Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition - Cover

Ed's New Life ~ Revised Edition

Copyright© 2021 by Ernest Bywater

Chapter 08

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 08 - In the process of saving a young woman he loves a 48 year old man learns she also loves him. Used to living in the shadow world of espionage he must now make a stand in the general community while helping to clean up a mess of the lives of others made by the predator he saved his love from. he becomes part of a large mixed family as they all learn about life, love, and human sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond  

Tuesday 14th May

Lovely Start to the Day

We’re still in that position when Melody walks in to wake us. She later says we looked so happy she didn’t have the heart to wake us and allowed us another thirty minutes of peaceful rest. She also later told me after she mentioned the scene everyone in the house had to sneak in and have a good look. They found three cameras with part rolls in them and took pictures from various angles etc. until the film ran out. I think they only let us sleep until they ran out of film. But Sarai is right, it’s a heavenly way to go to sleep and wake up. We have a quick shower like last night then get dried and dressed. Melody has charge of the kitchen. She tells me I’ve to set security to let Lisa, Jock, Toy, and our guests out while she serves Sarai and Marie. I dash off to adjust the security system and get everyone on their way.

No duty crew are waiting to enter. Then I notice two of the overnight guests, Wendy and Greta, are in different outfits to yesterday sitting in the lounge room and I bring myself up to speed. I say good morning and ask if they had a good night. A smiling Greta says, “No, I had a marvellous fucking night of marvellous fucking.”

Laughing I say, “I’m glad my people were able to provide you with a good servicing.”

They laugh and I go to the kitchen to be met with hot bacon, eggs, and sausage cooked perfectly. I sit down and Janey sits in my lap to feed me, I accept the help. I know to never refuse a pretty girl wanting to pamper you, unless you want big trouble. Sandra sits down at the table saying, “Dad rang and gave ten out of ten for the new morning alarm system.” We laugh. She says, “They’ve sent the stat decs off. He wants help to get Mum and Judy to let him try the original alarm.” Which gets a large round of laughter as Judy blushes.

Looking over at her I ask, “Judy, Love, how do you feel today, physically and emotionally?”

More Training for Judy

She looks at me for a moment then says, “Physically, I’m OK. I think my body is adjusting to the new physical activity. I’m a bit emotionally mixed up about last night’s fun, can you help me to understand it?”

Between bites I say, “I thought you might be, that’s why I asked. When we spoke the other night I over simplified the fucking / love making bit so you could get your mind around that first. Sarai, Marie, and I didn’t have sex last night but we did spend the entire night making love as a group. Do you understand?”

Judy says, “Yes I..., we all looked in on you this morning. You were cute lying there sound asleep sucking Sarai’s breast. I want to try that.”

Grinning I say, “Oh, I’m sure Sarai will let you suck her breast if you ask her nicely.”

Judy glares at me saying, “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. However, I get your point re making love all night as you were showing affection and caring for each other.”

“Yes, now, when your love making includes sexual intercourse with someone you love it’s really something, isn’t it?”

Smiling with a lost look in her eyes Judy says, “Hmm, yes Dear.”

“You understand about just fucking someone, don’t you?”


“Now tell me what category was what we did first thing yesterday morning.”

“That’s easy, I was making love to you as I was giving you pleasure without any expectations from you, and I even forbade you from doing anything. You didn’t fuck me to take your pleasure as you just lay there and accepted what I had to give you. At the time it made me feel so good to be giving to you in such a way and making you feel good. It was a real good emotional high for me, but not a physical one. Much the same way Janey is making love to you now by feeding you.”

“Good girl, your grasp of the other night’s lessons is perfect. We covered the main emotional aspects of human relationships. What I left out was the ones ruled by pure physical lust and that’s what caught you unaware last night. I’m very, very proud of the way you handled it and yourself, even though I’ve no knowledge of what followed. What’s important was the way you dealt with the human interaction at the start. It shows you’re learning to work new things out and adjust for yourself. Your only real life emotional interactions with men until then were with me, someone you’ve come to love a great deal, someone who you’ve been able to work out a solid pattern with. Then you’re faced with a man who finds you attractive as a woman at a physical level and you reacted to his signals. In essence, he said ’you’re sexy I want you’ and you responded to that. You responded at the physical level to his desire for you, as his lust ignited your lust. That’s OK. After the ignition things fall back into the give or take options but usually with a lower level of commitment. In most lust based encounters people either give until the other’s satisfied and then take, or the reverse. Essentially, three major stages - give and give, give and take, take and take. Last night was your first encounter in the middle group which is a very common encounter type.”

Judy thinks on this for some time then says, “I think I’m beginning to understand. At the time I really wanted to find out what sex was like with another man. He really wanted me. I accepted his desire because it matched my own. We really didn’t love each other. So we had sex but didn’t just fuck each other or make love. We fell in between, giving and taking at the same time, while having a good time.”

“Well put, my Love, and that zone is where the majority of human sexual encounters fall. If the relationship goes on long enough it shifts one way or the other.”

Judy smiles, “Thank you, I feel more balanced about last night now as the lack of emotions worried me and I wondered if I did something wrong. But now I know I did something right without knowing why.”

I make a face of mock sadness, “My little girl’s growing up. On a serious note, my Dear, you’re eighteen years of age. When you arrived here just a few days ago your emotional level was about that of a ten year old. Now your emotional level is near an adult’s, which puts you some years ahead of your dad and stepmother.”

Judy laughs saying, “I don’t know about that but I do know I feel much happier about myself, how I deal with people, and more balanced within my mind. I can now understand what people expect of me and why. Something I’d not been able to do before. Why’s that?”

I look at her for a moment and toss a fork at her. She catches it, with ease, in her right hand. I ask for the fork back as I tell her to sit on her right hand and use only her left hand to make the catch this time. When I toss the fork she has trouble catching but manages it. I get the fork back and tell her to sit on both hands as I ask if she can catch the fork with her mouth if I threw it at waist height. She says, “No way, don’t be stupid.”

“When your father moved you back from your correct physical development age group it was the emotional equivalent of making you sit on your right hand, then when they failed to provide you with the correct training on interactions etcetera it was the equivalent of making you sit on both hands. Their failure to provide you with proper role models and be an active part of your life was the equivalent of putting a large thick black bag over your head and then expecting you to safely catch thrown knives with your mouth. Your mind knew something was wrong as you weren’t getting the input and guidance you needed, but it had insufficient knowledge to identify what was wrong. It could only send out critical system fault errors. Since then we and you have worked very hard to give you the information to allow you to get your internal compasses pointing the right way. You can feel the emotional and physical differences this makes as they flow properly. Your mind knows the wrong has been, or is being, fixed and has stopped sending warning alerts. Now the emotional energy flows freely without any blocks.”

Judy smiles saying, “Thank you. I know I don’t have to stay a part of this family, but may I?”

I say, “I’ve no problems with that and I don’t think anyone else has. But please note and realise different members have different sets of house rules, as noted last night. Please abide by them.”

“I understand, I’m still learning them all but I’ll learn and keep them.”

I look at the time, 9:30 a.m. Placing Janey on the table I stand up saying, “All this talk about making love has made me horny.” A point blatantly obvious at the moment. “Have you worked out the roster on who’s supposed to seduce me first today.”

Janey says, “Simple, Marie gets all the premium sperm loads until she tests positive.”

Marie blushes so I take her hand and grab Janey’s. Dragging them with me I say, “Well, one premium tank load for Marie and Janey can have the unleaded refill as appreciation for her efforts on Marie’s behalf.” Everyone laughs as we go upstairs.

Getting the Day Under Way?

On the way up the stairs I slip an arm part way around each girl and give their bums a gentle squeeze. Moving my hands up I give their breasts a gentle squeeze. From their wriggles I think they like it. In the master bedroom I move my hands to their backs to undo their dresses, being ambidextrous does have its uses. When the zippers are down far enough they wriggle to let the dresses fall and turn to undressing me. Marie pulls my tee-shirt up as Janey undoes my pants and I undo Marie’s bra. I love front clasp bras: one clip and instant access. I must’ve been fondling Marie’s breasts properly as she smiles and says, “Hmm.” Soon we’re undressed and lying on the bed. Marie in the middle of the bed as Janey and I kiss our way down her body. Reaching her breasts we give them a thorough kissing and sucking. Marie has an orgasm. She says, “Two on one is fun, but not fair.” Her body quivers with another orgasm. She says, “Hmm, please don’t stop.” I continue to work her breasts while Janey kisses her way further down. Reaching Marie’s pussy she sets to with a will.

After Marie’s fourth orgasm I tap Janey’s head, she looks up, I say “Janey, please kiss all the way up Marie’s body until she has access to your pussy to return the flavour, err favour.” Both laugh. Janey starts her slow way up Marie’s body, but instead of kissing as asked she extends her tongue into Marie’s vagina. Very, very slowly she moves up while dragging her tongue out of Marie’s vagina, up her pussy, across her clit, and up her belly, one millimetre at a time. Reaching her breasts she moves up across the left nipple, sideways to the right nipple, then up again before licking up her chin to her lips, and kissing Marie full on the mouth for some minutes. I’m so engrossed in watching this travel trick I sadly neglect Marie for the few minutes involved. Remembering my responsibilities I move over to Marie’s right ankle and lick the length of her leg, causing a shiver. This isn’t as easy as it sounds as Janey is lying full length on Marie with her legs spread and rubbing her body against Marie’s. When I look up I’ve the lovely sight of their two pussies together. It looks as if they were trying to kiss with them as well as their mouths. When Janey feels my hair tickling both her thighs at once she breaks the kiss and kisses her way up Marie’s face and continues to move up the bed.

When Janey’s breasts reach her lips Marie reaches her arms around her to stop her and spends a few minutes sucking on her breasts, first the left, the right, back again, etc. Janey gives a low moan and orgasms. Marie lets her move upward again. Marie kisses her belly as it moves by. I can see all this as I’ve reached Marie’s pussy and start eating my favourite dessert. From the way Marie shivers I think she likes it. Janey reaches a point where Marie has Janey’s pussy spread and is licking it as she humps her hips against my face. A few minutes later Marie bucks hard with an orgasm. A sort of strangled gurgling sound comes from the other end as Marie’s scream is muffled by Janey’s pussy. Janey’s body quivers and she gives a loud moan.

Janey says, “Remind me to make time to return that favour to you.”

Lifting myself from Marie’s pussy I move up the bed more while saying to Janey, “What’s up with you?”

She replies, “I’m very sorry I can’t arrange for Marie to scream into your clit. I’ll just have to arrange for her to scream into your dick. I tell you, it’s definitely something else - whoooeeee!”

Laughing I push into Marie as I take the opportunity to kiss Janey’s arse; well, it’s literally right there in my face. Janey jumps a little at the contact before realising what it is. I rest my head against her arse as I start moving in and out of Marie’s pussy in a nice rhythm. Janey looks over her shoulder, moves up the bed, and gets off it. As she walks around the bed I lean down and kiss Marie. She just lies there giving the occasional quiver and going, “Hmm.” I strongly suspect she’s pleased with things so far.

I feel Janey’s hands caressing my back and hips, they move down my sides, and she caresses Marie’s sides. Suddenly Marie grunts and I jerk as Janey, the cheeky girl, grasps Marie around the hips to pull up and back hard. This changes the angle of entry and causes me to go deeper into Marie. Which has her humping faster. So I maintain the my position and speed up.

Hearing a noise near the door I look over my shoulder to see Sarai leaning against the wall at an angle. Her dress is around her waist with Sandra’s face well embedded in her pussy. Melody is standing beside them playing with her pussy as she points at Sarai’s pussy and whispers something to Judy. I suspect Judy is getting some more pussy eating instructions.

Feeling movement on the bed I turn back to find Janey back on the bed facing me as she spreads her pussy and lowers it onto Marie’s face. Quick on the uptake Marie starts sucking and licking the offering. I speed up in response to this very erotic scene. Janey leans forward and kisses me. Our tongues play joyfully with each other as I continue to pound Marie’s velvet love tunnel.

Janey beaks the kiss to smile as she reaches down to grasps Marie’s hips with both hands. As I start my next forward thrust she rapidly lifts Marie’s hips at my groin. Our genitals slam together. Marie’s body shakes and convulses as she has an orgasm. Janey quivers as Marie’s muffled scream comes from her groin. Using one hand to keep Marie’s hips in place Janey pulls the other back to squeeze Marie’s clit between her thumb and forefinger. This triggers a multiple orgasm, causing Marie to buck wildly. This triggers my own orgasm and I’m filling her womb with my sperm. This triggers a more violent orgasm from Marie and she nearly throws us all off the bed. A very audible sound is heard from the region of Marie’s head as she screams her orgasm into Janey’s pussy. Janey jerks about and her eyes glaze over as her own orgasm washes over her.

I’m still in the warm afterglow of orgasm when I notice Marie seems to be choking, I try to withdraw but can’t. Concerned I yell to Sarai and Sandra to pull Janey off Marie. They race over and do so. Marie is definitely choking and the actions are also causing her vagina to clamp on my dick, trapping me. I drop flat as best as I can. Holding Marie tight, I roll over onto my back. As soon as I have Marie above me a large amount of fluid flows out of her mouth, across me, and onto the bed. She starts coughing and each cough causes a spasm that squeezes my dick. Bending my knees and arching my back I raise Marie’s body up at an angle with her head down most as more fluid flows out. Sarai slaps Marie hard in the middle of the back in the correct spot to dislodge an object stuck in the throat. Marie gives up more fluid, Sarai lifts both our lower bodies as high as she can. Causing more fluid to flow out. Marie soon settles down to light coughs and nods her head to indicate she’s OK now. I hold her close and cuddle her as I cry with relief. Sarai and Sandra lie down beside us and cuddle us both. Melody and Judy join the mutual cuddle pile up. Janey is unconscious across the top of the bed. We lie like that for some time, and I fall asleep - crying.

Janey’s Punishment

I wake to the feeling of being manhandled. Opening one eye I see Marie watching me as she directs a nude Sarai and Sandra in dragging me from the bed. They let go when I start moving of my own accord. I stand up and would have fallen if Sarai hadn’t caught me across her shoulder. My legs scream with pain as the circulation starts to return. With Sarai and Sandra taking my weight across their shoulders they drag me into the shower. They stand there holding me up while Judy soaps me up and washes me down with her body. I’m dragged out and placed on a stool for Marie to dry me while the girls wash each other. In twenty minutes we’re all fully dressed again. My legs still aren’t working right. Sarai supports me as we leave the en suite and head for the stairs. Passing the spare room I hear crying and stop. The girls all look at each other and refuse to look at me. I lurch toward the closed door, the first time in memory of a closed door, Sarai sighs and takes me over. The door opens to show Janey sitting on the bed weeping while Melody tries to comfort her.

Sharply I say, “What’s up with you?”

Janey turns around still crying and says, “I nearly killed Marie.”

I’m very short and tart as I say, “Marie, step in here and show me the knife or bullet wound involved.”

Marie quietly says, “I’ve no injuries. But I’m well and truly fucked, and filled with so much of your lovely sperm I can feel it washing against my back teeth.”

I’m angry as I say, “So what’s Janey bullshitting about?”

Janey is morose as she says, “Marie nearly choked to death with her mouth and lungs full of my pussy juices.”

In anger I ask, “You planned to kill her this way?”

She’s indignant as she replies, “Of course not.”

“Then what the fuck are you going on about, accidents happen. We now know that when in an over and under sixty-nine position both shouldn’t come at once. I’ve never heard of this happening before so it’s not common, but I’d be surprised if this is the first time it’s happened.”

Janey says, “But it’s all my fault so I should be shunned or punished.”

In a gentle tone I say, “Janey, my Love, neither Marie or I think you did any wrong as what happened was one of those things, it wasn’t planned or intended. If you feel you must be punished and can’t consider this is over until you are we can do that for your peace of mind, but it will be for your peace only.”

“Yes please, Master.”

I send Judy to find Lisa’s big dildo and some ropes. I whisper to Marie. When Judy returns I have her give the dildo to Marie who stands in front of Janey and rubs KY jelly on the 300 mm dildo. Janey’s eyes are going wide as she can see only one or two uses for this object. I order Janey to lie on the bed with her legs and arms outstretched. Judy ties her legs and arms to the corner bed posts. With a very evil grin Marie starts sliding the dildo into Janey’s pussy while taking her time as she slowly slip it in a bit then out, followed by in a bit more then out, and so on. Marie is really enjoying herself and it takes seven minutes to get the whole dildo in and strapped into place. Janey doesn’t look comfortable. I ask Janey, “Do you feel that’s enough punishment?”

She ‘s defiant as she says, “No.”

“All right then we’ll add a new component. You’ll stay tied up like this until you say you feel you’ve had enough punishment. Marie will supervise your punishment and only Marie can release you. Do you understand and accept this?”

A contrite Janey says, “Yes, I do, but how is this a suitable punishment for what I did?”

Marie smirks, saying, “Come two, come two, come two.” Janey has three convulsive orgasms, but she would have enjoyed them a lot more if she’d not had her legs and arms stretched tight and that huge dildo inside her. She moans and groans as she comes.

Laughing and crying at once she says, “Oh fuck, that was so good and it hurt so much at once, you bastard.”

Marie says, “No abusing your punishment supervisor, come two.”

Janey’s only comment is to scream, “Fuuuck,” as she shudders with another orgasm.

Smiling I say, “Just let Marie know when you think you’ve been punished enough, if she agrees she’ll let you up. If she disagrees, she’ll continue until she’s happy. Come two, come two.” We leave as Janey bucks and screams her pleasure and pain.

Sarai’s Trip to See Her Family

With the help of my support team we continue downstairs and to the Tarago. After I lose a short argument Sandra joins Sarai and I on our trip to see Sarai’s dad. We leave at 12:30 p.m. with Sarai driving and we go via a doctor’s surgery. Miracle, we’re waved straight in and they check my legs. Confirming it’ll pass in another fifteen minutes or so with no long-term harm from the loss of circulation to my legs.

Arriving at Sarai’s father’s house at 1:30 p.m. we’re joined by three women with two bags each and a rather worn looking man called Shutra. He directs us to a nearby restaurant famous for its cultural cuisine. This is for us to be seen by members of his community as we have lunch, and it explains the nice clothes I have on.

On entering we’re shown to a large table in the middle of the room and given menus. I give mine to Sarai without opening it. In a loud voice I say, “Sarai, my Dear, I know nothing about this cuisine. Please choose dishes and drinks for us, ones suitable for this occasion. And remember you’re to educate me on them as they arrive.” Sarai turns to the waitress and places the order. I say to Shutra, “Please forgive me if I violate any of your cultural protocols through lack of knowledge or understanding. However, this is my country and some of our cultural protocols are different. Ours have legal and moral authority here. Sarai insists I learn about her birth culture so I can better understand her. I agree and she has a large task to do in educating me. I look forward to it, with pleasure.”

He says, “I understand, but many others from our culture don’t. In the last few days you’ve created a stir in our little sub-community? First, you remove Sarai from our house against family direction, doing so with minimal fuss and trouble. You offer to send her sisters to a good school and employ others of the family. You turn up at the community gossip centre to put down the head gossip and act like a visiting great king. Quite a stir, and may I say, thank you for making my people think, and for what you’re doing for my family.”

Smiling I say, “You may well change your mind about some of that. I offered to send the children away to school because it made Sarai happy and to get them away from Gumbo. I gave Sarai authority to arrange for her school age sisters to go. She included the other children on her own initiative, which I later approved because it’s right and it pleased her. The work offers are the same. Sarai is a lovely person with many great attributes and I hope her sisters are similar. Also, I’ve a large extended family that’s growing and we’ll need a number of domestic servants to help with the house. It makes Sarai happy to offer work to her family and improve the family’s living arrangements. When we organise our new house I’ll probably need some gardening staff and will happily consider suitable people recommended by Sarai and others. In all of this my main motivation is to please my lovely and sexy Sarai.” During the talk I look at her sisters and notice them blush at different times. Their father notices this and smiles. “Regarding their employment, I’ll not need them to do much work until after I arrange a new residence. However, Sarai assures me they’re excellent workers and I’d rather pay excellent workers to hang around with little to do for a long time than have them not available when I want them, thus I have them starting to work for me now. That, and getting them away from Gumbo.” Sarai explains Gumbo is my nick name for her brother-in-law and gives his real name. She also explains the quarters are a bit close at present but not as close as at their home.

The food is delivered and we start eating as Sarai and her sisters explain about each dish on the table. Sarai’s father seems happy with the interactions. About half way through the meal, and after they’ve finished explaining about the dishes, I decide to clarify some things. I ask, “In many cultures when young members of the family go out to work they send money home to the parents to assist with the care of other family members. Is that the case with your culture and family?”

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