Brianna's Nigger Massa - Cover

Brianna's Nigger Massa

Copyright© 2021 by Tyrone Smash

Chapter 6: Domestic Bliss

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Domestic Bliss - This story is a continuation of the story Brianna's Master in which the heroine from the TV series Outlander is sold into slavery instead of being rescued at the last minute.It describes how the Master is able to achieve his fantasy of buying and breaking a "Lady" so that she thoroughly accepts and enjoys her enslavement. However,one day, the slaves learn that the Master has been lost at sea and that all the Master's possessions, including the slaves, will be sold at auction! The story continues

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Historical   Time Travel   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Revenge   Transformation  

Life on the Desmond plantation settled into a kind of routine. Desmond still had to supervise the running of the plantation. But he found that several times a day, he could not resist the pleasure of fucking his white slave and he fucked her in every position that he could think of. He was as horny as he was when he was a teenage boy and Mr. Desmond had given him his first nigger slavegirl. He tried not to cum in its cunt too often. He didn’t want a baby destroying the slimness of the body that he owned and he didn’t want to father a slave child. However, he alerted Marie to give the slave the tea that she used to end pregnancies in his slavegirls. He found that Brianna was completely insatiable even more so than any of the nigger slavegirls that he owned. Maybe it was the red hair. He had heard that red headed women needed to get fucked continuously. And she just screamed out her multiple cums with abandon. Of course, all slavegirls have to cum for their owners but he didn’t think that she was faking. He could tell the difference. Maybe it was because she was owned by a nigger that heightened the pleasure for her.

For Brianna, this was a period of bliss and of non-stop pleasure. She vaguely remembered back to Roger’s pitiful efforts at fucking her and how she had to pretend to have an orgasm. The fucking that she got now was incredible. His cock was so big. His body was so strong. And she was getting fucked multiple times every day by the nigger who legally owned her! She realized that the fact that she was getting fucked by her nigger owner increased her pleasure. If her Harvard girlfriends could see her now, they would pretend to be shocked at her acceptance of a nigger owner but at the same time they would be jealous of her. She had come to like submissively kneeling before her nigger Master while he fucked his big Black cock into her ass. His cock now slipped easily into her asshole even though it was still tight. The whole situation of her submissively kneeling before her nigger Master while he fucked her in the ass was so dirty that it raised her libido to the highest level ever. She also routinely came when he ass fucked her even though she didn’t think that a girl should cum from an ass fucking. Sometimes she didn’t even need to frig her pussy – no her cunt -- to experience the pleasure. She was a total slave slut now and needed to think of herself as one while she pleased her Master.

One day, after they were both catching their breath after their latest fuck session, they lay on their sides while Desmond fondled the tits on Brianna. Brianna was recovering from yet another screaming series of orgasms and was enjoying the pleasant feeling of having her breasts being fondled by his big Black hands. Except they weren’t her breasts anymore. They were here Master’s breasts. He owned everything that was her!

“I own these breasts Brianna. I own all of you. Did you ever think that you would be a nigger’s slave?” Desmond knew the answer but liked getting Brianna to talk about her submission.

“No Massa. I never thought that I would be a nigger’s slavegirl. Thank you for buying me Massa. I love being owned by you. I love getting fucked by your big nigger cock.”

Desmond chuckled to himself. The slave had to say that but he also knew that it was sincere. She couldn’t fake the pleasure that she experienced. “Little slave, since you are an actual white girl, I’m going to dress you up like one and you can show me how a refined white lady behaves. I’ll send Marie to town to buy the appropriate clothes for you.”

All men are the same thought Brianna. “Massa, I don’t think that you need to send Marie to town. Massa Howard also wanted to dress me up like a white lady and he bought clothes and cosmetics for me to wear. The dresses were really scandalous even for this day and age” she giggled. “I think that you will do him a favor if you take the dresses and cosmetics off his hands. He probably doesn’t want his wife finding them.”

Desmond made sure that he called on Mason when he knew that Mason’s wife wasn’t around. She didn’t need to be involved. Mason seemed suspicious when he approached Desmond. It wasn’t common for the nigger planter to call on the Magistrate. However, he decided to be polite. “What can I do for you Desmond?”

“I want you to know that I know your secret Mr. Mason. But don’t worry, your secret is still safe with me.” Desmond could see the fear on Mason’s face. Having the county know that the Magistrate had sold a white women as a nigger slave could even disgrace a man of his importance. He wanted Mason to feel a sense of obligation to him. “And I will do you another favor, Mr. Mason. My slave informed me that you bought dresses and cosmetics so that you could dress her up and pretend that she actually is a white lady.” He smiled as he said that. “I’d be willing to take them off your hands before your wife finds out.”

Mason was angered at the situation. He didn’t like being treated this way by a nigger. But he realized that the nigger was right. He didn’t want his wife to find what he had purchased for Brianna. It would send her into another rage. He nodded his acceptance.

Brianna was giddy like a college girl getting ready for a date. Marie was helping her to prepare. “Marie, I’m sorry that I have not been helping you with as much of the work as I should but the Massa has been keeping me very busy.”

Marie laughed at that. “We can hear how the Massa is keeping you busy.” Brianna blushed at that. She knew that all the other slaves could hear her scream out her cums. The lady Brianna would have been embarrassed if neighbors had hear her screaming out her sexual pleasure. “But you are helping out with the work. Since buying you, the Massa is cheerful. He is easy to please. He does not punish his slaves for small mistakes. You have really helped all of us.”

Brianna smiled. She was glad that the other slaves did not resent her. After all, she was property just like them. She didn’t want to get uppity and rise above her station.

Marie smiled again. “It is wonderful to be the Massa’s favorite isn’t it Brianna? The man who is fucking you also owns you. It makes the pleasure so much better to be completely owned by the man who is fucking you doesn’t it?”

Brianna realized that Marie was speaking from experience. “Have you been a Massa’s favorite?”

Marie nodded. “When I was a young girl. It was wonderful. But eventually a Massa will tire of a slavegirl. Enjoy it while you can.”

Brianna thought about that. The Massa wouldn’t tire of her would he? She was white. Didn’t that make her more desirable?

Brianna looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to make herself look as sexy as possible. She wanted her Master to desire her. The dress that Mason had bought would help. It closely clung to her body revealing her curves much like the dress that Bonnet had bought her so long ago and it barely contained her tits. Even in the mini-skirt era of the twentieth century, the amount of cleavage that she was showing would have been scandalous but it was normal in this century. She hoped that her Master liked it. She began applying her makeup. Eighteenth century makeup was more primitive then what she was used to but she was able to paint her lips a ruby red and added color to her cheeks. Marie had done her hair up in the fashionable way the ladies in this century wore their hair. She also sprayed perfume on her. She hope that it pleased her Master. She recalled when she had tried to make herself pretty to go out on a date when she was at Harvard. Like all the other girls, she loved teasing the guys. But she knew exactly how this “date”would turn out. This was so much fun. She was as giddy as a college girl.

Her Master was waiting when she walked into the dining room. Wanting to be formal, she curtsied to him and said, “Thank you kind sir for inviting me to dinner.”

Desmond looked at Brianna and was stunned. She looked as regal as any of the white ladies who were married to the planters. That dress showed of her curves perfectly and her tits were almost hanging out demanding to be fondled. Marie had styled her beautiful red hair in the manner that white ladies favored. Her face was perfection, the red lipstick inviting him to kiss her. And she was his property! She was going to end the evening with her legs spread begging him to fuck her! He had achieved a position in life that he had never imagined was possible. He regained his senses and returned her curtsy with a bow as his former Master had taught him. “It is my pleasure to have you in my home gentle lady.”

The dinner was fun. They talked about inconsequential subjects and the wine flowed. There was laughter and some sexual innuendo but for a while they were not Master and slavegirl. Desmond asked about her life before being enslaved.

“Master—Sir, I lived in western North Carolina with my husband and son along with my parents in a community of Scots. We were farmers of course but there was also hunting. I’m a very good shot” she giggled.

Desmond was curious. “What happened to your son.”

Brianna took a few seconds to respond. A tear came to her eyes. “Sir, that is the worst part of being a slavegirl. I was sold away from my son. I miss him terribly. But that is the lot of a slave. Marie has told me that 6 of her children were sold away.”

That is right thought Desmond. He had sold some of Marie’s children. He didn’t feel any guilt. Is was just business. “Do you miss your husband?”

She answered slowly. “Sir, my husband was a good man and I tried to please him. But his cock is so small. I never really had pleasure from sex the way that I do when you fuck me with your big Negro cock. Your cock is so much better than my husbands.”

Desmond chuckled at that. Some of his slavegirls had told them that their white Masters had small cocks. It looks like it is true. But what was that word that she used. “Brianna, what is that strange word Negro. Why did you call me that?”

Brianna was confused. She was getting tipsy with the wine. Had she said Negro? “No Sir, I said nigger.”

Now Desmond was annoyed. “Don’t lie to me slave. I know what I heard. Why did you use that strange word? And why do you talk funny. I’ve heard people from North Carolina. They don’t talk like you. And you use other strange words. The other day you said this time and place. What does that mean?”

Brianna was stunned. Her mind was too tipsy to come up with a convincing lie. She had never told her Master her whole story for fear that he would not believe her and punish her. But now she didn’t know what to say. She just sat there silently.

“Slavegirl, there is something that you are not telling me” he said angrily. “Are you my property?” She nodded. “Do I own that body?” She nodded. “Do I own that mind?” She nodded. “Then I command you to tell me your whole story!”

With the anger in her owner’s voice, Brianna had quickly become the submissive slave again. “Master, I haven’t told you everything about me because it is so fantastic I’m afraid that you won’t believe me. I don’t want to get punished Master” she said tearfully.

“If you speak truthfully, you will not be punished.”

“Master, I am from the future. I have traveled through time.”

She explained how her mother had accidentally traveled two centuries into the past going through some stones in Scotland and how her mother had married and conceived her and how her mother returned to the 20th century when her husband believed that he had to fight in a battle that her mother knew that the Scots would lose. Brianna then explained how her mother had moved to Boston with her 20th century husband where Brianna was born and how Brianna had not realized that he was not her real father until he had died 20 years later. Her mother then had learned through old records that her lover had survived the battle and her mother returned though the stones to find him. Then, when Brianna learned from an old newspaper account that her parents were killed in a fire, she went through the stones herself to warn them and found them in North Carolina.

Desmond listened intently during her entire story trying to detect a lie. Even though her story was completely fantastic, she seemed to be telling the truth. As an African, he knew that magic existed. It was not something that ordinary men understood but the wise men in his tribe had practiced it. And why would she tell a lie like that? And if it was true, it would explain her strangeness.

“Was your family rich in this 20th century? Did you own slaves?”

“Master, slavery doesn’t exist in the 20th century. Slavery ended in this country in 1865. Most white people are ashamed about owning slaves. White people don’t use the term nigger anymore. It’s considered to be a bad word. Descendants of slaves are called Negroes. Many white people have talked about paying reparations to Negroes in order to compensate them for slavery in some small way.”

Some of the things that she said were strange. Who were these Americans? And maybe white people in the 20th century weren’t too smart. He knew that slavery was widespread in Africa and his adopted father had shown him that Muslims practiced slavery widely even routinely enslaving Europeans. “Since your family didn’t own any slaves, were you poor?”

“No Master, the world is so much better. There are so many inventions and so many machines to do work, that most people are well off. There are machines that enable people to travel on roads at 60 to 70 miles an hour. There are machines that fly across the oceans. And the lives of women have changed. My mother is a doctor. I was studying at Harvard College to become an engineer.”

No slavery! Women doctors and engineers! Machines that fly! How could anybody believe a story like that? But he couldn’t detect a lie in her eyes. Why would she make up a crazy story like that. “Well, since you come from a time where there was no slavery, you probably want me to free you now.”

“No Massa, she said quietly, I know down to my soul that I am a slavegirl. I have been trained to submit as a slave. I have been legally sold on an auction block. And you have completely mastered me with your big Negro cock. I will always be a slave. I want to be your slavegirl. I want to pay reparations to you with my body. Please keep me Massa. Please fuck your little white slavegirl!” she pleaded.

The little slut seemed sincere. And why tell him that fantastic story if not to persuade him to free her. But she clearly did not want to be freed. He would have to talk to her more about this 20th century. They finished the dinner. Since her Master appeared to believe her, Brianna talked openly about the history of the future. She explained the American Revolution and the Civil War and the World Wars to come. It made him appreciate his possession even more. She was not just a white lady, she was a white lady from the future and she had attended college. Was it right for him to own her? She was so much more educated than him. But his father had taught him about slavery in the Roman empire. The Romans had admired Greek culture but when Greece was conquered, many brilliant Greek philosophers became slaves. It didn’t matter that they were more knowledgeable than their owners. Their owners bought the slaves to use that knowledge. It was just the way of the world.

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