Bunnies - Cover


by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2021 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Sex Story: On Mat's morning run he see three bunnies and gets two bee stings. Maybe next time he'll run faster, but then he probably would miss out on the blowjob. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   Illustrated   .

Mat favored dark running shorts. The reason: they don’t show the sweat the way lighter colors do, and he didn’t want anyone to think he’d peed his pants. Not that there was anyone around when Mat took to the streets of his neighborhood for his morning run. The sun wasn’t even fully up. Lovely Laura was still soundly asleep in their bed. But an hour later the neighbors would be out walking their dogs, and nosy old Gretchen Alexander invariably would demand a bit of a chat while her dog, Snibbet, sniffed Mat’s shoes, ankles, and shins. Snibbet, thankfully, was too small to sniff any higher.

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On this day, Mat passed the halfway mark on his course five seconds better than his best of the year so far, and he felt surprisingly fresh. He’d also seen three bunnies, one of them the cutest little thing. Spotting bunnies gave Mat pleasure, and in his journal he’d indicate how many he’d seen along with his time for the day’s run. About a hundred yards past the third bunny, Mat got stung. Twice. Once on the thumb, once on the butt, right through his black running shorts.

Mat continued on, but about half a mile from home his thumb ached enough that he thought he’d better see if he could get the stinger out, if one was in, so he stopped at the local coffee shop, The Blue Coyote Café. Cute little Tenisha was behind the counter. Otherwise the place was empty.

“I need to wash my hands,” Mat explained as he hurried toward the bathroom at the back of the café. “Got a bee sting or something.”

“Oh no! I have ointment. First aid,” Tenisha exclaimed, following Mat into the bathroom. “How it happen?”

Mat wiggled his thumb beneath the running water. “Right after I’d seen my third bunny. It flew at my shoulder and I tried to brush it away.”

Tenisha’s eyebrows lifted. “Flying bunny?”

Mat laughed. “A bee or wasp or something. It landed on my butt, and I swatted at it and somehow it stung me there and on my thumb.”

“Oh no, two sting. She took Mat’s hand and frowning, examined the thumb. “I don’t think it swollen. Show me bottom.”

“I don’t think...” Mat started to say, but before he could finish, Tenisha had his shorts pulled down.

“Which bottom get bited? Oh, I see. Mmm. My Uncle Max had technique. Boil water and get a metal spoon nice hot and press hard to bite. He say it spread poison – take away pain.”

“I don’t think...” Mat started to say.

Again Tenisha interrupted. “Also technique to suck out poison.”

“I don’t...”

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Mat yelped as Tenisha’s teeth bit the flesh of his bottom. He turned quickly, almost tripping over his pulled-down running shorts, and stared down at Tenisha.

She smiled up at him. “Couldn’t help. You have cutest buns.”

“I...” Mat started to say.

“Also have cutest cock.” Quick as a bunny, Tenisha took it into her mouth.

Mat didn’t say anything. Tenisha sucked him expertly, and when about three minutes later Mat flooded her mouth, Tenisha swallowed most of the deluge.

“Feel better?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with delight.

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Somewhat dazed, Mat nodded, pulled up his shorts, and headed for home. He jogged at a dreamy pace, noticing nothing, until he saw Gretchen and Snibbet strolling towards him, now waiting for him at his fire hydrant finish line. Glancing down, Mat observed that though black running shorts masked sweat stains, they did nothing to conceal four sizeable, bunny-shaped cum spots. Faster than ever before, Mat raced past the fire hydrant. Snibbet gave chase, but Mat didn’t stop until he was safe inside his house.

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“There’s my honey bunny,” Laura said. “After your shower, wanna go to the Blue Coyote for breakfast?”

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