Runner's High - Cover

Runner's High

Copyright© 2021 by Lorn Skye

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Two student athletes suddenly find themselves excelling at their given sports. But wait, they aren't the popular sports! What happens when fame and excellence strikes them? Can they survive? Can they survive without one another? A romantic story about high school love.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   Petting  

Tricia winced as she pushed herself up off the ice. That fall was going to leave a mark, a lovely bruise that would still be visible during the competition next week.

It was her third hard fall and her third failure to land the triple-triple she had been practicing.

She brushed herself off and skated around the rink a few times, just get work out the soreness from that last fall. She re-ran the jump in her mind as she skated. She just wasn’t getting the height that she had gotten before.

There was no way that taking 2 days off of training would have such an impact. The jumps had come so easily earlier in the week! To miss it three times in a row just didn’t make any sense.

She looked up at motion near the entryway, hoping that Thad was on his way back from the state meet and would stop in to watch her. It was surely just superstition, but she felt that she skated so much better when he was watching her.

Tricia wondered how the team had done in the last relay. She had seen Thad’s world record breaking 800M race, but then her mother had forced her into the car so that she could make the ice time that had been reserved for her.

Her coach was not here, he had other commitments. Even her mother had gone home to take care of her three younger siblings, so it was just Tricia.

Instead of continuing to work on the triple-triple and possibly injuring herself, she concentrated on the rest of her routine, making sure her counts were good for the other moves.

When her time on the ice was concluded, the owner of the rink started to shut it down. Tricia hurriedly donned her sweats and texted her mother that she was ready. Then she walked outside to wait for her to arrive.

It was then that she saw the text from Thad’s mom that he had collapsed and they were heading to the ER.

Tricia felt light headed and sat down hard on the bench that was just outside the door. She felt the tears start to pour as she texted Ellen back to find out if there were any updates on Thad.

While she was waiting on a response, her mother pulled up. She quickly got into the car and started to tell her mother about Thad, when she realized her mother was listening to a breaking news report about her boyfriend.

“The hospital spokesman refused to comment on Mr. Norton’s medical condition, but he did say that Mr. Norton was awake and communicating with the hospital staff. He is in stable condition and the team continue to evaluate him.”

Tricia looked up at her mother in a state of panic and saw the concern etched on her mothers face.

“For now, what we know is that local track start Thad Norton, who set two world records today, has been admitted to the hospital after collapsing at the end of his last race. He is apparently awake and communicating with hospital staff. We will keep you updated as we learn more.”

Tricia turned to her mother and they both tried to speak at the same time. After a moment pause, Tricia’s mother spoke.

“Nanna is home with your siblings, so we can head over to the hospital, but I doubt they are going to let you anywhere near him, and I am sure his mom is plastered to his side.”

Just then Tricia’s phone went off with a text. She grabbed it and saw it was a text from Thad.

“I’m fine.” It read. “Just got dehydrated and overly tired and passed out for a second. Everyone over-reacted, but I should be home in a bit. They just want to give me some IV fluids and run some blood tests.”

Tricia exhaled loudly in relief and showed her mom the text.

“That’s great news. I’m so relieved!” her Mom said.

“I really thought that you didn’t like Thad.” Tricia said to her mom. “Why are you pretending to like him now?”

“I’ve always liked Thad.” Her mother responded rather defensively. Then she paused, “I was just worried that because you grew up down the street from each other, when you lost your father, you would turn to Thad who had been through the same thing.”

Her mother sighed. “I try not to impose the biases I was raised with on you, but sometimes it is hard not to realize the implicit biases in the choices we make and the way we see the world. I like Thad; he is a good person, and it is clear that you both care for each other. Just be careful and realize that you are both young and you will continue to grow in maturity over the next few years. Maybe that growth will be with each other, but maybe you will find different paths. Just don’t limit yourself.”

Tricia looked at her mother in amazement and then leaned across the seat and hugged her mom.

“I love you mom!” Tricia whispered. “I think I love Thad too, but I hear you and we will take it slow and I promise to be careful!”

Her mom nodded, afraid to speak because she might start crying and she needed to drive them home. Putting the car in gear, they headed out.

Thad was ready to go home. He didn’t want to come to the hospital in the first place. He knew he was just dehydrated and tired. It had gotten to be too much, with all the yelling and the cameras and the crowds. But he was fine. In fact, while he was still really tired, he was feeling much better.

The door to his room opened and his mother peeked into the room.

“They are wanting to keep you over night, just for observation,” she said.

“No way!” Thad replied, rather angrily. “I’m fine. They just want to notoriety of taking care of someone famous!”

“I told them you wouldn’t stay,” she replied, “And since you are an adult, they can’t force you to stay. But I do want you to promise me that you will rest this weekend and think about taking Monday off as well.”

Thad chuckled. “You know most of the time it is the kid trying to convince the parent that they need to stay home from school.”

Ellen smiled at her son. She knew that he was too driven to ever take the easy way out of things. But she also knew that he needed to recover. He had been severely dehydrated, and he had perked up quickly with IV fluids and some food. But he would also need time to recover according to the physician who had evaluated him. He had high levels of creatinine phosphokinase in his blood and that could lead to kidney injury if we didn’t stay hydrated to flush it through his kidneys.

“Can Tricia come over tomorrow?” Thad asked.

“As long as you two behave and you take it easy. I mean no physical exertion from you at all!” Ellen smiled at her son with a knowing wink.

Thad blushed but nodded. “Just get me out of here!” he called out as his mom slipped out the door.

Knowing that the mob of reporters that surrounded all the entrances to the hospital were unlikely to let them pass without at least some statement, Ellen sat down and wrote out a statement for the hospital spokesperson to read. They hadn’t met before today, but Ellen was impressed with his capabilities. Like her, the hospital was but one of his clients and he was much less experienced than Ellen, but he had done his job well so far.

They planned to load Thad up in her car and head home just as they started the press conference to read her statement. It gave them the best chance of escaping without stressing Thad any more than was necessary. She had also spoken to the Sheriff’s office, and they were going to have a patrol car follow them home.

As the press conference was being announced, Ellen slipped out to the car and pulled it up to the loading dock entrance. The nurse rolled Thad out a second later and in under thirty seconds, Thad was belted in and they were cruising away from the hospital.

Ellen smiled over at her son who still looked exhausted. They had given him three liters of fluid and Thad had complained it was going straight into his bladder before they disconnected his intravenous line.

She was just glad he appeared to be alright. When he had collapsed on the track, she had panicked and rushed the field. She had instant nightmares of losing Thad, and after losing her husband, she wasn’t sure that she could survive that trauma.

Thad was asleep before they were halfway home, so Ellen turned up the radio and concentrated on getting them home safely.

When they got home, a County Sheriff car was blocking the entrance to the subdivision, but when she rolled down her window, she was just waved through without a word. She made a mental note to contribute to the Sheriff’s re-election fund, as she couldn’t be happier with the way he was handling things.

The sun streaming in through the window was not what woke Thad the next morning. It was the warm naked body that slipped into the bed with him.

Thad turned and suddenly his arms were full of Tricia, hugging him and pressing her body against his.

“Oh good, you’re awake,” Tricia husked in his ear. “Your mother said I wasn’t to wake you! But now that you are awake, I need you!”

And with that, Tricia rolled atop Thad and impaled herself on his morning erection.

“Oh God! That feels so good!” she moaned as she clenched her pussy around his cock. Then she started to bounce on him, grinding her clit on each downward thrust.

Thad watched the lovely vision that gyrated above him, the sun streaming in the window making her hair look alive with fire and light. Her pink nipples were hard and begged to be sucked.

Thad leaned forward and sucked one of those nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and rubbing is tongue along it.

This caused Tricia to moan loudly and then she froze, and came, her pussy spasming tightly around Thad’s cock.

When she came down, Tricia collapsed on him, and being quite near his own climax, Thad started to thrust up into Tricia using his hips and legs.

The warm wetness of Tricia’s orgasm, coupled with his morning erection soon had him filling Tricia with his cum.

Tricia just moaned the whole time, her orgasm never really abating.

When they caught their breath, and as they floated down from their endorphin release, Tricia rolled off Thad, but clung to his side.

“Your mother says you are going to be fine, with some rest and fluids. I think she is right.” Tricia giggled.

“I don’t think that you are helping with the fluids!” Thad joked back.

“Well, if you would get your lazy butt out of this bed, your mother and I have slaved over preparing breakfast for you!” Tricia laughed and leaned over to kiss him.

That kiss might have been enough to further delay him from getting out of bed, but nature called and Thad needed to empty his bladder from all the fluids he had been given. So after gently pushing her away, Thad rushed into the bathroom with take care of his problem.

He heard Tricia giggling and then the door to the bathroom opened.

“Hurry up, I need to clean up!” Tricia laughed, “Someone made me all messy and there is cum running down my leg!”

Thad shook his penis to dislodge the last couple of drop and then watched as Tricia sat on the toilet and began to pee.

‘It isn’t a very sexy sight,’ Thad thought to himself, ‘but it is interesting!’

“Enjoying the view?” Tricia giggled and watched as Thad blushed and turned away. “You are welcome to watch, I don’t mind. I actually kind of enjoy it!”

“It doesn’t do much for me,” Thad replied, turning to look at her. “But everything you do is interesting to me, and you are always beautiful whatever you do.”

This time Tricia blushed and after flushing the toilet and washing their hands, Tricia gave Thad a nice kiss.

“Now, why don’t you shower and then come down for breakfast. I am going to go and help your mother finish making it.”

Thad and Tricia spent the day hanging around the house. The longer Thad was around Tricia the better he felt. His mom insisted on feeding him every couple of hours. And it was all his favorite foods, of course! By the afternoon, Thad actually began to feel full. That was something that rarely happened to a growing boy!

Around 4pm, Tricia asked Thad’s mom if he might go with her to the rink while she practiced. Ellen thought it was a good idea so long as they didn’t plan to do anything else and Thad just watched.

So after an early dinner, the two of them hopped in the car and Tricia drove them over to the rink.

Thad took up his usual place in the stands and Tricia stripped off her sweats, revealing a new body suit that she had gotten to wear for Thad. It was tight but covered her from neck to ankles and wrists. She thought it looked great and it was in red and black, the colors of the University they both planned to attend in the fall.

As she took to the ice, she looked up in the stands and was pleased to see that Thad was tracking her every move. As she warmed up, she felt a growing warmness inside her, knowing that Thad was watching her. He had brought a book to read, but every time she snuck a glance his way, he was watching her, the book laying on the seat beside him, forgotten.

When she was ready, she began her routine, wondering if she would be able to land the triple-triple today.

As she went through her routine, she felt great, hitting all of her marks and her jumps were so smooth. In fact she was getting such great height that she attempted a quadruple axle on one of her runs and landed it with ease! She wondered what her coach would think about that when she worked with her on Monday.

When the lights were dimmed, she realized that she had been working for two hours and the rink was ready to close. She skated over to where she had left her gear, and proceeded to remove her skates and re-dress in her sweats.

“You looked amazing out there,” Thad enthused when he made his way over to where she was sitting. “You look like you are flying across the ice! It is just amazing!”

Tricia smiled and beamed at the praise. Her coach often told her that she was good, but to hear Thad say it just made her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Too bad she had to head home rather than spending the night with him!

Thad grabbed her bag once she had repacked it, and they headed out to her car. Tricia drove them home and after a long, heated kiss that left both of them wanting more, Tricia headed to her home and her lonely bed while Thad walked inside to face his mother.

Ellen watched Thad enter the house with a smile plastered to his face and his feet barely touching the ground. It made her happy to see him so happy and she really liked Tricia. She thought they would be good for each other.



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