Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 09

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 09 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Wednesday 15th May

Wake Up Alarm

I hear people whispering and giggling, but not wanting to get up I stay where I am. During the night we’d shifted and I’m lying on my back with one arm around Jehra and the other around Purra. I’ve a breast in each hand and their nipples are stiff. I wonder what they’re thinking. I feel the bed move and someone touches my legs. A moist pussy slides down my stiff dick as Judy’s voice softly tells me it’s morning. I lie there in bliss as her pussy slowly slides up and down my dick. I don’t know what or why but the back of my mind is telling me the voice might be Judy’s but the pussy isn’t. I open my eyes a little to see Nerra sliding up and down on my dick with Judy kneeling behind her playing with her breasts while Judy is talking softly as if to wake me. Turning my head I look at Jehra and Purra. Both have wide smiles as they watch their sister slowly fucking me. That explains the stiff nipples. I squeeze their tits and can discern no response. They all jump when I smile and speak.

I say, “Judy, although Nerra’s physical actions aren’t better than yours she has an advantage. Anyone who can get such nice big smiles out of these two lovelies deserves bonus points.” Judy looks at Jehra and Purra, smiles, and concedes the point. I pull Jehra toward me and she resists for a moment. Nerra says something and Jehra relaxes then to lean over and kiss me. When she leans back I say, “Good girl, good morning, beautiful.” She smiles as I squeeze her breast. I pull Purra to me and she resists for about two nanoseconds. They’re both good kissers.

Seeing movement at the door I turn to see Sarai and Marie standing there fondling each other’s breasts. Grinning I say, “Sarai, are you sure these are the three sisters of yours we collected yesterday?” Everybody looks at me as if I’m crazy.

Smiling Sarai says, “Yes, why?”

“Yesterday we picked up three pretty young women who looked sad and hardly smiled. Now we have we three beautiful sexy women who smile a lot. I can see some facial similarities, are you sure it’s the same three young women?”

Laughing she says, “Yes, it’s the standard Ed transformation. Being loved for yourself seems to have that effect on people, especially with female members of my family.” We all grin. I squeeze Jehra’s and Purra’s breasts so they giggle and wriggle. I remove my hands and pull my arms away and they’re unhappy I’m letting go. But Nerra is good at her alarm duties and I’m close to an orgasm. I reach forward and rub her clit. She increase her pace and breathing. The grins on Jehra and Purra widen.

With an evil grin I say, “Jehra, should I be trying for a boy or a girl as Nerra’s first child by me?”

Jehra says, “Girl, I like baby girls.” Followed by, “First?”

“Yes, first, I think Nerra will make a good mother and deserves to have many children, and I must organise them.” Lowering my voice I add, “I also think she, like you, will look extra, extra sexy when the pregnancy begins to show.”

Jehra smiles and blushes, “But I’m a virgin and not pregnant.”

I leer at her saying, “I can easily fix both those issues.”

She blushes again, looks down, smiles wider, and softly whispers, “Please.”

Everybody except Nerra smiles as Nerra is too far gone in her own pleasure now as I’d kept up the pressure on her clit. She’d kept up the pressure on me and is humping up and down real fast. I tweak her clit, hard, and I soon realise I’ve badly screwed up. Nerra’s reaction is to scream in her native language as her vagina clamps down on my dick. She continues sliding down and stops when she reaches bottom. Her vagina muscles clamped tight when I tweaked her clit and it feels as if my dick’s been turned inside out. I’m sure to have friction burns. But the feeling is so exquisite my orgasm is filling her with sperm. Nerra collapses forward onto my chest, gasping for air as her body shudders with her multiple orgasm. It takes about five minutes for Nerra to calm down and catch her breath.

Finally she takes a deep breath and speaks in her native tongue. All her sisters stare at her with shocked expressions. I tell her to speak only English from now on or I’ll make her very, very sorry. Sarai sucks in her breath and tells Nerra to speak only English. She stares at Sarai then turns to look at me and sees I’m serious.

Nerra apologises saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t really mean all those bad things I said, but what you did to me. I’ve never had that happen before. Sarai is right, even one small slice of your loaf is better than a whole bakery of what we’re led to expect and get in the community. How would you make me very, very sorry?”

In an evil voice I say, “I can program you with a catch word and it’ll cause you to have an orgasm whenever I say the word, regardless of how you feel. I’ve already punished one girl this way. I made her have orgasms until her pussy hurt and she cried with the pain caused by another orgasm. Give me too much trouble and you can have the same. I only program people who’ve been very bad.” Nerra, Jehra, and Purra stare at me with shock. Sarai tells them it’s true as she’s seen a sister slave respond to a verbal command with an orgasm.

Grinning I say, “Now it ‘s shower time and I’ve three trainees who have to show they know how to have a shower. Let’s get cleaned up.”

Purra smiles as she jumps out of bed then grabs my hand to drag me off the bed to the shower. The others laugh as they follow us. Purra washes my front and proves she’d learnt her lesson well, so well I’m almost at attention by the time they’ve finished washing me. I step out and Sarai dries me while her sisters wash each other.


We arrive in the kitchen at 9:00 a.m. to a sea of smiles. Judy told them how her alarm clock training went. I’m smiling and very happy as Sarai and her sisters haven’t stopped smiling all morning. They’re positively radiant. Lisa, Jock, and Janey have gone to his shop while leaving Toy in charge of the kitchen. He serves me a plate of scrambled eggs with toast which is perfectly done so I say so and he smiles.

Sandra informs me Mum rang, their holiday’s going well and I’m not to allow any of the girls to wake Dad unless she approves it. She’d informed Mum of the current size of the family which got a shocked response, and we’re looking for a bigger place. Mum supplied details of a good real estate agent. Sandra has informed her parents she’s staying with us permanently. She’s also told the school Marie, Janey, and herself are ill and won’t be at school until next week. Toy contacted uni and informed them he’s ill and will be out for the week. Also he’s arranged to borrow Khan for the night, this is a surprise.

After breakfast I go to the study and ring the real estate agent, Marko. Telling him I need to buy some properties in certain areas and which areas while saying I need temporary single premises accommodation for about twenty with single or shared bedrooms. I tell him we can rent or buy if not too dear. I’ll also require land to build on that’s about sixty metres by one hundred and twenty metres to build a large personal residence with a few shops in it so we can continue our businesses from the home building. I promise him a cash bonus for finding us the right places if they’re handled by others and he’s not entitled to the commission as I intend Marko to profit from doing the work for us. He says he’ll get right on it.

At 11:00 a.m. Judy asks what I want for dinner that night. I say I’d like a good Mulligan. She leaves and soon returns with Melody who wants to know why I want a cooked Irishman for dinner. Neither has heard of a Mulligan stew. I tell them what’s needed and how to cook it. They both take notes and ask questions then leave to check on the supplies.

At noon I leave the study and stand in the hall for a while. Marie and Sarai have all the girls in pinafore outfits and teamed up doing the housework. Watching all the smiling, happy, lovelies running around almost in those sexy outfits is fun. I go downstairs to get the mail at 12:30 only to find the security team have already done that and they hand it to me. I thank them and sit at the dinner table to read it, nothing important.


Toy calls us to lunch at 1:00 p.m., freshly made steak sandwiches and hot chips, beautifully done. We compliment him on the meal. Everyone takes their time over lunch and chats about many things. A very pleasant lunch indeed.

The doorbell rings at 1:50 p.m. I open it to find Dave with a woman and a sad faced fourteen year old girl named Petra. I let them in and lead them to the lounge room. Petra licks her lips at the smell of the lunch left overs. I explain we’re just finishing lunch and ask Toy to bring the last of it out for our guests to eat. He goes into the kitchen and is quick to cook some more chips and steaks. In a few minutes he’s back with them on a tray with cold drinks. He places the tray across Petra’s lap and tells her to enjoy her lunch. She’s fast to start eating. Neither Dave or the welfare lady eat anything but do enjoy watching Petra’s enjoyment of the meal.

Dave says child welfare contacted him this morning because Petra had skipped school for three days. They can’t contact her guardian who’s one of his officers: Gorilla. He went to the home address with the welfare person and there’s no answer. He ’effected entry,’ meaning he busted in. They found Petra hiding in her bedroom and no food or money in the house. It seems Gorilla hadn’t told the department he’s caring for his orphaned niece. He’s her last relative. She’s very independent and had managed her own meals until the food ran out yesterday. The door was double locked and she didn’t have a key to the dead bolt. Due to the security mesh on the windows she couldn’t get out of them. The welfare lady says all of her foster homes are full and they’ve nowhere to put her. Dave came to me as he knows I’ve contacts everywhere and he hopes I can help.

I look at Petra and ask Dave for Gorilla’s proper name and where he went. He tells me Jeff X and in Bathurst Prison. I get up as I ask Melody to contact the boarding school and find out if they can take a fourteen year old for immediate enrolment. I ask her to take Petra and show her the school’s web site first to see if she’d like going there. Melody takes Petra upstairs to call them from the study. I pick up the phone and use the second line to call an old contact called Hub.

When he answers I say, “Hi, Hub, its May Hem, who do we know at Bathurst Prison?”

I hear Hub gulp and say, “Hi, I thought you were long dead, just a sec.” I hear keys click then he gives me a list of several people. I ask for and am given the phone number of the prison. I thank him. I ring the prison and ask to speak to one of their ’guests,’ a few minutes later I’m talking to him.

I say, “Hi, Boots, it’s May Hem here, how’s Pins getting on?”

Boots gulps then says, “Been a long while, Mate, I heard you were dead. She’s OK.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while. They sent a lot of people looking for me and some made the mistake of finding me, but one pair decided not to look and lied about it. It seemed a good idea then to leave it at that. I want you to have a chat with someone for me,” and I give him Gorilla’s name. “I want you to convince him to sign papers giving guardianship of his niece to Dave X.” Boots recognises both names and asks about the deal. I explain Gorilla is worse than a certain old mutual acquaintance and the girl needs a new carer. He promises to have the papers signed the day they arrive if someone tells him when they arrive. I promise to have a few cartons of biscuits sent up as thanks. I turn to find Dave and the welfare lady staring at me. “Dave, I think you wanted me to take over Petra’s care.” He nods. “I feel you’re be better suited for her. I’m already arranging to fund thirteen children to attend that boarding school so another is nothing. These arrangements will see she gets the support and models she needs at school while you can see to her care during the holidays. Naturally we’ll be available and happy to assist you when your work interferes. Please have an attorney prepare the papers needed for Gorilla to agree to make you her guardian as he’ll be only too happy to sign them.”

Dave nods saying, “How do you know Boots?”

“In my misspent youth I saved his life twice, and that of his favourite sister. He doesn’t know my legal name only my ’street name’ of the time; General May Hem.”

Dave stares at me while slowly shaking his head as he says, “OK, if welfare will agree to this we’ll do it your way.”

The welfare lady says, “My boss will sign off on anything as long as Petra goes to a good school and is supervised by semi-sane people.”

“Dave, you’ve got big trouble as there’s no way are we sane or even semi-sane.” They laugh as we sit and chat. Melody and Petra come down to say she can start as soon as we can get her there and she wants to go. Dave says she doesn’t have much in the way of clothes.

Melody says, “I know that and I’ve a list of what she’s allowed to take and needs to take.” Turning to me and indicating Petra she sternly says, “We are going shopping today.”

I nod. Dave and the welfare lady get up to go with Dave saying, “I’ll be back for dinner, if that’s OK.” I tell him to be back by 6:00 p.m. or we’ll start without him.

I have them wait while I say to Petra, “Melody and Judy will take you shopping for clothes etcetera. During the trip you have certain very important responsibilities and they’re: One, select things that are comfortable to wear. Two, select things that you think are nice and will be happy wearing. Three, select a few personal things, toys radio etcetera, whatever is allowed. Four, have a good time, and above all else, enjoy herself.”

She looks grave for a moment, smiles, and nods her head. I ring the security firm and ask for another team for the shopping trip. I’m told they’ll arrive at 3:00 p.m. As I hang up Marko rings with some places he wants to show me. I ask him to pick me up at 3:00 p.m. When Marko and security arrive I have Sarai drive the Tarago and Marko follows as we go to the bank. I get out ten thousand dollars and give five thousand dollars to Sarai while telling her it’s for household expenses. Then I give two thousand dollars to Melody as I tell her it’s for clothes etc. for the young lady and to pocket the rest. Sarai drives off with her crew to do the shopping and I leave with Marko.

New Housing

Marko takes me to a hunting lodge. It’s a dirty but sound five year old sheet steel A-frame design. Twenty-four bedrooms in the lodge and five two bedroom A-frame cottages. However, it was a commercial failure. He states it’s not in the designated area but close and otherwise perfect for our temporary home. It’s available for sale only and includes a large amount of surrounding native forest and scrub land. The price is low as it’s been on the market for two years. Very reasonable for the whole deal. Government restrictions on the title limits its use. Then we go to look at some other land. A whole block on a main road, a major road, and two local streets at the edge of a local business district. It used to be a pub, got burnt down, and the block cleared. Marko says the council has it re-zoned residential but he feels they can be swayed to allow some businesses with reasonable restrictions. He’s spoken to the council staff on the issue. The block is eighty metres by one hundred and fifty metres, bigger and dearer than I preferred but acceptable. I ask who has which properties. He acknowledges he has the lodge as the owner transferred it to him two weeks ago and he’s keen to sell it as it’ll lead to more work from that lucrative source. The land’s with another agent. I ask what commission he’d personally have in pocket if the land had sold through him. He says one thousand and four hundred dollars. I ask him to have all the papers drawn up for the lodge and give him my solicitor’s details. However, I’ll have think about the land.

I tell him I want full checks, especially insects and foundations etc. on the buildings, and settlement as soon as possible with immediate access. Problems to be fixed at the vendor’s expense. I give him a ten percent deposit cheque and the spare keys to my town house as I tell him to sell it and to ring Melody about selling her house. He smiles saying, “I already have people wanting houses in that area. She’ll get a good price and a quick sale.” So I tell him they’ll be selling soon before I ask him for a valuation on Marie’s parent’s house. It’s so easy to make sales people happy as you just have to give them money making chances.

Petra’s Parade

Marko drops me back at 5:50 p.m. so I’m in time to wash my hands before dinner. Sarai and crew have returned before me and are being treated to a fashion parade by Petra. Dave has beaten me in and is watching. Petra is getting changed in the rec room and parading in the lounge room. She comes out in a PE / sports outfit and I nearly die. The pants seem little more than a thong and the top looks painted on. I say, “Are those the correct sizes and the recommended styles?”

A smirking Judy says, “Yes, they are.”

Choking I say, “Better purchase something a bit different as in most places an outfit like that can get you arrested for either soliciting, if after dark, or enticement to riot during the day. And it doesn’t help Petra has what it takes to wear an outfit like that for either purpose, even at her age.” Petra, Judy, Melody, and Sarai are all grinning. I finally catch on. Sighing I say, “OK, Petra you got me, now go and put the correct outfit on before Dave has to arrest me for having sex with a minor.”

She dimples, curtsies, and exits with a smile. She soon returns with a more regular style school sports outfit and hands Dave the set up one. Dave says over his shoulder, “Petra wants me to keep this outfit for her to wear when visiting you while home on holidays.”

“Dave, make it easy on me and send her over naked as that I can deal with. That outfit is just too damn sexy as it invites you to remove it.”

Grinning he responds with, “I think that’s her intention.”

I say, “Thanks, mate, I hope I can do the same for you one day.”

A serious Dave says, “Melody has made arrangements for us to take Petra to the school by public transport tomorrow. I have a week’s leave approved. Can we stay here tonight to simplify the transport?”

“Dave that may not be a good idea. We’ve a sex show planned for later. Also, I don’t think we’ve a single set of night clothes in the house.”

He looks at me saying, “No wonder everyone goes about smiling so much. I can take Petra upstairs during the show, if you want.”

Looking at him I say, “I’ll raise it with the family after dinner.”

Getting inspiration I call out, “Sarai, my Love, do we have any proper night clothes in the house?”

She replies, “Yes, we bought ten sets for Petra, as required, also Nerra, Jehra, and Purra have two sets.”

“OK, Petra’s new gear will have to be packed for school, clean, so we can’t use those for tonight. She can have one of my tee-shirts. I think one of Nerra’s night clothes will fit you Dave.”

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