MILF Night in Las Vegas - Cover

MILF Night in Las Vegas

Copyright© 2021 by rmdexter

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Buxom MILF Rebecca has always longed to spend the night with a well-endowed black stud. When she meets handsome lawyer Oscar in Las Vegas, she discovers she's hit the jackpot!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Facial   Oral Sex   Big Breasts  

Fifty-six minutes later, out of breath from rushing around the mall and then back to her room, Rebecca eagerly opened her phone and found Oscar’s number. Taking a couple of deep breaths to try and slow her racing heart, she called.

“Please be there ... please be there...” she found herself repeating under her breath as the phone rang, and rang again ... and again. After five rings, her heart was in her throat and she was full of dread when she finally heard that low powerful voice of his.


She almost gasped with relief. “Uh ... hi. It’s me, Rebecca.”

She heard him speak away from the phone, “Hey guys, I’ll catch you later. Howard, great doing business with you. I’ll have the contracts sent over next week.” There were some mumbled goodbyes in the background and then a few seconds later she heard his deep lulling voice once more, this time talking in a quieter tone, which she knew was meant for her ears only. “You’re back in your room?”


“Did you get everything I asked you to?”

“Yes, I did.”

“So, you want more of what you had your hand on a little while ago?”

With her heart pounding already at the thought of getting that big thick cock beneath her fingers once more, Rebecca answered breathlessly, “Yes ... please.”

“Good. It’s going to be yours all night and I’m going to fill up every hole you’ve got. Are you ready to take every inch?”

“Oh god, yes!” She was so excited that she wanted to scream it out loud but managed to keep her voice under control.

“That’s a good girl. I’m going to enjoy driving all I’ve got deep into you, all night long.” He paused and Rebecca felt another shiver trip down her spine. “What’s your room number?”

With a welcome sigh, she gave him the number.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

He didn’t say another word but just ended the call. Rebecca checked herself in the mirror one last time. She gave her girls a little boost, pushing them together and up, causing them to swell up even more in the tight-fitting dress. Pursing her lips, she applied a shiny new layer of brilliant red lipstick, hoping that Oscar would find the red gash of her mouth a perfect place to insert his big black cock. She ran her fingers through her lustrous blonde locks, fluffing it up to look sexy and desirable. But then, remembering what Oscar had said, she reached into the bag of supplies she’d bought at the drug store and pulled out a black velvet scrunchie. Wanting to get ready for whatever Oscar had in mind, she whipped her hair up into a tight ponytail and secured it tightly with the scrunchie, keeping her hair off her face and away from her mouth as much as possible. She’d just finished when she heard the door chime, just the sound of which set her heart racing. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she made her way to the door and opened it.

Oscar gave her that thousand-watt smile of his and let his hand trail over her hip as he made his way past her into the room, his imposing form standing in the middle of the suite, his eyes taking in everything. “You’ve got a tremendous view from way up here. The strip looks incredible. You can’t get much better than the 38th floor.”

Almost the whole wall of the suite that faced the strip was made up of floor-to-ceiling windows, offering an unparalleled view of the city. Rebecca had loved it the first time she’d walked into the room, the view during the day equally as spectacular. Right now, it was lit up like magic with all Las Vegas had to offer as far as the eye could see.

In her haste after returning, Rebecca had forgotten something. “I’m sorry, I was in such a hurry when I got back that I forgot to close the blinds,” she said as she reached for the activation switch on the wall.

“No,” Oscar hurriedly replied, stopping her. “Leave them open. Things’ll be much more exciting that way.”

“Okay,” Rebecca said, feeling that added bit of thrill knowing they’d be so exposed, even if there wasn’t anyone close to seeing inside the room at that height.

“Look at you, your hair pulled back, a fresh coat of lipstick on. If I didn’t know better,” Oscar said with a playful smile, “I’d say you were getting ready to suck some cock. Am I right about that?”

Rebecca had never been spoken to as blatantly as that, not even by the Professor. It made her feel flushed with excitement, and she loved it. “Yes.”

Oscar’s eyes drifted down from her face to her chest, his gaze lingering on the impressive swells as her breasts all but spilled over the front of her tight black dress. “And that’s a great set of tits you’ve got there. I’m going to love sliding my cock between those a little later. Yes, I think that’ll be a good time to give that pretty face of yours a nice full paint job. You do like a bit of white paint, don’t you? Although, I do have to warn you, it won’t just be ‘a bit’. You won’t mind if I give you a full buckets-worth, do you?”

“No ... no, not at all,” Rebecca all but gasped out, realizing that one of the things she’d fantasized about for years was about to come true, getting her face painted by a black man with a huge cock.

“That’s good, that’s what I like to hear.” With that, Oscar stepped over to her and swept her up in his arms. She felt overwhelmed as his large powerful body enveloped hers as he lowered his head, his mouth seeking out hers. She closed her eyes as he kissed her, pulling her close at the same time. His full lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss, a kiss that made her want to swoon. His lips were full and oh so soft, and yet she could still feel the intensity of his desire for her as his tongue slid deftly into her mouth. It was a beautiful kiss.

Oscar’s tongue rolled over hers rapturously, with both strength and tenderness at the same time, which pleasantly surprised Rebecca. She could tell that he was feeling the pleasure of it too, but it was as if he wanted her to enjoy it even more, which she delightfully did. She enthusiastically kissed him back, her tongue rolling against his in a blissful dance. This is what kissing is supposed to be like, she thought as he pulled back slightly, leaving her breathless and panting with arousal. He looked into her eyes and she wanted to melt right there in his arms, knowing she was already surrendering to him completely.

Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as he pulled her close once more, her generous breasts pressing into the muscular plates of his chest. It wasn’t like the awkward efforts of boys she’d known in her youth who had slobbered over the idea of getting their hands on her sizable breasts—no, the way he pulled her against him showed both the confident power that he knew his body was capable of, and yet had the affection and tenderness that made her want to be possessed by him even more.

Finally, he pulled back and held her with his hands on her shoulders as she stood before him. She looked up into his deep dark eyes as she steadied herself on her shaky legs, wanting to please this beautiful black man more than anything else she’d wanted in her life.

“Yes, you’re a wonderful kisser. I have to say, that is a beautiful mouth you have. Like I said, I’m going to have my cock in it a lot tonight, to see how wonderful it really is. Yes, a big black cock feeding you all night long. This is what you need, isn’t it?”

Rebecca blushed at how accurate his read on her was once again. There was no denying how badly she wanted to have his cock in her mouth.

“That’s good,” Oscar continued as he took the pinkness of her cheeks as an agreement, “‘cause I feel like starting with some cocksucking. You can suck the first load out in order to take the edge off. Then I’m gonna fuck you a couple of times, and then for my fourth load, I want a nice leisurely blow job. Yeah, I’ll work your mouth over real good for you on that fourth one.”

Rebecca shivered as he reached up and traced his fingertip around her hot wet lips, her mouth open and panting after the intense kiss.

“Yes, those four will be a good start, and then we’ll see what happens from there.”

Rebecca’s mind was swirling at what he’d just said. “Four times will be a good start... ?” Jesus! Four times was more than she’d been having with her husband in a month lately but, for Oscar, four times was “a good start.” She felt herself getting even creamier between the legs just thinking about what this man was going to do to her.

“Let’s start by having you undress me,” he said as he stood before her, his tall muscular body dwarfing her curvy little form.

Rebecca reached up and as he shifted his shoulders, she took his suit jacket off, carefully draping it over the back of an easy chair in the corner of the room.

“No,” he said. “Hang it up. I think I’ll be sitting in that chair at some point while you’re kneeling between my legs. I like that; a woman kneeling between my legs with my cock in her mouth worshipping my dick.”

Rebecca knew that some people would have thought Oscar was arrogant and disrespectful in saying what he did, but Rebecca knew his words were setting her on fire even more every time he spoke to her in that way. She knew he could read her like a book, and how, deep down, she loved to be talked to like that. The submissive woman inside her loved what she was hearing, loved to hear that she was expected to worship this gorgeous black man, loved to hear that she was going to be nothing more than a willing slave to his desires. Knowing she wanted nothing more than to worship his huge cock in any way he wanted, Rebecca felt another shiver of excitement trip down her spine as she placed his jacket on a hanger and put it in the closet.

She loosened his tie next, the expensive silk feeling wickedly sinful beneath her fingertips. His trim-fitting shirt seemed molded to his sculpted form, his thick chest and pronounced pecs making her fingers itch to touch his body. She reached up and he smiled down at her as she deftly undid the top button at his throat, and then the next, and the next. Her heart was racing as she undid each button, his broad powerful chest coming into view, his rich ebony skin standing out boldly against the white of his shirt and the pale skin of her slender fingers. She pulled the shirt tails out of his pants and undid the final buttons. Once again, he shifted his shoulders almost seductively as she drew his shirt right off his body and hung it up with his tie.

Rebecca almost gasped when she stepped back in front of him, his torso beautifully on display under the warm amber glow from the bedside table lamps. She’d heard the term ‘sculpted’ before to define men with gorgeous physiques, and that adjective definitely applied to Oscar. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she just gaped at him, his powerful muscular body making her knees feel weak at the same time her pussy was all but drooling into her panties.

He saw that hungry look in her eyes as she let her gaze roam over his muscular torso. He pulled her in for another kiss, her breasts pressing against his naked chest as he drew her close. Her hands explored his shoulders and upper body, feeling the firm muscles and supple strength in the sinews beneath his skin. She’d never been with a man this big, or this well-built, and his body felt wonderful beneath her hands. Again, she thought it was the way a man’s body was meant to be. And she hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.

“Yes, you are a good kisser, no doubt about that,” Oscar said as he drew back from the kiss. With a glance down at her heaving breasts barely contained within the scooped neckline of her dress, he pushed down on her shoulders. “But now it’s time for you to start sucking some cock. Like I said, this one will help to take the edge off, so I’m just gonna let you go at it and help you along. You’ll be getting a mouthful of gravy in no time.”

Rebecca willingly went to her knees and looked up at Oscar’s warm smiling face looking down at her. She was quick to take off his shoes and socks, setting them aside behind her, leaving only his pants between her and the object of her desire. As she looked up once more, he gave a simple nod towards his groin, letting her know it was time to get down to business. With her heart in her throat, Rebecca reached up and undid his belt, the monstrous bulge beneath the fabric of his navy suit already thrusting forward. With the buckle undone, she carefully slid down his zipper, the raspy metallic sound like music to her ears.

As she’d expected when she’d been feeling him earlier, he wasn’t wearing any underwear and she could see his shaven groin now, the pronounced muscles of his firm abs extending down teasingly below the waistband of his pants. She was all but gasping with excitement as she drew the waistband down, the thick root of his cock coming into view. Her eyes opened wide at how thick it was, the burgeoning shaft bigger around than her wrist. As she kept pulling his pants downward, more and more of his stiffening cock came into view, the throbbing slab of muscle fighting against the constraints of his pants. To Rebecca, it looked like a black python, awaking from a peaceful slumber and ready to go about its deadly business, which was exactly what she wanted, with her as the willing victim.

She felt herself salivating as more of the throbbing shaft came into view, the smooth black skin making her drool in anticipation at the thought of having it in her mouth. As she drew his pants downwards, she felt the material get caught up on the ridge of the massive knob. With an effort, she tugged and tugged before the fabric came free, the dark bloated head flipping up right in front of her face. As it did a shiny web of precum flew from the tip and raced up her cheek, the dewy cock-sap feeling wickedly sinful as it sprayed across her face.

Rebecca’s eyes opened wide as she could only stare, this gorgeous black man’s long thick cock standing up before her in all its glory. It seemed to unfurl within seconds of being freed, the shaft stiffening right before her eyes. The glistening red eye at the end of the lemon-sized cockhead drooled shimmering precum as the enflamed knob seemed to blossom out invitingly. The throbbing shaft gave a lurch and the big mushroom crown lifted as his huge cock continued to stiffen and extend, the tip rising and rising until it was pointing up at a forty-five degree angle. It was bobbing up and down menacingly with every beat of Oscar’s powerful heart.

To Rebecca, it looked more like club or bludgeon than a penis, at least the kind of penis she was used to. It looked so incredibly powerful as it throbbed before her, the tip continuing to ooze shiny precum that had her licking her lips. And it was big, so fucking big, she thought, as big as any of the cocks she’d seen in the interracial porn she’d become addicted to in the last few years. Not only was it long, it was so terrifyingly thick too. She wondered if her tight little pussy would be able to take it, but she had no doubt she wanted to try. She wanted to do whatever she could to please this beautiful man, this man who had deemed her worthy of his time and his big, beautiful, wondrous black cock—his perfect, absolutely gloriously perfect, cock.

“That precum looks good on your face,” Oscar said as he reached down and wrapped his big mitt around the base of his cock. “Let me give you a little more of that cock-honey.”

He directed the drooling head of his prick at her face and pushed the seeping tip against her forehead. He drew it back and forth across her skin, making Rebecca tingle at the illicit sensation.

“Yeah, you look real pretty like that, let’s give you some more.”

Rebecca almost swooned as he moved the wet red eye all over her face, tracing up and down her cheeks, across her nose, and all around her mouth, leaving a warm slick snail-trail of sticky precum. Her mouth was open in invitation, beckoning him to use it as he wished, fuck her face and fill her mouth with his huge cock, and then, feed her a nice thick load of warm creamy cum. Just the thought of it was driving her crazy. The heat coming off his turgid prick felt like a branding iron as it pressed against her face, as if marking his territory. Rebecca liked the thought of that, that tonight she was his to do with as he pleased, if only he would give her that perfect cock of his.

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