Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Thursday 16th May

Morning Alarm

I wake to find Sarai holding my hands to her breasts and squeezing them as she rubs her clit on my stiff dick. Making it stiffer. There’s a pair of arms around my chest and some nice small breasts rubbing my back. I open my eyes. There’s daylight in the window and the clock says 10:30 a.m ... I pull my hips back until my dick’s at the entrance to Sarai’s vagina, then I push forward to enter her. I kiss her neck and squeeze her breasts.

Nerra enters the room and looks at us. She smiles and tells me Judy is recovering well and I’m expected to survive as well. She looks beyond me then suddenly says, “Jehra, now.”

A finger invades my arse to play with my prostrated. My hips heave forward into Sarai to cause her to grunt with the impact. My orgasm fills her with my sperm. Sarai waits until I finish and withdraw from her. She rolls on to her back, pulls me to her she kisses me and says, “Thank you.”

I say, “What for you, you’ve not come yet?”

“For accepting my offering of your pleasure.”

I blush and smile while saying, “Thank you, thank you,” look at Nerra, “And thank you, I think.”

A puzzled Sarai asks, “What for?”

I reply, “For giving yourself to me for my pleasure and for mouse trapping me into hiring a top medic. And Nerra for her rapid treatment of whatever it was, stress related angina attack is my guess.”

She loses her smile and looks at Nerra who nods, checks my pulse, and leaves as she writes it in her little book. I roll over to pull Jehra to me and kiss her deeply.

Laughing I push her head to my dick and say, “Sarai, please instruct Jehra on how to clean a dick. Since she caused this much earlier than I intended she can clean it.” It seemed to me Jehra is a quick study. Maybe Sarai is a perfectionist or, more likely, they both liked the situation as that little exercise takes twenty minutes to complete. I’m led away and given a shower by Jehra and Sarai.

Noon sees me in the kitchen, dressed, and having a light meal. Judy is sitting there as well. When asked she says she’s OK but tired. She has a huge grin. I look at Sarai and nod at Judy’s grin.

Sarai says, “Medical advice is the grin should wear off by this time next year. No physical harm noticeable. Subject has an addiction to the dick of the culprit that fucked her brains into next year.”

I stand up, walk around to Judy and kiss her. She returns it then pats my hand while promising I’ll pay for last night if she ever gets over feeling so thoroughly fucked and thoroughly loved. We both laugh.


Nerra walks in and sits down. Makes sure she has my attention then she says, “From now on you’ll be monitored during sex and you’re not to fuck yourself into a heart attack trying to please us. You’re a super fucker, not superman. Got me, Mister.”

I stand up, snap off a salute, and say “Yes, Sir, I understand, Sir.”

Sighing she says, “I’m serious, if we’d waited for the ambulance to arrive and make the diagnosis before giving treatment you’d now be in intensive care for a major coronary.” After that sobering statement I sit down in shock. She continues, “Good, I think I’m getting through to you. Provided you don’t over extend yourself with another hour plus fuck session or high stimuli over a long period there should be no reason to change your current life style beyond some dietary management. Do you understand me?”

I reply, “Yes, why aren’t you in a local private practice?”

“Because I can’t get a Medicare Number as there are too many in this region. No Medicare Refunds for patients equals no patients.”

I smile, pat her hand, and kiss her. I ask where everyone is. Dave, Melody, Sandra, and Purra have gotten the security bus, with guards, and gone to pick up the children of Sarai’s family. They’ll do required shopping and return here. Confirm arrangements with me, and head off to the mountains tomorrow with the lot. Lisa, Jock, Toy, Marie, and Janey, with two extra guards in tow have gone back to enriching the family coffers. I look up and am informed that at breakfast all had agreed we should create a trust for the family with all of the income from commercial ventures going into it. All of the existing businesses will be transferred to it. Thus the money now pouring into Jock’s business is the family’s as he won’t have it any other way. I accept this as a fact or he closes shop and does no work at home. I say that’s a cruel threat and I accept, ungracefully.

Neither Mum or Dad are happy about the recent near tragedies. Any more such episodes and they cut their holiday short. They’re happy about the lodge and land. I’m to call them when I can. The owner of the security firm is coming around to talk to me over lunch.

I ring Mum’s hotel in Hawaii and I’m told they’re out. I give my name and tell them I’ll call back. The clerk informs me she has instructions to notify them as soon as I ring and to hold me on the line for however long it takes. I tell her I’m happy to sit by the phone. The clerk refuses, insisting she’s to keep me on the line. I tell her to tell me her life, especially her love life. She laughs and tells me her name’s Helen. She begins talking about growing up and school in the islands. We reach high school when Mum arrives on the line, breathless, and tells me it’s a good run from the far end of the beach and Dad is still toddling along. I tell her the exercise will help him get fit. She agrees, after hearing about last night he has a strong interest in getting fit again. She asks how I am as Dad comes on line asking if the heart attack was bad.

I say, “I’m OK, I have a very good doctor and very cheap. I only had a minor stress induced angina attack. I’m not allowed to get worse due to excellent medical care.”

Dad says, “What caused it? I hear the doctor was there in moments. How did you manage that miracle, and how come a cheap doctor?”

“The doctor was handy for the same reason she’s cheap. She lives in as a maid on two hundred dollars and a thorough fucking per week. Nerra, Sarai’s sister. What brought it on? Dad, you want to try that special alarm of Judy’s. Well, I thought to fuck her brains out, so I did, stupid me. Important advice father of my most beloved. Don’t spend ninety minutes fucking the arse off a super sexy eighteen year old girl, unless you want a heart attack. I’ve always said to die fucking was the best way to go, and I still think it is. However, I’m not allowed to take that way out yet. My lovelies have informed me if I suicide by such a scheme I’ll be preserved and used as a toilet so they can vent their anger by pissing on my face for years to come. The fate of my body doesn’t worry me but I don’t wish to make them that mad. Melody has the hots for Dave and vice versa. I thought she was going to move out. Wrong. He’s moving in, and I’m still expected to live up to the special clause in her employment contract where I’ve to make love to her twice a month or more. Dave says he may be glad of the nights off.” They laugh and I can hear three laughs.

I say, “Hey, Dad, can you make a point of getting some photos of that sexy sounding clerk who kept me on the phone, Helen. Oh, and a number as we may need a receptionist for our business later.”

Helen says she’ll get my email and send me some, I thank her and promised to reciprocate. I give her my e-mail address. I ask if the hotel has a good house doctor. She says, “Yes.”

“Hey, Mum, I’ve a lovely photo of one ultra sexy schoolgirl in a French Maid outfit with crotchless knickers and pussy showing nicely. I can e-mail it to you if you promise to have a doctor on hand when you show it to Dad. She made me come in my pants just by looking at her.”

Laughing Mum asks, “Is Judy that sexy?”

I laugh and say, “Almost, but I’m talking of Marie, my wife to be, and your darling daughter.”

Dad interjects, “Fuck.”

I say, “I do, as often as I can catch Marie again, but she’s fitter than me and only allows me to catch her every other day or so. Something about fair shares with the other girls.”

Mum says, “Well, you sound OK and seem to be recovering, just don’t scare us like that again.”

With a serious tone I say, “I won’t, I know how you feel.”

In a worried voice Mum says, “What does that mean?”

I reply, “I thought Sandra told you about Marie the other day. Marie wanted a special morning event so she and Janey got each other started, with Marie underneath. When I joined the fun Janey straddled Marie’s mouth and I entered Marie, everyone is happy. When I sent Marie over the edge she screamed into Janey’s pussy which sent her right over too. They both had a very long case of multiple orgasms. Marie nearly choked as Janey’s pussy cream filled her mouth and half her lungs. Luckily, due to my position I was able to immediately notice she had trouble breathing and we set things right quick smart. Scared the hell out of me so much I refused to let her go and cried myself to sleep with her in my arms. I ended up with severe cramps. I’m still not fully over the fright.”

A sober Mum replies, “We got told there was a fright but not the full details or seriousness. I think you do understand how we and Marie feel about nearly losing you. Just take good care of everyone.”

“Enjoy the rest of your holiday as we’re working together to look after each other. I’m going to have to put up with some frustrated girls as I now have to be supervised when making love and all orgies have been supervised by a non-combatant since the day with Marie. As the latest house rule is no sexual activity without a non-participant supervisor. A bit of a problem, but better than a serious accident.”

Helen says with a smile in her voice, “I’d really love to see that photo of Marie you mentioned.”

“Take some leave and return with Mum and Dad. You can see and taste the scrumptious original.”

Sighing Helen says, “I’d love to, but I can’t afford the fares.”

Laughing I say, “I can. Hey, Dad, is she worth importing?”

He replies, “Oh, I think so, she’s prettier than Janey.”

“Well, talk her into coming back with you, please. If we like the taste we may keep her, if not, I’ll pay to send her back.”

Concerned Mum says, “Hey, how can you afford that?”

“I told you, I finally collected an outstanding service fee and bonus. They’re still to send on the interest owing for the period.”

Mum asks, “Exactly how much did that old boss owe you?”

“I hope you’re sitting down, six million bucks, interest is expected to be about another six million.”

Silence, Dad squeaks, “And you weren’t chasing this money?”

I’m calm as I say, “No. I was informed, at the time, he wanted to pay it out in small amounts of a few ounces of lead per payment. Seemed a good idea to let it sit and earn interest for a while.”

Mum says, “Good idea, I don’t think we want to know what the work was.”

“High risk Mum, high risk government contract.” We say our good byes and I hang up.

Lunch Meeting

The doorbell rings. Sarai answers it and shows Mac in. He says he wants to confirm we still need the guards and to discuss a concept he’d been given. I tell him to keep the bodyguards on, also another week for the watchers, and then to cut that back to regular drive by checks.

We talk while eating a lovely meal of salad and cold meats. Decreed by Nerra as part of my new diet. The concept is the special security group. He wants a few more details and some reassurances it can work. In essence, why does Maizey’s cousin think I can help and want me. I explain I knew him first as Royal Rob. He’s a security specialist for the US State Department and Secret Service. He got loaned out for special protection details and we worked together a few times. My main duty for many years was to find ways to get through or over special protection details. I was often borrowed to test his people. One day they gave him an impossible assignment and he accepted, but only if he had my help. We looked at it and came up with some new ideas that worked, the primary being teams of people specially trained by me. We protected quite a few people, mainly females on other people’s ’must kill lists’ - we had no hits nor near misses. He got a reputation as being ’the man’ in setting up protection for females and now specialises in that end of the business. If he’s worried enough to want me then he has a very high profile case and it’s outside of his normal zone of the continental USA.

I explain the teams I’d trained in the past were called Sticky Girls as Sticky was my working name. We protected females. We provided four coverage layers. Team Gopher had the periphery as watchdogs and tripwires. Team Viper worked inside the zone identifying potential assassin strike points and covering them to stop assassins using them. Team Wolf was close to the target as a quick reaction strike force set to counter attack with superior speed and force. Team Bear was Rob’s Secret Service trained bullet catchers. We protected people where it was expected their enemies may try assassins and large group assaults to ensure success. The operations got known as Zoo Trips.

Such operations are very people intensive as they need to be highly trained, fit, and dedicated. Commercially this means charging very big bucks as the bulk of the team will have to spend their whole time on such work or in training. You can’t use them for other duties because the work’s too specialised as you need to do it as a ‘first nature’ response and not have to take time to think about what to do. I’m prepared to train and supervise such teams, even be the main boss, but I’m no longer up to being a field operative for that work. He tells me I look fit and I reply, “Yeah fit, but not the super fit that work requires.” He nods. I say, “I’d prefer not to do any field work any more and will train people for that.” He argues that’d work if I went out as an adviser on very tricky ones, to which I agree. My main concern is the level of work available as I’m not sure there’s enough to justifying the costs.

Mac says he’ll give the matter serious consideration, if it goes ahead he’ll be able to provide training facilities, weapons, and licences. I say it sounds good but a lot depends upon Rob liking the price and Mac having enough girls. I explain I prefer to use women as they’re usually less able to be distracted, better at blending in, and more often overlooked by the enemy.

We have a delicious sorbet to finish the meal as we finish the talk.


Mac leaves at 2:00 p.m. then Nerra gives me a fruit juice to drink. I look at it suspiciously and tell her I’ll happily take any medication she orders but I’d like to know what and when. After giving her the details of my usual doctor I down the suspicious juice in one go and asked how long before I fall asleep again. She smiles as she says about thirty minutes and tells me what’s in it. Judy is given a similar juice. We’re led upstairs and put to bed in each other’s arms, bliss.

I wake up at 5:30 p.m. to the sound of whispers and giggling. Petra has a class of school kids and is conducting a live anatomy class. They all jump and blush when I speak up to say, “Petra, you should be downstairs and not trying to get us into trouble with Dave and Nerra.”

From the doorway Dave says, “Right, you lot, back downstairs.”

I wake Judy and we take a shower together, get dried, dressed, and go downstairs. To find a sea of smiling happy faces, mostly children, watching TV. Janey says dinner will be in an hour at 7:00 p.m.

Pulling Nerra aside I confirm she’s fully licensed to practice and can legally hang out her shingle if payment isn’t an issue. I ask her to conduct full examinations of everyone, starting with the children as she’s taking over as our family physician. Petra, Jehra, Purra, Sandra, and any menstruating female members of the school contingent are to be fitted with IUDs. Check Janey’s and Judy’s IUDs are OK and properly fitted. Have Sandra stop taking the pill when Nerra thinks it suitable. I tell her in future I want no more than one third of the girls susceptible to pregnancy at a time. We currently have a few who’re likely pregnant. She’s to coordinate the installation and removal of IUDs as required. She’s also to establish diet rules for the kitchen and check menus.

Nerra smiles saying, “It is good to have a patient wanting me to do what they need to do.”

“In future, I want to be able to really enjoy myself with my loves and that means I get to feel them coming with me in them. I don’t care if it adds to the stress, but that’s what I enjoy the most.”

“For the moment we may all have to forgo that pleasurable stress, but can look forward to it in future if you behave yourself now.”

Sighing I say, “That better not be an idle promise. On another point, why does your father want me to get all his little girls pregnant?”

Laughing she says, “Originally it was to get them away from Gumbo and totally outside his control. From Sarai we knew you’re a kind and gentle man who could, and would, look after them. Once you’ve got them pregnant without marrying them Gumbo will no longer have an interest in them as he can’t marry them off to his profit. As fallen women they’ve no value and will be free to marry for love. Then, to find out you’re wealthy and will keep them as part of your harem as long as they want is more than he could’ve wished.”

In wonder I say, “I see, I think. Once we get organised in the new house I’m thinking of having a number of family run businesses in it. I want to include a complete surgery with everything that we may need, you can hang out your shingle and charge full rates with discounts where you think appropriate. What with all the family and friends you’ll have enough business and you may get some locals who’ll be prepared to pay and not worry about Medicare. So please think about this and work out what you want in the way of space and equipment.”

Nerra smiles saying, “I’m hired as your maid and I won’t change that except under two conditions. First, I get to continue doing some maid duties in the house, and second, you accept me as your slave.”

I rub my hands together, smirk, and say, “Aha, my evil plan works, you’re now mine, forever. Seriously, no problemo. You can always have limited surgery hours and there’s Toy when he finishes uni.”

Lisa and her support team arrive wanting to talk to me. Nerra leaves to see about menu planning. I notice Toy has a new collar almost the same which it reads ’Perc Toy’ where it used to say ’Toy.’

I say, “Lisa, I see you have a new slave.” Pointing at the collar.

She smiles and says, “After the changes I thought it was a lot more appropriate. He’s going back to classes next week and going to study hard as I want a back up doctor on hand.”

I nod while saying, “I’ve just been speaking to Nerra about a surgery in the new residence and having it include Perc when he finishes his studies. Jock, I hear business is good.”

He laughs, “Too good, I took extra staff to the shop so they can sell while I make clothes to fill orders. I reduced the time Lisa is strutting our stuff, and still the orders are coming too fast to fill.”

Laughing I say, “Good work, so we see what skills we have in house and get you helpers. Then we hire what other skills we need. I’m sure Sarai will be happy to find us more staff as needed.”

He smiles, “I hope so. I don’t relish working a twenty-six hour day.”

I call Sarai over, “What other skills do your sisters have, include the married ones and their husbands, but exclude Gumbo and wife?”

It’s an impressive list: handyman / maintenance man, graphics artist, yard-man, forester, gardener, cleaner, seamstress, clothing designer, leather worker, computer technician, doctor, and accountant. The first four pairs are her married sisters and husbands, Shutra and wife, sister about to marry and her fiancé, Jehra, Purra, Nerra, and Sarai. I can’t believe all of these skilled workers can’t get skilled work until they recounted the problems with their accreditation, skills recognition, and registration with the local professional bodies. I hate all bigots, racial or school.


I go to see if I can help with the table and find dinner nearly ready. Paper plates and food warmers along the table with serviettes and drinks. Dinner is ’a la carte - Janey’s Juicy Burgers.’ Considering the crowd, especially the kids, it’s smart thinking. I ask where they’re all going to sleep, and Marie states they’ll have the spare beds down in the rec room and lounge room. She also put the recorder in the study.

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