A Cheater Caught - Cover

A Cheater Caught

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - He thought he had the perfect marriage... until he came home from work early and found out otherwise!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cuckold   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys  

We sat on the sofa drinking our morning coffee while I searched for a way to bring up what needed to be brought up. I had caught my wife cheating and she had freely admitted it had happened more than once and with different people – both men and women. And we needed to find a way to deal with this, either to move forward or move on.

The uneasy silence was interminable as neither of us knew how to bring up the subject nor really wanted to. But finally I cleared my throat and I saw her eyes raise from her cup expectantly.

“Debbie, we need to talk about this,” I began, “We need to figure out what we are going to do from this point on.”

“I know. Bobby, I am so very sorry for all of this. I wish I could take it all back ... turn the clock back and erase the whole ugly mess. I never meant to hurt you, please believe that, and I don’t want this to cause us to break up. Please, Bobby, please don’t leave me! I love you,” she said, and I saw the tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes.

“I don’t want to lose you either, Debbie. But we have to deal with this somehow before we can move forward,” I said.

“How? How do we deal with this?” she asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“Well, I have been thinking about this since I found you and her together. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, believe me. About you being a sex-addict as you call it and about you needing more than just what I can provide. And this leaves me in something of a dilemma; either I let you cheat or I will force you to cheat. If I don’t allow you to have other lovers, you will just go behind my back as you have and get them anyway,” I said.


“It’s true, and you know it. However, I would much rather be able to control who and where and how this happens, than leave it to chance meetings and random affairs with strangers. So I will allow you your little indiscretions, however there will be rules – I don’t want you bringing home any STD’s or other unwanted surprises!” I told her.

“What kind of rules?” she asked, a little more curious now. She had relaxed a bit, knowing that I was trying to work with her instead of stopping or hindering her.

“Well, for starters, I want your little play parties happening somewhere else but here. I don’t want to sleep in a bed that you have fucked someone else in. You can get a hotel room or whatever, but our bed is off limits. As it is, we are getting another bed because this one has been defiled and more than once, I suspect.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Now along with that, your playmate will have to foot the bill for your fun, if they want to play. I will not subsidize this behavior and you have bills to pay here with your paycheck. So your boyfriend, girlfriend, or whatever will have to pay for the room, dinner, and whatever expenses your date has. You are providing the playground, the least he or she can do is pay the entrance fee!” I told her.

“Okay, anything else?”

“Just one more thing, and this has to do with safety. I want to know who you are going with, where you are going and when you will be coming home. That way if there is any problems, I can come get you. You are still my wife and I still want to protect you and keep you safe. So if you and so-and-so are going to dinner then back to his place for playtime, I want to know who, where you are going – including the change of location – and when you will be coming home. I want to keep tabs on you, Debbie, so if you need me or something happens, I can be there,” I said.

Debbie saw I was being serious and I think she realized even though I didn’t like what she was doing, I still cared for her and wanted her to stay safe. She got quiet for a few moments and then looked at me. “Okay Robert, I will follow your rules,” she said softly.

It was about a week later when we were sitting down to dinner one night when Debbie brought the subject up again.

“Honey ... did you mean what you said about my ... seeing other guys the other day?” she asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Well it’s just that I ran into Matthew at the gym yesterday and he asked me when we were going to get together again. I didn’t tell him anything because I wanted to check with you,” she said, then quickly added,”But if you don’t want to, I will just tell him no.”

“No, I told you how I feel about this. I don’t particularly relish the idea of you with another man, but I’d rather you do it under supervision than to sneak around about it. At least this way I know where you are and I don’t have to worry about you getting hurt or getting in an accident or something,” I said.

“What did I do to deserve someone as understanding as you, Robert?” she said, hugging my neck.

So the next time she went to the gym she set up another “date” with Matthew, only this time she had to tell him about the rules. As I suspected, he wasn’t thrilled about the condom idea – she told me that he said “he couldn’t feel her like he wanted to wearing one of those things.” But to her credit she told him rules are rules, and he grudgingly agreed.

They set up their date night for that Friday night. She told me about it on Tuesday so I was able to make arrangements myself (I figured it would be better to be out doing something than sitting at home stewing over the matter). I didn’t want to just go to the local bar – my being drunk would not help any situation I may be called into. So I made reservations for a nice dinner at a restaurant.

So Friday night, while my wife was out with Matthew – or should I say under Matthew – I was enjoying a nice steak dinner and trying not to think about it. When I was done with dinner, I went for a little drive just to keep from going straight home. Eventually, though I had to head home. I didn’t figure she would be home yet, but I couldn’t think of anyplace else to go at that hour. I pulled into the driveway, leaving the car outside the garage for the time being.

Sitting in my recliner with a glass of sweet tea, I turned on the television and tried to find something to watch. I found an old movie and began watching it, waiting for Debbie to come home. About two hours later, she came home, stumbling in the house a little tipsy and giggly. I could tell in an instant she’d had more to drink than she should have, but she was home safe and that was all I was concerned about right then. I knew she was in no condition to talk and wouldn’t remember anything if she did, so I just helped her to bed and she fell asleep about as fast as her head hit the pillow. I went back into the living room and finished watching my movie before I went to bed myself.

The next morning I was in the kitchen starting the coffee and getting things ready for breakfast. Debbie walked in, looking like death warmed over. “Coffee ... I need coffee,” she said, bleary-eyed and holding her head.

With a smug note of satisfaction, I smiled, “It’ll be ready in about 5 minutes. You feeling okay hon?” I asked her, knowing she was feeling like 40 miles of bad road.

“No I feel like shit! What time is it anyway?” she asked.

“It’s about 10:00 am, why?” I asked, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Oh, God! I drank too much last night!” she said. I handed her a cup of coffee, black like she liked it, and she sat squatting on the chair seat, hunched over her coffee as she tried to clear her head.

“Yeah, you were definitely feeling no pain last night when you came home. I assume Matthew dropped you off?” I asked.

“Yeah, I couldn’t have driven even if I wanted to,” she said.

“Well, after breakfast we will go get your car. You did lock it up, right?”

“Yes I locked it up. It’s parked over at the Holiday Inn on East Commerce Street,” she said.

“Okay, I know where that’s at. Let’s eat and we will go get it and bring it home.”

We ate breakfast and she wanted to take a shower. Then we went to get her car. Debbie wasn’t real hungry – the thought of breakfast made her a little green which I understood completely. I’d been that hungover before and it isn’t fun! I got her to eat some toast though to help soak up some of that alcohol and a small glass of milk to neutralize and settle her stomach.

After we got back and she was feeling better, we sat down on the couch and talked.

“So tell me about this Matthew. How did you meet? What’s he like? I would like to know something about the guys you are with, and he seems to be one of your regulars,” I said.

She began telling me about Matthew. She had seen him a couple times in the gym where she liked to go. She thought he was cute and one day she asked Pam, one of the girls who worked at the gym about him. Pam did one better and introduced Debbie to Matthew, and apparently it was an instant attraction. A younger man, Debbie said at first she felt like a child molester, but eventually she began feeling kinda nice having this younger man interested in her. Matthew was 23 and seemed sincere and interested, and they hit it off really well right from the start.

Matthew worked in construction and was a real Adonis, according to Debbie, with a well toned body, light brown shoulder-length hair, and a nice happy personality. He knew Debbie was married, and told her right away that he would never date a married woman. Debbie felt at ease after that, and they became friends, talking on nights that they would meet at the gym. Sometimes they worked out together helping motivate each other in their workouts. She loved to watch him lift weights!

It wasn’t until Matthew had to give Debbie a ride home from the gym one day that things heated up. I remember that day because she called me from the house and told me that her car wouldn’t start and that she had got a ride home from a friend. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Apparently, Matthew had wore a pair of soft, well-worn blue jeans that hugged his crotch and a tight black “wife beater” t-shirt. Debbie had always been hot for the wife beater style t-shirts and even bought me a few to wear. She said as he took her home, she fantasized about what he looked like underneath those clothes, and even imagined giving him a blowjob. When they got to the house, she invited him in and offered him a beer and they talked about relationships and marriage. Debbie said he asked her if she had ever thought about having sex with someone else and at first she acted nonchalant about it, but then she said that a friendship with a man without getting hurt or “involved” is possible. Matthew took things into his own hands then and started to kiss and hug her on the sofa. Debbie said she protested and told him he was wasting his time, that she would not cheat on her husband. But Matthew saw through her pretense and knew she was saying it because she should, not because she meant it. Then he asked her if she wanted to see what he was hiding. Debbie was afraid to answer, but deep inside wanted to see his cock more than anything.

Debbie said he helped her make a decision by taking her hand and placing it on his large bulge. She said that was all it took – she was hooked. She massaged his large mass until he began complaining that his jeans were getting too tight. He asked if he could undo his pants to relieve the pressure. Debbie said “I want to undo them.” From that point she took control of the rest of the encounter.

She unbuckled his belt, and pulled down his zipper. “There ... feel better, now?” she playfully asked.

“A little, but my damn underwear is killing me...” Matthew said, egging her on.

“Well we can’t have you killed, now can we? Want me to take your pants off?” He just smiled his big grin.

Debbie said he lifted his butt up off the sofa slightly to help her slide his jeans down. She pulled them down until they were a crumpled ring around his ankles. He wore skimpy little briefs that barely contained what appeared to be a very large organ. He had a small wet spot in front that Debbie said only excited her more.

“What do we have here, mmm?” she asked, lightly tracing her finger along its length.

“A surprise for you...” he replied, breathing heavy, “Why don’t you take a peek and see for yourself?”

Debbie lifted the elastic waistband and looked under. “Oh my God!” was all she could say. He was the biggest man she had ever seen and she licked her lips subconsciously at the sight of the huge cock.

“Want me to take these off, Matt?” she asked. She removed his briefs completely. His hard thick cock pulsed with his heartbeat, and Debbie just stared at it. “Oh Matt, it’s so big and beautiful! Can I ... touch it...?” she asked staring at the throbbing cock.

“Sure, if you want,” Matt said and Debbie began to play with the large cock.

Debbie wrapped her fingers around the thick shaft. She said he wasn’t even fully erect until she began playing with him. Then his cock began growing even larger. She began slowly pumping up and down his shaft as she felt him twitch and throb in her hand. The feeling was incredible! She slid her hand down his length and that’s when she saw his enormous testicles. “Oh my God Matt, your balls are so big!”

“I know, sometimes they are too big and get in the way,” he told her.

Debbie jacked his cock a few times feeling it getting thicker and harder with every stroke. Matthew closed his eyes moaning softly as she manipulated his growing cock. Very soon it was hard as steel and as big as it was going to get. He was larger than any cock she had ever seen including me. Debbie was quite aroused by this time as well apparently. She said that holding such a huge cock turned her on and before she even realized what she was doing she found herself wanting it desperately.

“Matthew ... if you want ... I’ll...” she couldn’t bring herself to say it – some part of her still knew she was cheating. But Matthew knew what she meant.

“You might as well suck it seeing as how you got it all worked up now!” he said smiling. She looked at the kind expression in his face and without thinking about it again she lowered her face into his lap.

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