a drink just as Nerra enters the room and holds out a sleeping tablet for me. I take it without comment and immediately swallow it with the glass of water she brought. I expect everyone to obey our doctor so I have to obey her on medical and health issues.

Since it looks like I’m not going to have a very active night tonight I decide I can organise a nice show for the rest to participate in. I send people off to gather various articles. Upon their return I place the large coffee table in an open area in the bedroom right under a hook in the ceiling. I think the hook was originally for plants in a hanging pot due to the size and location of it. However, tonight I slip the rope of a plank swing on the hook.

I call Therai over and tell her she’s naughty in not wanting to use her own cottage and needs to be punished. She smiles. I make her bend over and lean through the swing so she’s face down with her pelvis on the swing. I place the coffee table under her so her feet are at one side and her hands the other of the coffee table. She’s now a little bit concerned. Tying her hands and feet to the legs of the coffee table I place a chair at the side for her head to rest on and the stage is set. Therai is bent over and tied to the coffee table with her weight on the swing plank across her pelvis. Then I send Nerra off for Judy, Lisa, Jock, and Toy.

Placing a folded blanket on the coffee table I instruct Jehra and Purra to lie on the blanket to suck Therai’s breasts, which they do with very wide smiles. I have Sarai sit in the chair and tell Therai to lick her pussy. We laugh when Marie says it’s nice seeing a family having fun together. The others arrive so I set Nerra to work licking Therai’s pussy. Walking up I give Therai ten hard spanks on the arse. Both Sarai and Therai have an orgasm with every hit. Marie starts her orgasm on the fifth spank. I use my hand as a cup to put some of Therai’s pussy juices on her arse and spread her cheeks wide for them to seep into her arse hole. She goes to raise her head but Sarai pushes it back down. With Lisa’s permission I have both Jock and Toy soak their dicks in the river flowing out of Therai’s pussy. Jock steps up and gently enters Therai’s arse. When he’s fully in I make him stop while Toy enters his arse. Once Jock starts fucking Therai he’ll be fucking Toy into himself on the back stroke. I sit Marie down on the bed with Lisa eating her pussy.

Walking up to Therai I spank her five more times which starts more orgasms around the room and I tell Jock to fuck her arse. Turning around I see Judy finger herself to an orgasm. I sit beside her and pull her hands away from her pussy as I pick her up and place her on my stiff dick. She immediately starts her orgasm, delicious. Judy gets the message and starts fucking me when she recovers from the orgasm. I order Janey and Sandra to leave off each other and start licking Purra’s and Jehra’s pussies, which they do with large smiles and great enthusiasm.

After ten minutes of this Jehra and Purra have large orgasms and play limpet on Therai’s breasts. This causes her to buck and play limpet on Sarai’s pussy, bringing on her orgasm. I’m nearly there so I tweak Judy’s breasts to start her orgasm. This starts my own. I call out, “Come cake.” Janey and Sandra orgasm which sets Jehra and Purra off again. Toy slams his hips forward hard and has an orgasm in Jock’s arse. Jock was on a backward stroke when Toy slams into him and pushes him back into Therai’s arse to also set Jock off on his orgasm. All this action causes Therai to have another orgasm. Cuddling Judy to me I lie back on the bed.

Marie is lying on the bed totally exhausted while Lisa has a huge grin and is licking her lips. I tell her to go lick Nerra’s pussy, so she leaves the bed with a smile. Soon I hear Nerra’s loud moaning. However, I’m now a bit woozy.

The next thing I know I’m in bed cuddling to Therai as we watch Marie and Sarai in a sideways sixty-nine in the other bed. I can feel Therai playing with herself, but I have no energy to do anything so I go to sleep.

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