First and Last Time - Cover

First and Last Time

by Arlibis

Copyright© 2021 by Arlibis

Horror Story: It's sad to die young, and it's even sadder to die a virgin.

Caution: This Horror Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   Paranormal   BDSM   .

Max woke up at the darkest hour of the night. He hadn’t dreamed for a long time, so the transition from oblivion to reality was almost instantaneous. He was still in a solitary hospital room. And his diagnosis was still inevitable.

It was unusually quiet, none of the patients rustled their slippers in the direction of the restroom, lonely taxis did not rustle outside the window, even the instruments measuring his condition froze.

Time seemed to have stopped. Max tried to get up and saw Her. She stood silently in front of his bunk.

«Hello», Max said, «I was expecting you.»

Her voice was low, but Max heard every word clearly. Her voice inspired fear, and some pleasant excitement.

«I respect the courage. Not everyone is able to say this to my face.»

«You know I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. I have been in this ward for a year now. And I’m waiting... »

«Well, I came. Have a last wish?»

«Yes... »


« It’s a shame to leave like this ... a virgin.»

«You lost too much time on all sorts of nonsense, everything was in your hands.»

«I’ve read a lot about you. I was waiting for you. I wanted my first and last time to be with you.»

«Then you must know that I am the opposite of Eros.»

«Disagree. You are dialectically connected with him. Where life is, there you are, like the reverse side of a coin. And vice versa. You are inseparable from each other.»

«Good. If this is your desire, so be it.»

She approached him, causing shivers all over her body. And it was difficult to understand what it was: fear or excitement. Max tried to examine her. Even close up, he saw just a dark female silhouette. Her forms were streamlined, her eyes had nothing to catch on, he glided over this overly ideal female body, as if on an ice rink. Her breasts were perfectly shaped, but did not have nipples. There was something both attractive and repulsive in this figure. Max always imagined Her that way. And I’ve been waiting for this date all my life.

Calmly and confidently, her hands slipped under the coverlet and found his scrotum. They were smooth and cool like latex. It dawned on Max that She was all covered in latex. One hand was kneading the scrotum, the other easily slid over his penis. Max trembled shallowly, either from pleasure or from chills. The member hardened, became huge. For a moment she merged with the surrounding darkness and again thickened already astride the lying Max. She again glided over the penis, only not with her hand, but with the same cool and smooth vagina. Max groaned in pain or pleasure. She did not make a sound, she moved evenly, like a stamping press. Only the hospital bed shook and creaked from her intense movements. She threw a silk cord around Max’s neck. When Max’s member entered her to its full depth, she slightly tightened the lace, when it came out slightly weakened. It gave a sensation that could not be compared with anything else. Max went into oblivion, suffocation killed him and lifted him to heaven. When he reached its depth, it was as if something exploded in his brain with a thousand sparks.

«The time has come», she said calmly, and then began to accelerate. The bunk moaned pitifully with Max. It was coming to an end. She froze for a moment, then wiggled her hips, driving Max’s cock into herself and pulled the lace with force. Max thrashed, jerked his legs. It was difficult to understand what it was: an orgasm or dying convulsions.

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