A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 66: Just Let Me Be!

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 66: Just Let Me Be! - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

January 12, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“Which way did you like best?” I asked after our third round.

Macrina giggled, “I’m not sure! I think we’ll have to try all of them again so I can decide!”

“I’m game!” I chuckled.

“How often can we do this?”

“As often as you can visit,” I replied.

“Did you want to do other stuff?”

“Other stuff? You mean like, go to the movies or out to eat?”

Macrina laughed, “Yes, but that’s not what I meant!”

“I would not object to a blowjob,” I declared. “Or anything else you wanted to do.”

“More positions?” she asked.

“I have a book full of them!” I chuckled. “And it’s possible to give and receive oral sex at the same time.”

“You mean, like, you lick me while I suck you?”


“Let’s do that! Your tongue feels almost as good as your giant stick!”

We adjusted our positions and Macrina lowered her pussy to my mouth, then began experimenting with her lips and tongue while I licked, sucked, and nipped her clit. I got hard and Macrina took me into her mouth and began sucking. I flexed my hips to push a bit deeper into her mouth and she took the hint and began slowly bobbing her head, sucking and licking as her head moved up and down. I gave her two good orgasms with my tongue before I shot into her mouth and she swallowed my cum. I helped her turn and we exchanged a deep French kiss, sharing our juices with each other.

“It was cool when you shot in my mouth,” Macrina said. “I want to know what it feels like when you shoot inside me!”

“You’d have to go on the Pill,” I said, “It’s never, ever safe to do that without protection of some kind.”

Macrina pouted, “But that means at least a month, probably longer!”

I was sure she wasn’t thinking clearly because she was excited, but there was no way I was EVER going to take THAT risk!

“And we can fuck as much as you want,” I said. “But not without protection. Can you imagine being pregnant?”

“But it’s not easy to get pregnant,” Macrina protested. “It took my cousin a year of trying to get pregnant.”

“It’s WAY too risky,” I said. “Go to the clinic as soon as you can and get a prescription.”

“Fine,” she replied pouting again.

“Let’s go get a shower, then get something to eat,” I said. “We have all afternoon, too.”

We got up and she reached for her panties, but I took her hand and tugged.

“I need clothes!”

“No, you don’t! We’ll just go up to the shower and come back.”

“But your moms!”

“Won’t care. They’ll laugh, maybe, but only because they know I’m doing it to be a Smart Alec.”

“Seriously? Just walk up to the second floor naked?”

“Yep!” I grinned, tugging her hand.

Macrina reluctantly followed me up the stairs. We walked through the living room to the stairs, just as Mom One came out of the kitchen.

“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Mom One laughed. “Just because I told you about your dad and Melanie didn’t mean I felt you should do the same thing!”

“I’m not,” I grinned. “Mrs. Spencer walked in on them screwing and called it a ‘safety check’!”

“Yes, and then they went down to dinner naked to make a point!”

“Yes,” I grinned.

“Go shower, you little turkey!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” I replied.

“We’re going to have lunch after our shower,” I said.

“Dressed, please.”

“If I have to,” I said with a theatrical sigh.

I took Macrina’s hand and led her upstairs to the bathroom.

“That was SO weird!” she exclaimed.

“Get used to it!” I chuckled. “When we’re in the sauna, there might be other people there, too.”



“Did I like, step into an alternate universe?”

“Yes, you did! The Adams/Block/Clarke Universe is VERY, VERY strange.”

“No kidding!”

? Steve

“You tell me,” I said in response to Maya’s question about what I wanted to do after our first round.

We were lying on the floor cushions in the ‘Indian’ room after having spent thirty minutes ‘adulting’.

“I’ll do anything you want!” she gushed. “Anything! You make me feel so good and I want to make you feel just as good.”

“You do,” I replied. “My two most favorite things to do are have sex the way we did, and to pleasure a girl orally.”

“You like being sucked, right?”

“Yes, of course! But what do you want to do?”

“You know what you did with Kristy? I want to try that. I brought my cheer uniform, and I could wear it! I hear most guys have the fantasy of ‘banging the cheerleader’.”

“And I would be one of them,” I chuckled.

She got up, went to her bag, unzipped it, and pulled out her cheerleader skirt and sweater. She quickly put them on and came back to me. I got up and we moved to the floor pillows where I did exactly as she’d suggested - banged the cheerleader while she was wearing her uniform. She was very enthusiastic, and had several orgasms before I had mine. After the last spurt, I licked her until she came again, then we cuddled while I recovered.

“Kristy and Paige would be VERY jealous,” she said, snuggling close, resting her head on my chest. “But I know I can’t tell them.”

“No, you can’t,” I agreed.

Of course, I remembered that Kristy had mentioned that her parents went to Green Bay once a month, so I could have her again if I wanted, but that seemed to me to be asking for trouble. I was already concerned about Maya, not in that she would say anything, but that I was already looking for loopholes to my resolution, and it was only January 12th!

“If I knew someone who wanted an older, experienced guy to be her first, but wasn’t a cheerleader with a V-card, would you be interested?”

Of course, I’d be interested, but as I’d said time and again, wanting to do something didn’t mean I should do it.

“It’s tempting,” I replied. “But it’s probably not a good idea. Have you said something to this girl?”

“Only that I had an older, experienced guy and it was awesome. She has no idea who I was with or when it happened.”

“Then let’s keep it that way, please. Anything else could interfere with what you want.”

“That’s the last thing I want to do! How many more times can you go?”

“Four more,” I replied. “What would you like to do?”

“Once more like we just did, then I’ll suck you, then the last two times, with me sitting in your lap for as long as you can go.”

? Jesse

“May I speak to you a moment?” Mom One said when Macrina and I came back down to the kitchen to have lunch.

“Sure,” I replied.

We left the kitchen and went to the living room.

“I know you were being goofy, but that show was a bit excessive.”

“Sorry,” I replied. “I thought it would be fun and funny.”

“I take it your friend didn’t need any convincing?”

“She was a bit reluctant, but she has a wild side!”

Mom One laughed, “Now, where have I heard THAT before?”

“I don’t think Aunt Melanie was reluctant!”

Mom One laughed, “No, that would be the LAST word I’d use for her! Let’s just use a bit of decorum, please.”

“Sorry. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“Thank you. By the way, she IS smoking hot!”

I grinned, “I know!”

I went back to the kitchen and started preparing sub sandwiches for Macrina and me.

“Are you in trouble?” she asked quietly.

“No. My moms and my dad never really get upset. All Mom One did was ask me to show a bit more decorum in the future, and I said I would. That’ll be the end of it.”

“I still can’t believe they don’t care if you have sex!”

“They do care,” I replied. “They just think it’s normal for teenagers to have sex. Pretty much all my dad’s friends agree on that, though most of them aren’t quite as free and open as we are here at the Compound.”

“You make it sound like a cult!”

I grinned, “You’re not the first person to suggest that! But nobody is brainwashed and nobody is forced to come here or stay here. Most people who come here don’t agree at first, but if they attend dad’s Philosophy Club, they usually end up agreeing with him. My sister Birgit and I have our own Hangouts.”

“What do you do there?”

“Talk about stuff. There’s no set topic, we just discuss things.”

“My parents would lose their minds!”

“Most would,” I replied. “There are lots of adults who object to how my dad thinks kids should be raised. We’ve had trouble with the school, with DCFS, and others. But in the end, nobody can point to anything harmful about the way my dad and moms organize their lives.”

“But couldn’t they get in trouble for letting us have sex here because we’re not seventeen?”

“As far as anyone knows you and I are both virgins. Who can say otherwise?”

“Your moms!”

I laughed, “They would refuse to answer questions because of the Fifth Amendment, and you and I would deny that we had sex. At that point, nobody could do anything. That means you can’t tell anyone.”

“I wasn’t going to! My friends are mostly from church. Could you imagine Viktoria?”

“Let’s just say that I don’t think Deacon John would approve of Viktoria thinking about sex, let alone having it!”

“Well, I got you first!” Macrina giggled.

I finished making the subs, then got two pickles from the jar in the fridge, along with a bag of chips. I put everything on the table and got two cans of Coke from the fridge.

“Is it OK if I ask about coming here next Saturday?”

“My game is at 1:00pm in Evanston, so it would be difficult. If you could come on Sunday, you could come to our Hangout. It’s at my friend Libby’s house.”

“The girl who was at your game today?”


“What’s up with her?”

“She’s my best friend,” I replied. “And she’s dating a girl named Karli.”

“How would I get here?”

“I think you’d probably have to get a ride or take Metra.”

“I’m not sure my parents will be willing to drive me or let me take Metra.”

“Then next weekend will be tough, because I don’t think anyone can come to get you. But in just over a month, I’ll have my license and we’ll have fewer problems getting together!”

“I don’t want to wait that long!” Macrina complained. “I wish we lived closer!”

“We’ll manage,” I replied.

“But I liked being poked with your big stick! I want to do it lots!”

“We have all afternoon! Let’s worry about next week next week!”


We finished our lunch, then went back to the basement to fool around.

? Steve

“Do you want to come to my house on the 9th?” Maya asked when I walked her to the door just before it was time to go to the hospital to get Jessica.

“Isn’t that risky?”

“Not really, but I can come here again.”

“That’s probably best,” I replied. “The last thing we want is a surprise, or for someone to see me coming into your house.”

“Could I come earlier?”

“I teach karate most Saturdays,” I replied.

“OK. I’ll just come at the same time as today, then.”

We exchanged a soft kiss, she put on her parka, hat, and gloves and I let her out the front door. Once she was on the sidewalk, she turned and waved, I waved back, then closed the door. Kara came into the foyer, we put on our coats, hats, and gloves and left for the hospital.

“Have fun?”

“Absolutely! It won’t surprise you that she offered to introduce me to a friend who wants to be deflowered by an older, experienced guy.”

Kara laughed, “Some things never change! What did you say?”

“I declined. I don’t need those complications. I’ll see Maya once a month until she leaves for school, but I’m not getting back into the ‘School Stud’ situation.”

“Do you regret being with the cheerleaders?”

“Oh, hell no!” I chuckled. “I made an exception for Maya because you invited her. Not that I hadn’t thought about seeing her again, but I didn’t expect it to happen.”

“I’m sorry,” Kara said.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about! And you know darn well that Loki will present opportunities which I, being who I am, will find it impossible to resist!”

“You’re sure you aren’t upset about me inviting Maya to the house?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Loki doesn’t need any help, so just let him do his thing!”

“Like in Florida?”

“Yes. And if there’s one thing I’m sure of, Loki is going to throw several knuckleballs!”

January 13, 2002, Carol Stream, Illinois

? Jesse

“Mom said ‘no’ for next weekend,” Macrina whispered and pouted when she came to stand next to me in the nave on Sunday morning.

“Bummer,” I replied in a very low voice.

We couldn’t really talk until the Divine Liturgy ended, so I just focused on the service. Nearly four hours later, we were in the church hall, and sat at a table where we could have a small amount of privacy.

“Dad said he thinks I’m ‘too young’ to get serious and it’s OK to see you at church and once every couple of weeks. He said I can see you more often once I turn sixteen, which is in May.”

“OK, but with hockey and everything else, that’s about what it would be anyway. And we’re not going steady.”

Macrina giggled and her eyes darted around.

“We skipped straight to the honeymoon! Uhm, wait, that sounded wrong!”

I chuckled, “I know what you meant. I’m not freaked out by the idea, I just don’t want to go steady right now. So that actually fits what your dad wants!”

“He wants me to be a virgin on my wedding night, but too late for that!”

“Hi!” Viktoria said coming over to the table. “OK if Deb and I sit with you guys?”

I looked to Macrina who smiled and nodded, “Yes, it’s OK.”

Two more girls joined us, and it looked as if they had all accepted that Macrina and I were a couple. Two guys sat down, but they were at the far end of the table, because I was surrounded by the girls. Unsurprisingly, Deacon John and his wife Matushka Annette came by to ‘check on’ Viktoria. They were very protective of her, and I was sure it was because she was easily the most beautiful girl in the church, and rivaled my Aunt Kara. She was also FAR too ‘prim and proper’ for my tastes.

“So you guys are a couple now?” Deb asked after Deacon and Matushka walked away.

“My dad thinks I’m too young to go steady,” Macrina groused.

“So don’t tell him!” Deb giggled.

“He limited how often I can see Jesse until I turn sixteen in May.”

“My dad probably won’t let me date until I turn seventeen!” Viktoria interjected. “So it could be worse!”

“Mine thinks I should go to a convent NOW,” Liliana said. “He actually said that on my fifteenth birthday!”

“I don’t think my dad would send my sisters to a convent,” I said with a silly grin. “He’d be afraid they’d corrupt all the nuns!”

“How many sisters do you have?” Deb asked.

“Three. All younger.”

“No brothers?”

“Three. Also, all younger.”

“Whoa! Seven kids? And your parents divorced?”

“It’s complicated,” I replied. “My mom and dad were never married.”

“Oops!” Liliana giggled.

“No oops,” I replied. “I was planned! But I really don’t want to talk about my parents.”


“It’s OK. As I said, it’s complicated.”

We finished our lunch, I said ‘goodbye’ to everyone, then went to find Mr. Vasily so he could drive me home.

[Chicago, Illinois] ? Steve

“How was your first week back at school?” I asked Hope on Sunday afternoon.

“I think it’ll be a bit more challenging than last semester.”

“That’s good. Sorry I didn’t have time for you last weekend or during the week.”

“You don’t need to apologize! You have seven kids, three wives, are a karate instructor, and you own a company! I’ve been lucky to get the amount of time you’ve given me. Not to mention the expert life advice!”

“Is there anything I can do for you today?”

“More advice.”


“You remember I told you how I was feeling about Kailey?”


Hope laughed softly, “That’s putting it mildly, 007!”

I chuckled, “That was said in response to ‘Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned’, though Greek Orthodox churches do not have confessionals.”

“One of those points of trivia you would know! I’m not sure about the concept of sin, though.”

“We discussed the true Biblical concept of sin as missing the mark of perfection. But perfection means being true to yourself and to your calling, and following the path that leads to enlightenment.”

“I was taught that the kinds of thoughts I’m having were an abomination.”

“And that fornication was a grave sin.”

Hope smirked, “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, because sinners are much more fun! And so is sinning, especially with you!”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“That song really does speak to me, though you didn’t have to try to talk me out of my virginity the way Billy Joel did ‘Virginia’.”

“The question you have to ask yourself, and this is true about any decision to have sex, is how will you feel afterwards.”

“But I can’t know that for sure, can I?”

“No, you can’t, though you probably have a good idea. If you actually thought it was an abomination, you’d be fighting the feelings, rather than considering acting on them.”

“I just wish I knew the source of the feelings.”

“Do you know the source of your desire to be with me?”

“No, I don’t.”

“I can’t tell you why I’m straight, or why Jennifer is lesbian, or Josie is bi, or my wives are straight except for each other. Sexuality is such an innate part of our psyche that we can’t articulate why we are attracted to one person over another, or to one sex or another. Curiosity is not a bad thing, and perhaps that’s all it is. Or maybe not.”

“You’re saying that the only way to find out is to do it?”

“No, but what I am saying is that only you can decide what’s right for you.”

Hope sighed, “It was so simple with you. I had no qualms and no reservations. I was absolutely sure I wanted to have sex with you.”

“And how do you feel about Parker?”

“Honestly? His kisses left me flat. Not because he’s a guy, but because there was no ... chemistry! Kailey and I have chemistry; you and I have chemistry; Parker and I don’t. Do you have chemistry with everyone you fuck?”

“Mostly, because for the vast majority, the mindfuck comes before the physical fuck.”

“But sometimes not?”

“I have had sex just to have sex, but I prefer having sex with girls with whom I mind-meld beforehand.”

“But most of them are like me, right? You open their minds, they open their thighs, and their eyes are opened to a new reality.”

“That’s the ideal, yes.”

“May I ask a question for which I’m probably not entitled to an answer?”

“You may ask.”

“How did Kara figure out that she needed a girl in her life?”

“That’s a question you’ll have to ask her directly. She won’t be upset or offended, and she’ll most likely tell you. But I can’t because it would violate one of my primary rules.”

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