A Fun Little Swim - Cover

A Fun Little Swim

Copyright© 2021 by andi guinness

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Pilot Sylvia Summers finds herself on a backwater planet doing menial work after a scandal. The inland ocean she surveys is more interesting than it appears, though. After being told of fun in the ocean, she decides to go for a swim...which turns into a sexy underwater adventure.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Slow  


Sylvia began to move around. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was, only that she was underwater in Colwyn Llyn. That much was certain. It was also clear that she could now breathe underwater, a thing that humans can’t typically do without some mechanical assistance. That she found fascinating. But she was surprised that this was the only thing about her that seemed to change. Everything else about her seemed ... normal, with some exceptions. This worried her to some degree. After all, it’s only been a few minutes since she had woken to find herself about 15 meters underwater wearing nothing but a belt of jewels that weren’t there before, with 5 or so more meters below her.

Her lack of experience in the water showed at this moment, for in fact her body had changed a lot. When she was “processed,” her body’s physiology transformed internally to adapt to underwater life. Obviously, that included breathing, but she was also able to open her eyes underwater, and her body adjusted to pressure and buoyancy seamlessly. She didn’t need to move around as much to stay where she was. This carried ... interesting side effects as well. One which Sylvia felt already: a near-constant state of semi-arousal. She could feel the heat just simmering in her body, waiting for her to act on it, but not in a way that was overwhelming.

That Sylvia felt so aroused despite orgasming what seemed like moments ago was unusual. She hadn’t felt that since the last time she had a sex bender. Slowly, it dawned on her why the village women were so intent on her going for a swim: She was like them. Sex-driven, lusty, playful. They too took a fun little swim into Colwyn Llyn, and ended up like this. Which only means there’s more pleasure to be had.

Sylvia touched herself. The sparks that bounced around her body made her quiver and spin around in the spot of water she floated. It was both intoxicating and liberating, being naked and exposed in the open water and masturbating with no care in the world. It certainly helped that the water and her body’s changes put her in a near-instant state of ecstasy. The way the hot water pressed against her clit and pussy only engorged them further. Her fingers, despite the water, could feel the wetness pouring out of her. She was extremely sensitive, with each touch making her quiver and wiggle.

The benefit of having near-absolute freedom of position and movement meant she had zero restraint on how she moved her limbs around. It helped that she felt more limber and flexible. She took advantage of these facts by shoving some fingers into her asshole alongside her ravishing of her pussy. Her hair billowed about her like cloth in the wind, while her body looped about, moving more because her pre-orgasmic twitches than by any particular motion.

It was barely a minute since Sylvia started, and already she was on the verge of cumming. She made no effort to control herself, to draw it out. No, she wanted to be hit by that orgasm, fast and hard. She knew there would be many more orgasms ahead. To what degree, by what, she didn’t know. But the mystery itself is what drove her lust. In the process, as her eyes stared blankly, she sensed a presence, not far from her. She could swear she saw something move in the vague distance. However, she could not find anything as she twisted her body about, facing many directions. Still, she felt those eyes staring at her, watching her embrace her sex.

The thought of being watched drove her over the edge. As the explosion from her pussy spread, she writhed madly, spinning out of control through the water. She let out a yelp, muffled by air bubbles. At a certain point, she withdrew her hands and let herself ride it out without so much as touching herself. The orgasm continued, the water causing her pussy to twitch in ecstasy. Never before had she let an orgasm where there wasn’t some form of physical contact involved occur. And it felt amazing.

A couple moments would pass before Sylvia recovered. Just as quickly, she was ready for another round of that. But she realized she would spend all day here doing that if she did. There was much to explore, and other ways to feed off her lust. As she began swimming, she also had an unanswered question: What were these jewels wrapped around her waist? When she came to post-processing, they were there. Someone put them on her, and it was certainly not the creature that processed her.

Speaking of which, she would find said creature on the seafloor not far from where she awoke, inert. She looked at it with some yearning, but she recognized that she wouldn’t have another go with it, at least for now. It was a tool, after all. An organic tool with limited intelligence and the ability to enter her mind, but a tool nevertheless. Sylvia was interested in who put that there, and whether they gave her the jewels. There was something interesting afoot under the waves of Colwyn Llyn.

Sylvia began to dive towards the ocean’s bed, swimming in a particular direction for reasons she could not explain ... She tried different methods: Front stroke, doggy paddle, some misguided attempt at breaststroke, and an attempt at moving like a mermaid. She was in no rush though, despite having an innate awareness that the effects in her body weren’t permanent.

The water’s embrace of her body put her at an ease she rarely felt, even when she was on the prowl. Despite being in an unusual place, there was a serenity in her that drowned out even the slightest bit of worry. Even now, she could feel someone’s eyes on her, watching, following where she went. Under normal circumstances, she would pay them some mind, making sure they weren’t too much trouble. But even that seemed to be too much effort now. The ocean felt calm, and thus did she.

At first, upon reaching the ocean floor, there were only rocks and sand. If Sylvia really wanted, she could just stand still and look for whoever was following her. However, she seemed to care increasingly less about it. Continuing onward, life began to emerge from the ground. First there were small creatures that resembled crabs, flowering weeds, and some other plant life scattered about. Then she saw a reef develop, mixing coral-like creatures with groups of fish swimming about, streaking across the sands. After a while, she saw vine-like apparatuses grow out of the silt, some combining into something resembling a tree. There were even coral-kelp mixtures that were a sight to behold. Before Sylvia knew it, she was in the middle of a space resembling a kelp forest, but far denser and lusher. The kelp looked like trees here. It was an underwater forest in all but name.

Sylvia stopped there and took a moment to absorb everything happening around her. She was now about 35, maybe 40 meters below the surface, and the light, while bright, was dimming a little bit. But she felt like she entered another planet, another universe even. The tree-like kelp, the various fish and amphibians with strange shapes darting about. Large eels swimming above, coral-like structures that looked like makeshift artwork beneath her. All so bizarre, all so alien. The greenish tint the water gave also emphasized how foreign this all seemed.

And yet ... it felt so alive, so beautiful. Sylvia was rarely one to care about nature, and yet there she was in awe of what she witnessed before. She smiled at the way everything moved about her. Relaxing, she basked in the beauty of the forest, and for once was grateful that OmniTech shipped her off to this backwater planet. At the same time, she noticed that the creatures around her seemed to get close to her as though she was part of the ocean life. It was almost like she belonged there. She noticed that her body felt that way, too. She suspected it was part of her “processing” that she was feeling this way, but that didn’t stop her from briefly wondering whether she belonged there.

As Sylvia pondered her state of mind and what to do about it, she noticed something small streak past her. She darted her head around, looking for it, only to see another, then a third, pass by her. The three creatures circled around her head, then placed themselves in front of her face. She found them rather strange: Gelatinous and translucent, yet thin and malleable. Like little jellies. They were no bigger than the size of limes or wafers. They resembled something she once read about on Earth, but whose name she vaguely recalled. Jellyfish? Man of war? It was hard to remember.

However, the resemblance was superficial. The creatures showed an extreme awareness not only of the woman, but what she was, unlike the creatures she was thinking of. Immediately, they contorted and reshaped themselves in formation to resemble an arrow. It was quite unusual, but served its purpose: Sylvia understood it instantly to mean that she should go in the direction, but more importantly, that she was to follow them. She swam deeper into the forest.

As she moved in the direction of the jelly-like creatures, she saw more circling her body, all but guiding her. In some moments, they clumped together to form shapes, like a human hand or flower. Sometimes, she stopped to observe the creations. There was a beauty to them that even she could appreciate in the midst of all this splendor. However, at one point she stood for too long, and suddenly felt a strike, followed by a slight sting on her ass. The creatures spanked her! She was too impressed by the action to be upset. In fact, she probably would’ve merely gasped in pleasure, then giggled, had this been on the surface. But she continued along.

Eventually, Sylvia made her way to a rocky outcropping on the seafloor, where the jelly-like creatures had all gathered. It seemed to be their rest area. They acted in tandem with one another, functioning somewhat like a hive. Together, they looked like giant bubbles on the rocks. Then the woman vaguely recalled something her friend Juli once told her, that some underwater creatures aren’t just one being but a colony of individual modular parts. This seemed to fit these creatures, or perhaps this creature.

As Sylvia moved closer to the outcropping, more of the jellies circled around her. There were hundreds where she was. They moved in surreal, complex patterns, and took unique shapes, both as a whole and individually. The jellies shifted to capture the sunlight, creating sparkling yet diffuse rays around her. In some cases, the jellies joined and split apart to suit what was going on. The forms these parts had taken were often things Sylvia recognized, and they occasionally moved in tandem like living statues, interacting with her. Clearly this being was intelligent, mindful ... playful even. Sylvia was mesmerized by its performance.

The creature then coalesced into a familiar shape. It looked like a box wrapped in bubble wrap, albeit bubble wrap that was alive. A small wall of jellies served as a lid or door. It was big enough to fit Sylvia entirely standing up. Sylvia knew instantly that it was some kind of trap. It was blatant in what it was trying to do to her: Seduce, then capture her. Then who knows what it would do to her. The seduction had already occurred, this was the next step. Though sudden, she couldn’t help but appreciate the creature’s boldness.

In other circumstances, she would at least be a little cautious and keep a distance until she could understand the creature’s intent. There was a sudden danger about all this. Even she had limits on risky actions. But today was different. Already, she had done something incredibly risky in diving in the waters of Colywn Llyn and letting some kind of organic tool alter her body. Now she was alone, vulnerable, far from any help ... and fear was the furthest emotion from her mind. She felt strange, but a liberating kind of strange. It was like a seal had been broken, allowing her to strip off the human aspect of her and bare the animal within. She wanted to explore this inexplicably repressed side of her. Even if it meant going into something dangerous. Even if it meant becoming the prey to this predator.

Sylvia swam toward the translucent pulsating box. As she did, she recalled something from her school days. Forced to take Greek by her mother to study the classics, a word piqued her interest: Sarcophagus. She was no goth—a teen phase of a few months notwithstanding—but that word stood out to her because it wasn’t necessarily about death. Its original term in Greek was sarkophagos, from the words sarx and phagein: “flesh” and “eat.” In other words, “flesh-eater.”

Suddenly realizing why she remembered this otherwise pointless memory, the woman felt around her waist, grabbed a hook, and unclasped the jewels that had been placed there, letting them sink to the sea floor. She wanted this creature to access all her flesh, with nothing in the way. Sylvia smiled as she shifted and laid back into her personal sarcophagus.

The lid of jellies shifted and closed in on Sylvia, essentially sealing her in and preventing her escape. As she looked at the jellies surrounding her, there stood a moment of tension where neither party made a move. Would she play the fearful prey trying to escape? Would this creature, in all its parts, consume her? Or did it sense her desire, and wanted to feed off it? It was clearly sapient, and she was certain it had familiarity with humans. Regardless of what would happen to her, Sylvia was prepared ... and willing.

A single jelly broke ranks near her mouth, contorting itself into a shape resembling lips and advancing to hers. She extended her lips, accepting the inevitable kiss. It felt a little odd kissing this part of the creature, but Sylvia persisted, her own desire on full display. Then she opened her mouth. Maybe it was by accident, or a case of instinctual desire, or perhaps she wanted to see what it would do. In any event, the jelly exploited the opportunity, darting inside her mouth. Before she even had time to comprehend what it was doing, she felt something ticklish in the back of her throat. Just as quickly, the jelly part escaped her mouth. She was a little confused as to what it did.

Then she felt something kiss her on the nape of her neck. Another jelly. Her eyes widened, and she felt warm, invigorating sparks circulate inside her for a moment. But she barely moved. Given this was a sensitive spot, she was surprised. Then she felt another kiss in another spot that would’ve caused her to buckle in delight, and while she felt delight in her body, she barely twitched. Another few kisses, all tentative, all exciting, all immobile.

Sylvia then moved her arms, briefly. Apparently, she still could move her limbs. Her functions were, for the most part, still normal. It dawned on her that the creature had done something to her reflexes. Perhaps some kind of neurotoxin that specifically targeted and disabled them? She wondered why that, of all things.

The woman got her answer rather quickly. As if spurred on by the lack of resistance, the creature increased its assault on Sylvia’s body. Almost every jelly of this creature colony advanced on her flesh in waves, taking the shapes of lips, tongues, fingers, pincers, suckers, and other manipulatable objects. Within moments, there wasn’t a single part of her body that wasn’t being caressed, licked, fondled, grasped, sucked on, and kissed.

Such a ravishing would’ve overwhelmed her nervous system, causing her to convulse and seize up in extreme ways as an uncontrollable orgasm exploded inside her. It was a great deal more intense than the last time she had a sapphic soiree—when Sasha, Juli, Sylvia, and a few alien women feasted on each other’s bodies for hours at one of OmniTech’s branch offices. Sylvia deduced that the creature understood this, hence the neurotoxin. Instead of getting off in mere moments, her body relaxed, letting the energy of her inevitable climax build up.

It was a strange, different sort of feeling, what Sylvia was experiencing. The fire in her loins had become all-encompassing, burning the inside of her body with relish. She was boiling inside, the sparks applying pressure in a feedback loop. Areas of her body which were never sensitive turned sensitive, while those that were sensitive had become unbridled sources of ecstasy. She both yearned for release yet sought to let the fire keep building inside her, seeking to go beyond the limits of what her body and mind could handle.

One consequence of her body relaxing was that she left it completely open for exploration. Each caress, each prod, each lick was somewhere new and different. The pinches and pokes were a smidge painful, but Sylvia embraced the pain, only fueling her pleasure ever further. During a brief break from her own kisses, she opened her mouth, giving a subtle invitation for the creature to further penetrate her. A few enterprising parts accepted from all corners: Several swam into her mouth with nearly zero resistance, a few slipped into her asshole, and some dove into her pussy.

Sylvia welcomed the invasion of her body by these jellies, driving her wild even when it didn’t seem apparent. It certainly helped that their adventures inside had surprises, including her mouth simultaneously feeling like she was kissing with closed lips, Frenching with her tongue, and deep-throating a cock.

All throughout this, Sylvia’s big tits took on an endless assault from the jellies. Twisting, pulling, fondling, tickling, licking, kissing, sucking, slapping them individually and together. She embraced this torture, unable to let her hands join in from being somewhat encased in this creature, and yearned for more. The creature, without warning, acquiesced: Two very larger-sized jellies, about the size of cantaloupes, of them, advanced on her tits. They slowly draped themselves atop the cacophony of shapes and objects that kept going at her chest, eventually stretching to her skin above and below. Once they did, though, they created an odd seal that removed most of the pressure. She felt the water left in her tits boiling even though it hadn’t changed temperature, and the vacuum effect somehow increased the sensitivity of her tits, along with the actions of her captor. It was an impossible, incredible feeling that she wanted to melt from.

While Sylvia’s tits underwent its thrashing, a slight prick did not escape her attention, coming from the direction of her immensely sensitive clit. However, she paid it no heed, enraptured as she was, until moments later. She felt something odd. It was as if something from her own body was growing bigger and bigger around where her clit was. Could it be? No, that was impossible.

Eventually, whatever it was, it stopped growing. Now curious despite her lusty state, Sylvia struggled to see what happened down there, probably the only time during all of this that she struggled in her capture. Finally, she caught a long enough glimpse, and chuckled in her head. A jelly had attached to her body around the clit and tapped into its many nerve endings, temporarily becoming an extension of her own body. Its shape was not subtle: Phallic and quite erect.

She touched the jelly, briefly, swatting some of the creature’s parts away from her hand. It sent an unfamiliar shock through her body, a distinct pleasure that she never felt in all the abundant sexual encounters she’s had in her life. Getting used to the feeling, she gripped the shaft. It definitely didn’t feel like a human cock by any stretch: Too rubbery and squishy to be one. Still, on herself, it felt extremely hard, and with that feeling came a need to interact with it.

Sylvia moved her hand up and down the shaft, slowly at first. The friction between her hand and the jelly cock was not particularly strong, but that had no impact on the reaction. Sparks lit up in the shaft that were new and fascinating, and fed into the wildfire burning inside the rest of her body. These new sensations only spurred her to move a little faster in her stroke. It may not have been a cock, and it certainly didn’t grip like one. But she couldn’t escape the possibility that this is what jerking off really felt like. And fuck, did it feel good.

As the stroking of her translucent fake cock intensified, so did this creature’s ravishing of the rest of her body. Her mind could scarcely keep up with all the sensations, despite the neurotoxin’s effect mitigating her motor reflexes. In response, it began focusing on the sensations outright at the cost of nearly everything else. She could scarcely see, hear, or smell anything at this point. Taste was still somewhat there, as her tongue could attest to the jellies’ play. But she could feel everything, which was perfect.

It was soon apparent that Sylvia was getting close. Her lips were no longer taking kisses, as they were open. Her voice struggled with the water to wail, but the strength was enough to be heard some distance. It felt like song, given her inability to articulate. She could feel herself sweat despite being underwater and having gotten used to its heat. The creature only pushed harder, and it seemed evident it pushed her past her limit, or at least what she thought was her limit.

When the fire finally reached the powderkeg, it started in her chest. A wave of explosive pleasure wracked through her tits. She felt like she was truly melting on the inside, the orgasm rippling outward. White lights flashed behind her eyes in near infinite succession while her voice reached a pitch she thought impossible. She gave up control of her body, letting the orgasm consume her as it spread throughout her extremities. In the process, she barely felt the creature latch onto her completely, leaving her encased in its embrace. Her body rocked and quivered to no end. To a passerby, assuming the creature colony hadn’t enclosed itself around her like giant bubble wrap, she probably looked like she was having a seizure. But such intense pleasure was wonderful.

At its peak, Sylvia felt a second orgasm explode, this time from her fake cock. She felt it ejaculate, somehow. There wasn’t any fluid leaving her body, but the effect was practically the same. It came in rapid pulses. With each pulse, though, something strange occurred: She felt the jelly grow. Her fake cock was getting longer with each ejaculation. Her mind, too addled in ecstasy, encouraged its growth, coming up with the strange idea to hopefully “lick her cock.”

As the fake cock grew, the two orgasms continued interchangeably, but Sylvia started feeling weaker with each pulse coming from, or perhaps going into, the fake cock. She failed to recognize what this whole process was doing to her, and her orgasmic reverie made it impossible for her to care. All she wanted was to enjoy every second of this, which she did. The fake cock grew immensely, slipping past her tits. She stopped stroking it at the base, and instead grabbed her still-encased tits to meekly stroke on it. Finally, the fake cock reached her lips. Tired, she leaned her head down and sucked on it briefly. Satisfied at the action, if not entirely the taste, she let out a moan that was barely audible, willed herself one last faux-ejaculation, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Sylvia woke up some time later, still at the outcropping where the creature ravished her. She wasn’t sure how long she was out, though it did feel like several hours. At the very least, she was refreshed and warm. Still, something hungered in her, and her loins, while satiated, still felt a need.

Looking around, the creature colony that had devoured her was missing. Possibly resting, possibly hiding. She wasn’t sure what exactly the creature did to her, and what it got from doing that. But she was pleased nevertheless and hoped for another round at some point. Further, she was rather impressed that nothing and nobody had done anything to her while she slept, far as she could tell.

She then remembered something she did before she willingly entered the creature’s trap. Looking around, she found to her dismay that the jewels she was adorned with post-processing had gone missing. It wasn’t the creature colony that took it, though. There was a light swipe of the sand, as if someone had yanked it, and something resembling both footprints and a trail. However, the trail diffused after a short distance, and she pouted.

As she fumed on the theft of the jewels, something resembling a roar broke through the tranquility of the forest. It was a deep, guttural sound, quite alien in nature. The vibrations reverberated throughout Sylvia’s body. When it stopped, she was able to deduce a direction, further into the forest. The thought of investigating the source of the roar crossed her mind. It didn’t seem too far from where she was, though it wasn’t entirely close either. The thought of meeting whatever lurked piqued her curiosity, and left her undeniably excited.

However, her body willed itself in a direction away from the noise. Part of this was certainly instinct, pushing herself away from danger. But it seemed like there was a very deliberate focus in her actions, and that she had to go somewhere specific. Her instincts were driving her somewhere, probably the source of her recently stolen jewels. This recent dalliance with a colony creature aside, she needed to get there. Perhaps it was the reason she was underwater in the first place.

Either way, she had a direction: Further and further away from the shoreline where only this morning she finished maintenance on an automated observation outpost. She mused on the possibility of the array detecting her movements in the water, not that it really could do that. There stood just that outpost and her suit, assuming it hadn’t blown away. The only remaining traces of her on land.

The thought suddenly came across her mind of simply disappearing at that moment. Of letting the waters of Colwyn Llyn take her, leaving her here forever. Or perhaps, her underwater journey would tear apart who she was, transform her into something new. Maybe she would return on land as someone—or something—other than Sylvia Summers. Maybe not. Regardless, she felt the animal in her lurk around in her body and mind, reminding her of what she was. All of this tapped into that hidden part of her psyche that was always there, one which embraced such dark impulses like her mother once did. That these ideas enflamed her pussy to the point of having to resist touching it did not escape her notice.

Her reverie was broken suddenly by a sudden movement to her side. Sylvia stopped and turned. Not 10 feet away from her stood a creature unlike any she’d seen before. It looked like a strange cross between a crab, fish, maybe some bits of bipedal humanoid stock, and various other weird species she could only vaguely recall in her travels. It had a broad curved shell of a back that made it permanently hunched over. Holding this shell and an emaciated-looking torso up were massive hind legs, double-jointed. Its arms were giant claw-like appendages that nevertheless seemed capable of fine motor control and finesse. Its head possessed a bizarre, triangular shape, with thick cracks meeting at a flower-like protuberance in the center.

Sylvia floated and stared in awe of the creature. Its posture belied a stature that could easily overwhelm her: It stood half a head over her, but fully standing would likely be over 7 feet. Its stance was aggressive and threatening. The creature stared with beady eyes at the woman, waiting for her to respond. But its intentions were obvious from the moment they locked eyes: She was the target, and it would not stop until she was in its grasp. Given the mere size of the creature and distance between them, to say nothing of her swimming abilities, Sylvia had no chance of fleeing it.

As she looked at it, a realization came to her head: This creature had been following her the entire time she had been underwater. Those were the eyes she felt while masturbating. That was the shadow she kept spotting from the side at certain points,. The claws made it the likely thief of the jewels. It was watching all this time, waiting for a chance to strike. But to what purpose? The feeling she got from knowing this was hard to comprehend.

The woman was at a loss of what to do. In her head, she immediately recognized the danger of this creature, deducing its strength and speed from a mere glance. It could easily rip her apart and consume her in moments. At the same time, she also knew she could not resist it, no escape. She was at its complete and utter mercy. Consequently, her body was serene, at ease. There was also an inexplicable hint of excitement, stirring not just in her pussy but in other spots of her body as well. She was supposed to be afraid, but she merely embraced whatever would come next. The animal was in control.

Sylvia sank back a little, until a foot touched the soft sea floor. Bending her leg, she leapt back with considerable speed. She didn’t quite understand why she did it. Maybe it was a serious, if futile attempt of escaping. But perhaps she was embracing her role as prey and at least gave the creature something to chase.

The reasons ultimately didn’t matter. Within a few seconds of her leap, the creature was already above her, its legs providing a powerful lunge at the woman. Using tendrils underneath its arms, it hooked onto the woman while moving its shell to alter their trajectory. Sliding into the ground, the shell began moving in a peculiar manner, moving the earth alongside its claws. It burrowed underneath the sea bed, hiding the two of them underneath the sea. However, far from scaring her, Sylvia—who moments before had positive thoughts of disappearing completely—was extremely aroused at being buried and trapped in her current predicament. Were her hands not held down at this point by its claws, she would be touching herself, offering herself. It was almost certain that whatever it did next would give her an orgasm.

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