The Girl With the Horse Cock - Cover

The Girl With the Horse Cock

Copyright© 2021 by Dave Pornwriter

Chapter 2

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2 - I have to admit that this story is not original – it takes the teen characters, Lucy and Amy, from a story uploaded by Drew Robbins from Indiana. In Part One, Amy visits a secret animal research laboratory on a school trip and foolishly consumes an experimental green liquid containing Horse-DNA, testosterone and something else. The following day she feels a little unwell, but sitting in the bath is horrified to see her hardly-used pussy 'heal over' and this enormous horse-cock sprout from her

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Small Breasts  


Amy woke up around dusk, based on the amount of light coming through her bedroom window. She’d fallen asleep, her new horse-cock still hard and inside her best friend, Lucy.

Lucy was awake, watching Amy sleep, and apparently enjoying the cock that was still inside her and hard again. Lucy was bouncing slowly and gently on Amy’s cock and smiled when she noticed her friend had awoken.

“Good evening, sleeping Beauty,” Lucy said, in a slightly strained voice. She couldn’t keep her pleasure out of her voice.

Amy smiled and pushed Lucy off of her, rolling on top of her and kissing her neck hard. Lucy squealed and moaned softly, trying to playfully push Amy away, but she didn’t relent her kissing or let Lucy up. As she was doing this, she spread Lucy’s legs and pushed her hard cock against her pussy, slowly sliding into her, making Lucy moan long and loud.

Amy started thrusting slowly, steadily fucking Lucy’s tight pussy as Lucy automatically locked her legs around Amy’s ass. Amy started thrusting faster and harder when her friend had her securely locked inside her pussy. Lucy was moaning loudly, not even caring about Amy’s neighbours hearing them.

Amy pounded her friend’s tight pussy faster still, moaning herself, her big balls slapping Lucy’s ass hard with every forward thrust. The wet, slapping sound of Lucy and Amy’s fucking was deafening in the confines of the bedroom, and if she wasn’t completely cut off from the outside world at that moment, Amy would have felt self-conscious.

It didn’t take long for Lucy’s pussy to squeeze Amy to orgasm and she squirted cum deep inside her best friend, screaming as she emptied her balls and filled Lucy’s womb.

Amy rolled off of Lucy and they lay together silently for what seemed like a long time, listening to the birds singing outside the window as they caught their breath.

“Coffee,” Amy said. “Want some?”

“Tea for me, Amy,” Lucy replied.

Amy got up and put the kettle on as she thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. She desperately wanted to know how it was possible and if it could be reversed. After all, while Lucy was enjoying it, Amy was still scared she might never be her normal self again.

Ideally, she needed to speak to somebody at the laboratory she’d visited the day before, so they could at least explain what had happened, and hopefully, how it could be reversed. At worst, she hoped her unusual condition could be managed.

She needed to speak with Doctor Michaels, the lead scientist at the lab, he’d probably be the one to know what had happened to her, if anyone could know. She decided to do all that later, for now, her stomach was growling for food.

Amy opened the bread bin and put four slices of bread into the toaster for her and Lucy. At that moment, Lucy walked into the kitchen wearing just her panties. Amy hadn’t noticed her, since her back was to the door, so Lucy slipped quietly up to her, wrapped her arms around her and kissed her neck softly.

Amy giggled cutely and smiled at Lucy. She gave Lucy a little peck on the lips before untangling herself and serving the toast and drinks at the dining table.

They ate and drank in silence. Amy was running through everything that had happened and her only hope at understanding, and hopefully, treating what had happened to her. She had a phone number for Doctor Michaels that they’d all been given had they had any questions. It was too late to call now, and it was Friday, so she’d have to wait until Monday to call him and hopefully get her answers.

Lucy kicked Amy under the table to get her attention.

“Sorry, I was miles away,” Amy said.

“I could see that, Amy,” Lucy said with a slight smile. “Thinking about last night?”

“Yeah, but probably not in the way you mean.”

Lucy looked at her with a questioning expression and, just barely visible, a sad understanding of what Amy was saying.

“Still thinking about how it happened and how to undo it?” She asked, answering Amy’s suspicions.

“Yeah,” Amy said. “I probably won’t be able to live a normal life with this thing hanging between my legs.”

Lucy nodded, apparently understanding completely. They were staring at each other across the table with such intensity in their eyes that to someone who didn’t know them, it would look as if a fight to the death was imminent. In reality, it was 2 best friends who’d known each other for years playing out every possible corner to the following conversation. They knew what the other would likely say to what was said by them.

“OK, I’ll just say it,” Lucy said, finally breaking the silence. “I understand what you want to do, but I don’t want you to get rid of it.”

“What about your boyfriend?” Amy asked. “Won’t he be just a little suspicious if I keep this thing, you spend most of your time with me and your damned pussy is stretched open enough to fit a coconut inside?”

“Amy, let me tell you something,” Lucy said in a pleading voice. “I know you think size doesn’t matter, and it might be true for you, but size is important to me. Sure, he has a big cock, but it’s got nothing on yours. And besides, you’re the best shag I’ve had.”

Amy was flabbergasted. For Lucy, this amounted to spilling her heart for the world to see. She’d never been hugely vocal, but when she had an opinion, she ranted about it until everyone she could be bothered to tell had heard it.

Amy didn’t know what to say. She sat quietly for what felt like a very long time. She’d had no idea that she’d had such an impact on her best friend. It was her decision and she knew Lucy would stand by it and help her as much as she could when she’d made up her mind.

“I’m going to call Doctor Michaels on Monday,” she said when she finally spoke. “I’ll talk to him about it and see what my options are. I’m sure he’ll want to see it, so will you come with me when I go?”

“Sure,” Lucy said after a few seconds. “You’re my best friend, you come before sex.”

Monday Monday arrived with a normal British overcast morning sky. The day had come for Amy to find out what had happened to her on Friday. If that was, anyone could possibly know. She picked up her phone and dialled the number on the card she’d been given at the lab.

“Hello?” came the voice of a smart-sounding woman when the phone was answered on the other end.

“Hi,” Amy said, shakily. “I’m calling for Doctor Michaels.”

“Might I ask who you are and why you’re calling?” asked the assistant.

“Yes ... my name is Amy, I was part of the class trip that toured your labs on Thursday,” Amy said, as she felt the colour rising in her cheeks. “It’s a rather important question for an essay we were asked to write,” she lied.

“One moment.”

The line clicked and there were a few beeps before it clicked again and another voice, male this time, spoke.

“Good morning, this is Doctor Michaels.”

“Hi, this is Amy ... I need to see you,” she said. “I have a problem and it’s urgent,” she clarified.

He must have heard something in her voice or sensed her anxiety because he gave her a time and said he’d meet her outside the laboratory for her, and he’d give her his full attention for as long as she needed.

Amy and Lucy left in Lucy’s car. They didn’t have any classes on Monday, so they were fine and wouldn’t be missed. It was a long and almost silent drive but they made it, a little earlier than expected. The Doctor was waiting for them and he led them inside to his office.

“Now, shall we get straight to it, since you sounded so desperate on the phone?” he asked reassuringly.

Amy nodded and stood up, starting to unbutton the loose jeans she’d put on that morning.

“What are you...” Doctor Michaels began, but Lucy cut him off.

“Please, she’s using all her willpower to do this, and it’s something she needs you to see,” she said.

Amy dropped her jeans and they fell to her ankles and her huge new penis was fully on show, out of its sheathing and hanging down to her knees. Doctor Michaels took an involuntary step back.

“When did this happen?” he asked, unable to mask the shock in his voice.

“On Thursday,” Lucy said. Amy was too embarrassed to speak, or even think coherently. “She told me on Friday and she’s scared, confused and very embarrassed right now.”

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