A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 52: A Perfectly Good Snit

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 52: A Perfectly Good Snit - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

December 29, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“That was exactly what I needed!” Emilee said as I walked her to the door. “I’ve actually never done that before.”

“I’ll extend an open invitation,” I said.

“I have to say I’m impressed by your physique at age thirty-eight.”

“Did you just call me old?”

“No! There are professional athletes who would kill for your body!”

“And a whole host of women!” Jessica said, coming up behind us. “I take it you’re satisfied?”

“Very! See you in the morning, Doctor Adams!”

Emilee and I hugged and I followed Jessica back to the ‘Indian’ room where Kara was waiting.

“A virgin?” Kara asked with a smirk.

I nodded, “She’s never had a sauna before. She’s hooked.”


“She actually chose the sauna when I proposed it. The other thing is an open question, but I still say I’m not what she needs.”

“Did you say ‘no’ to her?”

I shook my head, “I simply offered an alternative when she asked for that. After she got past the surprise and a bit of frustration with me, she chose the sauna.”

“A bit of frustration?” Kara asked. “Are you losing your touch?”

I chuckled, “No. At least twice she said she’d had enough mindfucking and if I was going to do what she’d asked for, we’d have to actually fuck. But she never actually asked.”

“And when she did ask, you suggested a sauna?”

“Yes, because I deduced that was the best thing I could do for her tonight. And I think the past month has her exactly where she needs to be. What do you think, Jess?”

“I think she’s going to be an excellent physician. She just needed to get her head screwed on straight, and you did it without actually fucking her brains out!”

“I’m just that good!” I chuckled. “What did you decide about tomorrow night?”

“I’m going to take the girls and spend some time with Fawn before she and Georg head back to New York on Monday morning. Albert has plans with Jesse for after the Hawks game, and Suzanne, Sarah, and Hope are going out, so you and Kara will have the house to yourselves.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said.

? Birgit

“We’re home!” I called out as my sisters, Estrella, and I walked into the house through the back door.

We set down our bags, then took off our winter boots and carried our boots and bags into the great room.

“I’ll alert the news media,” Dad said. “And let the governor know he can stand down the National Guard!”

“Ha-hah,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “Cuddles?”

“I suppose,” Dad replied.

“Hang up your jacket and hat first, please,” Mom said.

I almost groaned out loud, but managed not to, because I knew Dad wouldn’t be happy if I did. In fact, I could actually win.

“Yes, Mom,” I said flatly.

I took my boots to the front hall and put them on the rack, then took off my pink down jacket, hung it in the closet, then put my white knit hat and gloves in the pockets. I took off my white scarf and hung it around the hanger, then went back to the great room to sit with Dad in the reclining chair he sometimes used.

“What did you do while you were out?” Dad asked as I snuggled close.

“Saw the windows at Field’s, had a spaghetti dinner, and then went to American Girl on Michigan Avenue.”

“How much did THAT cost me?” I asked.

“For me? Zero! But both Ashley and Stephie bought dolls! Aunt Kathy said she’d let you know how much at the party.”

“Jess, have the defibrillator standing by, please,” I said. “And who approved?”

“I did, Tiger,” Mom said. “I gave Kathy limits.”

“Thanks, Jess,” Dad said. “And you, young lady, I see that smirk. What did YOU spend money on?”

“I might have found two cute sweaters at Field’s.”

“Because you don’t already have a dozen?” Dad asked.

“You can NEVER have too many cute sweaters! And besides, I keep growing!”

“Remind me to cut back on your feed. We don’t want you fattened up until NEXT Christmas!”

“Hey!” I protested.

“No hay, either,” Dad said.

“Daaaad!” I complained.

“Tell her what you said at dinner!” Albert prompted.

“You, Sir, are almost as much a troublemaker as Jesse!” Dad replied.

“Then I’ll just have to try harder!” Albert said with a dumb grin.

Boys could be SO dumb!

“What did you say, Dad?” I asked.

“That when I was away, Albert was the man of the house.”

“OVER MY DEAD BODY!” I said firmly.

“He is the only boy in the house when I’m gone,” Dad said in a silly voice. “Well, not counting Nicholas.”

“YOU think girls are in charge!” I protested.

“Which doesn’t make him not the ‘man of the house’!” Dad said.

“I have half-a-mind to stop cuddling you!” I threatened.

“Half-a-mind is generous!” Albert said.

“Did anyone ask you?” I demanded.

“If the shoe fits...” Albert smirked.

“Happy to be home, Snuggle Bear?” Mom asked.

“I love my children, even when they tease each other,” Dad said. “Though daughters who threaten to stop cuddling might end up with zero cuddles.”

“No,” I said softly, snuggling closer. “I’m sorry.”

“I was just teasing, Pumpkin. Do you really think I’d be that mean?”


The doorbell rang and Suzanne went to answer it. She came back with Sarah who joined us in the great room.

[Cincinnati, Ohio] ? Matthew

“We were invited to Marcie’s house for New Year’s Eve,” Chelsea said. “They’ll probably have rum and pot.”

“I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure you mix rum with ‘coke’, not pot,” I replied.

“Ha-ha! Are you OK with being at a party like that?”

“Yes. I won’t smoke pot but I’ve had rum before. Do they smoke in one place or everywhere?”

“Outside so their parents don’t have a fit.”

“I hope they shower really well and wash their clothes, because the smell of weed is obvious.”

“You’ve been around it?”

“Drama, remember? Every cast party has booze, most have pot, and there is the usual amount of thespian sex.”

“It’s really true?”

“Well, for everyone except my friend Nick! He desperately wants to get laid, but he’s so pathetically obvious about it, even the girl’s who’ll fuck just about anyone aren’t interested.”

“Anyone?” Chelsea asked. “Really?”

“They would! I wouldn’t! I told you what happened with Carly. And you know Maggie. Everyone in drama knows I have a girlfriend! And now they’ve actually seen you!”

“Are you ever tempted?”

I shook my head, “No. I love you. Have YOU ever been tempted?”

“No way! I haven’t ever been interested in any other boy! I was positive you and I would be married someday! Do you ever wonder about other girls?”

“Do I look like an idiot?” I asked.

“Well ... you ARE a boy!”

“Ha-ha! But if you mean do I think about what it would be like with another girl, the answer is ‘no’. If you mean has the thought of sex with another girl crossed my mind, yes, it has, but only in the sense that I wouldn’t do it. I mean, it was obvious Carly was interested, but I wasn’t because I have you!”

“But otherwise?”

I shook my head, “I’m not playing that game.”

“What do you mean?”

“Girls ask ‘trap’ questions like that and there is NO safe answer. If I say ‘no’ you won’t really believe me. If I say ‘yes’ you’ll be upset that I said I would!”

Chelsea made a face which told me I was correct. Some of the Navy men had warned me about ‘trap’ questions, the worst of which was whether a girl looked fat in the pants she was wearing. A truthful answer could get you killed, as could a lie, and there was no way to know which answer was expected! Dad warned girls that he would always answer that question truthfully, so if they asked it, they should be prepared for an answer. I felt it was better just to refuse to answer.

“You never thought about a ‘hall pass’?” she asked.

ANOTHER trap question.

“Chelsea, is something wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said, turning her face from me.

“That’s obviously not true,” I said. “Chelsea, look at me, please.”

She turned to look at me, and I saw tears in her eyes.

“Zach cheated on Brenda,” she said quietly.

Which explained both Chelsea’s behavior and the thirty-minute phone call which she hadn’t wanted to talk about.

“I’m not going to cheat on you,” I said. “And I don’t need a ‘hall pass’ or an ‘open relationship’ or anything like that!”

“Are you sure? We don’t see each other for long periods of time.”

“Positive!” I said, then decided to sing to her the way I had when we’d had a similar, though less emotional talk like this one.

My love must be a kind of blind love
I can’t see anyone but you
Are the stars out tonight?
I don’t know if it’s cloudy or bright
I only have eyes for you, dear
The Moon may be high
But I can’t see a thing in the sky
I only have eyes for you!

Chelsea smiled, “Take me to bed?”

I took her hand and led her up to her room.

[Chicago, Illinois] ? Steve

“Last day!” Sarah said as we walked into the ‘nanny’ room.

“Oh, hell no!” I exclaimed. “No ‘Carousel’, even if I am married to Jessica!”

“You’ve totally lost me.”

Logan’s Run. A good movie, then later a bad TV show. Everyone had a ‘life crystal’ embedded in their palm which determined their life span - 30 years. When you reached thirty, you went to something called ‘Carousel’ which allegedly offered a chance at rebirth, but was really a death machine designed for population control. That was done on ‘Last Day’.”

“‘Last Night’?” she suggested.

“Better,” I chuckled as we began undressing.

“What did you want to do?”

“Whatever you want,” I replied.

“Then,” Sarah smiled, “I’m going to give you an amazing blowjob, then you’re going to fuck my brains out! Then I’ll ride you gently before we go to sleep.”

“That’s it?” I asked.

Sarah laughed, “I saw some cryptic notations on the calendar and combined with Suzanne’s insistence that Estrella, Hope, and I go out with her, I’m pretty sure if I wear you out completely, there are going to be some very disappointed girls tomorrow after the hockey game!”

“Perhaps,” I chuckled.

She kissed me, then slid down, grasped my semi-flaccid shaft, and slowly ran her tongue around my glans. I watched in the mirror as she licked up and down my quickly hardening shaft, then wrapped her lips around my glans, sucked gently, and swirled her tongue around me. The blowjob was slow, and sensual, and it was clear Sarah didn’t want me to cum quickly. I relaxed and simply enjoyed the feel of her soft tongue and warm mouth.

After a long time, she began stroking faster, sucking slightly harder, and sliding her tongue more quickly, indicating she wanted me to cum. Two minutes later, I filled her mouth with cum, and after she’d coaxed the last spurt from me, she released me, moved up, and pressed her mouth against mine for a fierce French kiss.

Our tongues tangled for a couple of minutes before Sarah broke the kiss. She rolled on her back and I moved down to suckle her breasts. As she had with the blowjob, I took my time, licking softly and sucking gently. Eventually, I kissed my way down her stomach, across her mons, stopping to nuzzle my nose in her soft pubic hair, then kissing along her labia. As she’d done for me, I pleasured her with my tongue and mouth, though Sarah, being a girl, had the advantage of being able to cum multiple times.

I pleasured her until she begged me to enter her, which I did, fucking her with long slow strokes, increasing their tempo and power until the headboard was banging the wall and the box spring was creaking. When I could no longer hold back, I pushed deeply into Sarah and sprayed cum into her. I pulled out, moved down, and brought her off with my mouth, then moved up to kiss her again.

Sarah moved right down and licked and sucked until I got hard, then mounted me, and as she’d suggested, rode me slowly and gently until she’d had four orgasms, then leaned down and put her lips close to my ear.

“Where do you want to cum?” she asked.

“You choose,” I replied.


She quickly lifted off me, turned around and I tongued her to orgasm just before pumping cum into her mouth. As she had before, she turned for a French kiss, and then snuggled close so we could fall asleep.

December 30, 2001, Chicago, Illinois

? Birgit

“Did you have fun with Sarah, Dad?” Birgit smirked when I joined her in the sunroom on Sunday morning after Sarah and I had showered.

“That is none of your business, nosy daughter!”

I knew it wasn’t, and I knew he wouldn’t be happy if I asked what he and Sarah had done, but I could guess at least some things! So I decided to drop it so I didn’t upset him.

“What are you doing today?” I asked.

“Just hanging out this morning, then we have the hockey game. Afterwards, your mom and I are going to spend some time together while you’re visiting Fawn and Analise with your other mom and your sisters. And don’t think I missed the tone of voice you used last night when your mom told you to hang up your hat and jacket.”

Busted! There was nothing to do but admit it.

“I’m sorry, Dad. But I knew to hang up my jacket and hat!”

“But were you going to? Or were you going to take them off, put them on a chair or on the floor, and cuddle me first?”

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Dad superpowers! It’s against the rules of the Dad Club for me to tell you how they work. I will tell your brothers when they become dads! And Nicholas, of course.”

“Very funny, Dad!”

“Well, however it was that I knew, I was right about what you were going to do. Your mom knew, too. And YOU know the house rules. They’re very simple. Following them would have taken less than a minute. True?”

“Yes, Dad.”

“I want you to sit down with your mom and talk about Vermont. I spoke with your mom last night and said basically the same thing I’m going to say to you right now. Both you and your mom were correct, each from your own perspective. What both of you failed to do is accept that the other person had a valid point of view, even if you didn’t agree with that point of view. You need to listen to her, and I asked her to listen to you.”

“Yes, Dad.”

“Breakfast!” Mom called.

“Two minutes, please?” I requested.

“OK,” Mom said.

“I’m really sorry, Dad.”

“What’s going on is normal for teenagers, but that doesn’t make it right. Your mom is not an evil ogre, nor is she a wicked witch. And you’re not an immature little girl. So, act like the mature young woman I know you are.”

“Yes, Dad.”

We cuddled for another two minutes then went to breakfast. I wasn’t surprised when Mom asked me to talk after breakfast. When we finished eating, Dad and my sisters cleaned up and Mom and I went to the ‘Indian’ room.

“Who goes first?” I asked.

Mom smiled, “You may go first.”

I knew I had to be respectful, or I’d hear it from Dad, and I’d be in such huge trouble with him, he might actually punish me, something he had never, ever done.

“I know you don’t agree, but I felt I had handled the situation. I stopped Johan before he did anything, told Katy about it right away, talked to Sheriff Don, and he made the family leave. Johan never, ever touched me, not before, and not then. And nobody else, has, either. I felt everything was handled, and you didn’t listen to me.”

Dad did, but I thought saying that would only cause more problems. Mom and Dad were different, and this wasn’t the time for me to point that out.

“I know you believe that,” Mom replied, “but parents have a special obligation to take care of their kids, and that’s what I was doing. You had been in a potentially traumatic situation, and I was worried about you. It’s not the same talking to you over the phone, and as a mom, I had to be sure. I know you don’t agree, but, and please don’t take this the wrong way, you’re only thirteen, and don’t have the same life experiences that I do, or your dad does. It’s our job to help you gain those experiences while doing our best to protect you.”

“What about Katy and Sheriff Don?”

“What about them?” Mom asked. “What did Katy tell you about me coming to check on you?”

“That it was the right thing for you to do as a mom,” I replied a bit grudgingly, because I loved Katy, but felt she was mistaken, too.

“Is there any adult, and I’m using that to mean over eighteen, who agrees with you?”

I frowned, and admitted there wasn’t by saying, “No.”

“Will you at least acknowledge that from an adult perspective, again, meaning anyone older than a teenager, what I did was normal and right?”

I really didn’t have a choice, because she was right about that, and I knew Dad agreed with her. But I still felt she had overreacted. But as Dad had said, that was my perspective, and pretty much nobody agreed with me. That didn’t make me wrong, but it did mean I needed to acknowledge there was another opinion, and that it was OK for Mom to have that opinion, even if I felt it was oppressive.

“There isn’t,” I said. “I guess I just felt you were being overprotective.”

“Will you also acknowledge that compared to the parents of your friends and cousins, I was just being protective?”

I screwed up my face, but quickly forced myself to look neutral. But I had to say what I felt, because, on this point, I thought Dad was right. Mom obviously noticed because I saw her expression change to one that I would call ‘amused’.

“But it’s not about what other parents do,” I said. “You would never, ever let me get away with saying I did something I knew to be wrong just because other kids did it!”

“First of all,” Mom replied, “I don’t believe I was wrong. I also want to point out that we don’t ask those silly hypothetical questions about everyone jumping off bridges and you following. I do understand why you don’t like that comparison - it would let us justify anything we did by pointing to what other parents did.”

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