Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Friday 17th May

Wake Up Alarms

In the morning I wake up before Purra and luxuriate in the feel of her body against mine. Hearing a noise I look over to see Sarai sitting up in bed as she wipes the sleep from her eyes; oh, what a delicious sight. She gets out of bed to stand up and stretch. I’d thought the previous vision was delicious, my mistake. She sees me watching her and licking my lips. Smiling, she walks over and kisses me good morning. When she breaks the kiss I reach up and drew her head to Purra’s breast. Sarai smiles and starts sucking her breast. I move back from Purra and gently roll her onto her back. Sarai moves her attention to the breast nearest her. Purra smiles in her sleep and moans. Jehra awakens and gets out of bed. Getting up I signal her to come and suck Purra’s other breast. Jehra smiles and does so. Kneeling on the end of the bed I gently spread Purra’s legs apart and start licking her pussy as I take care to stretch it with my fingers. Soon Purra is moaning and humping her hips at me. Hearing a quiet giggle I look over my shoulder to see Marie and Judy watching us very close while playing with each other’s pussies.

I give Marie an evil grin. She smirks and nods as she knows what I’m up to. I work my careful way up the bed while still working Purra’s pussy with my hand. Sarai feels the bed move and looks at me, smiles, and nods her head as she continues to suck Purra’s breast. When in position I look into Purra’s face to see her eyes wide open in pleasure and anticipation. She tells me to stop wasting time and make her a woman. I slowly slide my dick into her silk lined tunnel, keeping up a slow but gentle pressure as I breach her hymen. Soon our groins are rubbing together. Purra smiles and lifts her hips to wrap her thighs about my hips. I withdraw and start back again. Purra reaches up and grabs my arse to pull me all the way back into her in one quick stroke. Taking the hint I start a nice long fast fucking rhythm. A few minutes later Purra starts mewling and having an orgasm whenever our groins meet. She starts a stronger orgasm so I move her sisters to the side to lean down and kiss her. Our mouths meet and our tongues intertwine. I clamp my mouth over her tongue and start to suck it out of her head. Her eyes go wide and her hips thrust up hard as she heaves in her strongest orgasm yet. All of a sudden she goes totally slack and still as her eyes roll up into her head and she faints. I break our lip lock and am careful as I withdrew from her. I kiss her face and got off the bed. I place the quilt back over her.

Magical Marie

Smiling, I turn around and lock eyes with Marie, her smirk widens as she kicks the quilt off the bed. I look at her sopping pussy and feast my eyes along her body. As I climb onto the end of the bed she spreads her legs wide, pulls them up toward her shoulders, and tells me I’ve exactly five minutes to load her pussy with my sperm. When I crawl up the bed enough to have my dick at the entrance to my favourite pussy Marie says, “Fuck me hard and fast now. Just fuck me, Darling.” I need no second invitation. I slide my dick into her as hard and fast as I can. She screams with an orgasm as I do, she must have been dying for it. I fuck her hard, loving the feel of her. On her eighth screaming come she waits until I’m thrusting back down and twists her hips in mid-thrust. This causes a whole new sensation for us both as it sends me over the edge and I fill her with my sperm. She screams, “Fuck yeah,” as she has another orgasm. We lie on the bed for a moment to catch our breath.

Barely breathing I say, “That was deliciously nasty, my Love, where did you get that idea from?”

She smirks, “From one of the pornos we bought the other day.”

I’m exhausted as I say, “Please, oh, please, great djinn of the pussy, remember that little trick, it works well.”

Marie says, “Yeah, both ways, both ways.”

I finally withdraw and roll off Marie to see we have a large female audience, all wearing sopping pussies and ’just come’ expressions. I get off the bed to give a bow with a flourish and help Marie up, she curtsies. We head to the showers with Judy in tow. I enter the hall singing to Marie, “Good morning sunshine.”

This causes a number of smiles and laughs. We enter to the master bedroom to find Nerra giving Toy another head job. I happily waltz through saying, “It’s morning, come three.” Toy moans with pleasure as his orgasm fills Nerra’s mouth.

We’re almost finished in the shower when Dave and Melody turn up with an embarrassed Shutra and Manae. I exit to give the girls a chance to train Manae in shower techniques. I notice Shutra watching Manae as she looks at my dick and licks her lips. When he looks up he seems embarrassed. I draw him to the side of the room and ask what’s up.

Shutra explains, “Manae has never really seemed interested in sex until last night and all night she never took her eyes off your dick. It makes me a bit envious and a bit angry. But since it resulted in me having more sex in one night since our wedding, two years ago, I’m not sure what to do.”

I tell him, “She’s your wife not my slave, unless you want that.” He gives me an odd look, and I say “I’ll have sex with any female I love enough to welcome in my bed. But if a woman is already committed elsewhere she’s off limits unless she’s in my bed by her own accord and with her partner’s approval.” He smiles and thanks me for the info.

He shakes me up by saying, “I’ll arrange a time with Sarai for you to fuck my wife.” I think he doesn’t fully understand his wife.

I lead Shutra to the girls in the shower. Manae is still mesmerised by my dick. I wave Marie out of the shower and step in, Manae is right in front of me. As I get closer she raises her head and looks me in the eye, a look of fear crosses her face as I approach her. She turns to Shutra. She begs, “Please, husband, not this. I will if you insist, but please, no. I’m your woman, you’re the only man I want inside my womanhood.”

Shutra is stunned. I stop and look at the fear on her face. I place my hand on her head and lightly push downward. I softly say, “You may have a closer inspection, if you wish.” With a wide grin Manae grabs Shutra by his dick and pulls him behind her as she drops to her knees and takes my dick in her mouth. Smiling, Shutra enters Manae as she sucks my dick. She has an excellent technique. Marie and Judy sidle up beside me and start rubbing their pussies against my thighs. Judy pulls my mouth to hers, and we kiss as Marie shoves her finger in my arse. I have an orgasm and fill Manae’s mouth. This must’ve pleased her because her body shivers and Shutra moans as he fills her with his sperm. She releases my dick once she’s sure I’m spent then she stands up to lean back against Shutra. They both have huge grins. We clean up and leave them to their shower. We dress and I go to the study to clear the recorder drive and check some things.

Morning Call

Having an early start on the day I also ring Mum at 8:10 a.m. and catch them returning to the hotel for lunch and a phone call. After getting through all the usual greetings I say, “We’re getting all of Sarai’s family out from under the thumb of the great tyrant Gumbo. I’m lazy and want them to work for us looking after the lodge etcetera. There’ll be space for you at the lodge.” I’m signing off when Mum asks if they’re letting out any more details locally than internationally on the terrorist shoot out across the city from us. I say, “You’ve got it all.”

A little later I get a phone call from a senior cop at state HQ asking if I know where Dave is. I tell him yes and get a number saying, “I’ll have Dave call you back after he finishes waking his girlfriend and has a post coital shower.” He laughs and thanks me. I go and let the security people in, we have two teams today.

At my suggestion Shutra rings their landlord to tell him all but Gumbo have left the house and are no longer involved with him or the premises. He tells the landlord he’s terminating his lease and the landlord can keep the rent in advance in lieu of notice.

Twenty minutes later Dave returns the call to HQ and they speak at length. He’s promoted to a senior position on loan in the city centre and HQ wants to confirm my intent to have Mac’s people take all the credit as it includes a four hundred thousand dollars reward. I tell them yes, and to give the reward to Mac’s people as they deserve it. I later learn it was shared evenly by our whole detail at their own request, such nice people.


Jock is in charge of cooking breakfast with both of Sarai’s married sisters and some of the older girls as helpers. He has a regular production line. Well, he needs it with thirty-five of us to feed today.

Everyone is very happy and smiling. The revolution seems to have general approval and support. Petra sits beside me telling me she’s looking forward to going to school but is sorry to be leaving us to go away to school. I promise her lots of fun when the time is right for it. She smiles and goes off while talking to another girl. Nerra has a quick breakfast and sets up doctoring in the rec room. She puts all the children through their physicals by the end of breakfast.

After breakfast we gather in the lounge room, most with a pleasant lap full as seats are at a premium. I tell everyone about my plans for the lodge. I also speak of the businesses I want to establish and the proposed job offers. I say slaves are slaves and their masters must provide for their needs. I explain my slaves are to do whatever I tell them to, whenever I tell them to do it, with whomever I tell them to. This causes a few odd looks. I ask for anyone present wishing to be my slave to step forward. Nerra gets up, leans over to kiss me, and asks to become my slave. I accept her by using the same formula I’d used with Sarai. Purra steps forward, and so does Jehra. Each kisses me and begs to be my slave, I accept them. Petra steps forward and I stop her. telling her slavery isn’t permitted for anyone under eighteen years of age. She’s upset and pokes her tongue out as she claims I’m an ageist. I smile as I tell her to bide her time and I’m only a satyr.

Nerra is detailed off as family doctor and nutritionist, and all of the meal menus are to be passed by her from now on. All those going to school, including any accompanying adults, have to be packed for the trip and ready to leave immediately after lunch. Melody is to contact the school to explain we’ve been delayed and the kids will be there tomorrow to have time to settle in before their classes on Monday. Dave is to arrange a bus from Mac, overnight accommodation and dinner at a fancy hotel near the school. Leaving at 1:00 p.m. should get them there about 7:00 p.m. Nerra has the rest of the morning to fit any IUDs. I ask Dave to have Mac send us the mini-bus for an afternoon local trip at the same time. Unassigned cleaners are to get into maid outfits and do some cleaning, other unassigned adults are to help with the cleaning.

Morning Interlude

I go upstairs to see how Melody is going with the school. I find she’s finished on the phone and Dave is using the phone while lying on the bed. Melody is kneeling on the bed sucking his cock. I smile at Dave, push the door to, and drop my trousers. He smirks and places a hand on Melody’s head. I walk up and slide my dick into her. She tries to raise her head, only to have Dave hold it still. Getting the message she stops trying to see what’s happening. I set up a nice fucking rhythm and keep that going for a few minutes. I love the feel, perfect bliss. Hearing a noise I turn, to see Jock watching. I signal him over and whisper to him. He leaves to get some gear.

Jock returns and I have him blindfold Melody. I withdraw and Jock enters her for a few strokes to get his dick wet. Dave watches with interest, then grins as I crawl under Melody. Once in position I roll over and entered her from underneath to set up a nice rhythm. Melody starts moaning around Dave’s dick when I start to suck on her breasts as well. She suddenly jerks as Jock starts to fuck her in the arse. I grab her hands to hold her in place as I continue to suck her breasts and slow fuck her. Jock is fucking her arse much faster. She mewls and sucks Dave’s cock. After only a few minutes Melody moans as her body heaves in orgasm as Jock lets out a sort of gurgle with his orgasm. A finger invades my arse and I slam up into Melody, filling her with my sperm. Once I have my breath back I look around to see Marie blocking the door and smiling, she has a digital camera in her hand. Dave has an evil grin on his face and holds up a dirty finger. Jock is smiling as he withdraws. I withdraw from Melody and lay her on her side on the bed. She has sperm dripping from her arse, pussy, and mouth. Smiling as Marie takes a lot of photos.

Giggling I lean over Melody and say, “Love, you look totally fucked.”

With a giggle and smirk she says, “I feel totally fucked. Please, Sir, can I have some more - rest, that is, as I need it - now.”

Laughing Dave says, “I better get some more life insurance. At this rate I’ll be fucked to death in a year.”

With a devilish laugh I say, “Dave, you’ll be OK, provided you survive our special present for your wedding night. So work on your fitness.” Dave stares and Melody gives a good evil laugh. That’ll teach him to stir us.

Jock, Lisa, and Toy go off to run Jock’s shop with no outside work today.

I lead Marie back to her room and enjoy the show as she undresses for me. We cuddle up and I go to sleep; doctor’s orders: a mid-morning nap. I wake just before lunch to find myself cuddling Jehra. I must have really needed the rest as I missed the change of people. I squeeze her breasts as I pull her back to me to turn her head and kiss her. We get up to shower and dress. We go down to a lunch of mixed hero sandwiches.


During lunch I ring Marko and arrange to get the keys for the lodge to show it to the family, he promises to bring them to us before we finish lunch. Nice man. I ask Marie and Melody how they feel about a double wedding. They look stunned, and I tell them weddings are the bride’s big day while the groom’s sole responsibility is to be there. They smile and move off to discuss a dual extravaganza. Dave tells me it’s a good idea and it seems to make them happy. I agree and tell him the first rule of a good marriage is to keep the wife happy.

Marko arrives with keys and papers for me. He tells me to keep the keys as the vendor’s agreed to the sale conditions. I show him around the house to do a valuation. I introduce him to Melody and she takes him next door, with guards, to get clothes for her trip and to show him the house. They reach an agreement, sign a contract, and gives me authority to act for her. Taking the keys he asks how soon she can vacate. She tells him one day, less if they want the furniture.

By the time Melody returns Dave has the bus packed and everyone is loaded, waiting for her. Dave, Janey, Melody, Judy, Purra, Petra, Carla, Maizey, and all the children are soon driving down the road in the coach bus. I lock up the house while everyone else loads up the mini-bus then we go to look at the lodge. We stop on the way to meet up with Shutra’s soon to be son-in-law who’s Therai’s fiancé.

The Lodge

Within ten minutes of arriving Sarai has a two page list of the needed cleaning, including the materials to do it with. All of the married couples, and soon to be, have selected their cottages. Sarai also has a list of needed furniture for the lodge and cottages. She’s even organised cleaning crews and the bus to bring them tomorrow. Laughing I say to Shutra in a loud voice, “I knew there was some reason, other than her radiant smile, why I keep Sarai around. I just couldn’t think what it was until now - it’s her organisational ability.”

Speaking to the air Marie says, “Gee, I thought it’s because she fucks you senseless and is a great cock sucker too.”

Sarai pokes her tongue out and pushes her breasts forward saying, “I always thought it was because you liked my great tits.”

I look cross saying, “That’s a big lie, your tits aren’t great. They’re magnificent, and they’re almost as lovely as your smile.” This brings the desired result, another smile. And general laughter.

Marie, Sarai, and I go to the top floor. This has two roomy bedrooms and a lounge, front and back. We check the floors and I think it safe to create bathrooms on one side. We also look at making the back end bathrooms into one big one per floor. Sarai makes a note to have a structural engineer check these ideas out. If OK, to organise a builder to do the job and improve the insulation of all buildings. I suggest placing a kitchenette opposite the stairs on each sleeping level, Sarai likes that.

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