Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Monday 20th May

Morning Alarms

I wake up to Marie cuddling me as she rubs her breasts into my back and kisses my neck while she whisper to me to wake up. I start sucking Judy’s breasts again, such a lovely way to go to sleep and wake up. Someone turns my hips a little and I’m leaning on Marie as a mouth engulfs my dick and sucks it. Judy moans and opens her eyes as her body shudders. She goes “Fuuuck,” and faints. Great, another wake to sleep routine. I stop sucking and look about. Jehra is sucking on Judy’s other breast while Lisa fondles her breasts. Janey is eating Lisa and fondling her breasts. Melody is eating Jehra while Dave is giving her a thorough fucking from behind. Toy has lip lock on Judy’s pussy while Jock is giving him a good arse fuck. Marie is cuddling me while Purra is eating her pussy. Manae is leaning on the bed being fucked from behind by Shutra and deep-throating my dick - with directions from Lisa. Therai is watching as Sandra eats her pussy and fondles her breasts. Nerra is standing in the doorway playing with her pussy as she looks at her watch. What an orgy, what a lovely way to start the day.

Manae is a good study and I’m on the verge of an orgasm. So I think I’ll share the experience. Judy is just waking again when I return my mouth to her breast and try to suck her nipple right off. She tries to sit up but can’t. Her body shudders, she screams, “Fuuuuccckk yeeessss,” and faints again after a ripper orgasms I’m coming in Manae’s mouth and she ups the suction to swallow my sperm, oh bliss.

I raise my head from Judy’s breast saying, “Fuuck yeesss, suck it baby,” as I relax I have another orgasm and fill her mouth again.

My eyes fly open and I look at Nerra. She’s very happy until she sees my worried look. I come for the third time. Everyone else has finished their orgasms and the orgy is breaking up as people go to wash. Nerra climbs onto the bed to check Judy and checks me while she whispers to me, “What’s up?”

As she takes my vitals I say, “Have you been feeding me Viagra?”

She replies, “No, that’d be very dangerous at the moment. Why?”

Worried I say, “Take some blood now to get it checked. I was coming for the third time in a few minutes.” Marie sits there looking concerned as we speak and Nerra takes some blood for analysis. After everyone leaves I lie there, exhausted. About thirty minutes later Nerra returns to check my vitals and takes another blood sample. Some drugs can be identified by the way they break down over time. Jehra helps me with the shower and getting dressed.

Breakfast and Morning

Jehra and I have a high protein breakfast, as instructed by Nerra. Followed by being about our business with Carla and Diane. I open my mouth and shut it without saying a word. They’re happy. First a medical specialist Nerra spoke to this morning. They take more blood and send the lot off as they run me through some tests. The first results are phoned in by the lab. There’s a strange substance in my system which they’re trying to isolate and identify. More blood is taken. I leave, with vials for more blood to be taken through the day by Nerra.

I stop at Mac’s to confirm I want to keep the guards on until further notice and to have drive-by checks of the lodge. Mac says it’d be cheaper to place a twenty-four hour watch in one of the buildings. I agree and approve it, so it’s to start with the afternoon shift. I ring Sarai to tell her what’s happening and ask her to ready the fifth cottage for them. Mac thanks me for letting his people take the credit of the terrorist capture. I say, “They deserve it since they did the bulk of the shooting. They’re good as they know when to shoot, and when not to.” He says he may have some training work for me soon, and he’ll let me know when he’s ready to start. We both smile.

We go to my solicitor’s to sign papers for the lodge, the handover of Janey and Toy’s trusts and bank accounts, my new will (making Marie my main beneficiary plus a little something for everyone), and a cheque for six and a half million dollars of interest. To the bank to deposit the cheque and collect five thousand dollars cash.

Over to a mobile phone specialist and place an order for forty mobile phones on a special package deal, all of them with the other numbers programmed in, emergency numbers, and the same set of ten speed dials, each phone engraved with the name of the main user. Jehra writes out the list of names for me. This way every adult and child has a phone. The deal gives us free calls within our group if in the same tower zone, which most of our calls will be, and reduced rates for other calls.

Monopoly and Compensation

We go to Marko’s, at his request. He has a buyer for my town house at the asking price, with vacant possession in six weeks. Also, he has a buyer looking for two houses in our area. They’re buying Melody’s house, furniture and all, at the asking price. I accept. If we can sell Marie’s house at the same time they’re prepared to pay an extra five percent to get both now instead of in six months as planned. I ask to talk to the client as I want to know why the hurry. Marko is worried I might try to shoulder him out, but agrees. He calls them and they’ll be at his office in fifteen minutes. He says they’re a family, the daughter’s getting married and starting a family. They’d been looking around for a house for her. Then they got a very good offer on their house for immediate possession and now need two houses, quick. Side by side would be perfect. The parents and daughter have seen the houses and love them, Melody’s for the parents and Marie’s for the growing family. I ask Jehra to meet with them first.

I go to have a sandwich and juice, taking Carla with me and leaving Diane with Jehra. They’re not happy, but do it. I ring Mum and Dad to tell them the situation and ask for instructions. Mum asks for my advice, I recommend the sale as we can move into the lodge this week and move their gear too, or sell it if they wish. They say to sell it if we can and it’s insured for fifty thousand dollars. I ask them to fax Marko’s office with the decision. I also tell them where the lodge is so they can picture the area. Mum is familiar with the area and the lodge itself.

When I return twenty minutes later there’s a nice little group in Marko’s office chatting. I recognise them all. Walking up I ask Lucie how she’s going and what’s up. Although surprised by my move, Jehra and Marko catch on and don’t let on I’m involved in the house deals. Lucie’s mother explains they feel the happy couple should start life with their own house. Which means they can have a smaller house. They’ve found the perfect situation, two lovely houses side by side, but one’s not due for sale yet. If they’ve somewhere to go straight away they’ve a very good deal on their house and can organise the deals with only a small but acceptable increase in their mortgage, raising it forty thousand dollars. I wish them luck on their negotiations.

I say, “I’ve something for Lucie,” and hand her some papers from the solicitor to read and sign. She reads and asks me how much, I say “Enough.” She stares, “I’m organising it, do you trust me to see you right?” She looks at me for a moment then she signs the papers. I accept them back and inform Lucie, “You’ll get two cheques, one made out to Marko as deposit for the houses, the other you must put into a bank account and be careful with its management”. She promises to do so. I take out the cheque book on Toy’s account and write a cheque for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to Marko and another for one hundred thousand dollars to Lucie herself. Signing them I tell her I’m now responsible for managing Perc’s trust and this is compensation for what he did. I hand them over and her eyes go wide. She says she was expecting maybe forty or fifty thousand.

She hands Marko the cheque drawn to him and he smiles. I look at him and tell him Marie’s parents aren’t here to sign papers but are prepared to sell and would like to include the furniture for fifty thousand dollars. It’ll cover everything except computers, family portraits, my beds and cupboards. His fax machine beeps with a signed fax to that effect while also authorising me to negotiate and sign for them. I look at Lucie and her parents while singing ’It’s a small world after all.’ We all laugh. I say, “I’ll withdraw while you haggle with Marko.” Lucie asks if the furniture’s nice. I say, “It’s lovely and I can show you around any time. I’m currently living there with an army of sort-of in-laws, the family of one of my slaves in need of short term accommodation. We can give vacant possession by the end of the week, if you want it. And Melody’s house is available immediately.”

The final deal is both houses at their asking prices, plus furniture - asking prices less five percent, with vacant possession on Saturday, ahead of settlement of the purchases. With access to Melody’s house tomorrow to start moving personal items.

Next stop is Telstra to arrange and pay for the installation of the new fibre optic trunk to the lodge. Simple, but expensive. On to Red Rooster for hot chicken and extras for the troops. Next, the lodge. The work crew are happy for a break of hot food with cold drinks.


Sarai gives me a run down of where things are at while we eat. I tell her about the mornings events. Nerra takes another blood sample.

Manae walks by and I remember Shutra has been displaying extra performance characteristics too, and the only thing we have in common that’s not universal is Manae’s blow jobs. I ask Manae, Dave, and Nerra to accompany me to the second floor of the lodge as we’ll be alone up there. I go to the balcony and look out over the peaceful little valley. They join me as it’s a pleasant view. After we’ve enjoyed the view for few minutes I take everyone back inside and we sit on the floor.

Looking at Manae I say, “No one in this family uses any drug unless it’s been prescribed by Nerra, and then only as prescribed. What’s the drug you have, where is it, and why?”

She looks at me for a moment then she starts crying. Reaching into her sari she removes a bottle and hands it to me. She got it ten days ago from a woman at her club. She’s selling it as a way to better sex and pregnancy. She rinses her mouth with it then sucks Shutra’s dick to start their sex play. The drug works through the skin. She sees no harm in using it as Shutra is OK. Nerra examines the bottle and tells Manae to tell Dave who and where she got it from. It’s a sex enhancement drug vets use on large animal stock. She rings the lab and tells them the drug name. It takes them five minutes to confirm it’s my problem. I tell Nerra to have a long friendly talk with Manae as she meant no harm, and to check Shutra tonight to see if Viagra would be OK. Dave and I leave Nerra and Manae having a quiet heart to heart chat.

On the way to look at cars we stop at Dave’s office. He talks to his drug control investigators. While handing them the bottle he tells them who sold it, where, and when. They’re happy and upset at the same time. Happy to get a break in an ongoing investigation and upset it comes from their boss while he’s on leave. Dave’s boss sits in on the briefing then says, “Dave, if sending you on leave will always results in breakthroughs on so many important cases I’ll make you take a lot more leave.” The laughter lightens the atmosphere.

We look at a range of cars and decide to buy four Tarago vans, six medium sized passenger cars, and a twenty seater minibus, all with tow bars. We’ll trade in the cars Dave, Melody, Toy, Lisa, Mum, and I have. We’ll drop the cars in as we pick up the new vans. This allows them a few days to organise them all. We can pick up the passenger cars and first Tarago on Wednesday with the rest to be ready on Thursday.

I arranged for a friend, Jimbo, to supply fifty new top end gaming standard computers and three servers with all the hardware to create a good local area network in the lodge and cottages. He’s also to install it all. He’s very happy with the work order and profit.

Dave’s solicitor rings him on his mobile to tell him the papers for Petra are signed and he has a message for me from Boots who thanks me for the biscuits and can I send him rice cakes next time.

We arrive home at 5:00 p.m. to find them all back. Shutra’s married daughters and husbands are packing to move to their cottages after dinner. Melody and I give them our cars to effect the shift and to use for the moment, which makes them nearly cry. Their two cottages are fully furnished and set up, power is on across the complex, and most of the furniture is in and away, with the rest due to arrive tomorrow.


At 6:00 p.m. dinner is ready: grilled pork chops which are so big they must’ve used a 40 mm canon to shoot the pigs, with mashed potatoes, beans and carrots prepared by Janey and Marie. Beautifully cooked.

During the meal Dave tells everyone about the car arrangements and the computers with network. They’re happy. I tell them about the phone line, the mobile phones, selling the houses, and the solicitors. When I tell Toy I’ve paid Lucie compensation of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars on his behalf he nods and asks if it’s enough, I tell him I think so. Marie starts crying as she’s been reading my new will, then she passes it to Sandra. She reads it out and they all start crying. Nerra says, “I’m very moved and very sorry I’ve got you under stoppers orders for tonight, as I want to fuck your brains out as much as the rest do.” I suggest we chat after dinner and see if we can work something out. I make a general announcement about only using Nerra prescribed drugs.

I ask Marie about wedding arrangements. She says we can’t have a double church wedding so they’re looking at a civil ceremony in three or four months time as Sarai wants to hold it at the lodge. I say, “That sounds good. Melody, do you mind getting married twice.” This stuns her. I say, “I think it best if you have a simple registry marriage a.s.a.p. and adopt Petra immediately.” Dave spins in his chair to ask why.

“Boots’ message indicates some other guests don’t like Gorilla and are arranging a serious accident for him soon. Boots isn’t involved but he’s warning me of the trouble by saying rice cakes. I’ll call tomorrow and see if there’s anything we can do to delay the trouble, but it’s out of his control.” Dave swears, mentioning he’ll call the warden. “That’ll only hasten the event. The best we can do is negotiate a delay while seeing to Petra’s welfare.” He’s very reluctant as he nods.

Marie says the school’s not happy with them having guards with them in class but aren’t prepared to argue with the guards or the girls. I promise to speak to the school principal tomorrow. Toy says he’s having some difficulty getting notes and stuff for last week’s classes, do I think I can help out. I promise Lisa and I will visit the uni and speak to the other students on his behalf. Jock says business went very well today as he again sold more than he made, despite Therai working hard all day. He had forty-two thousand dollars of sales today.

Evening Fun

Nerra and I have a long chat while the cottage group pack cars and leave for their new homes. The final offer is I’m not allowed to do any work, only two or three partners, one orgasm and off to bed with a sleeping tablet when told. I agree, as long as there was no limit on the number of partner orgasms. Nerra says she’ll see. As we’re talking Marie brings Greta over and asks if I can help her with a personal issue. She explains she’s previously had a few sexual encounters with men and found them to be very unsatisfying and she hasn’t been with a man for nine years. She’s heard the girls talking about how good I am and would like to see if it’s different with me. I’m about to lead her upstairs when Ingrid speaks up while issuing a challenge. She was nearby and heard our discussion. She says she doesn’t know a man who’s a better sex partner than a woman so she’s betting a weekend for her and her current girlfriend as my slaves against a weekend of me and Marie as her slaves. I win if I can give her a better evening’s sex than any she’s had with her girlfriend in the last month.

I reply, “Not fair as it’s not really possible to compare two evenings like that. What about making it more obvious, has your girlfriend every made you faint from sex?” She shakes her head. I say, “Good, then it’s simple. If I fuck you into fainting I win. If I don’t, you win.”

She grins and says, “I’m going to enjoy having you two as my slaves and watching you fuck my girlfriend senseless as I do daily Kegel exercises.”

Turning to Nerra, I say, “Three, Ingrid, Greta, and Marie.”

She replies, “We’ll see. I’ll monitor you and decide as we go.” We head upstairs as Lisa lets the rest of the guards out. Most of my hedonistic crew follow us upstairs. I notice Jenn follows us upstairs as well.

In the master bedroom I turn and take Ingrid in my arms to kiss her. As I kiss her I undo her dress and bra while she kicks her shoes off. I notice Marie moving around the room turning the cameras and recorder on. Breaking the kiss I slip my hands inside the bra straps and slide Ingrid’s bra and dress off her shoulders as I pull my hands back along her sides to fondle her breasts, she moans and smiles at my touch. As she undoes my trousers Greta reaches around and undoes my shirt. I drop my hands to my sides so she can slide the arms off. Leaning forward I kiss Ingrid’s breasts as I slide my hand inside her panties. She places her hands on the back of my head and pulls me closer. Opening my mouth I place my tongue against her nipple as I suck as much of her breast into my mouth as I can while I slip my fingers into her pussy. I feel her panties sliding down my hand as my shorts are pulled down. My feet are lifted as my shoes and socks are removed. Taking her in my arms I kiss her as I grasp her arse cheeks in my hands and lift her a little off the floor. I walk toward the bed and place her with her legs against the end of the bed. After breaking the kiss I push her backwards to fall onto the bed. Her legs spread apart as she falls. I climb on the bed and kiss my way up her legs to her pussy. Clamping my mouth on her clit I suck hard. She bucks and moans with her first orgasm. Grabbing two pillows I lift her lower body and place them under her hips. I kiss my way up her body as she recovers her breath.

As I reach her mouth she says, “So far you’ve done better than any other man I’ve been with.”

I smile as I slide my dick into her vagina. It’s rippling up and down like a LED display, delicious. Whatever those Kegel exercises are she has to teach the rest to do this. I thrust in and out at a medium pace, but the rippling vagina effect adds to it a lot. She’s smirking. She expects to send me over the edge with this. Time to hit her with the big guns.

Fondling her right breast with my left hand I lift her left leg up with my right hand. Bending her knee back toward her chest I bring the foot toward my mouth and lick along the sole of her foot. She starts to writhe and heave. I kiss the top of her left arch and suck on the tender part of her foot as I lick it. Her body heaves harder and a strong orgasm hits her. She screams, “Ohhhh fuuuuck meeeee.”

I let up on her foot and say, “I just did.” She calms down and glares at me. I switch feet and lick the sole of her right foot. This time as I reach the tender part of the middle of her foot I suck very hard. She bucks harder and her vagina stops rippling to clamp down on my dick. She heaves and writhes as she gives an inarticulate scream. I suck harder as I use my other hand to pinch her clit. Her vagina tries to squeeze my dick to nothing as her arms and free leg shoot out stiff while her body arches off the bed as her scream goes up in pitch then cuts out as her body goes limp. Her vagina releases its hold on my dick and I stop sucking on her foot. Looking at her foot I can see a I’ve left a hickey. I look at her face to see she’s fainted. Nerra walks over and checks her vital signs as Marie lifts a hand and drops it to the bed. I look around at the room full of spectators as most had been there from the start and the rest rushed in to see what the screaming was about. Nerra moves back and slowly nods her head while she moves around and checks my vitals.

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