Okinawa: Revisited - Cover

Okinawa: Revisited

Copyright© 2021 by Mushroom

Chapter 10

Historical Sex Story: Chapter 10 - The experiences of a Marine when he is stationed on the Japanese island of Okinawa. He meets an amazing lady, and things go from there. Notice, this is a cleaned up and edited version of a story I first posted in 1996.

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Workplace   Sharing   DomSub   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Prostitution  

Finally, it was opening night. I had invited just about everybody I knew, and it would be a great party. Itsu and the girls also invited just about every Japanese National they knew also. Considering we had a maximum capacity of around 1,000 people, we were wondering if that would be enough people.

Those fears were gone when I got a call right before I left work. It was Gus, telling me that the dining room was full, and that they had actually reservations for the next two weeks. For some reason, our club had gotten a lot of interest, and people were wanting to see this strange combination of Japanese and Western culture.

I got home, and changed into my suit and headed on over. One thing that we had decided on was a strict dress code. Slacks, button up shirt, and a tie were required for admittance. Women had to be in a nice looking dress, or a pant suit. This was not to be a grunge club, or a place to look sloppy.

We went in, and heard the DJ playing some nice 80’s soft rock. There were a few couples dancing, and a small crowd at the bar. We walked upstairs, and went immediately to a table that we had set aside for ourselves, visiting friends, and VIPs. We got a few dirty looks from people that had been waiting, but they were easily silenced when Max and Gus told them that we were the owners.

This table was an idea of Itsu’s. It sat right in the divider of the Japanese and Western section of the dining room. It was a long table, with half on the raised section on the mat, and half on the floor. This allowed people to take their choice whether they wanted to sit Japanese or Western style. It was a large table, able to sit four comfortably on each end. And the mat side being raised let all converse equally.

I had a sudden idea, and asked Itsu for her permission. I saw her eyes light up and she readily agreed. I walked back, and asked Max and Gus if there was anybody important waiting for dinner. I was told that four of the people waiting were part of the city council, and that one couple was the commander of the Security Police on the Airforce base. This was perfect, and told him to ask them if they would join us as our guests.

Soon, all six were there, and joining us around the table. Handshakes were exchanged by all, and we sat down to order dinner. Now Itsu and I had chosen to sit on the mat, and so did the other couple. This left the city councilmen and their wives sitting at the Western half of the table. Another part of the design, the Japanese half of the dining room was along the east end, while the Western half was actually on the west end of the room. This was not intentionally done, but was discovered during construction. So when reservations were made, you chose to sit on the east or west end of the dining room.

The Colonel was surprised that such a young person as myself was the owner of this club, and that our other club had been as successful as it was. It seems that we had hit the right ideas for price, and what the customers had wanted. He was also amazed when he found out that I was only a Sergeant. He jokingly said that if he had more sergeants like me, he would have a lot less troubles.

The councilmen were also impressed. It seems like our club caused them some of the least amount of trouble, and that was one reason our plans for this club were approved so quickly. It was hoped that if we succeeded, it might help revitalize the neighborhood.

After a toast by our guests, dinner started to arrive. We all shared a great dinner, and everybody was impressed by the quality, and the quantity of the food. We sat around and talked after eating, and heard the band start up. I insisted that they were our guests, and that they not pay for the dinner. Even though it was a totally unplanned occasion, we now had some influential new friends.

We retired downstairs, and saw that the bar and dance area were already almost full. The band was pretty good, and the crowd was yelling their approval at the end of each song. The eight of us sat back and watched, and I started to count heads.

The crowd was a mix of about 60-40 American to Japanese. An unusually high amount of Japanese for what was essentially an American club. The waitresses were also a mix of Japanese and American, most of the Americans being wives of servicemen. Since it was hard to find a job out in the area, they appreciated the chance to work. And since this was a legitimate club, there was no sex on the premises, nor was there with any of the employees. This really was a completely legitimate nightclub.

After another hour, our Japanese guests wished us goodnight, and hoped that the club continued to be as successful. They were obviously pleased with the class shown there, and we were happy that they let us build our dream.

Itsu and I shared several dances, and stayed around until 2am, when we closed. We actually had to politely force the last of the customers out of the door, because they did not want to stop. That night, we walked home, pleased with the success.

We got there just as the girls were finishing the cleanup at Cheers, and helped with the final chores. Itsu and I headed up to bed, and gratefully collapsed. We did not make love, but did share several long and passionate kisses before we fell asleep, cuddled together.

The next morning, I got dressed, and helped with the opening of Cheers. Then I walked down to Decades, and looked everything over. It was obvious that the lunch crowd would be a good source also, since the dining room was over half full. If this continued, it would be no question as to our buying the property.

I left, and talked to several of the store owners nearby. They were all happy with the crowds the night before, and the increase in traffic so far that day. Our club was clean, fresh, and new. This made it very popular. Later we were to find that that is what made it popular with the younger Japanese also. It gave them a place to come and hang out with the Americans, but did not make them uncomfortable or feel out of place.

I returned home just as Tenko was taking a gentleman over to the hotel. I hung out, talking and flirting with the girls as a way to kill time. Itsu and I took a walk down to the shopping arcade, and did a little shopping, and basically did the typical husband and wife things.

She was nervous about my promotion ceremony, more so than I was. I finally assured her that the navy blue dress she had would be perfect to wear. And I insisted that she drive my car, so there would be no problem with her at the main gate.

Once back at home, we both showered together. Giving each other special attention as we washed up. One thing I still loved to do was to caress her soapy breasts, with the water running down over us. After about ten minutes of teasing each other, Itsu leaned back against the wall, and grasped my now hard cock. As he kissed passionately, she pulled me into her. I slid in easily, both the water and her juices making my entry smooth and slippery.

I tried to hold back, since the long teasing had left me very aroused. But Itsu would have none of that. She slipped into her Annie role, whispering “fuck me, fuck me harder GI”.

We still occasionally slipped into the roles we originally experienced that first night together. I knew that when she did that, she wanted me to treat her like my own private whore, and not try so hard to please her. When she was like that, it was my pleasure that she wanted.

However, this time I really fell into the role with a vengeance. I started to whisper back to her, calling her my “little Jap fuck- slut”, and that I was going to “fuck her until her tight little Jap pussy was overflowing with my cum”.

“Annie” went crazy, pumping her hips hard against me, fucking back as hard as I was fucking her. She was now muttering almost non-stop that I should fuck her harder, and fill her with my cum. I was now close, but was not quite ready to finish off yet.

I roughly pulled out of her, causing her to moan as I slipped from her body. Then I turned her around, and had her bend over, placing her hands on the wall of the shower. I slipped inside of her from behind, causing her to moan again.

I grasped her hips, standing still as I pulled her back and forth onto and off of my cock. I knew it would only be a matter if minutes now. I started to tell her that I did not want to look at the whore I was fucking, and that if she was good and begged, I would cum inside of her.

“Annie” went nuts then, whimpering that I was the best fuckie-fuckie she had ever had. I slipped one hand down, and tried to slip a finger into her ass. “Oh no, not there!” she moaned. “No ‘Merican fuckie me there. You take finger out now, or Annie no fuckie no more with you.”

I pulled it out, really loving this game. Never before had we gotten into it quite so much. I was on the verge of cumming now, and moaned that I was about to “shoot my thick cum in your tiny Jap cunt.”

Itsu surprised me by pushing me back, and turning around to kneel in front of me. Her hand went onto my cock, and she started to jerk me off like crazy. And a few seconds later I was cumming, and she was aiming my spray at her face. I was treated to the sight of her taking my sperm all over her face and breasts, and then sucking me a few times to make sure that she had captured all of it. When she stood back up, I tried to give her a kiss. But still as Annie, she pushed me back. “You no kissie Annie. Annie no kissie guys she boom-boom with.”

I laughed, then pulled her tight against me, saying “Annie may not want to kiss me, but I do want to kiss Itsuko. The woman I love more than any in the world.” This melted her, and we shared a long passionate kiss before I helped her wash me off of her and exiting the shower.

We were both surprised to see Amy outside the shower door, leaning back against the wall and breathing hard. I looked again, and saw that she her right hand was glistening with moisture. It did not take a genius to realize that she had played with herself as we were in the shower.

She blushed, and apologized, saying that she had come up to tell us that one of the girls had burned herself on the beach, and would not be working that night. And because of our living arrangement, we never felt anything wrong with walking in on each other.

But she came in right as we had started to make love, and was fascinated with how much different that was than how it normally was. Amy had seen us making love many times by now, and I had even made love to the lovely lady myself on several occasions. But she had never seen “Annie” before, and was fascinated how Itsu could do and say things like that.

She blushed again, and admitted that she had gotten so hot, she could not help but play with herself as she heard us and saw our silhouette’s against the glass of the shower stall. I quickly took a towel and exited as Itsu started to tell her about our first night in more detail, and about our occasional role-playing of whore-john.

I got into my suit, and headed downstairs to wait for the girls. Brad was already down there waiting, and we both got a beer and watched Suki on the stage while we waited. We knew several of the guys there, and we sat around bullshitting while we waited. One of the Airmen got a little drunk, and took offense when the girl he had been trying to get upstairs tossed her panties to a Sailor instead of him. When she sat next to the other guy, he got up and started to head over there.

Brad and I moved quickly, and intercepted him. We both knew Mark, who was one of the Navy Corpsmen from our Regiment. The only thing near as protective of a mother to her young is a Marine grunt to his Navy Corpsman.

When we tried to calm him down and get another girl over for him, he decided to act tough, and gave Brad a push. Wrong move. Brad quickly had him on his face on the ground, and would not get up until he swore that he would never come back. I took a quick Polaroid of him, to post at the door as one of our “not allowed in”. There were about a dozen pictures there, and very few made more than one attempt to come back in.

Finally the girls came down, and we walked off to have dinner and enjoy our new place. We were also celebrating, because Brad had made a decision. He and Amy were getting very serious, and he decided that when his contract ended the next year, he would get out of the Marines. He would rotate to the Reserves, and move back here to spend his time as a civilian. That way, nobody could say anything about his being with Amy.

Because of my worry about being rotated back stateside, this was working out perfectly. This way he could manage the clubs, and have his girl and career in the Marines also. He would have eight years active, so twelve more in the reserves would give him a nice retirement pension when he did finally get out.

Amy and Brad were both impressed at the turnout at the club, and we again invited two other couples to join us for dinner. This had would become somewhat of a tradition I could already see. After all, why waste four or six more seats when others were waiting to eat? This time, it was a young Marine couple and a Japanese couple. Itsu and I sat on the west end of the table with the Marine couple, and Amy and Brad with the Japanese couple sat at the east end.

They were all impressed with our graciousness, and were pleased to discover that the dinner was our treat. This tradition became known as the “Decade’s Lottery”. We would eat there two or three nights a week, and unless we already had a full table of guests, would invite enough people waiting to fill the table. This made it a special treat, and helped keep people coming back. Since the Japanese couple spoke very little English, Itsu happily translated, so the conversation was fun and flowed well.

They were all pleased to see that we were engaged, and we invited them to the wedding in three months. We were already making plans for it, to be held at the Prefecture Peace Park, with the reception to be held there at Decades.

The Peace Park is a very special place on Okinawa. It is a large park, filled with shrines, memorials, and edifices dedicated to those that died in the Second World War. It only seemed fitting that we be married there, to symbolize the love of two people from different cultures.

The eight of us then moved down to have some drinks and dance. All of us took turns, and even danced with each other’s partners. Meeko was a tall, thin girl with deep brown eyes and a stunning smile. She spoke almost no English, but was a great dancer. Lois was a Lance Corporal with an admin unit on Camp Butler, and this was her third date with Ken, who was also a Lance Corporal and worked in another office in the same building. We all had a great time, and finally parted when it was time to close up.

Next morning, I headed down to Decades before opening, and was surprised when I talked to Gus, who was just finishing up the books. After a rough figuring of expenses, it seemed that we were ahead almost $4,000 for the week. That was amazing! Of course, that was not counting for rent and utilities. But at that rate, it was apparent that if it continued, we would have a gold mine on our hands.

I hurried back, and shared the news with Itsu, Brad, and Amy. They were as stunned as I was. If it stayed like this, we could afford to pay off the loan, and make a large down payment on the club to buy it. Now it was just a question as to what to do with Cheers.

It had become obvious that we would not want to keep it much longer. The stigma of owning what was basically a brothel would not look good for my career. And now that we had another successful nightclub, we could consider selling it. But that was something that we had lots of time to consider.

That Sunday flew by, and we again had dinner at Decades, this time with three older couples. This time, they were all Military couples, enjoying a night away from their kids and listening to music they liked. They all praised us for giving them a place to go, and enjoy things from their youth. There were still a large number of younger people there, but the mood was suitably more subdued, in keeping with the music and age of some of the guests.

Monday morning, I had to report in for the practice for the promotion ceremony. There were seven other promotions, two re-enlistment’s, and four medals to be awarded also. We spent all day, and I was to give the orders to march the fourteen of us in front of the Colonel to receive them. After a long morning practice, I was escorted by the Sgt. Major to the Staff NCO club, to be shown around, and introduced to the staff. He paid for my lunch, and I invited him to Decades the next night, to show him my new place. He asked what the music was like, and grinned when I said it was Tuesday, so that meant 70’s music.

He knew about the club, since it was the talk of the Island. It seems that everybody was talking about it, although few knew that I was the owner. Even several of the people I talked to during the day at work had no idea it was my place. And I did nothing to change that, as I knew that it could cause problems if I did.

We shared a pitcher of non-alcoholic beer before we headed back for the afternoon practice. After a long and fun day marching and basically goofing off, Brad and I headed home.

I was surprised when I got there to see all of my uniforms had already had my new chevrons sewn on. It seems that Brad had bought my new rank, and one of the girls who had been a tailor in the Philippines had sewn them on for me. I gave her a big hug and kiss in thanks, and tried them on. I had to admit, the lower rocker looked damned good on my sleeve.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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