Driving Home - Cover

Driving Home

by wendyk52

Copyright© 2021 by wendyk52

True Sex Story: the officer was a tall, young muscular black man that matched his deep voice.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   True Story   Slut Wife   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   .

It was late on a Saturday night after having dinner and wine at a bar near campus. My husband was tired from a business trip and wanted to stay home. I had quite a fun evening and managed to polish off a full bottle before leaving.

I thought maybe an Uber ride might be a good idea since I’d been drinking, but decided I was fine to drive.

I had such a nice evening I decided to detour through a secluded park and unwind. I was thinking of the hot young college men I often saw there, and unconsciously started playing with myself.

I was doing too good of a job because I swerved a couple times while I was enjoying the sensation.

I guess my swerving didn’t go unnoticed because moments later, there were red and blue lights flashing behind me. I quickly sat straight in my seat and pulled over and struggled to quickly get straightened up. I peeked behind and could barely make out both doors of the car opening as I squinted in the bright lights of the campus police cruiser. I watched anxiously as two officers approached either side of my vehicle and the one on my side tapped on the window with his flashlight. I rolled the window down for the officer who leaned forward to explain that they pulled me over because they noticed I was “driving erratically”. I smiled and explained I was just heading home after an evening out. I could see that the officer was a tall, young muscular black man that matched his deep voice.

I tried to see the officer on my passenger side, but he was still standing somewhat behind with his flashlight on me. As I squinted into the light, the officer on my side surveyed the back seat of the car with his flashlight, then returned to me, putting the light in my face, and then moving the light down as if to check for anything threatening. The light moved down my body and stopped momentarily on my boobs showing a lot of cleavage. The light stayed there a few seconds, and then moved down to my bare legs where my skirt had ridden up quite high from when I was giving myself a treat, and I hadn’t really noticed until the light basically had me on display. I quickly pulled my skirt down to cover up as best I could. Finally, the flashlight switched off and I could see his colleague, and he was also tall and muscular, but also a bit younger. I listened as the officer asked if I’d had anything to drink. In an attempt to be honest, I said I’d had a couple glasses of wine. That didn’t seem to satisfy him though, as he asked if I’d submit to a sobriety test. I knew I was fine to drive, but I also knew that I probably wouldn’t pass the test, so. I quickly asked, “Excuse me officer, isn’t there anything I can do to work this out?”

He leaned in the window and illuminated me with his flashlight the same way his partner had done moments ago. He smiled and asked if I was trying to offer him a bribe. I suddenly realized how it sounded ... a married white woman in a BMW offering two black police a way to work out a deal. I thought he must think I’m trying to buy them off with money! Then my mind wandered and I suddenly realized that they COULD think I was offering them something else too, and I quickly backtracked and told them I was certainly not trying to offer a bribe of any kind. They told me to wait in the car, and walked to the back of the BMW and started talking. I thought about how they were just black cops on a power trip and they needed to leave me alone, and I became flustered as my mind contemplated what types of bribes they might misconstrue my offer to mean. Moments later I found that what I had imagined wasn’t even close.

The officer on my side instructed me to roll down my window, and again asked if I had too much to drink. I told him I thought I was fine. He then made a comment about how a white woman like myself should be careful- looking the way I do and making offers like I had could easily be taken the wrong way. I realized they were thinking it too. They were looking at me not as a proper, upper middle class, suburban white housewife, but as a woman who had the ability to bribe men with her body. Actually- that, in a way, was exciting. I caught onto the innuendos and, momentarily forgot my place in the situation, and began to protest, saying that was enough and started to get out of the car. The officer told me to sit down or else I’d be arrested ... or worse.

He leaned in closer and told me I was in a lot of trouble now. He stared at my chest, and while he spoke he licked his lips. After a pause he said. “Why don’t you show us those nice white tits of yours?”

I was shocked and protested again. This time the officer drew out his night stick and told me to keep quiet as he bounced in the palm of his hand. I thought for a moment and decided that exposing my breasts to two black men couldn’t be nearly as bad as being arrested. No one would ever know. And again, there was a part of me that felt desired- knowing that these men would be willing to let me off with a simple look at my breasts. So, I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it open. “Very nice,” said the officer on my side, “You seeing, this Officer Jones?”

The other officer leaned in and pointed his flashlight in my chest. “Damn, Sarge.” he said. Looks like she buys herself some pretty expensive lingerie,” he added. “As nice as it is though, that bra gotta go.”

I looked up at Sarge who had a look of “what are you waiting for?” on his face. I held my breath and unbuttoned my bra in back and let my boobs spill out. I felt so dirty sitting there with my breasts bared in front of two men. Particularly two men I’d never met. And especially two black men I’d never met.

But, I also felt ... excited. I was feeling offended by having to expose myself and yet strangely proud of the reaction I got. Sarge stood up straight, his flashlight still on my breasts, and reached for his crotch and squeezed it. “Lady,” he said, “I’m going to need to draw my weapon now.” He unzipped his fly and reached in and pulled out an enormous, uncut black cock. It was very dark and looked like some of the images I’d seen online that made me wonder if they were even real. And there it was right in front of me.

It was definitely real, and not even erect, it already dwarfed any hard cock I ever had! I looked away in shock. Then I looked back at it. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were glued to my bare breasts, and he was practically salivating. I felt ashamed and empowered at the same time. He reached for his cock and began to stroke it, and I watched it begin to grow.

And it kept growing, and I couldn’t take my eyes away. It was simply huge. It must have been a good 9 inches and THICK!!!

It looked so virile and masculine and primal there in front of me. He reached out and grabbed my wrist and pulled it out of the window. He wanted me to touch it. I first had thoughts of shock and horror as I watched what was transpiring. I thought “don’t do it”, but I admit, I was incredibly curious. I’d never touched anything like this one, and certainly not a black one! So as Sarge guided my hand to his cock, I instinctively wrapped my hand around it. Or rather, I tried to, because it didn’t wrap completely around. It felt so heavy, thick and warm in my hand. It got longer still, and I began to stroke it slowly, pulling the foreskin back and exposing the big head. Typically, I’ve never liked an uncircumcised cock, but I found his big, primal cock intriguing. I bit my lower lip and began to stroke his cock harder, and I could tell he liked it. By this point I was committed, and I no longer cared if I was in this predicament. I told myself this was wrong, but I knew it wasn’t - I was enjoying myself.

Then Sarge pushed my hand away and stroked himself some more and reached in the window and groped my boob. It wasn’t sensuous or romantic. Quite the opposite. His hands were big and rough and he squeezed and pulled on my nipple hard. I breathed heavily as he stroked his cock with one hand and groped my breasts with the other. Then he stepped forward with no warning and grabbed my hair and pulled me toward the door and pushed his cock in the window. I simply opened my mouth and felt his thick cock push in.

Suddenly, I was torn between two women. The first woman was the typical mature married white woman I’d always been – disgusted, offended and shocked at what was happening to me.

Another woman wanted me to open my mouth and take this strangers’ cock in and release my inner slut. My inner slut seemed to be winning the battle.

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