Building a House - Cover

Building a House

Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 8

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Joe gets invited to join an ultra secret project of randy geniuses planning to launch into space for multi-generational travel.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Space   Sharing   Prostitution  

When I awoke, just Emily lay beside me, smiling at me. “Guess who’s making breakfast?” she giggled.


“The fembot!”

“She cooks too?”

“Don’t even think it,” Emily shook her head but giggled. “I think she called while we were ... engaged and ended up tracking my phone here. She offered to wake you up with some head, but I told her you were probably petered out,” illustrating it with her hand brushing my penis. “Not even morning wood!”

“I guess I went a little overboard with Claire,” I said.

“No shit!” Emily laughed. “I bet that’s how Thad fucks her, I mean the doggy style, not the slow and sort of loving. And he cums a lot quicker than you did!”

“No bet!” I returned. “I thought the same thing!”

“She going to follow you around like a needy puppy?”

“I doubt it, though I imagine she’ll want more of the same at some point. No, I think she’s too much of a manipulative bitch to be that needy.”

“Yeah. What she said about Thad. She’s full of shit, isn’t she,” Emily muttered tensely.

“Yeah. They think, especially Thad, that they can do whatever they want since we’re stuck on this secret project with no escape.”

“Whatever they want including rape! I know I can defend myself, but why put me in that position? And I don’t know if I actually can against that...”

“Two things,” I said, pulling her against me. “First, they need us. We’re the last puzzle pieces, our fresh eyes and expertise are required, so putting you in such a defensive position feeling...”

“Afraid,” she filled in.

“Yeah, isn’t conducive to getting what they need. And second, you won’t be alone with him.”

“How are you going to manage that? It sounds like Jock is going to keep you busy.”

“Your safety will always be my main priority. I’ll make that clear to Jock.”

“What if I insist it’s Tex who’s with us. He’s the XO after all, and should be as familiar as the captain with strategy. I trust him.”

“Even though he’s been flirting with you from the get go?”

“But he’s a mensch, Joe, unlike Captain Aryan Asshole. And I know you think Amira’s a hottie. You’ll have the three Ams!” she giggled.

“To tell you the truth, I’d probably prefer Amira over Amy.”

“Except I really like Gary.”

“True and no problem. Amy’s pretty fun.”

“You know that’s going to push Thad over, me preferring to be with Tex over him.”

We both thought about what the consequences might be if Thad tried to go too far in Tex’s or my presence, but knew not to say it. We knew what we said had been heard and were fine with that sort of. But if Thad went too far, the results could very well become fatal, and being the son of the Old Man...

The door slid open and Amy stood there looking disappointed. “I thought I’d catch you in the act and join you,” she pouted.

“Poor Joe’s still recovering from Claire,” Emily laughed.

“Fucking bitch,” Amy muttered. “Anyway, breakfast’s ready. And I suppose you should get dressed.”

“Be right up,” I said.

After a moment, she sighed and slid the door shut.

“Not that she hasn’t seen all of you already,” Emily smirked.

I threw on my clothes, Emily already wearing hers, and we headed up to the kitchen.

There full firm pear shaped butt cheeks presented themselves in tight shorts, strong tanned thighs tapering down to muscled calves. A baby doll top, just as tight, kept her distinctly curved waist in view, and held slightly jiggly d cup breasts. Even with the apron they were visible from my side view. The raven haired Spanish looking beauty turned and smiled.

“Candy, this is Joe,” Emily introduced us.

“A pleasure,” Candy smiled.

“Can you taste what you cook?” I asked.

“My senses aren’t as subtle, but yes,” she answered.

“Like analog compared to digital.”


The favorite word of androids made me chuckle.

“The others are at the dining room table,” she told me. “I’ll bring out the frittata momentarily.”

“Thank you.”

“You are most welcome. Oh and Joe?”


“Such food doesn’t fuel me. I feed on sperm and semen and the sexual juices of females.”

“So the old man built a succubus,” I concluded.

“Exactly,” she snickered.

“And programmed a sense of humor,” I added.

“I’m a funbot,” she shrugged.

We entered the dining room, an adjunct to the living room we’d been in the evening before and found place settings for us and a carafe of coffee and one of orange juice. Unfortunately we also found Thad there.

“How’s Marie?” I asked him.

“Fuck you,” he said.

“Seriously, how is she?” asked Emily.

“Resting. Maybe you’d like to find out why.” I wanted to ruin his smarmy smile with my fist.

“Not going to happen,” Emily made clear.

“Just give me time,” he smirked.

“Nope. We’ll work together, but just work. And Tex will be there too.”

“Father said...”

“That you need my expertise. So does Tex being second in command and in command when you’re not available. If your father didn’t realize that he should have.”

Thad shook his too handsome head but kept quiet, helped by Candy emerging from the kitchen with the frittata which she served to each of us.

About the time we finished eating, Jock arrived. “Pat messengered Tex’s number, Amanda. Let him know he will be needed at the mountain on Monday.”

“Okay,” Emily smiled and got up and left the dining room.

“You’re to learn from her Thadeus,” Jock insisted.

“Yes sir.”

“Would you like some frittata boss?” Candy asked.

“Sounds good,” Jock grinned.

While I began to stand, Amy offered, “Probably ready to be driven back.”

“I’d appreciate it,” I nodded. “That was delicious, Candy,” I told her when she headed towards me.

“I aim to please,” she purred, making me laugh.

We walked into the kitchen together. “Did you actually track Amanda?”

“I realized she was here. But I have another assignation.”


“Do you know the twins?”

“The computer experts?”

“Yes. I spent the night with Johnny. It’s Jimmy’s turn today.”

“Nothing against you, but don’t you think they should get to know a real woman?”

“Too difficult for them.”

“Makes sense, but I think I have a couple ideas, one easier than the other.”

“Go ahead.”

“There’s a gentlemen’s club near the condos.”

“I know of it. I did some learning there.”

“Makes sense,” I chuckled. “It is a place where women approach the men.”

“Yes of course, and they have sex there, though it is supposed to be a private dance? But it is expensive.”

“I have some cash for them.”

“I do too! What I do is mostly a cash business!”

“Yes of course,” I chuckled. “You were designed to seduce geniuses to involve them in the Brain Trust.”

“Partly. Mostly I bring pleasure to those who are too distracted or too shy to find someone real to be with.”

“And you will be part of the crew?”

“To comfort, to instruct, to add to the fun,” she laughed. “And the more difficult idea?”

“More of an amusing thought. I know a pair of identical twins who go to Stanford. I thought being similar like that might break the ice.”

“And they are geniuses too?”

“Yes, but I don’t imagine it would be feasible for them to join us, mostly because they have a tight knit family who would notice their disappearance.”

“Perhaps that would be less of an issue if we are to leave soon after.”

“I thought we were to keep the secret even after our departure.”

“Of course,” she responded with surprising seriousness, perhaps countering a mistake?

“Ready?” asked Amy from the kitchen doorway.

Emily and I followed her outside. “Gary’s not coming?” I asked.

“Him and his gadgets,” she muttered.

In the car I asked Emily, “How did Tex react to the change in plans?”

“They didn’t really have anything going on except hanging out in Denver,” she replied. “The trips will be later before we go off into space,” she chuckled. “You do realize how weird this all is.”

“I do,” I said.

“It’s been going on all my life,” said Amy. “It’s like finally reaching the end of the tunnel.”

“More like entering one,” Emily countered. “You realize we are going to be inside the rest of our lives, sort of like a life sentence.”

“You two haven’t seen the plans for the ship, have you. It’s nothing like a prison. There’s tons of space and tons of things to do. And we have a small excursion vessel we can take out and explore a moon or an asteroid and space suits protecting you from extreme cold so you could actually walk around on alien surfaces or float around in space tethered to the ship. It’s going to be continuously awesome.”

“Okay,” said Emily.

A decision hadn’t been made about Amy staying or dropping us off by the time we arrived in front of the apartment building. A free parking space near the entrance seemed to decide for us.

“You should go on up with Joe, Amy,” said Emily. “I’m going to buy some more pot and maybe wander around a bit.”

“You sure?” Amy asked.

“Okay Joe?” Emily asked.

“Sure,” I smiled and pulled out my wallet handing her a few hundreds.

It didn’t happen often, and never in this situation with me being with a woman, but Emily needed her alone time to walk and think. I knew me being with another without her wouldn’t be an issue. She wasn’t the jealous type realizing how much I adored her and nobody and nothing would change that. If anything it would be me who might succumb to jealousy from the lingering feeling that I was out of her league, but seeing her with a man for the first time, with Gary, and even knowing that she’d become fond of him and definitely enjoyed his efforts didn’t leave me with any jealous pangs. Perhaps Gary being even more out of her league could make it easier, but even imagining her with the suave, handsome ex-quarterback Tex didn’t bother me in the least. Of course the trading would help, me being with the delicious Amira.

As soon as the door closed in the condo, Amy began to strip. “Shower first?” I chuckled.


The shower became foreplay, cleaning each other and concentrating most on the most obvious sexual places, asses and genitals and her breasts, and we made quick work of drying ourselves before rushing to the bed which, after she stripped off the covers, she bounced upon. My mouth headed to her pussy first. “But...,” she started, interrupted by a moan caused by my tongue sweeping up her slit and across her clit.

I remained there teasing her, mostly my mouth and tongue, my hands busy on her nipples, until I relented to her plead to cum and moved swiftly up her body, my mouth stopping at a nipple while the freed hand guided me in blindly to her juicy cunt and helped me carve high into her when slid inside.

“Fuck!” she yelled, already cumming. My thrusts began within it, and my mouth remained on her breast, moving to the other eventually. When her orgasm dwindled, she circled my thighs with her legs and countered my thrusts with hers, becoming somewhat of a guide to the tempo, which included pauses with us grinding together. Her fingers steered my mouth higher, from her breast to her mouth, lips only sealing for a moment what with her gasping breathing, and lips just pressed or her tongue stuck out and I treated it the way a woman treats my cock, lips clinging to it and moving up and down with my tongue teasing the tip.

Even that oral contact ended when both our thrusts quickened and became more urgent and she tilted her head back and various expletives and curse words emerged from her mouth at the rhythm of each thrust as if the impact, the pressure on her lungs, released them until words became a high keening sound and her thrusts became a tight arch against me and my thrusts quickened, becoming short and deep and became one final thrust remaining, pushing even deeper into her where my sperm pulsed out closest to her womb.

“Fuck Joe,” she murmured once we relaxed fully. I held her to me and turned over resulting in my flagging penis slipping from her slit releasing our combined juices onto my balls to pool on the bed. She moved up so that her face hovered over mine showing me her contented smile before our eyes closed for a soft kiss.

“Ovulating this time?” I asked, “Though I recall Gary made a sperm offering first.”

She laughed. “We’re actually on the pill this close to take-off. Yours would have been close to the last opportunity to conceive before the limit kicked in.”

“Makes sense with the g’s escaping the atmosphere, but babies?”

“No newborns and the younger they are the later they would arrive on the ship, but we have a gentler way to send them out there which takes longer.”

“I take it everything is renewable including the fuel. The asteroid metal and its peculiar radiation?”

“Yes. Other gases will be required but they are renewable as well, extracted, frozen until needed.”


“Everything is usable and renewable. Everything we expend: breath, piss and shit. Even what we’re made of, but of course that would be animals or plants until we die and then us I guess. It’s ultimately and necessarily efficient. The rockets too that will send us out are reusable.”

“But once in space, it’s a closed system, and thus entropic and finite.”

“Fuel can be added: radiant energy from the sun; gas extracted from gas planets, excavation from moons or asteroids.”

“And when we’re beyond the solar system?”

“Do you think space is devoid of material between star systems?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s not. Even without it, we’d last for centuries, even a millennium before entropy would affect us. The half-life of the asteroid metal is at least that long.”

“Not something we need to worry about,” I chuckled.

“Unless you take the long view,” she pouted, “considering the whole point of the endeavor reaching other star systems and other possible intelligent life forms.”

“Is it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing. Just my New York cynicism kicking in.”

“You can be a Gloomy Gus,” she smirked. Sighing, she lifted off me. “I guess I need another shower.”

“My pessimism scare you away?”

“No,” she laughed. “You’re just too good of a fucker. Even last night, even that relatively quick fuck made me feel sated so that I was fine letting Gary be with Emily. Oh sorry.”

“Not a problem,” I chuckled.

“Okay. And just now even more.”

“Not a cuddler.”

“Gary’s my cuddler.”



I watched her fine young ass twitch away, getting up afterwards and putting on sweat pants commando and a t shirt, settling into my office chair with my laptop and did some more basically arbitrary exploration of the proprietary search engine, finding some weird shit about lizard people, supposedly proof that aliens had already arrived, able to take on human form including powerful families like the Bushes and British royalty, working on some sort of agenda to take over the world if they hadn’t already. Our current president wasn’t one of them, not subtle enough which made me wonder how they thought George W was subtle. Though a former cokehead and a possible shirker of military duty, unlike his hero father, and the attempt of proving that had lost the powerful journalist Mike Wallace his job, GW did manage to win the presidential election twice. Perhaps disguising his true alien lizard nature, his glamour, had another glamorous effect, of charming half the voters to vote for him.

The beautiful tall blonde emerging from the bathroom and dressing, her slim subtle curves and modest, youthful and sexy breasts and ass distracted while being covered. After a brief kiss I once more enjoyed the more subtle movement of her butt, reminding me of the semi-humorous saying about hating seeing you leave but loving seeing you go, and the wink and giggle at the door let me know she was aware of my focus.

Emily arrived a couple hours later with a large shopping bag in hand. “Presents for Hannah and her roommate,” she explained, setting the bag down on the bed and pulling out a smaller bag. “Want to smoke?”

“Maybe not,” I said, my brain feeling a bit sluggish from drinking and a couple days of imbibing.

“Probably right,” she agreed and stashed the pot in the bedside drawer with the other container of it and the pipe. “Shower with me?”

“Always,” I grinned. “You okay?” I asked while we stripped.

“Yep. You’re such an understanding husband letting me have time to myself.”

“You’re kidding, right? Hardly a sacrifice being with the sexiest, most beautiful and smartest woman I’ve ever known.”

“But being with you should be enough.”

“Everyone needs their time alone.”

“You don’t seem to.”

“I’ve had plenty of alone time saved up,” I chuckled. “Waiting for you to let me know you wanted to be with me.”

She laughed and gave me a kiss. By then the shower water had been tested and approved and we stepped in. Cleaning each other was the best it got, even better when we washed each other’s hair. Though my penis remained half hard throughout, getting harder when she washed it, it was more sensual and loving than sexual.

“Hannah and I exchanged texts,” Emily explained during the shower. “I told her we’d head over there and meet her roommate and buy them dinner.”

“Thus the presents.”


“We’re obviously not driving.”

“I told her we didn’t own a car, preferring walking or public transportation, which is true, just not here.”

“Very ecologically minded of us.”

“She thought so too,” Emily giggled.

“The restaurant is on campus?”

“Her roommate has a car. Josepha’s family’s pretty rich, though Hannah said it was a bit of a junker that Jo likes to fix up and is quite good at it. She’s studying mechanical engineering.”

“Sounds more like tech school if she wants to be a mechanic,” I pointed out.

“Her classes are more theoretical. Hannah says she’s quite brilliant.”

“Of course,” I chuckled. “I hate to admit my bias, but...”

“I thought the same and asked and yes Hannah’s pretty certain she’s a lesbian and they’re lovers. Jo felt guilty about it for a while, but she’s come to terms with it probably because they’ve grown to love each other. But Jo insists once school’s done she’ll marry and have a family.”

“Pleasing her rich Mormon father.”


We remained quiet for the rest of the shower.

Once dried and dressed and outside, Emily carried the shopping bag out to the corner where the bus arrived fairly quickly. I checked the schedule posted at the bus stop and saw it went all night, just answering a question about Hannah getting home from work.

We rode it for a while to nearly the end of the line before getting out at the campus. Hannah had us meet her in the library where we found her at a table on the main flower. Beside her sat a handsome blonde about her height and, when she stood, approximating her build though her long loose dress did its best to hide her form except her obvious full breasts. Her pale rounded face and small nose and blue eyes however could hardly be more different.

After quiet introductions they gathered their books together, putting them into fairly full backpacks and we followed them out of the library.

“You don’t want to put your bags in your dorm room?” Emily asked.

“We’re used to it,” Hannah grinned.

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