She Likes to Watch - Cover

She Likes to Watch

by Arlibis

Copyright© 2021 by Arlibis

Erotica Sex Story: They were sitting on the large sofa in the living room, and Ann already knew how tonight would end...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

They were sitting on the large sofa in the living room, and Anne already knew how the evening would end. She liked it and it embarrassed her. Raised in severity, Anne, even at 23, could not get rid of some prohibitions that her overly religious mother and sisters in a Catholic school drove into her. Damn, what is she just thinking? Her new boyfriend Don was nice in every way, tall, with long dark hair, brown eyes with long eyelashes, just like a girl’s.

They already had three dates; on the fourth Anne agreed to come to his house. And so they sit on the couch in the living room and kiss. His hand was already sliding into the cut of her blouse, trying to free her lush breasts from her bra. Anne fought back gently. It’s not time yet, only the fourth date. Although pleasant warmth was already spreading between her legs, her chest was filled with tight elastic melons, a blush spread over her face. She wanted his tongue to go over her nipples, his hands gently but confidently spread her legs ... From these thoughts, and Anne often breathed and bit her lip so as not to moan. Maybe all the same today? Don’t give a damn about the stupid rules. Don’s hand insinuatingly stroking his knee slowly rose up, lifting her short skirt. His tongue fumbles greedily in her mouth, he breathes more and more heavily.

A door banged upstairs, soft steps up the stairs. Anne shuddered, pushed Don away, and jumped up in fright, straightening her skirt. A girl a couple of years younger than her and Don entered the living room. Short brown hair, a rounded pretty face with a snub nose, a neat figure, and bare feet with French manicure on the fingers. And eyes, eyes, the same as Don - huge, brown with long eyelashes. She smiled affably.

“Donnie, I didn’t know we had guests”, the girl said.

Don laughed.

“Meet. This is Anne ... Anne, this is my sister Ronda!”

“Ronnie! I’m Ronnie”, Don’s sister interrupted.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ronnie sat down in a huge chair.

“Donnie, why were you hiding your new girlfriend from me?” She asked, her lip sticking out capriciously.

Anne blushed with embarrassment, Don laughed again.

“Well, I must have at least some secrets. Personal space and all that!”

Ronnie made an offended grimace and stuck her tongue out at Don. The pinkest flexible tip. Anne felt a slight excitement. For a moment, she imagined this tongue playing with her nipple. God, what a thought!

Meanwhile, Ronnie leaned back comfortably in her chair and did not take her eyes off Anne.

“I seem to have interfered...” said Ronnie. “Well, nothing, you can go on...”

Anne looked at Don in surprise. He smiled somehow slyly and insinuatingly. I’ve never seen him smile like that.

“Annie, you don’t know yet. Ronnie loves to watch...”

“Simply adore! So, keep going! I’ll sit quietly here in the chair!”

Anne’s temples pounded. A strange cocktail of feelings filled her. Shame, embarrassment, fear and ... excitement. The thought of Ronnie staring at her naked with his big dark eyes caused her intense excitement. Meanwhile, Don kissed her neck, tenderly and warmly. He seemed to know that this was where Anne’s cherished point was. She was excited; her face was burning, either from shame, or from desire. Don covered her neck with kisses, descended below, exposing her shoulder. Ronnie watched, her pupils dilated a little, her small breasts heaving heavily. Don unbuttoned Anne’s blouse, with a rustle it sank to the floor.

Anne’s heavy breasts swayed elastically, hidden by her bra. Ronnie and Donnie both sighed with admiration. Ronnie felt her breasts under the T-shirt with one hand, as if comparing it to Anne’s. Don buried his face between his breasts, Anne ran fingers through his thick long hair, and Ronnie was already massaging her nipples under the cloth with both hands.

The clasp clicked, for a moment the living room became very quiet. The bra fell at Anne’s feet. Donnie and Ronnie saw her naked breasts for the first time. Huge with large pink nipples, slightly elongated but beautiful round shape. Ronnie just froze, stretched out in mute admiration. Anne, to get rid of embarrassment, or maybe just out of mischief, faked her bra with her foot and threw it in Ronnie’s side. Yes, so deftly that it hit her in the face. Ronnie flinched in surprise, smiled insinuatingly, just like Don. She pressed her bra to her face, began to greedily inhale the smell. This further agitated Anne. Don meanwhile dug his lips into one of Anne’s nipples, the other he gently stroked with his palm. It was so gratifying that Anne fell into a kind of oblivion. The world around her became pleasantly blurred. And only Ronnie’s look, attentive, piercing, did not allow her to completely dissolve in all this.

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