Climbing the Ladder - The First Rung
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 59: An Interesting Proposal
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 59: An Interesting Proposal - 'Climbing the Ladder' is the story of Jonathan Kane, a young man from rural Ohio, who begins a new life in Chicago in the mailroom of Spurgeon Capital. This is a story in the 'A Well-Lived Life' universe, and provides history and backstory for Spurgeon Capital, the Spurgeon family, the Glass family, the Lundgren family, Anala Subramani, Tom Quinn, and others from the 'A Well-Lived Life' series. The story stands on its own, and does not require reading any other stories in the universe.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Rags To Riches Workplace
April 10, 1982, Chicago, Illinois
"How was your business meeting last night?" Huifen asked when she arrived on Saturday morning.
"She thinks someone who has an advanced degree in mathematics would be a good partner."
"How did that come up?"
"When I discussed the need to build mathematical models for trading and for analyzing trades."
"How much do you know about statistics?"
"Not much. We did a little bit of that in Algebra II, which is as far as I got, because I wasn't in college-bound math. I know about mean, median, and mode, and a little bit about standard deviation, but that's it. And don't ask me to do the math, because that was three years ago and I've forgotten most of it."
"You're going to need to brush up on your math skills, even to use VisiCalc. You should see what Circle offers in the way of, well, sorry, remedial math to get you up to calculus."
"Don't apologize. My goal in High School was to graduate, and I had other priorities. I know I have a lot of catching up to do."
"I keep forgetting that you're completely practical and direct, and you're open to suggestions that might offend other people."
"The one trait I've seen at work that is common to every single Suit is a thick skin. I've heard several of them say that you can't get emotional about a trade, because if you do, you're screwed. It has to be a pure numbers and information game. Whoever has the best information wins. It doesn't matter how much I like the company or its products. All that matters is the bottom line. Well, within legal and ethical limits. The same is true for counter-parties — I don't have to like them, just trust them."
"Ethics will be an interesting discussion," Huifen observed.
"Yes, it will. I do have something we should discuss, but we need to get to the laundromat. We can talk on the way."
I gathered my dirty laundry, got my cart, and we headed for Halsted Street.
"Shelly asked what I thought about having Bianca and her as roommates in a two-bedroom apartment. The two of them were keenly aware that I'd need to ask you about it."
"Shelly made an offhand comment about finding a solution to them not wanting to stay in the dorms at two different schools, but not being able to afford an apartment."
"I'm curious what you think."
"Actually, I'd like to hear your analysis," Huifen said.
"The most important thing would be saving half of the rent on a new place," I replied. "That would provide me with around $200 a month extra to invest, not including the money they'd kick in for utilities."
"Half? Not more?"
"They share a bedroom and I have my bedroom. We share the rest of the apartment. Them paying half seems fair to me. Remember, I budgeted for a two-bedroom without any roommates. Are you asking to make sure I thought it through or because you don't think it's fair?"
"I'm interested in your analysis. You have to decide what's equitable or fair. What's a fair commission on the money you'll manage for others?"
"I don't have enough information at this point to answer that question."
"So, reduced expenses. Sex?"
"That was put on the table, though with the caveat that I not be in a relationship. Shelly made the point that finances were more important to me than sex."
"SO not true!" Huifen objected, laughing. "Sex with THEM is not more important than finances, not sex in general!"
"I'm pretty sure that's what Shelly meant!" I chuckled. "Though if I was forced to decide between having sex with someone and earning a good return on an investment..."
"As a one-off decision about a girl, I can see it, but would you give up sex completely?"
"Hell no!" I affirmed with a grin.
"So, I think, the only practical question would be if a two-bedroom apartment would allow four unrelated roommates, and if there would really be enough space."
"That's something I'd have to look into," I replied.
"What would you think about finding a house to rent in Rogers Park?" Huifen asked. "That's close to Loyola, and the Howard L or C&NW train can take you straight into the city. Bianca can easily get to Northwestern from there as well via the L and Evanston Express. Also, people in the area are used to renting to students. From what I've heard, rents in the area are reasonable, and only a bit more than an apartment in a new building."
"That would make things easier on you and me, too," I said thoughtfully, "because it would reduce travel time to get to and from my place. I take it from that comment you're at least neutral about Bianca and Shelly?"
"Because it was Shelly who asked, I'm more comfortable with the idea. Her agenda was never more than good sex."
"Isn't that how yours started?" I asked with a sly smile.
"Perhaps," Huifen replied, laughing softly. "My night of ecstasy turned into something more, though that wasn't my intent at first. But Shelly never moved beyond sex, for whatever reason."
"If you're cool with it, I'll tell Shelly and Bianca it's a go, and then the four of us should start looking for something in Rogers Park. Closer to the Howard L would be better, but the C&NW would be fine, too."
"I think that's a great plan, the more I think about it. If things go the way we suspect they will, I can stay over most nights. Keeping the dorm room leaves the discussion with my parents for a year from now. They don't have to know where I'm sleeping, or with whom. I'll tell them we're dating, so they'll have time to get used to the idea."
"That sounds good," I agreed as we reached the laundromat.
As I loaded the washer, I reflected on the conversation and how things were developing, and how they differed from my relationship with Lily. The destinations were the same, but the paths to get there were different, and I felt that reflected Huifen's maturity. The fits and starts I'd made with other girls had taught me lessons, and I was doing my best to apply them.
Later, after I put my clothes in the dryer, Huifen and I went to Jewel for my weekly grocery shopping, then returned to the laundromat. We worked together to fold the clothes, then headed back to the apartment for lunch.
"One question I never asked," I said, "and something that never came up, was about your belief system."
"Nothing specific, if you mean practice or overarching guiding principles," Huifen replied. "My family's thinking is informed by traditional Chinese philosophy — a mix of Theravada Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. Or, you could just shorthand it to say traditional Chinese culture. My grandmothers still believe in traditional Chinese medicine, though I believe allopathy is usually the correct approach.
"That said, modern allopathic medicine has lost touch with the herbal medicine that actually works. I bet you don't know that aspirin was derived from willow bark, though it's produced chemically now. Quinine was also originally from tree bark and digitalis comes directly from a plant. And worse, certain compounds are legally excluded, like marijuana, which is effective against glaucoma. And cocaine has medical uses as a topical anesthetic which are prohibited in the US.
"But my diatribe about medicine aside, I don't think there's anything I believe that you would find problematic. Generally, it's about ethical behavior, respect for yourself, and respect for social order. I'm not a conformist, but I'm not a radical, either. The key is balance in all things. I think that's totally compatible with your approach. You're driven, but you also understand there are limits. You also seek a balance between life and work. You have fun, but don't lose your focus."
"I know only a little about Buddhism," I said, "and nothing about the other things you mentioned. From my perspective, though, it's mostly philosophy, not religion."
"I agree," Huifen replied.
"I can't imagine any problems."
"Me, either."
April 11, 1982, Chicago, Illinois
"How are you doing?" I asked Bev when I called her on Sunday evening after Huifen had gone back to Loyola.
"My OB says the baby is healthy, my blood pressure is in the typical range, and my blood work is good."
"What? It can't all be rosy?"
"Who knows you better than me?" I asked.
"Nobody. I'm uncomfortable and having trouble sleeping. You know I was a stomach sleeper, not a back sleeper. Guess how I have to sleep now?"
"I always liked you on your back," I teased.
"You jerk!" Bev shrieked, but immediately added, "I liked being on my back with you!"
"So what are you doing in your copious free time?"
Bev laughed, "I nap when I get home from school, then do my homework, then dinner, then take the dog for a walk to get my exercise. I see Kelly and Tina a couple nights a week. How are things in your neck of the woods?"
"Things are going well both at work and in my personal life."
"Anyone you want to tell me about?"
"Nothing serious."
"She's concerned about me coming to see you when your baby is born."
"She thinks we'll get together?"
"She's concerned enough to put off any decisions until after I see you."
"Dad thinks you're going to propose when you come home."
"How is he going to react if that doesn't happen?"
"If? Not when?" Bev asked.
"I think there's some truth to what Huifen said."
"'Wee Fen'?"
"Close enough. She's Chinese, though she was born in the US. Her dad was born in China and her mom was born in Hawaiߴi."
"Interesting. You've told me about a Mexican girl, a girl from India, and a Chinese girl."
"Is that a problem?" I asked.
"No, of course not! I just find the pattern interesting — you're attracted to exotic girls."
I laughed, "Maybe 'exotic' for Goshen, but pretty common here in Chicago."
"She obviously knows a lot about us."
"Enough," I replied. "And as I said, I think there's enough truth in what she's thinking to warrant caution on her part."
"And you're ready to make that commitment?"
"I think she's right that being with you when you have your baby might change things."
"You know that's not why I asked you to be with me, right?"
I was reasonably sure that her primary reason was exactly what she'd said — that I was her closest friend and confidant, and given how the baby's father was behaving, she wanted me with her. That said, I had the nagging suspicion that subconsciously she was thinking about how being with her would affect me, just as Anala had cautioned.
"I trust you completely," I said. "You were never, ever dishonest with me, and I can't imagine you being dishonest now."
"Even though I saw Bob before you left for Chicago?"
"Did you lie to me about it?"
"No, but I didn't tell you about it until later."
"I think," I said carefully, "you're letting our conversation about our relationship color how we behaved when neither of us acknowledged what we later discovered. I'm not even sure either of us thought it. And your comment when I was home the last time about sleeping with Bob to 'hurt' me had to be taken into context of the fact that I've been with almost twenty girls since I left home."
"Holy fuck!" Bev gasped. "Seriously? It was seven at Christmas!"
"One of the girls from the threesome had a few parties and let's just say they were a lot of fun!"
"But twenty girls, Jonny?"
"As I said, that changes the context of what you told me."
"I hurt you that badly?"
"No, not at all. The opportunity presented itself, and I saw no reason to refuse. That said, I did basically put an end to it, because I felt things were going to get completely out of hand."
"Being with twenty girls isn't 'out of hand'?"
"Maybe," I replied with a shrug she couldn't see. "But everything was completely consensual."
"It just seems so unlike you. Does your Chinese girl know?"
"I met her at one of those parties, so, yes, she does."
"What exactly happened at these parties?"
"It was six or seven girls and me, playing 'Spin the Bottle' and other games that went WAY beyond kissing."
"Whose idea was that?"
"One of the girls," I replied, deciding it was best not to mention it was Paula, and that she had been raped and murdered.
"So every boy's fantasy come true?"
"Probably. Are you upset?"
"Surprised, I think. Just as I was about the threesome. It was one of those girls, right?"
"Who invited me? Yes. Another girl was the main instigator. I'm pretty sure that happened because the girl who invited me talked up my skills."
"More like your impressive length and girth!" Bev giggled. "And your talented tongue!"
"You taught me!" I chuckled.
"I liked it! A lot! You never once asked me for a blowjob."
"I prefer screwing," I replied. "But you did give me a few now and again. You're sure you aren't upset?"
"I'm not upset," Bev said firmly. "Just surprised, as I said. But I should let you go so as not to run up your phone bill. Talk to you next Sunday?"
"Of course!"
We said 'goodbye' and I hung up.
April 14, 1982, Chicago, Illinois
On Wednesday, on the way home, I dropped my tax return in the mailbox, had a quick meal, then headed to Circle for class. After class, I followed my usual pattern with Violet, then headed home to wait for Shelly and Bianca. When they arrived, I explained Huifen's idea to them.
"That's a great idea!" Shelly exclaimed. "I've seen some flyers for houses available to rent. I also know some Seniors who have a house on Estes Avenue that's walking distance to the Morse L stop on the Howard line. It's also walking distance to the C&NW rail line."
"Do you know the rent?"
"$650 per month, I think. I've been there a few times, and it's nice. It's a two-bedroom, two-story house, with an attic room that is set up to be a third bedroom. The downstairs is the usual living room, kitchen, dining room, and laundry room. There's a small basement, but basically only room for the furnace and hot water heater and some storage. One full bathroom upstairs, and a half bath downstairs."
That was only slightly more than I'd pay for a two-bedroom apartment, and with roommates, my monthly costs would only go up a small amount.
"That sounds pretty good," I said. "When is it available?"
"June 15th."
"My lease here doesn't expire until July 31st."
"Well, if you want to lock it in, I think you might have to accept paying for both places for the overlap," Bianca said. "If you don't snap it up, someone else will. It hasn't been posted yet, so you could probably get it now, if you were interested."
"Could one of you get the landlord's information?" I asked. "And arrange for me to look at it?"
"Sure," Shelly replied. "I'll get it tomorrow and call you. Huifen is OK with the arrangements?"
"So long as I behave if she and I become a couple."
Shelly laughed, "But until then, playtime is OK?"
"June, July, and August will be a lot of fun!" she exclaimed. "Jonathan's Pleasure Palace!"
I laughed, "I'm not sure I'd go quite that far, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the Summer!"
"We'll make sure of it!" Shelly declared.
The dynamic with the girls had changed significantly, in that Shelly had asserted herself and Bianca had, as far as I could see, willingly allowed that to happen. That triggered the thought that Shelly was the one pushing for the two of them to go further with each other, and that it was Bianca who was nervous or reluctant. I didn't think it was because she didn't want to, but because of her conservative upbringing. She was Catholic, though not practicing, and had gone to church all the way through High School, and I was sure the same message Lily had heard was pounded into Bianca's head by men who were forbidden from having sex.
"And speaking of that..." Bianca said invitingly.
I smiled, locked the door, turned on the nightlight, turned off the overhead light, and began undressing. The girls undressed, and we got into bed for a fun three-hour romp that included, for the first time, the girls kissing below the neck. They didn't quite get to licking each other, but it was obvious that was going to happen in the near future, and I would very much enjoy watching them do it.
April 15, 1982, Chicago, Illinois
"See you Sunday at 11:00am at my house?" Violet asked as we walked to the coffee shop.
"That's the plan," I agreed. "I'm looking forward to seeing my first ballgame in person! I've watched games on TV, especially when the Reds were winning back-to-back World Series, but I was never able to go to a game at Riverfront Stadium."
"My grandfather took me to four Sox games after my parents were arrested. But then he got too sick to go out. We went to a couple of Sunday games and both times we went early to watch batting practice. Do you think we could go to another game, maybe in May or June?"
"Sure. I do need to keep the last week in May and the first two weeks in June open so I can go to Ohio when my friend calls to say she's in labor, but otherwise, I don't have any commitments that would interfere with going to a game on a Sunday afternoon."
"Awesome! I take it she's going to call you when she goes into labor?"
"That's the plan. According to her, for most first-time moms it takes longer than the six hours it'll take me to get to Ohio if she calls at the first contraction."
"How will you drive there? You don't have a car."
"I'll borrow one from my uncle. I've already arranged that. On another topic, you remember I said I was going to look for a new apartment?"
"Yes. Did you find one?"
"I'm actually thinking of renting a house with some friends who go to Loyola. We'd look in Rogers Park, most likely, but that won't interfere with me coming to Circle or seeing you for baseball games."
"Close to the L?"
"Yes. The Howard line, so it's a straight shot to work, and then from work, I take the subway to the loop and change to the Lake-Dan Ryan line to get here, or to the ballpark, or to visit my firefighter friends."
"Would you still be able to stay after class for coffee and walk me home?"
"I don't see why not," I replied. "Though with the computer class, if we have to go to the computer lab, it might have to be on Saturdays."
"Probably, because class goes from 7:00pm to 8:30pm, and I'm not sure how late the lab is open, and then you'd have to get home on the L."
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