Jack & Christina - Cover

Jack & Christina

by S star W

Copyright© 2021 by S star W

Coming of Age Story: This is the first of Jack Jack Christina. I hope you enjoy it.

Caution: This Coming of Age Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   .

Jack and Christina were were what you might call star crossed lovers. Christina’s parents were among the richest of the rich while Jack’s parents weren’t. It wasn’t that his parents were poor far from it. But it took both of their jobs to achieve their 100,000 dollar a year income. Christina’s parents on the other hand, though her father was a lawyer, didn’t have to work at all. Their money was inherited from several generations in the past and with smart investments seemed to grow year by year all by itself.

Her parents had forbidden her to have anything to do with Jack even before they met him. They assumed that he was only after her for her money. Jack on the other hand could care less about the money. He had seen her from across the room in their first class in high school and fell instantly in love with her. Of course it took him two years to work up the courage to ask her out for the first time. He had always been the shy type and awkward around girls let alone one he was interested in.

It might not have happened at all except for the events that transpired a week before their Junior year of high school. Jack had a summer job at the local mall and was just getting off of work when he saw a disturbance near the loading dock. He went over to investigate and found that three boys had pinned a girl between them and were attempting to strip her. Already her blouse was torn and the upper part of one of breast was exposed. He shouted at the boys and they ran away. He went to her removing his shirt to cover her so as not to embarrass her when he took her to the office to call the police. It was until he got up to her that he realized that it was her. From that day on, when her parents weren’t interfering, they were inseparable. (By the way for his rescue of Christina Jack was made employee of the month.)

Once school started the only time they were apart was when they had different classes and of course locker rooms for gym class. Whenever they had a class together they always sat side by side and they always ate lunch together. At first they would trade off sometimes sitting with his friends and sometimes sitting with hers. After a while however both sets of friends just seemed to come together and they all joined each other. In fact couple of their friends became boyfriend/girlfriend as well.

By this time they were both aware of how her parents felt about him and so she would often leave the house with a group of her girl friends only to meet up with him privately for a date. On one such occasion the two of them went lake road, a common hangout for young lovers, unlike most of the others who went there however they rarely did more than kiss. Tonight there was an accident though. You see a half mile off, just beyond the trees, was a research facility. It exploded sending dangerous chemical fallout over the area. Though much of the area was unaffected they were not. Their clothes were destroyed and all of the hair below their their heads disappeared. In affect they were as bald below the head as if neither of them had ever gone through puberty at all. Their faces too went through a bit of a change. They appeared to be fourteen years old at most instead of their almost eighteen actual years of age. They both passed out from the event and were rushed to the nearby hospital.

At the hospital they were informed about the accident and the changes to their bodies and that the changes seemed to be permanent. The one thing that didn’t change about Jack’s body was his manhood, he still had an adult sized cock and balls though they were hairless.

A law suit was filed against research facility on their behalf. Which they won easily. How could anyone except either of them to be able to get and hold a job looking under age as they did. They each receive enough money that neither would ever have to work a day in their life, with or without her parents money.

A year and a half later when they graduate from high school they were the youngest looking seniors to ever graduate from the school. Something else changed about them. Although they still loved each other fiercely, they both had a eye for younger girls. Even Christina who had never looked at girls that way had an eye for young girls. At the age of twenty they got married. But they still had feelings for younger girls that they couldn’t get over.

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