Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Saturday 18th May

Morning Alarms

I awake to find Therai again rubbing her clit against my dick. But this time she’s whispering with Marie and changing her action as per Marie’s instructions. After taking a careful hold of the lovely tits I have I ask, “Can I can have any input in this discussion?” Therai would’ve jumped if I hadn’t been braced for it. I fondle Therai’s breasts until she settles down. Jehra and Sarai walk around and kneel on the floor by Marie. After pulling the quilt back to view the action Jehra tells Therai she enjoys this particular game a lot. Sarai seconds the emotion. In a soft and gentle voice I say, “Marie, love of my life, please slide off the bed to kneel on the floor. Then place your mouth over both Therai’s clit and the head of my dick, sucking and licking them both.”

Marie replies, “Oh, kinky. This I’ve got to try.”

As Marie lowers her head I lean Therai’s head back and kiss her. At first she resists, but when Marie licks her clit her mouth opens in surprise and my tongue’s inside dancing with hers. Delicious taste. She relaxes and moans into my mouth. Marie moves my dick so she has good suction on both as she works her tongue on them. I break the kiss. Therai’s eyes are shut and she’s having trouble breathing. The audience has grown to include a salivating Manae with a grinning Shutra fucking her like there’s no tomorrow. Also, Nerra is playing with Manae’s tits as she moans. I go back into lip lock with Therai as I continue to fondle her breasts. Marie’s suction and licking is exquisite. Therai moans as her body shudders and her orgasm soaks my dick. Marie surfaces with a very wet face and a huge smile. I cuddle Therai and fondle her breasts until she’s breathing normally. I can see Shutra has fucked Manae into a faint and he’s nearly gone too.

Marie says, “I just have to try that trick with someone else sucking.”

Giving Therai’s breasts a squeeze I say, “I really enjoyed that and hope you did too.”

She just smiles as I pull my dick back from between her legs and roll over. Sandra is sitting there playing with her pussy. She has glazed eyes and a dripping pussy. I’m on the verge of an orgasm and need some relief. I push Sandra’s hands away from her pussy and that gets her attention. Picking her up I place her above my rigid dick with the head just inside her entrance. She moans and tries to hump down, but can’t. As she begs for me to enter her I drop her onto my dick. She orgasms as soon as she hits bottom and that sends me over the edge. I fill her with sperm and say, “Come six, come six, come six,” causing her to have three more quick orgasms. Sandra moans and collapses onto my chest.

Exhausted she says, “Oh, fuck me.”

With a laugh I say, “I thought I just did, come six.”

After another orgasm her only comment is, “Bastard,” said in a loving tone of voice.

I look across the bed to see Marie having an orgasm with Jehra kissing her. Nerra has a ’just come’ and a ’you arse hole’ expression fighting for control of her face while her pussy juices run down her legs. Therai is moaning with another orgasm. Sarai smiles with a ’just come’ look as well. I smile at them all as I roll Sandra off me onto the bed and get up. I pick Therai up and head to the shower, followed by Sarai.

We’re almost finished in the showers when the rest turn up. Shower rotation starts and we get dried, dressed, and go to breakfast. It’s 9:00 a.m. and the security guards are having breakfast with Lisa and the others while Jock and Toy cook. Lisa and one of the guards have huge grins. I say, “I’m sorry for being late but my regular alarm is on loan and the new one needed some adjusting.” This causes Lisa and the smug guard to almost choke on their food. Everyone laughs at them.


Today Jock has fresh muffins with poached eggs and bacon for us. Must check if he’s a closet chef as he cooks so well. I ask when I can next expect to see a Zeppelin assault. He smiles saying, “Tomorrow.”

The rest of the gang come downstairs. As they enter Shutra nudges Manae. Blushing, she walks over and sits in my lap. Blushing more she presses her ample bosom into my chest and kisses me, saying, “Thank you.”

Shutra’s sons-in-law are a bit shocked. I see this and say, “Manae has been a bit sexually repressed. Last night we let her watch some live sex plays of mine. This seems to have activated her libido to the point she’s actively trying to fuck Shutra to death and they’re both loving every moment of it. Mistakenly, they think I’m responsible for this improvement in their lives.” This causes a few wide eyed looks from husbands to wives. One wife sneaks around and whispers with Manae. Therai, Marie, and Sandra have ear to ear grins as they sit down to breakfast. This doesn’t go unnoticed. When everyone is seated I say, “We seem to have bad case of the grins today. Everyone must be looking forward to putting in a hard day’s work.” Smaller grins.

Jock tells me Mum called. She was happy to hear there are no new emergencies and we’re finally getting on top of things, and they’re having a marvellous time.

After everyone has eaten I thank the cooks and we clear up the kitchen. I pack Sarai and her team off for shopping and cleaning. The clothing crew of Therai, Jehra, Lisa, Jock, Toy, and I clean up the house and do the washing before leaving in the Tarago. I lock up properly after putting a roast beef on cooking at very low.

An Easy Day

We arrive at Jock’s shop, unload, and Lisa drives off to hand over all of her old work equipment as it’s a bit overdue for doing. Jock doesn’t normally work on a Saturday and he wasn’t going to open up but I convince him we can handle it. After opening up we set up some tables in the shop and Jock shows us the work to be done. We set to work cutting leather patterns, sewing things together, and attaching studs etc. A few people walk by and glance in the shop, but no sales. I start to grin. Jock shakes his head while saying, “No, no.” Therai and Jehra give him odd looks, then realise he’s responding to me and laugh. Jock’s window area is mostly open space. I move items from the window and the entrance to clear the space. I place the work tables just back from the window with the display items behind them as if we’d just made them. Jehra and Therai change into sexy slave outfits, Toy puts on a slave outfit, and I wear a harem guard outfit. My table’s placed so I can supervise the girls and Toy while I work the register. In short order we’ve an audience for our window display show.

One woman stops and looks longingly at the clothes. She’s about to walk on when I step outside and invite her in to try some on. When she demurs I offer a five percent discount on any purchase if she tries on an outfit of my choice and walks around the shop. She comes in to select a nice leather dress she’s interested in and tries it on. She looks good, but it doesn’t really suit her. I ask her sexual preferences and she’s shocked. I say, “Some clothes are for dominators, some for submissives, and some for neither. It helps to know your preference so I can select a suitable set for you to try on.”

A very aggressive man enters the store and orders her out. He’s not having his sister in such a shop as he has his position to consider. What a bully he is! Jock is watching from the back room doorway. I say in a loud voice, “Please be quiet, Sir, while I finish serving this lovely lady. Then I can find a suitable slave male slut outfit for you.” He goes purple and starts yelling, with plenty of ’I nevers.’ I suggest maybe he should as it’ll improve his sex life and probably make him more bearable to live with. He storms out, to the snickers of the pavement audience, Jock grins as he goes back to his work.

I select a nice form fitting leather catsuit with skirt in the woman’s size and ask her to please put it on. This is neither dom nor slave, but plain light tan chamois for stepping out in. When she leaves the change room and walks around the store the audience is very vocal with wolf whistles and the like. She likes the attention. I point out two early teen boys and tell her to look at the crotches as she’s made them come in their pants by walking about the shop in the outfit. She looks, blushes, and smiles. She catches sight of herself in the full length mirror and blushes again. But she does stand taller and seems more herself than in her original clothes. When she asks the price I admit I don’t know and call Jock, I tell him of the five percent discount offer I’d made. He shows her the three thousand and five hundred dollars price tag for the item as it’s the best quality chamois and water resistant. He offers it to her for three thousand and two hundred dollars so she pulls out her credit card and pays for it at that price. By then there are several women in the store shopping.

I suggest a woman of her stature should be living independently and not with an overbearing brother. She agrees but doesn’t know how to go about it. Jock asks her to wait a moment then makes a phone call. He comes back saying, “I’ve a friend who specialises in helping people leave homes with confining atmospheres. They’re coming over, don’t worry, Lee will help you.”

Jock and I serve customers for about fifteen minutes. A pretty blond walks in the store. Jock excuses himself from a client and asks Jehra to help the lady. He walks over to the blond and leads her to the first lady to introduce her. The ladies go into the kitchenette in the back to talk. An hour later they leave together.

Lisa arrives back at lunch time and starts working at my bench in a dom outfit, she also makes a point of serving male customers. It works well. By the time we shut shop at 4:00 p.m. we’d made forty-eight new outfits, sold twenty-five, and the total sales for the day are eighty-two thousand dollars. Jock’s little business is becoming an embarrassment of riches. In one week he’s done what’s nearly a normal year’s sales. See what the proper advertising can do!


We get home at 4:45 p.m. and I start preparing dinner in earnest by washing and cutting vegetables. I set the roast to high microwave for fifteen minutes then high convection oven and start the soup. Marie arrives about 5:15 p.m. and helps while working under direction. At 5:45 p.m. everything looks good and is on time. I send Marie to set the table. At 6:00 p.m. we call everyone to a dinner of spring vegetable soup, roast beef with baked potatoes, baked carrots, baked pumpkin, boiled corn kernels, and boiled string beans with apple pie and ice cream for dessert. The meat is sliced with everything else, except dessert, in the bain-maries on the table and the soup already served at each seat. Everyone takes their seats and starts eating. I notice Jock seems to have a real problem with the meat, although I think it’s perfectly cooked. Finally it gets too much for him.

Jock says with wonder, “There’s no way you could’ve got this meat so tender in just one hour. How?”

I’m smug as I say, “I had it on slow cook all day then some high microwave and convection cooking to finish it.”

He puts his fork down and stares at me, suddenly laughing he says, “Sheeit, that I can learn how to do. I’ve been stuffing up roasts for years while trying to learn how to cook them right. All the books insist on convection and close monitoring with plenty of temperature changes.” Yep, he’s a closet chef.


Sarai says, “The cleaning of the lodge is going well. We’re already at work clearing the yard and doing some handyman work. Ranjid has arranged for a friend to drop over a rubbish skip in the morning. The telephone doesn’t work and the Telstra checks indicate it’s inside the property. They said line is a copper ten line wire buried without conduit and is connected to the old copper trunk line. The Telstra lady says a recently installed fibre optic trunk line goes by at another point. It’s closer and connects to a small exchange used by nearby mobile phone towers. If we wish to pay the cost we can have a new line laid to that exchange. I have the location of the exchange.”

Smiling I say, “You’re doing well, and we may be able to have people staying there Monday night. Please get a cost for a fibre optic trunk in a well-buried heat-resistant conduit as we may as well ensure we get a good connection for all of the phones and Internet service.” This causes a few smiles. None of Sarai’s family have cars so I add, “You may wish to look at buying a few cars on the way over tomorrow.” This causes some surprised looks. I continue, “Jock, the clothing crew will go to your shop and see about catching up on more of the orders tomorrow.” He smiles.

Having some rough ideas for the general layout of the lodge in the long term I ask if anyone can knock up rough drawings for me. One of Sarai’s married sisters, Geera, volunteers to do that for me.

After dinner we sit in the lounge room and watch TV for the first time as a group as the evening entertainment has been a bit more physical and fun of late. Most of us are nude and playing grab arse and squeeze tit. I obey Nerra’s orders, which surprises many people. I sit on a lounge cuddling Therai and talking to Geera as she draws on a large pad. Therai is enjoying herself as she practices her wake up technique, hmm nice. Soon Geera has some drawings that match my mental pictures.

I say, “Jock, I’d like to include a furniture section in your shop to display samples of dungeon equipment we can make and sell. We’ll also have a private dungeon at the lodge.” This causes several smiles, Jock, Lisa, and Sandra I understand while Marie, Sarai, Manae, Therai, and one of the married men are a surprise. I ask, “Are you looking forward to being in the furniture?” Manae, Therai, and Marie blush while Sarai looks down.

Sarai says in a low voice, “Master, I was hoping to be allowed to watch you punishing others while they’re secured to the equipment. I find I like watching you give physical punishment as it excites me.”

In response to a raised eyebrow Therai says, “I like to be held immobile and lightly punished.” I rearrange her to be face down on my lap with my dick pressing hard against her clit. Holding her down with my left arm on her back and playing with her right breast I give her arse a sharp smack. She says, “That’s nice.” She has an orgasm on the fourth spank and every spank after that. I stop at ten. She’s smiling wide, it’s nice. Almost as nice as Sarai who’s smiling with a ’just come’ expression, as does Marie.

Gloating, I say, “Hey, Nerra, how’s that, I got three lovelies to come without touching their pussies. Does that count against my sex time?”

Smiling she replies, “Nice trick. However, it counts against your time because you’re gloating.”

Pouting I tell her it’s unfair. I give Marie some instructions. She gives me an evil grin. I lift Therai off my lap, kiss her, and call Sandra over. I have her sit on my rigid dick and she starts fucking me. Her lovely satin sheath feels glorious as she lifts herself up and down on my dick while I fondle her breasts. Suddenly I grab and tweak her nipples as she starts a down stroke. Her body shakes with her orgasm. She collapses onto me and can’t move. Leaning forward I try to suck her nipple off her breast, she screams, “Fuuccck - yeessss,” and has another orgasm while I keep up the suction.

In the middle of this orgasm Marie leans in saying, “Come two, come two, come two”. Sandra goes into orgasmic overload, triggering mine. Oh what a feeling as I hold her tight while filling her with my sperm. She’s a rag doll in my arms as her body continues to shudder with orgasms. After a few minutes she settles down.

She’s exhausted and says, “Oh fuck, that was great. I’m going to bed.”

I laugh and look over to see both Manae and Shutra grinning with ’just come’ expressions. I suggest, “Since it’s nearly nine p.m. Manae and Shutra may like another little live show in the master bedroom before retiring for the night.” Manae and Shutra are quick to drag me out the door. Laughing hard I call to Marie, Sarai, and Therai to join us. When Marie catches up I send her off for the cameras, recorder, cuffs, and ropes. Smirking, she co-opts Sarai to help.

Bedroom Bondage

In the bedroom I have Manae lie on the bed, spread eagled with a pillow under her hips. Then Marie arrives with the gear. As Manae watches Marie set up the cameras Sarai slips me one pair of handcuffs and we’re quick to cuff both of Manae’s hands to the top bed posts then Sarai ties Manae’s legs to the bottom bed posts. I tell Manae if she yells or screams abuse I’ll gag her. She lies there, stunned, shocked, and worried. Shutra looks very worried until Sarai whispers in his ear. I start the cameras. Getting on the bed I order Manae to suck my cock. I have Therai kneel close and watching. Marie moves Shutra into a good viewing position and plays with his dick. Therai starts to turn away so I grab her nipple to lightly twist it. She turns back as she’s more aroused by the mild pain. I tell her to do exactly as told, or else, and her arousal grows. When Manae has my dick nice and stiff I move down between her thighs and rub against her pussy. Manae tries to pull away and begs me not to take her. I can tell this is arousing her. I say, “You’re totally at my mercy so I’ll do as I wish,” and rub against her. She moans with an orgasm. I laugh, “See, you’re mine.” Her eyes are half full of lust and half of fear. I have Therai straddle Manae’s face and tell Manae to eat Therai to an orgasm. She does so as I rub against her. I pull my dick back and place the head at the entrance to her vagina. She whimpers and tries to pull away. I get off the bed and motion Shutra to enter Manae. Grinning wide he climbs on the bed and enters her as hard and fast as he can to give her a good fucking. Manae screams into Therai’s pussy and starts crying. I walk around the bed, kiss Therai, and pull her from Manae’s face. Laying my cock on Manae’s lips as I tell her to suck it. Her eyes go wide and she looks down to see Shutra fucking her like a madman. Smiling, she sucks my dick. I have Marie and Therai try to suck Manae’s nipples off. Her body arches high as she tries to scream an orgasm around my dick. I think the situation is really getting to her as this is the strongest orgasm I’ve seen her have. Shutra grunts and fills her womb with his sperm as I fill her mouth with mine. As I withdraw from Manae’s mouth Sarai walks up behind Therai to reach around and tweaks both nipples. Therai moans with an orgasm, so does Sarai. As Therai starts to recover Sarai pinches her nipples again to cause another orgasm. Sarai keeps right there with her sister, orgasm for orgasm, as she does it again and again. Kinky as hell. I’m stiff again and Marie is wet from watching them.

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