Justin Loves Strong Women - Cover

Justin Loves Strong Women

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Justin is happily living in a coastal cave in Spain, dead broke. His big American rod is his only asset; young and old, rich and poor cross his bed as he fucks his way into and out of trouble. Everything was great until the box came rolling in the surf.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Heterosexual   Fiction   Interracial   Black Female   Pregnancy  

Justin engages a lawyer, his mother comes, and he impresses a judge

I heard someone calling out.

“Justin? Are you in there?”

I opened the bedroom door and came out into the living room, to find my mother standing there.

A small woman with fake red hair, huge fake tits, and a real smile. She stood on five inch heels and was wrapped in a $2,000 Burberry trench coat.

Her face lit up; mom sold me to an old woman when I was 15; she traded my ass for an apartment in LA and an introduction to a porn director.

But she loved me.

My mother had been a prostitute while I was growing up. I’d pretended not to know, but I did. While I was living penniless in the cave in Spain, she’d become a porn star in Los Angeles. She was still a prostitute too, but now got $10,000 for a night.

My mother had stacks of cash, she loved me and would have happily helped if I asked. I loved her too, and that’s why I’d never asked. It would have made me a pimp to accept a dollar of her sex work earnings, it just wouldn’t be right.

We hugged. I was naked but she was wearing heavy clothing so it was ok.

Ruth and Gerri came out of the bedroom [dressed], Mom saw them and chuckled, raising her eyebrows at me.

“Well, there I was all worried, but you’re just fine. I’ve been trying to call you but your number doesn’t work anymore.”

“Oh yeah; sorry, I got a new phone. But it’s good to see you, mom. Hang on while I get dressed. How did you find me anyway?”

“That very nice young man at the pharmacy told me the way.” She said, “Say, is he single? Kidding!”

We all ate breakfast, then the girls went to the beach.

“How are you Mom, what are you up to?” I asked her.

“Retiring.” She told me, “Well, maybe not completely. But slowing down for sure, I’ve got enough squirreled away now. What about you? Are you really ok here Justin?”

I told her everything. Well, not the sexual details.

“Wow.” Mom said, “So you have a box of money you don’t want, that isn’t yours, and you don’t know what to do about it.”

“That’s right.”

“Just call your police friend and tell her.” Mom said.

“But then the government will take it.”

“Yes.” Mom said. “What do you think will happen if you get caught with that? Money laundering, tax evasion, grand larceny, this is serious shit Justin.”

There was a long silence as I thought about that.

“You’re a bum darling.” Mother told me kindly, “You’ve never earned your own money, and that’s ok. Let those nice girls take you home, or come home with me. I know I’ve never been a good mother, but I can change.”

“That’s not true.” I said, “There was always food on the table. Or in the fridge at least.”

Mother laughed, making her oversized silicone tits shake.

We spent the day together, I took her to the beach and introduced her to my buddies, showed her my cave and the cove.

“Everyone is so nice here.” Mom commented. “That girl in the bakery has eyes for you.”

“Yeah, so does her mother.” I said, and we laughed a good laugh.

Rainer turned up, as I thought he would.

“Your German friend could charm the skin off a snake.” Mom commented after dinner, and then went to bed with him. For free as far as I could tell.

The next morning we all had breakfast before Ruth and Gerry left, back to the US.

Mother was sort of glowing. I’d never seen her that way; later we walked along the clifftop path and talked.

“I’ve always enjoyed my work.” She said carefully, “But it was work, business. So I’m a little bit shocked, Justin.”


“Well, the actual event was nothing out of the ordinary. Quite pleasant, your friend is nice and I’ve always had a little thing for older men. But the feeling afterwards, well that’s completely different. I’m all ... happy. A little bit confused, and I actually want to hang out with him. Is that what it’s like for you, Justin?”

“Yes, when it’s good.” I answered, helping her up a little hill. “When I’ve been with someone I like, I like her more the morning after. When I want to run away, I know it was a mistake. I’ve been with a lot of women since Jules died.”

“And love?” mom asked, “Have you been in love Justin?”

“A couple of times.” I said, “It’s like heroin. You get really high, then crash when it’s over. To be honest, I’ve learned to avoid it. And you, mom? Has there been anyone that made you feel that way?”

“No.” Mom said, “Not since your father walked out on us and I became a whore.”

I was surprised that she chose that word; yet she said it without apparent shame. I respected my mother for that, she did what she did without apology or guilt.

We went back to the villa, and Rainer was in the kitchen making a salad for lunch. He looked oddly aglow too.

“Before you do anything, you must consult a lawyer.” He said. “There’s a woman in town, she has a small office. Maria Dias. Just one thing; whatever you do, don’t sleep with her.”

My driving license had expired years before, and they clearly wanted some time together, so I took my bicycle. It was a long way but I was used to it and the weather was fine.

As I passed through the village everyone waved; most called out a greeting, “Hola Justin!” and I would greet them back. Was it all ending now?

I was a stone broke illegal immigrant, when I reported that box with a million in cash, anything might happen.

Then it was the main road for 15 miles, to the slightly larger town where there were shops and local government offices.

The lawyer worked alone in a small storefront office on the main road.

To my surprise, Maria Dias was Chinese. Well, ethnically anyway. A tiny bony woman with round glasses and short hair, almost boyish.

She wore no makeup, no jewelry, a simple blouse, loose cotton pants, and massively high heels that failed to make her taller.

I told her my story, she looked skeptical but listened attentively.

“Wait, you’re Justin Caveman?” she asked suddenly, “el Americano grosso?”

“Uh ... yeah. I guess.” I said.

Thunder cracked outside theatrically, and the timing seemed to shock her. She stared at me for a poignant moment, and I knew she was thinking about sex.

I had no intention of fucking my lawyer.

But you know I did.

“Maybe I can get a finder’s fee for you. Maybe nothing. I’ll take the case for thirty percent.” She said.

“Ten.” I countered.

She looked at me a bit angrily. “Twenty.” She proposed.

We settled at 15% as it started to rain.

She stood next to me as we looked out the large shopfront window at people running for cover as it started to pour. Despite her shoes, she was only as high as my chin.

“Are you hungry?” she asked, “We could have dinner.”

She was thirtyish, her short hair jet black, her tiny frame made her seem like a schoolkid. She would have been good looking if she made any effort.

I thought of Mom and Rainer back at the villa; alone together as the rain and lighting crashed outside. Riding 20 miles through a thunderstorm was a lot less attractive than Maria Dias.

“Ok.” I said, thinking we’d go out to one of the cafes.

“Come on, my apartment is just upstairs.” She said.


It was a small apartment, clean and newly renovated in an old building. The rooms were small, with cupboards and things along the walls, so we were too close together.

It wasn’t because she was smart, although she was. It wasn’t because she was sexy, because she wasn’t. It wasn’t because I’d always wanted to fuck a Chinese woman, because I had in the past.

I don’t really know why. Habit I suppose. She had a spare room I could have stayed in, but we shared her bed.

As always, first was talking. Blah blah blah, telling each other our condensed life stories as if that had any importance. Then was the flirt stage, big stare.

From her, not me.

It happened to me a lot. I had a reputation.

When women come on to me, I know what they want, and it isn’t the contents of my thick head. It’s ok, I am what I am.

I had a shower first, and emerged with a towel wrapped around my hips. She was still dressed.

I stepped towards her and stopped. She stepped towards me, meeting me halfway, closing the gap, closing the deal.

I put a hand under her tiny little ass and lifted her off the floor as she put her arms around my neck.

Holding her weight with one arm, I put my other hand on her cheek, and kissed her with a light brush of lips.

“You’re so STRONG!” she gasped excitedly, wrapping her legs around my hips as the towel fell to the floor, and kissing me lustily.

It was true, I was strong. A consequence of my low budget surf bum lifestyle.

She clung to me tightly, her small body clinging to my larger one like a squid. My cock seemed to think she was worthy, and was stiffening and reaching out below.

She kissed with the passion of a woman who needed it; yet with practiced sensuality. I stood there for a few minutes, my legs holding our combined weight without difficulty in the middle of her living room as the storm crashed and boomed outside furiously.

I walked into her bedroom and lowered her to the bed, then stepped back. Her oriental eyes went round as she saw my stiff rod for the first time.

“Ohhhhh.” She whispered excitedly. “It’s true!”

I bent down and opened the buttons of her pants, and she lifted her little ass up so I could pull them off, underwear too.

She spread her short legs wide. I prefer a bald groin, but her pubic hair was beautiful. Straight even fur, like a black cat surrounding a little pink vagina.

I sank to my knees next to the bed, and lowered my big caveman face to her splendid center.

I licked her; I’m good at it and I like it. She liked it too, but was impatient to get at my penis.

Guys envy me for my looks and my cock. Yeah, it’s fun. Sometimes I wish I had brains instead, or was good at something other than seduction and fucking. Most of these women don’t really even like me. They just want one thing.

My thing.

I climbed above her and she grabbed it with her small hands. I rolled onto my back, thinking she might like to go down on me, but she got up on her knees, straddling my thighs, and put the end of my stiff rod against herself.

I relaxed and let her do it. She moved side to side, then forward and back just slightly as her tiny body eased down my long hard rod. I looked at her face, her short hair and thin cheeks, her blouse still covering her torso. She was too small to take it all. She was a different species to me, a smaller creature, I should have realized from the start this couldn’t work.

It did though.

Down, down, a little bit up, then down. Slowly, carefully, the little Chinese lawyer absorbed my penis. I must have been up to her lungs in there, I was a bit freaked at the thought.

Maria looked a bit freaked too. But she did it, got her pelvis all the way down until we were grinding together.

She sat there for a little while, staring at me, breathing hard through parted lips, her eyes half closed.

I reached up, opened her blouse, and took it off. Then her bra. She had almost no tits; there were modest female nipples, but little flesh under them. I was a little bit alarmed, her body seemed immature, like a child.

Then she started moving. Her body had my penis inside it; despite appearances, she was quite adult.

A little rotation so she could feel it inside. Then a little bounce. She held my hands and heaved up and down, harder, faster.

She put her palms on my shoulders to hold her upper body still as her hips moved.

To be honest, I didn’t like it much. I mean, it was better than bicycling through the rain, but not my idea of great sex. No matter, she was clearly enjoying it so that was good enough.

She gurgled and gasped as her first orgasm rippled through her petite frame, sitting still for a moment.

“You didn’t come?” she asked.

“Not yet.” I told her.

“Fuck.” She commented. Then repeated the performance, driving herself mad on my pole, her scrawny little body smashing against me, up and down, up and down, her fluids running in a cold stream down the inside of my thigh.

She came again, screaming a bit.

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