A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 64: A Blow-Up
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 64: A Blow-Up - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
January 9, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Birgit
“DAD!” I squealed when he walked through the back door and into the house on Wednesday evening.
I jumped from the couch and rushed over to him and threw my arms around him. He put down his bag and hugged me.
“Hi, Pumpkin. Did you miss me?”
“Duh!” I exclaimed, wishing I could show him exactly how much I missed him.
He kissed my forehead, then I had to let go of him so he could hug my moms and Suzanne.
“How was your flight?” Mom asked.
“I had a seatmate,” he replied. “A very pretty girl who I think was about seventeen. She’s an actress and was flying to Chicago to film a pilot for a TV show. A complete airhead, though.”
“Definitely not Dad’s type!” I declared.
My sisters came to get their hugs, and then my moms, Suzanne, and Dad went upstairs while I took his bag to the basement to put his clothes into the washer. I got the load going, then went back upstairs to wait for him to come down from taking his shower so I could cuddle him before bed. It was fifteen minutes before he came down the stairs.
“Cuddles?” I asked hopefully.
“Go ahead,” Mom said to Dad.
He and I went to the sunroom and got into our usual chaise where I snuggled close to him and he wrapped his strong arms around me.
I sighed deeply and said, “I missed you, Dad.”
“I was only gone three days,” he replied. “And you seem to have survived.”
“My cuddle reserves were about to run dry!” I protested.
“And when you’re gone for a year in Sweden?” he asked.
“I’ll have to settle for a boy,” I replied.
“Settle?” he asked.
“Yes! Ask anyone who cuddles you! They all say you’re the best at cuddling!”
“I wouldn’t tell the boy he’s your second choice,” Dad advised.
“Hah! I’ll always be your daughter first! No matter what!”
“I wouldn’t tell your husband that for sure!”
“Face it, Dad; if he can’t deal with it, he’s not going to get to first base, let alone marry me! How was Florida?”
“Mostly we spent time in meetings, though I did get to relax by the pool. How about you?”
“School, homework, and chores. Did you hear about Francesca?”
“Jesse called me and Melanie kept me updated.”
“Could I get in any trouble for trying to call her?”
“That was over a year ago, so no. They found the call in the cellphone records, but that was it.”
“And you heard about Rachel’s mom?”
“The lawyer who administers the trust keeps me informed. There’s literally nothing Carla can do about Rachel or the money.”
“Her mom told her she’s not allowed to be friends with any of us. She can’t even be at Tiffany’s or Libby’s houses. And her mom canceled her birthday party. Isn’t there something you can do?”
“Not really, Pumpkin. We all just have to wait it out.”
“What about that thing you said where she could be responsible for herself?”
“Emancipation? At this point, it would probably take until she turns eighteen to complete the process, because it would be adversarial.”
“But you know like every important lawyer and Samantha has all the money!”
Dad laughed, “Not quite ALL the money, but plenty. The thing is, in this case, it’s the courts and DCFS that would slow everything down, and money won’t fix that. Well, not since they put a bunch of lawyers and judges in jail in Operation Greylord back in the 1980s.”
“So there’s nothing I can do?”
“Not at this point,” Dad said.
“Why are some people so dumb?”
“I wish I knew,” Dad replied.
We cuddled for a total of fifteen minutes before the Wicked Witch of the West came into the sunroom and said it was time to get ready for bed. What I wanted to so say was that I’d be more than happy to take Dad to bed, but I knew if I said THAT, I’d get in serious trouble and wouldn’t have a chance to fulfill my fondest dream.
? Steve
After the kids got their hugs and went up to get into bed, my wives, Estrella, and I went to the sauna.
“Were your meetings successful?” Jessica asked.
I shrugged, “It was only planning, so you’ll have to ask in three to five years! Did everyone get their dresses for the wedding?”
“Yes,” Kara replied. “Ashley and Stephie chose matching outfits, but the rest of us went with our individual tastes.”
“So ‘ER chic’ for Jess?” I chuckled.
“Scrubs are comfortable!” Jessica declared.
“I prefer sky-clad,” I grinned.
“It’s a bit chilly for that, don’t you think?”
“Not to mention it might cause Julius some problems in the Public Defender’s office! How are things with Emilee?”
“Much better. I think your mindfuck worked as I’d hoped. You know she’d go for the other, too.”
“Yes,” I agreed, “but she elected not to. And that was the right decision.”
“Mindfuck?” Estrella asked. “What’s that?”
“Steve using his rhetorical skills to tie people in knots and get them to change their thinking,” Jessica replied. “In this case, a medical student with a serious attitude problem and a superiority complex. Steve, I heard back from Malik and he’d like to schedule some time to discuss the seminars for the Fall. He was impressed with how you helped turn Emilee around.”
“I’ll call him.”
“I assume Birgit told you about Carla’s latest insanity?” Kara asked.
I sighed, “She did. Carla’s only options are to admit she was completely wrong or double down. She elected to double down. It’s the same foolishness that led to Francesca running away again. My mom tried it when I went to Sweden, but fortunately, I had some people who intervened.”
“I don’t know any parents like that in Argentina,” Estrella observed. “Sure, some are overprotective, but nothing like those two women.”
“I think it’s a uniquely American disease,” I replied. “There are abusive parents worldwide, but it usually doesn’t take this form, where a good chunk of society doesn’t see it as abusive. You had more freedom at fifteen than a lot of our teens have at eighteen, if they’re still living at home. Swedish pre-teens have more freedom than most of our teens.”
“Alejandra tried to tell me how different it was here, but I didn’t believe her. I thought she was exaggerating. Speaking of which, she invited me to visit.”
“That’s totally up to you,” I said firmly. “I’m not your dad, and you’re free to do as you please. All you need to do is keep the house rules while you’re living here, but all the adults do that. I take it there is no problem doing that with the visa you have?”
“No. My dad suggested I visit at least one college campus each month, which would keep any nosy government people happy, as the visa is for investigating schools. Even though I’m accepted, I could change, and it would just be a matter of doing paperwork to change my student visa application.”
“Just let us know and please write it on the calendar.”
“Will do!”
We finished our sauna, and Kara, Jessica, Suzanne, and I went upstairs to the master bedroom to shower.
“Yuriko stopped me on campus today and asked if it was OK to visit tomorrow?”
“She’s welcome any time,” I said.
Suzanne laughed, “I believe she meant visit!”
“I didn’t see anything on the calendar. Any objections from the three of you?”
“No,” they each said.
“Did you sleep alone in Florida?” Kara asked.
“Elyse stayed the first night; the second two nights I had a red-haired, green-eyed ‘Steve type’ bed warmer!”
My wives all laughed.
“Of course you did! One of the domestic staff?” Jessica asked.
“A young woman studying to be a paralegal who has the night shift. She schedules her classes so she has nothing before 10:00am so she can be assured of getting some sleep, but mostly nobody calls her after 2:00am, even when the house is full, as it was for the NIKA meeting.”
“‘Luckiest Dumb Boy’?” Kara asked.
“If you mean was it a deflowering, no. Just a two-day dalliance. She’ll probably be employed full-time by next January.”
“Suzanne, do you want to stay with us?” Kara offered.
“If you’ll have me.”
Kara smirked, “Is that an offer?”
Suzanne laughed, “I didn’t mean it that way, but...”
“Not on the spur of the moment, please,” I cautioned. “If THAT is going to happen, it has to be discussed in advance and the boundaries discussed.”
“Sorry,” Kara replied. “You’re right. But sex is OK, right?”
“Of course!” I agreed.
January 10, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
“Steve, I have Wendy Cobb on the line,” Kimmy announced late on Thursday morning.
“Thanks, Kimmy. Put her through.”
Wendy had called while I was in Florida, and Kimmy had, with my blessing, told her I’d be back on Thursday. She put the call through.
“Good morning,” I said.
“Hi! You didn’t tell me you’d be away!”
“Sorry about that,” I replied. “We have an executive retreat in Florida for three days every January.”
“When are you free?”
“I could meet you for a drink tomorrow evening.”
“A drink? Seriously?”
“I have a severe allergy to the police, reinforced by the FBI being a pain in the ass once again.”
“You’re stringing me along, aren’t you?”
I was, actually, and it was intentional because I really didn’t think it was a good idea to get involved with a cop.
“Would you do something for me?”
“I already agreed to!” she exclaimed. “You won’t let me!”
“I’m struggling with my aversion to cops, but if you were to talk with my friend Samantha about a role as director of security for her firm, that would change things.”
“I like being a cop,” Wendy declared.
“I hope you like being a patrol cop because even though you’re on the sergeants’ list, you don’t have a sponsor because you’re an honest cop.”
“How do you know THAT?”
“I checked into you because a trio of dirty cops tried to set me up a couple of months ago.”
“If you did that, and you know I’m clean, what’s the problem?”
“You play for the opposing team, at least in my book.”
Of course, so had Ivan Voronin, Tanya, and Katya, but I had little to lose as a college student, not to mention that Tanya would have tortured to death anyone who suggested she be a ‘honey trap’.
“I feel like I’m wasting my time.”
“I’m not trying to upset you,” I said. “But can you look at things from my perspective? I’ve been targeted by the CPD on at least four occasions, and that makes me wary.”
She was quiet for a minute.
“I get it, but I don’t think we’re ever going to get past this. So, I think we’ll forget the drink and everything else. I’m not angry, by the way, just annoyed.”
“Sorry,” I said. “Though I do think it would be wise for you to call my friend Samantha. The job pays six figures, plus bonuses.”
“No way!”
“It’s true. Call Spurgeon Capital, ask for her office, speak to Ernie, tell him you’re a friend of mine and want to talk to Samantha Spurgeon about the open security position. If Samantha is busy, ask for Keri Smalling and tell her the same thing. You’ll get an interview, at least.”
“Who are Ernie and Keri?”
“Ernie is Samantha’s executive assistant; Keri is Director of Operations. She used to work for NIKA.”
“Six figures?”
“And not low six figures,” I replied.
“Shit. I think I have to make that call.”
“It’ll be worth your while.”
Wendy laughed, “I know you mean job-wise, but if I do this, and you aren’t the best fuck on the planet, I’m going to shoot you!”
“That’s probably not the best way to convince me!”
“Let me think about it, but I’ll probably make the call.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I hung up, realizing I’d convinced her to drop the idea of getting together, only to change her mind by encouraging her to apply for the role at Spurgeon. But, as with everything, I’d deal with that if and when it came to pass.
I had lunch with Achara, who had been in New York for the holidays, but was back at school. She’d put my advice to good use, and had moved her relationship with her father towards two adults, rather than a father and a child. I considered that a great success.
After lunch, I met with Aisyah, Noelle, and Reed to review feedback from the beta users of our managed services offering. When that meeting ended, I put in a call to Skidmore and asked for Anala.
“Mrs. Patel,” she said when she answered.
“Hi, Anala,” I said sheepishly.
“Well, if it isn’t my long-lost friend and lover, Steve Adams! I wondered if you’d call after Amara applied.”
“Eve is offering her the role today. I’ve thought about you a lot.”
“And yet, you haven’t picked up the phone, nor sent an email.”
“I’m sorry. Would you like to have lunch?”
“So you can disappear for years once again?”
“You can pick up the phone as well,” I replied.
“You know my situation, Steve. I have to conform to Prajesh’s idea of the dutiful, submissive wife. Calling a man for a purpose other than business would be problematic.”
“But he’s OK with us having lunch?”
“Yes. You’re the last person I thought I’d have to explain it to.”
“You’re right, of course. I’ve always been a bit dense when speaking with you.”
“A bit?” she asked lightly.
“More than a bit. But I have my shit together, finally. Or at least together enough that I’m not a complete shithead!”
“How is Joyce?”
“She, Jake, and the kids are doing well, and she still chairs our Board of Directors.”
“And your kids?” she asked.
“Growing like weeds. Jesse turns sixteen next month and will get his driving license.”
“Time flies! I find it hard to believe that Avanti just turned fourteen!
“If she looks anything like you, Prajesh is going to need a shotgun!”
Anala laughed, “She looks very much the same as I did when I was fourteen. How are your wives?”
“Fantastic,” I replied. “The configuration has changed a bit, but we can discuss that at lunch, if you’re amenable.”
We agreed on a time, and Anala selected an Indian restaurant which she promised served authentic Indian food, then said ‘goodbye’ and we hung up. I spent the rest of the afternoon interviewing three candidates for development roles in Chicago, then headed home, where Yuriko joined the family for dinner. We had just sat down when the doorbell rang and whoever it was also pounded on the door.
“Let me answer it,” I said, getting up.
I went to the front door and opened it to find an enraged Carla Rizzi.
“Go home, Carla! I don’t have time for your insanity. I haven’t spoken to Rachel in months.”
“IT’S YOUR FAULT!” she screeched.
“What’s his fault?” Jessica asked, coming to stand next to me.
“I came home from work to find Rachel in bed with two black guys!” Carla screamed.
“Tiger, go back to dinner,” Jessica said firmly. “I’ll handle this.”
Given I wanted nothing at all to do with Carla, I felt that was the best approach, so I turned to walk back to the dining room.
“I was talking to you!” Carla screamed.
“And now you’re talking to me,” Jessica declared. “YOU are responsible...”
That was the last I heard before I turned the corner and walked into the dining room.
“Rachel’s mom?” Birgit asked with a smirk.
“And just how much do you know, young lady?”
“After her mom told her she couldn’t even talk to us or be at Tiffany’s or Libby’s houses, Rachel told Tiffany and me that she was going to fuck the captains of the football and basketball teams and let her mom catch her doing it. She was going to time it so her mom walked in on them.”
“Wonderful,” I sighed.
Jess returned about five minutes later. She didn’t say anything and when Birgit started to ask, Jessica just looked her off with the same look she saved for her medical students when she disapproved of whatever it was they had just said or done. After dinner, Jess and I went to my study.
“Carla kicked Rachel out of the house,” Jessica said.
“Hopefully, she called Samantha,” I replied. “I should check. Did Carla say anything else?”
“No. I told her never to show her face here again. I’d suggest Rachel stay away from the house, at least until she’s eighteen, but I made it quite clear to Carla that we wouldn’t interfere with our kids being friends with her. And I told her to see a mental health counselor. I’m tempted to report her to DCFS, but if I did, she’d likely make claims about you. So long as Rachel goes to school and doesn’t say anything to anyone, there won’t be a problem.”
“And if Carla calls the school?” I asked.
“She won’t. She’s mentally ill, and needs help, but she’s not going to basically turn herself in for kicking a minor out of the house. Rachel is seventeen, so Carla can’t have charges filed against the boys, either. I didn’t realize she was racist.”
“Very,” I replied. “She has the Italian attitude towards blacks that was expressed by Don Zaluchi in The Godfather.”
“And Rachel knew that, of course.”
“Of course. It’s no surprise, really, because Rachel more or less threatened to do it before. Fortunately, she decided against the whole team.”
“You know she can’t move in here, right?”
“I know. But she has all the money she’ll need for college, and I’m positive she’ll be successful. Let me call Samantha and find out if Rachel called her.”
Jess nodded so I pulled out my mobile phone and pressed the speed dial for Samantha.
“Hi, Steve. I assume you’re calling about Rachel. She’s on her way here. I sent a car for her.”
“Thanks,” I replied. “I really appreciate it.”
“Her mom needs some serious help.”
“I’ve been telling her for years, but like my mom, Carla believes everyone else is crazy and she’s the sane one. How do you plan to handle school?”
“I’ll have a car take her to school every morning and make sure she has a way to see her friends. Don’t worry, Steve. I’ll take good care of her.”
“Thanks, Samantha, I really appreciate it. You may get a call from Wendy Cobb about the security position.”
“She called at the end of the day. Keri is going to have lunch with her and talk about the position and see if it’s a good fit. Is this a favor?”
“No. This one stands or falls on its own.”
“OK. See you Saturday.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I closed my phone.
“All set?” Jessica asked.
“Yes. Samantha has it all in hand. We need to head to karate.”
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