Justin Loves Strong Women - Cover

Justin Loves Strong Women

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 1: Held by Police

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Held by Police - Justin is happily living in a coastal cave in Spain, dead broke. His big American rod is his only asset; young and old, rich and poor cross his bed as he fucks his way into and out of trouble. Everything was great until the box came rolling in the surf.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Heterosexual   Fiction   Interracial   Black Female   Pregnancy  

Justin is under suspicion, broke, and stuck in a Spanish fishing village.

The weather is warm and the women are hot.

Filipa was a junior officer at the time, no one else there took me seriously at first. Later, when they found out Dulce was a big shot and was supposed to be testifying for some big tax fraud case in Madrid, it became a big deal and I was told I shouldn’t leave the area.

Filipa was 10 years younger than me, uniformed, trained, short haired, devoid of feminine adornment. Her nails were short, her face clean. She had a strong nose and a small mouth. A competent, powerful woman. Sexy without wanting to be.

I liked her; she was smart and professional. I told her I couldn’t stay at the hotel and she found me a cheap room in the old village. The cash Dolce had left paid for that, I didn’t take anything else but I admit those diamonds did make my hands itch.

Filipa spent a lot of time with me, I was under suspicion and I told her everything. She despised me at first.

I liked that.

Easy women are a bore; not that I haven’t enjoyed spending time with a lot of them. Filipa was a worthy challenge.

I watched her face as I told her my story. I noticed what bored her, what angered her, and what interested her.

She was taken off the case early on, and a Madrid detective took over. Filipa was still a cop, and I was still a person of interest. I went into the little police station when I knew she was at the desk, to drop a little clue I remembered or to ask how it was going.

Male and female, there’s always a vibe. Slowly, expertly, I used all my acquired skill; flirtation so subtle that no one could say it was happening.

Communication is the key to seduction. Looking into the eyes of a woman, speaking softly, sincerely.

Guys think they need to flash some cash, show off their accomplishments, brag.

What you really have to do is listen; engage, discuss, debate. Get into her line of thought.

It took weeks to soften her hostility. To ease her into neutral, and then to like me just a little. Until one day, without thinking about it, she smiled when she saw me come in. the next milestone was when she laughed at a joke I made.

And finally, touch. That’s the ice breaker, the smallest, subtlest, most innocent touch. Would she pull away? Slap my face? Arrest me?

That’s the fun part, the thrill. Fear of rejection overcome by the hope of acceptance. My heart was pounding with it as I made my move; even though I’d done this hundreds of times before.

My success rate was around 20%. I just don’t write about the failures, I forget about the rejections and move on.

All I did was put my hand on her hand on the table as we sat on opposite sides. She looked down at it, as if shocked, as if she didn’t know that the interrogation had changed to flirtation days ago. Her eyes flicked up and I smiled at her, just a little. Not a big stupid ‘fuck me’ grin, just a friendly ‘how ya doin’ sort of smile.

Damn I’m good.

We sat there. My fingers on the back of her hand. She didn’t take it away for 5 long seconds.

“What do you want from me?” she asked sternly. “I’m a police officer, you can’t be ... like that with me.”

“Like what?” I asked innocently, “I’m just being friendly.”

“Too friendly!” she barked.

“You’re very good looking.” I told her, and she tried to hide her pleasure at my compliment.

“Are you a gigolo?” she demanded.

“No.” I insisted. “I’m just a talented amateur.”

It took five more days to get her into bed. Five exciting days of cat and mouse, flirt and retreat, tease and hint.

Could I really get women into bed without lies? Filipa knew exactly what I was. I hid nothing from her; that was part of it. My new thing, honest seduction.

She was curious; tempted to try me out for herself.

“It’s a small village, People talk.” She said, pulling her hand away.

“They do; but I don’t.” I said softly. “You know where to find me.”

“For what?”

“You know what.” I said.

I could see conflict on her fresh healthy face. She was considering it! That was fantastic, a win by itself.

That night I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it and she slipped through quickly.

She was out of uniform, wearing a fetching dress. Long but closely fitting, decent yet attractive.

Her large wide set eyes stared at me in the dim light fearfully as she leaned on the inside of the door.

We’d talked a lot, talked for hours and hours. Now we were silent as I moved closer.

I raised my hands to her neck, slipping my fingers around the base of her skull. Her breasts heaved and she fidgeted slightly, so nervous I thought she was going to turn and leave.

It was a little funny and a little sweet; Filipa was such a strong confident woman on the outside.

The gap between our mouths became smaller. Her arms hung limp at her sides. My lips brushed her pretty mouth.

This is the stuff I live for.

Fucking and orgasms are great fun, but the pivotal moment when a woman surrenders is the true height of excitement.

Guys ask me how I do it; how do I get all those women into bed?

It’s like asking a basketball player how he gets the ball through the hoop. Practice, skill, determination, timing, and a body built and trained for the task.

Women are all different, looking for different things. Luckily none of them are looking for a guy like me, not as a partner.

Some will choose me for a night of passion, a short affair.

We kissed at last.

She was a very sexy woman. Tall, strong, and powerful. I was taller and stronger physically, yet not as powerful as she was.

Her breasts flattened against my chest, her hands slid up my back, my tongue slid between her lips and into her mouth. She was mine.

She was tough, hard trained, a Spanish federal cop. She was also a woman, vulnerable, soft, in need of love.

I kissed her and held her, stroked her neck and shoulders. I already had what I wanted.

Her surrender to me, a broke good-for-nothing overstay surf bum. She knew what I was, and surrendered anyway.

I was only wearing shorts, her fingers slid sensuously over my naked flesh as I peeled her simple dress from her.

No jewelry, no makeup. Filipa wasn’t into that sort of thing.

Under the dress was sensible underwear. Under that her groin was naturally hairy, her breasts a little loose but pleasantly large. Her legs and armpits were shaved, she wasn’t a barbarian.

She allowed me to turn her and push her onto my lumpy bed. I stepped back to look at her for a moment. Filipa wasn’t a centerfold type beauty, but she was damned attractive.

She didn’t look sure; naked and stretched out on the bed, she’d made her decision, and I decided I’d better get between those muscular thighs before she changed her mind.

My hands caressed her, then my mouth touched her nipples, sucking each lightly. Her legs opened and my fingers touched her slot tenderly. I moved to go down on her, but she stopped me.

I stood on the floor next to the bed as I took off my shorts to show her the prize.

She stared at it as if she’d never seen one before. I shook it around a little and it grew from the heat of her gaze. She stretched out her hand to hold it, lifting it in her palm as my erection became full.

She didn’t seem to want it in her face, so after letting her fondle me for a while I climbed onto the bed as she opened her long legs wide. No, I didn’t put it into her, not yet. Held myself over her, I bit her shoulders and ears, she seemed to like that. We kissed and petted for a long time, I like that.

Kissing a hot woman as she strokes my penis, that’s the greatest pleasure I know. Kiss and tickle, hard and horny, knowing we both want it, but not yet. Adoration and touch, until the world beyond us disappears into insignificance. Desire grows as our civility recedes, until we have to do it.

I put the condom on, looking at her glistening vagina in the nest of dark curls between her open thighs. Then at her glistening mouth in her pale freckled face.

I got between her thighs and put myself against her. I stirred the end around her entrance to spread our fluids around, then eased it in. An hour after she came into my cheap little room, I slid my penis into her wonderful little vagina.

She was wet and firm; Filipa had a great cunt. Sorry for using that word.

Guys have different cocks; size, shape, texture. By the same token, women have different vaginas. Tight, loose, dry, wet, hairy (or not). Some swell externally when excited, all puffy and sweet. I love vaginas.

Her hands grabbed my ass and pulled me the last inches. Her eyes stared into mine, and her small mouth looked surprised.

“Oh.” She mumbled, breaking the silence.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s nice.” She said.

“Is that surprising?” I asked.

She looked confused for a moment, then bucked her hips upwards insistently.

I screwed the hot young policewoman late into the night. She cried, whimpered, and came just like other women.

I stroked her damp short hair, kissed her mouth, and fucked her until she begged me to come.

“Please,” she gasped, “I can’t take any more.”

A week’s worth of semen left me in a pleasurable rush of finality. Creating a bond between us, an invisible thread that would never break.

It was a single bed in a small room, and we held each other for a while afterwards. I like that; the sweetness, affection when we both know the climax has passed.

“That was my first time.” She said.

“Really?” I asked.

“The first time that I liked it. The first time I ... you know.”

I found that a bit sad, at the same time I was proud to have been the one to break her ice.

She got up and put her clothes back on.

“You know I’d be ruined if anyone found out about this.” She said, “Even though it’s not my case anymore.”

“No one will hear it from me.” I assured her.

“Gracias.” She said with a certain tone of finality.

“So this is just a one nighter?” I asked, “You’re just using me for sex?”

“That’s right.” She said. “I uh ... have a boyfriend.”

“You never said.”

“It’s a big secret, it’s my boss.” She told me, hand on the doorknob.

“Old Carvalo?” I marveled.

“Well, he’s not that old.” She said defensively. “Anyway, best he doesn’t find out about us.”

It wasn’t just a one-nighter. She came back for more, and more. I was starting to get worried; love wasn’t what I wanted. That’s where good sex goes, and it’s a trap I studiously avoided.

She was young and strong, so confident on the surface as she strutted through the little village in her smart uniform.

The police weren’t locals, they were intentionally mixed around the country to avoid cronyism. There were living quarters for the posted officers above the small office, because in the tourist zone rents were beyond the wages of police officers.

The captain, Old Carvalo, went to his home on weekends and that was when Filipa could get away.

“You always make me feel good.” She told me with a hint of sadness, holding my head between her strong thighs as my tongue darted in and out of her box.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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