Sexy Partners, All Mixed Up - Cover

Sexy Partners, All Mixed Up

by Sterling

Copyright© 2021 by Sterling

Erotica Sex Story: It's a new world, where only roughly one in a hundred of the opposite sex can give you an orgasm. You need one every month or so or you'll start feeling really bad. Times are good for those who make a great many of the other sex happy, not so good for the ones who have trouble finding any partner at all.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   .

Chapter 1

Heather first thought she had a fever. And she did, to the extent that she was hot. But this was a different kind of hot -- she felt especially good. It lasted two days. She knew what that meant. Now she was ready for sex. And she had better start having sex soon. She could feel her mind changing at the same time. Yesterday, it was, “Boys, meh...”, and today it was, “Boys, wow, hmmmm, let’s see...”

She’d had an understanding with her next door neighbor Luke. They were good buddies. Like most children, they thought the idea of sex was gross and weird. They’d done show-and-tell with their private parts, but neither was particularly interested beyond simple curiosity. But they decided that when the time came to have sex, they would do it with each other.

However, they weren’t thinking through the details. When Luke got his initial hot days, Heather wasn’t interested yet. He couldn’t wait around for her to grow up -- he needed to start having sex. So he did it with older girls. But as it turned out, Heather was just a few weeks behind him.

Now that she had joined the club, Luke could be her first. Shutting her bedroom door behind them, Luke smiled. When they were naked, she beheld his stiffening cock and felt her vagina start glowing.

“Ready?” he said. Heather smiled and nodded. She lay on her back with legs spread wide. This was her good buddy, and that part felt good. But also, as she felt that male body approaching her, closer, more intimately, this all felt very right. Luke let himself down on her, and guided his cock into her pussy. It slid in smoothly -- that glow in her vagina had also made her wet.

Heather whimpered and smiled. “So that’s how it works ... So big, but it fits nicely.”

“That’s how it works,” said Luke with a smile. “I remember how right it felt the first time I did it.”

In and out his cock went. After a minute, Luke slowed his pace and withdrew.

Of course he hadn’t had an orgasm, and neither had she. That was very rare and too much to expect. As they both knew, to have really satisfying sex, you had to find one of the right ones -- roughly one member in a hundred of the opposite sex would qualify ... someone who could make you orgasm. They said once a girl felt the right penis sliding in, it was unmistakable. When the boy felt the right vagina enfold him as he penetrated, he’d feel like he’d never felt before. Enormous pleasure. It was the only way to have an orgasm. When you found a partner like that, you worshiped them. Boys were looking for their goddess, girls were looking for their god.

“Good?” he said.

“Yeah, good,” said Heather. “Good while it lasted but ... mildly unsatisfying.”

“That’s how it is,” said Luke. “And if we’d kept at it longer, it would have gotten slowly more unsatisfying.”

“So now I hang out in the fuck room after school?”

“It’s a good way to start. I haven’t found anyone there yet. Guess I could have waited for you after all, but we didn’t know. No goddesses for me, and I’m no god to any of the girls either. I’ve got to go one of the adult fuck halls soon, and I’m kinda nervous.”

Heather was a bit nervous going into the school’s fuck room for the first time for real -- she’d peeked when she was younger for the thrill of how gross it was. But now it was for real, and not at all gross. In the fuck room you took your clothes off, that much was clear. And it was easy enough for Heather to see that she should find a place on one of the beds where she could lie down and spread her legs.

“Hey, you’re new, aren’t you!” said one of the boys, approaching her. His cock was stiff, and one look at it made Heather’s loins surge with warmth.

He mounted her and prepared to fuck. He didn’t ask. If a girl went to the fuck room, it was assumed she was willing to welcome any cock into her pussy. She could object, if she found some particular guy repulsive or she was mad at him. But if she didn’t object, the boy was going to mount and he was going to slide his cock inside. She felt the same thing she had with Luke. Nice to feel that big hot thing slide inside, nice to feel it slide in and out, but nothing special. This guy pulled out after all of thirty seconds. Sometimes they said you wouldn’t detect godliness until several seconds of full penetration and thrusting, but that was pretty rare it took that long.

When he pulled out, another boy had an eye on her, and he mounted and pressed in. Same thing. Nice full sensation, but nothing special.

A third boy approached. His cock tip pressed in a little, and suddenly he took a sharp intake of breath. “Oh, shit! Oh, my God!” He pressed in further, then thrust in and out in a frenzy, gasping with pleasure. Others around the room paused in their sexual explorations to watch. It was hard to believe, but her fourth partner was going to worship her. She hadn’t done anything special. It wasn’t what you did, it was who you were. Then he gasped and groaned. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH!” he shouted plaintively. His thrusting slowed, he relaxed, and then he pulled out. Heather was struck by how totally ecstatic he was, but she also felt something in herself. It was mildly annoying, how it made her feel. Not horrible, but worse than when the other guys had pulled out.

“Oh, what’s your name?” he asked.


“Heather, o Heather, my goddess...”

“Well, aren’t you lucky, Sam...” said one of the other boys.

“Sure am!” he said.

Heather thought he was kind of an average guy, but she was kind of an average girl too. But nothing about her personality or the details of her body mattered to him. To him she was a goddess, she had a pussy that could fully satisfy him, and everything else was secondary.

“Glad to be of assistance,” said Heather with an uncertain smile.

“Well, we should certainly be in touch regularly ... What’s your lineup like?”

“I’m just starting out. You’re like ... the fourth guy who’s fucked me.”

“You’re kidding! Wow...”

“Well, the rest of us should certainly have a go,” said another guy. “Might be a gold mine...”

Some girls were goddesses to a lot of guys, and some guys were correspondingly widely experienced as gods.

He mounted her. “I can feel your sperm, Jim,” he said.

And Heather realized it then too. Her vagina was wet inside in a different way. Of course, guys ejaculated when they had orgasms, she knew that. And he had, and it had gone right up into her. She found that mildly annoying too. Of course, whenever a girl let a guy fuck her, there was some chance she might get a pussyful of cum, but the chances were small for any given one.

That guy withdrew pretty quickly, and three more mounted, aligned their cocks, and slid up into her.

Sam said, “If you come here tomorrow, I’ll get ten guys to do you first to see if we can find a god for you, if I can finish up when they’re all done.”

Heather shrugged. Sounded reasonable.

Once girls or boys reached maturity and experimented around, you were in good shape if you found one or two of the opposite sex to worship. And you could in turn expect one or two of them to worship you.

Growing up, the adults talked about it now and then -- the day everything changed. But the details came out more in history class. A virus had come sixteen years before. It only infected children. But when they approached puberty, everything was different. Since the initial symptoms were mild and it was highly contagious, it had worked its way into every corner of the world before anyone understood its full significance.

Before then, girls matured faster, and they got periods -- blood leaking out of their vaginas for a few days every month. Boys didn’t get periods, but their penises would leak sperm at night sometimes. There were no hot days, and no sudden psychological change in either sex, but gradually increasing interest. No one had to have sex. Some went for years at a time, or even their whole lives. That sounded weird. They did sometimes have orgasms, and it didn’t have much to do with who the other person was, just what sort of activities they did. Certain ways of touching made it happen, apparently. And guys almost always had an orgasm and ejaculated. Girls or women got pregnant that way, but it wasn’t easy to tell which days that might happen. Sometimes it happened when they didn’t want it to. You could even get diseases from just having sex with the wrong person.

On the whole, it sounded like a mess!

Now, you could only have orgasms or feel good with the right boy or girl. But there was the darker side to it too ... after a while, if you didn’t have an orgasm, you started feeling bad, then really bad, then like you had the flu. By the time you were in your twenties, you’d better have a regular god or goddess in store or life would be really miserable. No atheists in this new world, at last regarding the gods of sex.

A girl always knew a day before her body was ready to get pregnant. She felt hot, sort of like when a person gets a fever, but this wasn’t unpleasant at all. She felt especially alive. If she had sex with one of the guys who found her a goddess, then his ejaculation would likely make her pregnant. If as usual she didn’t want to, she avoided the guys who worshiped her for a day, and she didn’t do it with any new guys, just in case. Good time to find one of her gods to make her feel satisfied instead.

One curiosity was that in the whole world no male and female had ever worshiped each other. Sex was truly satisfying for one, or the other, but never both at once. No one knew quite what would happen if that theoretical possibility came true, but so far it hadn’t been an issue.

Before the virus, they had marriages where a man and woman would pair up, and not just have all their babies together, but never have sex with anyone else. The women could have orgasms from anyone, including their husbands. Nowadays a couple could get married, but the girl had to have sex outside on a regular basis to be satisfied -- and so she didn’t get sick. That was understood.

Sam lined up lots of guys to try screwing Heather in hopes of finding a god for her, but no such luck. At the end of the line, he had his ecstasy inside her the next two days, but she soon found she was one of those irritable girls who could entertain a god every couple weeks, but found it really uncomfortable to get his cum more often than that. They said that if she found a guy to worship who satisfied her, then it all balanced out and she could be worshiped more often.

So after a few months of the fuck room at school, it was time for the adult fuck halls. Luke had already been a bunch of times, so the two of them went together and he showed her the ropes.

A stream of guys, one after another, would mount her and pound away for a minute, then withdraw.

But there was a natural problem in the fuck halls that was more pronounced than at school. Some guys were a lot more appealing than others. There were the young, handsome and witty. But there were also the old, ugly, fat, and boorish. If one of those was a god to you, those other drawbacks could be ignored. You didn’t have to spend time with him, you just had to meet him for a quick fuck every month or so. But if a guy worshiped you ... Those guys would get just as sick with the flu as anyone else if they didn’t find a goddess. And it was really bad form to turn down a guy who needed you. And while it was still just once a month, you had to spread your legs for this unappealing guy, let him fuck you and fill you up with cum.

So naturally at the fuck halls, people wanted to start out with the most attractive specimens of the opposite sex. This meant that the most attractive people would be gods and goddesses more often, but also have gods and goddesses more often. Once you had your deity, there was a strong temptation to stop coming to the fuck hall. Gradually, over time, the fuck halls had more of the less attractive people than in the population at large.

To counteract this, most fuck halls randomized things. The girls arriving hung out in a room with a number, and their prospective mates had a fixed list and shuttled from room to room in numeric order. Not all sex had to happen in missionary position. If a girl with a pretty darn ugly face decided to present herself doggy style, the guy need never know what her face looked like. If the room was dark, it hid many imperfections.

And what of people who couldn’t find a god or goddess, and got those flu-like symptoms? What if they tried for years without success? They could solve their problem by having a hysterectomy or getting castrated. That meant no more erections for the men, and vaginas that quickly atrophied. They avoided the flu, but they still felt sexual attractions, only now they couldn’t really act on them. It was frustrating. Anyone could end up in that condition, but the more unappealing a person was, the greater the chances they would end up that way, since fewer of the other sex would even give them a try.

There were also those who were gods and goddesses to others, but had no one for themselves. They started getting those flu-like symptoms too. Those who worshiped them were strongly motivated to twist the arms of everyone they knew to give them a turn, because your neutered deity was no good to you any more.

Heather had entertained a few dozen cocks in her pussy. It was kind of nice in a warm, animal way, but after a while it got tiring. No luck for her.

And then a somewhat heavy guy came in to give her a go. As soon as his cock tip plunged in, he was moaning and gasping. Heather kind of hoped it didn’t mean what she thought it would, but no such luck. The guy came inside her, and was excited. At that point his personality emerged, which was not very appealing either. But she was now his goddess.

Sam and now him. Score two to nothing against her, at least in terms of selfish happiness.

Frank. His name was Frank. He knew he was kind of fat, but not so aware that his personality was kind of unpleasant. “Oh, what’s your name ... Heather! That was really cool, Heather baby. Your pussy was so hot and wet -- mmmm-hmmmm! Now I get to fuck it all the time! Very nice! You’re not bad looking at all, either, not bad...”

Heather didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Nothing required her to serve as his goddess at all, but that was very poor form. She would get a reputation. So she engaged Luke to negotiate a minimal relationship with him where he stuck his cock in her pussy, but that was about all the contact they had. The deal was that every month, she would come to his house, present herself doggy style, and he would silently mount her, fuck her, and ejaculate inside her, satisfying his need. He would say nothing. That was the plan.

But the first time didn’t go according to plan. “Aw, shit, man oh shit!” he murmured. “Oops, supposed to keep quiet,” he said with a laugh, grasping her hips, pumping in and out. His belly was big enough she could feel it on her butt above where the sex business was going on. “Unnh, unnh, unnnh,” he said under his breath. Then, “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” when he came.

She felt really angry.

“You’re upset,” he said as she was getting dressed. That didn’t take much perceptiveness, she thought.

Heather decided to let him skip a month. He was contrite and on his best behavior two months later, when he was already hurting from the abstinence. He followed the rules the second time, and on the way out he handed her an envelope. When she read it later, it said, “I am truly thankful, Heather, for your time. You don’t have to do this, I know, and I very much appreciate it.” He probably had someone else compose it for him, but she decided to take it at face value. He was doing the best he could. And she was being worshiped.

Frank was a male with a man’s cock, and that always felt nice as it went in, she reflected. He thrust energetically, and in under thirty seconds he tensed and groaned just a little as he unloaded in her. Mildly uncomfortable for her but that was OK. She had done her duty, and it hadn’t been bad.

But she had to keep searching for her own satisfaction. And when she did that, nothing stopped the guy from discovering that she did it for him. She spread her legs, the cocks slid in, and most of the time nothing happened. But occasionally they hit the jackpot. She got an older guy who was on the market again because his goddess had died, and a young boy just starting out who was really shy, and one fellow who was average in every respect except that he was a pleasure to talk with, witty and perceptive. She checked around and it was fine if she let him do her once a week while the others had to make do with once a month. There was that same minor discomfort when his sperm gushed out into her, but it was more than offset by the joy and satisfaction that his face showed so clearly. She really liked him, and that was nice. Roy. His name was Roy.

Five to nothing. She wasn’t exactly a gold mine, but she was pretty popular.

As for her, she was getting pretty miserable. It wasn’t like the flu, but it felt bad. They said she could linger in that state for many months before it progressed to flu-like symptoms. But she was motivated to try hard.

Frank had a lot of friends. Some were in search of a goddess, and they were naturally drawn to Heather for selfish reasons. If she was a goddess to two guys, let alone five, the odds her pussy could drive him to ecstatic release were a lot greater than the average woman. But others were all set for themselves, but Frank somehow got them to try a poke into Heather’s vagina.

Bill was in his 50s, dour and tattooed. Heather didn’t pay much attention at first -- a girl has to take a lot of frog cocks up the pussy to find a prince cock. But the moment his cock tip spread her pussy lips, it felt a little different, and as soon as the shaft was halfway into her on his first thrust, she knew he was a god. Her god. She tried to be sort of demure, but she couldn’t hide her enthusiasm. She was gasping, her face contorted with ecstasy. He paused. “Well, well, well,” he said before returning to his business. It took her a full minute of building pleasure before she convulsed with orgasm ... That’s what it felt like! Wow, was that amazing! A sensation of joy and health spread to the tip of every toe and finger. After he had withdrawn, she was tempted to cover him with kisses, but thought it was best to hold back, not knowing just what kind of guy he was. He didn’t seem so touchy-feely, though the touch of his cock buried in her pussy had been out of this world.

“That was amazing,” she said softly. “I hope ... I hope you can do that again some time.”

“I’m your only one?” he asked.

Heather nodded.

Bill nodded, then gave a wry smile. “I had one other woman, but she found a better guy and went off with him. But I’m not a saint. You willing to clean my house? Do my laundry? Make me a nice dinner every week?”

Heather hesitated only briefly, but then nodded. That would be a small price to pay.

“The other woman, she got tired of that. Can’t blame her, but, hey, it’s a rough world.”

It took Heather a few extra hours to bring Bill’s bachelor pad back to usual standards of cleanliness. It took a bit to get used to his ratty clothing in the laundry. She offered to get him a few replacement clothing items on sale, and thankfully he didn’t try to make her pay for them. Once she had the place back on an even keel, keeping things going wasn’t too bad. Counting the dinner, maybe two hours a week total.

She hinted that maybe he could do her more than once a month, and he finally got the hint and laughed. “OK,” he said. And she got to feel those amazing sensations twice a month.

Funny thing was, in his awkward sort of way he seemed to like some extra human contact. After he pulled out, he didn’t leave right away. He didn’t reject a few tentative advances she made for giving him a hug in her post-orgasmic state. She inquired how his situation was with goddesses for him. He said he had one. “Kind of a slob, but what can you do ... You’re real nice, you know -- you know, compared to her.”

Sometimes he just called her up and said he’d be up for it if she came over right then. Usually Heather did.

But it got Heather thinking. After a few hints, Sam started bringing her flowers every month. The shy boy gave her back rubs. She didn’t ask anything more of Roy, or let on that she was getting some goodies from her other worshipers.

Chapter 2

Sam said to her one day, “You know, I’m a god for this woman Tracy...”

“Yeah, you told me you had her, yes.”

“Well, she wanted to know ... she was interested if you’d come along some time and after we did it and she got happy, she could watch you and me and get to see how I am when I get happy. You know, I make her happy, but when she and I do it I’m not feeling really, really good like I am with you.”

“That sounds weird. I don’t know ... What’s in it for me?”

“Nothing. Forget about it ... it was just an idea. I’m really thankful you let me do you.”

“You’re welcome.”

But it got her thinking. Bill ... What would it be like to be there when Bill was shafting somehow who thought he was god, so to speak, to see him get real excited. It would be kind of fun. But then his girl would be the one left out, watching the other two of them have fun. And Bill was kind of weird.

With five guys who Heather served with her pussy, no one could blame her for not going for more partners. Five was enough worshipers for most girls, though you heard of some who just really liked making people happy and had like twenty. Not that they were gold mines so much as that they just let a whole lot of different guys fuck them. They cast a wide net and caught a lot of fish.

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