Brianna's Nigger Massa - Cover

Brianna's Nigger Massa

Copyright© 2021 by Tyrone Smash

Chapter 7: A Crisis of Law

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: A Crisis of Law - This story is a continuation of the story Brianna's Master in which the heroine from the TV series Outlander is sold into slavery instead of being rescued at the last minute.It describes how the Master is able to achieve his fantasy of buying and breaking a "Lady" so that she thoroughly accepts and enjoys her enslavement. However,one day, the slaves learn that the Master has been lost at sea and that all the Master's possessions, including the slaves, will be sold at auction! The story continues

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Historical   Time Travel   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Revenge   Transformation  

For Brianna, her Master’s fucking became even more orgasmic in the period of time after she had revealed to her owner that she was a girl from the 20th century. It was only right that she confessed to him; after all, he owned her. Lying in his strong arms after their regular fucks she would reveal additional details of the future to Desmond. For Desmond, the details that Brianna revealed, while fantastic, convinced him more and more that she was telling the truth. She would have had to be the world’s best story teller to make up the details that she casually told him. And it made him enjoy his slave even more. Not only did he own a white lady, something that he knew that white men like Mason desired, he owned a white lady from the future. In that future, slavery didn’t exist so the idea that Brianna could be enslaved would have been unthinkable to her. Yet, here her little body was in his arms. He not only had her name on the bill of sale, he realized that he had enslaved her with his cock. She needed regular fucking with his big nigger cock! He had revenge on the white men who had enslaved his family!

Desmond still had Brianna dress up as a white lady when he was at the main house. He enjoyed her refined manners and elegance that white ladies possessed. However, when Desmond was out overseeing the plantation, Brianna helped the other slavegirls with their tasks. At one point, Desmond needed to go into the nearby city for financial transactions. Brianna then fully embraced the life of a nigger slavegirl. Without the presence of the Master, she started wearing the shifts the slavegirl’s wore which barely covered her ass and allowed her tits to flop. She started working outside some of the time doing laundry and other tasks and her skin started to tan again as it had when she was owned by Howard. While she worked outside, Brianna noticed the nigger bucks checking her out. They all seemed to have big nigger cocks and she knew that they would like to fuck her but wouldn’t dare risk the wrath of the Master. She knew that she would have to wait for the return of her owner to get fucked but her pussy got wet at the thought of being ravaged by the bucks.

Five year old Billy came to Desmond plantation looking for his nigger friend Ezekiel. There weren’t any other children close to his parents small farm so he and Ezekiel had become fast friends. Neither of them really understood slavery yet. Ezekiel knew that he had a Massa but mostly they were just kids playing.

“Lets race down the the barn” said Billy. He was going to beat Ezekiel this time he thought and he sprinted off with Ezekiel trailing. They both arrived at the barn at almost the same time each claiming victory. At that point, Brianna stepped out of the manor house with a load of laundry. She was the most beautiful women that Billy had ever seen and he just stopped at stared. “Who is that?” he marveled.

“That’s my Massa’s white slavegirl. He calls her Brianna. She is real pretty isn’t she?”

“But my daddy said that only niggers can be slaves” replied Billy. “How can your Massa own a white woman”

“Look at her. She wears a collar like all the other slavegirls. You can see that her boobies have rings like all the other slavegirls and she’s working like the other slavegirls. Of course she’s a slavegirl and my Massa owns her” he said a little proudly.

Billy was confused. He always believed his daddy. But what Ezekiel said was true. This Brianna looked like a slavegirl!

That night before bed, Billy said to his daddy, “I thought that you told me that only niggers could be slaves. Today, at the Desmond place, I saw a white slavegirl.”

Billy’s daddy John couldn’t believe the nonsense that his son had spouted. Of course, only niggers were slaves. “Boy, don’t you know that it’s a sin to bear false witness” he bellowed. “I have half a mind to take my whip and tan your hide and whip that devil out of you!”

Billy was afraid of the whip. He started to cry. He didn’t know why he should get punished for telling the truth. “But daddy” he said tearfully, “I’m telling the truth. I saw a white slavegirl at the Desmond place.”

John stood up to get his whip but Billy’s mother intervened. “Now John, you know that my son doesn’t lie. He’s been brought up to be a God fearing boy. You need to go to the Desmond place tomorrow to see what the boy is talking about.”

The next day, John rode over to the Desmond place with Billy. He was disappointed in his son. He had tried to raise a God fearing boy and was disappointed that he was breaking the Lord’s commandment. He knew that his wife believed his son, but his tale had to be a lie. No nigger could own a white.

They got to the top of a rise where they could look down at the main house where several of the slaves were working. Like most small farmers, John could not afford to own any slaves and he resented the rich planters who could. When Desmond had inherited the plantation upon the death of his former Master, it had angered him and many of his neighbors. But the law was the law and they had to accept his ownership of the plantation even though they hated it.

“OK son, where is this white slavegirl that you told me about. I don’t see her.”

“You’ll see her” Billy said tearfully. He was afraid of his father’s whip and didn’t understand why he might get punished for telling the truth.

They stood at the top of the rise for several minutes seeing multiple slaves coming and going. John’s anger started to build. His boy was a liar! Then he saw what was obviously a slavegirl leave the house carrying a load of laundry. He could tell that she was a slavegirl. She wore a collar and the clothes she had on barely covered her nakedness. He could see a ring through one of her pierced tits. And her skin was almost as white as his wife. And she had red hair! She was a slavegirl! She was clearly owned by this nigger!

“See pa, see. I told you that the nigger owned a white slavegirl!” Billy said triumphantly.

“Your right, son. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

This was against the laws of God and man! A nigger can’t be allowed to own a white girl! Something had to be done about it! He needed to think and then talk to his neighbors. Something had to be done!

Desmond returned to the plantation after completing his business in the city. He was glad to get back. He hated dealing with whites. It was clear that they hated him and only tolerated him because of his wealth. And he was horny. He was looking forward to fucking his white slavegirl. He was going to take out some of his resentment on her and he knew that she would enjoy it.

Brianna was ecstatic that her Master had returned. She had missed him terribly. And she was horny. She missed his big Black cock. She knew that he would want her to dress like a white women so she cleaned up, put on her makeup and dressed in her party dress with her tits almost hanging out.

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