Justin Loves Strong Women - Cover

Justin Loves Strong Women

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 8: Susan returns in an unexpected way, and Justin gets more than he deserves

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Susan returns in an unexpected way, and Justin gets more than he deserves - Justin is happily living in a coastal cave in Spain, dead broke. His big American rod is his only asset; young and old, rich and poor cross his bed as he fucks his way into and out of trouble. Everything was great until the box came rolling in the surf.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Heterosexual   Fiction   Interracial   Black Female   Pregnancy  

Carla was my lover for a while, and as the rush of great sex went away, so did she.

Over lunch at the villa, Mom told me she and Rainer were getting married. I was shocked.

“I know you like him, but marriage?”

“I want to buy the villa, but he’d have to pay huge taxes if he sold it. As his wife, I can transfer money and he can gift the villa to me tax free.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Besides, we have great fun together. I think...”


“Maybe I actually love him, you know?” mom mumbled, as if it were something to be ashamed of.

“God damn, mom. Congratulations!” I laughed.

“And you know there’s room for you here.” She added.

I thanked her for that, but I wanted to stay in my cave if I could.

The next thing that happened was Susan.

The great black woman appeared at the villa, her belly blocking out the sun. She was 7 months pregnant.

She just nodded. “You’re going to be a daddy.” She told me.

My legs nearly gave out; it was my worst nightmare. Responsibility, a gurgling helpless dependent little blob that takes away all freedom!

Why, why did I ever do it with fertile women?

“Oh Justin!” mother cried, “Am I going to have a colored grandchild?”

“But we always used condoms.” I objected.

“Something got through, or around.” Susan said. “I was training for a decathlon, it’s normal to miss periods when training. By the time I realized what was up, it was too late. I don’t really want this child.”

“I do!” mother said enthusiastically. “I was 18 when I had Justin. I wasn’t ready to be a mother, but now I am.”

I wanted to scream, no, no, no!

“Really?” Susan asked.

“You’re the athlete with the PhD, right?” mother asked, “Good god, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen! Yes I want your baby.”

“I like this woman.” Susan said to me, “She has good taste. Seriously though, I didn’t want to have another child, but I’m not here to give her away. I just wanted to let you know, and your phone number doesn’t work anymore.”

“Yeah sorry about that. Lost my phone...”

Mother’s big excited grin faded. “Oh, sorry I misunderstood.” She said, “I was all excited there for a second.”

I felt my panic subside; Susan had a home, income, family in London. Far away from my penniless sphere of obligation. I couldn’t go there, so I was off the hook.

“What about you, Justin?” Susan asked, “What do you want?”

“I don’t know, this is a shock.” I said, thinking I’d always wanted to do it with a pregnant woman. “Let’s walk down to the cave and talk it over.”

The big African woman laughed; “You’re a smooth bastard, Justin. We had our time together, past is past.”

“Ok, well you can’t blame me for trying.” I said in surrender.

“Where are you staying? We have a spare room here.” Mom said.

“I have a room at the beach hotel.” Susan told us, and we talked for a while about our situations, because even though she would keep the child in London, we were family now.

When Susan had to use the plumbing, mother spoke urgently to me; “Justin, I want that baby.”

“It’s not up to us, mom.” I reminded her. “She has a life, a career, another child, and a home in London.”

Mom looked so sorry about it that I felt sorry too.

The next morning, Susan came to the cave, carrying her extra weight down the damaged track without difficulty.

“Who was that driving off?” she asked.

“Judge Carla.” I said.

“I remember her, she processed my family’s asylum.” Susan said. “Are you fucking her?”

“Yes.” I admitted.

“You’re a complete bastard, Justin, a total son of a bitch.” She said without recrimination.

“I am.” I agreed. “Coffee?”

“Yes, alright.” She grumbled, sitting down.

“Can I stroke it? I asked hopefully.

She frowned, but agreed.

Her dark skin was smooth and warm. She relaxed a little, closing her eyes. Her face was amazing; so strong and angular, her beauty almost terrible. Great high cheekbones and that wide mouth that could smile as bright as the sun, or eat cock like candy.

Her breasts were huge now, and I wondered how they hung when she was naked...

She grabbed my wrist.

“Stop right there!” she demanded, “I told you, done is done.”

“Sorry, ok.” I agreed, accepting defeat. “I just, you know, you’re so damn sexy.”

“I thought when I swelled up men would finally stop pestering me, but I swear it’s worse than before.” She complained.

Her eyes opened, big and clear, and scanned the surrounding cliff edges. There was no one, we were alone. And I caught something; just the faintest glimmer of disappointment.

Suddenly, I knew just how to seduce her. Susan was an exhibitionist, she liked an audience.

“Let’s walk down to the beach.” I suggested.

We walked along the cliff in silence, met the road and followed it down to the beach. Although tourist season was almost over, there was still a lot of people there.

“Take your boots off.” I suggested, “It’s pretty warm, you could take the dress off too.”

I saw her then; excited at the idea of parading along semi-naked.

“In my underwear?” she whispered.

“Sure. No one will notice unless they look close, and if they look close then they won’t admit it.”

“You bastard.” Susan said as she stripped off.

“And the bra.” I prompted, “Everyone goes topless here.”

“Get your tongue back into your mouth.” Susan laughed.

“Wow.” I sighed, staring at her magnificence without shame.

I took her hand as we walked. The beach was just a couple of miles long; people tried not to stare, but they couldn’t help it.

After all this time, mixed race couples still turned heads. Of course Susan always turned heads, and now with her great pregnant belly and massive swollen breasts, she was a spectacle no one could resist watching.

I slid my hand around her hips, observing the stiffening of her nipples, the softening of her mouth, and the widening of her big dark eyes.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to screw her again; what if she got emotional and decided to stay? My happy care free life could be wrecked.

“What will your friends say when they see us together?” she asked.

“I don’t know, let’s find out.” I said. “Hey Raul! Caught any good swells today?”

Raul laughed; “Nothing!” he declared, leaving the punch line unspoken as his eyes feasted on Susan.

I saw her face, the excitement she was trying to hide. She loved to be seen. Her excitement was too sexy for me to resist, I had to have her if I could.

The tide was out and as we got to the rocky peninsula at the end of the beach I remembered that there’s a ‘naturist’ beach just a little further on. Normally access is only down a steep road from the clifftop parking area, but at low tide it’s possible to walk around the rocks from the main beach.

We walked across.

“You can take your underwear off if you want.” I suggested. “Actually, it’s sort of required here.”

I could see she was turned on by that, even though it barely made any difference at that point, she was only wearing her panties.

I’d rarely been there, even though the naturist beach was between my cave and the main beach where I went most days. The problem was that most people who take their clothes off there really shouldn’t.

There were a few overweight grey haired couples scattered across the small strip of sand, as well as what looked like a small group of youngish people.

We stopped at each, and I introduced us as they stared up at Susan’s huge belly and exposed groin. Some greeted us back politely, some looked horrified at being approached.

All the women stole glances at my dangling parts. I kind of liked that.

Susan gripped my hand tighter with each stranger’s glance at her magnificent nudity.

We got to the far end, the 200 foot sheer cliff stood straight above us. There was a small cave scooped out by the sea at high tide.

“Let’s do it.” She demanded, pulling me into the hole in the cliff. I observed a glistening line of liquid running down the inside of one dark muscular thigh.

I wasn’t thrilled; I like it slow, private, intimate.

“I don’t have a condom.” I told her.

“That hardly matters now!” she argued, “Go on!”

She bent forward and leaned on the rocks with her hands, so her furry groin was available.

It was really impossible to refuse; my mouth watered and my cock stirred as I looked at her wide strong back, her powerful black ass and muscular legs, her big eyes looking back at me.

I surrendered, gave myself a few strokes to help power up, then set my cock against her literally dripping wet vagina.

I slid into her, and she sighed in satisfaction, pushing her dark rear back against me as she contracted her athletic cunt around my oversize rod.

I ran my fingers down her spine, admiring each indentation. My cock was pleasantly hard inside her, and she writhed a little as she clenched me tightly.

Standing with my feet in the cold wet sand, I pulled it out and pushed it back into her. Susan grunted in satisfaction, as one of the old couples came around the corner to look in.

Susan turned her head and looked at them; they looked back unashamedly, grinning at us.

I guess it’s a thing; voyeurs and exhibitionists. If we were going to fuck in public, we were fair game.

Susan groaned and met my strokes with increasing vigor, her big breasts bouncing and her swollen belly hanging below. I tried to ignore our audience, but two more naked men arrived and joined them.

Susan looked at our audience and came loudly, gasping and shaking, her strong body shivering on my stiff rod.

The woman was fifty or so, somewhat fat, with dark curly hair and low hanging empty breasts. The man with her was thin, and of similar age. The two other men were young, in their 20s maybe.

The rocks blocked the sun and it was cold, except for my penis in the warm wet vagina of my excited pregnant lover of course.

As you know, I’m not a fan of quickies. However, I was worried more people would turn up, so when Susan told me to come, I did.

She groaned and held her head low, grunting and gasping as I squirted semen into her from behind.

We were still for a minute, my rod buried in her perfect body. Then I pulled my wet schlong out of her, and turned to see that the old German man was watching his woman on her knees sucking off one of the young men as the other waited his turn.

I sort of wanted to watch that; it was fascinating. Susan didn’t think so, she seemed horrified.

She was an exhibitionist but not a voyeur.

We left quickly, pulling our clothes on before climbing the steep track up to the plateau, and then walking back to the villa.

I didn’t have sex with Susan again. She kissed me goodbye and returned to London.

I told Esmeralda about it when we met for our weekly lunch.

“So, you’re going to be a daddy after all!” the old woman laughed. “How does that make you feel?”

“Terrified.” I admitted.

“As it should.” She said. “There is always responsibility, even if the child is far away. My son has hired a Madrid law firm to try and get your money.”

“It’s not mine.” I reminded her. “Anyway, what claim has he got?”

“The land title states ‘to the high tide line’, and the box was higher, so it was the family land.”

“Well, my understanding is the government always gets it.” I said, putting a hand on her thigh. “Want to fool around?”

“No, not today.” She said, and something wasn’t quite right.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” She reassured me unconvincingly. We kissed and I held her boney old frame for a short time. I didn’t care if we had sex or not, I loved the old woman either way.

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