A Spanking For Katherine - Cover

A Spanking For Katherine

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: Katherine goes over to Master's house for her regular spanking session... but this was not to be a "regular" session at all!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Masturbation   .

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It was Saturday afternoon and like every Saturday around this time, Katherine Jennings was headed towards Master Black’s house for their usual “session”.

She had been going there every Saturday for the past two years now, and she looked forward to each visit with her Master. She had spent the morning getting ready to meet him – she knew that Master had very exacting standards and liked her to be perfect for him.

So she had showered and while in the shower she took the time to make sure she was shaved clean of body hair – armpits and legs of course but also her pussy needed to be smooth and bare.

Master had told her at the beginning of their relationship that he liked her shaved ... he didn’t like “flossing while he ate” he had said. And she had to admit, the feeling of the cool air under her skirts and dresses always made her nipples hard thinking about him!

In addition to showering and shaving, Katherine took great pains to make sure her hair was done up the way he wanted it because he liked to use it as a handle. Her makeup was done to perfection with the dramatic porn star smokey eye look.

Master had told her that she was his slut and he expected her to look the part. Along with the slut makeup, he wanted her to dress like what she was so Katherine had gone out and bought a few things she hoped he would like to see on her.

Today she was wearing a slinky red stretch-knit dress. The dress had spaghetti straps that crossed in the back, a daringly deep V front to accentuate her tits, a scooped back so low it nearly showed the top of her ass-crack, and the bottom hem of the dress was cut so high the tops of her stockings showed.

Because Katherine was only five foot four, she was considerably shorter than Master Black’s six-foot stature. So to make up for it, she wore her red platform heels with a six-inch spiked heel and a two-inch platform sole, giving her the added height she needed.

However, the elevated shoes were difficult to drive in so she had to remove them and drive in more sensible shoes and change once she got to Master’s house.

Katherine drove down the oak-lined avenue that fronted Master’s house. She always liked looking at the big sprawling houses in the neighborhood he lived in.

Master Black lived in a very upscale and wealthy neighborhood – a far cry from the lower-middle class South Side which she lived in.

As she drove down the street, she often wondered just what the people who lived in these wondrous houses did for a living.

Her work as a title company processor paid the bills but just – it didn’t leave much in the way of extra’s or “fun money”.

She arrived at Master’s big two-story Craftsman house and pulled up parking on the concrete pad in front of the double car garage. She smiled as she looked at the huge house ... there had been many fun times in that house!

She remembered back when she first arrived at Master Black’s door – uncertain and timid to a fault, it was a wonder that he took on that shy, introverted, and very puritanical girl. Raised in a strict Catholic household, she had remained a virgin until she was well into her teens.

Even then, she had known only one other man, a fellow church member, who also was unfamiliar with anything but the traditional missionary position.

Once she got her job at Macafee Title and Escrow, she overheard the other girls in her office talking about their sexual exploits.

The way they talked with their gasps and giggles had her intrigued and even envious, but without anyone of her own, most of those things remained a curiosity.

Until one day when a man walked into the title company. It was during lunch and most of the other staff had left the office. Only her and one other girl remained, and that girl was busy on the phone with another customer at the time.

The man walked up to Katherine’s desk. “Excuse me I was wondering if you could help me.” His voice made her look up and that was it.

She was smitten with him from the first glance. She went out of her way to do whatever she could to help him with his mortgage questions and soon the two of them chatted as if they’d known each other for a long time. He was able to learn a lot about her and he was just as free with his own information.

Then one day, he came into the office and asked Katherine if she would join him for dinner – his way of thanking her for being so helpful in getting him into the very house she was now parked in front of.

That night at dinner she learned about his other side, his Master’s side. Hearing him talk about it and explain what D/s was made her pussy tingle and her heart race.

Almost before she knew what was going on he had invited her to his house so he could show her more about it. And the rest, they say, is history.

That was two years ago and now she sat once again in front of Master’s house. She glanced down at the clock on her dashboard. It was time to stop reminiscing and go inside – she didn’t want to be late and keep her Master waiting!

She slipped off her comfortable driving shoes and put on her platform heels. After standing up on wobbly legs for a couple of moments to get herself stabilized, she walked up the sidewalk to the front door. One more quick check of her outfit and she pushed the doorbell.

After what seemed like an unbearably long time to Katherine, the door opened and her Master stood before her. As Katherine had been taught, her head was lowered and her eyes were on the ground in front of her, she only saw the bottom edge of the door swing away. But she knew why.

“Hello Master,” she said softly.

“Hello, my dear. Come on in,” he said, offering her his hand to help her step over the threshold.

Katherine smiled shyly and took his hand letting him lead her into the living room. He walked her over to the sofa. “Would you like some tea, my dear? I have a pot that should be just about ready.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you,” Katherine said. As he left to go into the kitchen to bring out the tea, Katherine fanned herself with her hand. Damn! That man still can get me overheated with just his presence! she thought.

As she waited for him to return, she looked around the living room. Master’s house had always impressed her with its size and with the eclectic way he had of decorating it.

Master didn’t subscribe to any one style – instead, his house was decorated with whatever he fancied at the time. Some of his decorating had subtle sexual references known only to a few. Other pieces were simple art for art’s sake.

Her eyes moved around the room until they rested on the carved wood banister and the stairs leading to the second floor. Katherine smiled when she saw the banister.

She remembered Master making her lay over the rail at the bottom of the stairs one time when she was being punished. It was one of her first canings and she would not keep her legs down.

Frustrated with trying to cane her as she moved about, he had brought her around to stand on the bottom step and tied her wrists and ankles spread-eagled to the handrail’s newel posts.

He gave her a good caning that day, but he ended it by caring for her and eventually fucking her until she’d completely forgotten all about her sore ass!

Master was like that. She came over to see him because she needed to be punished. But she always left feeling loved and cared for and his “good girl”. He made sure that she left his house feeling better than she did when she arrived.

His return from the kitchen interrupted her thoughts and she smiled, taking the cup of tea from him. They sat together drinking their tea while talking about their work, the past week, or whatever came up.

Katherine had always found Master very easy to talk to about just about everything. He was a very knowledgeable man and he had traveled all over – she could listen to his adventures all day! But he never monopolized the conversation, he wanted to hear about her life and her day as well.

Finally, the conversation got around to the part that Katherine both loved and hated. It was confession time!

“So, my dear, what wrongs have you done this week? What brings you to my door today?” he asked.

“Master, I was late for work once this week but it wasn’t really my fault – the new road construction between my house and work made me take the long way around and I was ten minutes late for work,” she said.

“I see. What else?”

“Well I guess I lost a client for the company – they went with another agency. It was just a couple with a small house, not a big commercial client or anything. I don’t get to handle those yet.”

“And why not?”

“Well, because I’m still learning and I’m the new girl ... when I have a better grasp of things and someone new comes in, I should move up,” she said.

“Is that everything then?”

“Yes, Master. As far as I know, that’s everything. It was a slow week I guess!” she said, trying to make light of her wrongdoings.

“Well your attempt at humor aside, you should not have been late for work. People rely on you to be on time, my dear, and when you aren’t there, other people have to pick up your slack.

“That’s no way to impress your boss ... or your Master. If there is road construction in your area, you should leave for work earlier so you can adjust. No one ever got in trouble for being early to work!”

“Yes, Master.”

“As for losing a client, there is no such thing as a small client – every client should be important to you.

“Showing you take care of the so-called little things makes people trust you with bigger things. If you want to advance in that job, learn to be dependable and conscientious. That’s what impresses an employer.”

“Yes, Master. You are right, as usual. Thank you for your words,” she said.

“You are welcome, my dear. But I think that it’s time for your spanking now, young lady,” he said calmly. “Stand up please.”

Katherine stood up in front of him as he requested. He ran his hands up and down the backs of her stockinged thighs as he spoke. “Now tell me why you come here every weekend.”

“To get punished,” she said her voice soft.

“That’s right. And why do I have to punish you?”

“To teach me ... to help me,” she said. Her body was already beginning to respond to his caress.

“That’s right. I want to teach you how to be a good girl. You want to be a good girl don’t you?”

“Ohhh yes, Master ... ohhh please...” she moaned mindlessly.

His hands were magical. Within mere moments she was in his power and she could feel her pussy dampening. He hadn’t even begun the spanking yet!

“All right my dear, you know what to do. Hike up that dress and lay over my knees and we will begin.”

Katherine shimmied her dress up to her waist and Master took note that the front of her panties had a dark wet spot already. And it was getting bigger! He looked up to see her eyes partially closed and saw the hard pink nipples of her tits poking the front of her dress out in tiny teepees.

He didn’t say anything, but rather just helped her to lay over his knees in the position he wanted her. He held her securely and Katherine felt oddly comforted by his strength.

With one hand holding the bottom of the sofa and the other wrapped around his leg, she held herself in position waiting for the inevitable.

But Master wasn’t quite ready to begin the spanking just yet. His eyes feasted on the view in front of him. My God what a sight she was!

The stockings were the kind that stayed up without garters so nothing was hampering his view. Her thong panties were pulled deep in the crack of her ass.

She didn’t normally wear thong panties – they were uncomfortable to sit on for hours at a desk and a workplace isn’t exactly the appropriate setting for that kind of underwear!

But since she knew what she was going to his house for, she figured she might as well look sexy for him.

“Nice choice of panties my dear. Normally I don’t approve of panties but in this case, they add a touch of adventure and intrigue,” he said.

He took hold of the ass strap and gently tugged on it pulling it tighter against her pussy. Katherine moaned as she felt the panties wet against her pussy.

He ran his hand over the back of her legs and down her calves. He loved the feel of her satiny stockinged legs.

Then he slid his hands back up to the inside of her thigh and up to lightly brush against her panty-covered pussy lips. Katherine gasped and raised her ass as he touched her most sacred spot and parted her legs a bit to encourage more caresses there.

But instead, his hand moved up the crack of her ass, around her full round asscheek, and back down the back of her other thigh once again. Back up the inside of her thigh and brushing against her pussy brought a moan from Katherine and she raised up again, a bit higher this time.

Instead of moving away, however, he kept his fingers there rubbing and teasing her pussy while he reached down to grab a handful of her loose black hair. He pulled her head up from its hanging position.

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