A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 50: Exploratory Moves
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 50: Exploratory Moves - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
December 28, 2001, Grand Rapids, Michigan
? Steve
“Natalie asked if it was OK to stop by again tonight,” Hope said as we walked back to the hotel after Jesse’s game.
“I’ll leave that up to you,” I said.
“What about what Marissa suggested? You and I both know that was a clear invitation without it being an invitation, if that makes sense.”
“Something I’d call ‘plausible deniability’,” I replied. “And yes, it was an invitation, and Natalie took it that way.”
“What do you think?”
“Unless I miss my guess, your sex life is going to take an interesting turn in the next few weeks or months, depending on your definition of ‘slow’, and if you decide you want to experiment with Kailey. Whether you want to take a step in that direction before things change between us has to be up to you.”
“I’m concerned that Natalie would do it just to make you happy.”
I nodded, “There is that risk, but remember, it’s up to Natalie to decide what Natalie does. And it’s very different if YOU ask her, or Marissa does, from if I ask her. It might not seem like it, but it is different. Granted, you could say that she knows I’d agree, so she’d agree, but we can play the ‘Vizzini’ game about the wine goblets all day. In the end, if the request doesn’t come from me, she’s doing what she wants because she wants to, not because I asked her to.”
“Personal responsibility, right? But if you know she’ll do it because she thinks you want it...” Hope laughed, “you clearly cannot drink the wine in front of you! I get it. You could drive yourself crazy.”
“And in my case, it’s a very short drive! And Vizzini ended up dead. Why?”
“He failed to consider ‘outside the box’ possibilities.”
“Now apply THAT to your circumstances with me, with Parker, and with Kailey, and with the question before you.”
“I’d like to ask you a question, and I’d like a forthright answer, not a qualified one, please.”
“Go ahead.”
“Would you want to have sex with all three of us tonight?”
“Are you kidding?” I chuckled. “As my kids would say, ‘Duh!’!”
“A last wild fling before you change things on the 1st?”
Not even close, because I already had TWO wild flings planned for Sunday and Monday, but I couldn’t reveal either of those to Hope. And I had a ‘final’ encounter with Sarah planned for Saturday night, as both Jessica and I were positive she’d hit it off with Myles.
“It would certainly be a fun thing to do in advance of ‘retirement’.”
Hope laughed, “I can’t see you actually retiring. Toning things down? Sure. Retiring? No.”
“It’s toning things down in a serious way. And as I said when we first discussed it, if you decide you’d still like to be with me, that would fit the parameters.”
“Actually, as I’ve thought about it just now, I think it’s better to reset our relationship completely to you being my mentor so I’m not confused, because I can see how easy it would be to just forget everything else and continue on my sexual odyssey with you for a long time. But you and I both think it’s time for the birdie to leave the nest in that regard. And I know we’ll still be extremely intimate.”
“Then I’ll leave it up to the three of you. It’s best you discuss it amongst yourselves without me there. That will eliminate any pressure, and let YOU make sure that all three of you are comfortable with it, as well as set your ground rules.”
“You mean if we’d do anything with each other?”
“Decide that first, and tell me, and we will stick to it. Anything else is a recipe for disaster. And it’s not like the three of you couldn’t get together if you wanted to at some future point. But don’t leave the decision to the ‘heat of the moment’, as it were, because that’s when things can go horribly off the rails.”
“Got it. I’ll speak with them after lunch. May I ask one more question, which I think qualifies as a favor?”
“You may ask.”
“If I do decide to experiment with Kailey before anything advances with Parker, if it ever does, would you join the experiment?”
“Ask if that situation actually occurs,” I replied.
“No speculative answers, right?”
? Jesse
“Go for Jesse!” I said when I answered my mobile phone after lunch.
“Hi, Jesse! It’s Macrina! I got my test results. When can you come to see me?”
“I’m in Michigan until tomorrow, then I have plans with my dad, then we have our New Year’s Party. So probably Wednesday or Thursday of next week.”
“What are you doing in Michigan?”
“A hockey tournament. I thought I told you.”
“You did! Sorry. How’s it going?”
“We won all three games in the preliminary round, so we made the semi-finals.”
“That’s awesome! You’re really good at scoring?”
“I’m a goalie!” I chuckled. “On the ice, I use my stick to STOP scoring! Off the ice...”
“You use your stick to score! Can you take the train here on Wednesday? I’ll meet you at the Metra Station in Downers Grove.”
“Main Street, Belmont Road, or Fairview Avenue?” I asked, knowing the route because both Matthew and I had used the train quite a few times.
“Main Street! Do you know what time?”
“I’ll have to check the Burlington Northern schedule when I get home. Is it OK to call you on this number?”
“Yes. You’re from church, so my parents won’t object!”
“Then I’ll call you Saturday, OK? Or I can just tell you on Sunday at church.”
“Sunday is fine! See you there!”
We said ‘goodbye’ and I hung up.
“Your sure thing?” Libby asked with a smirk.
“Yes. Wednesday.”
“If what you’ve told me is right, she’s going to try to fuck you unconscious!”
“YOU couldn’t!” I replied smugly.
“I didn’t say she COULD, just that she was going to try! I’d offer, but you have a game to play tonight and one tomorrow and your team would kill me if I wore you out!”
“Which is why I’m going to hit the sack now for a nap.”
“Maybe I’ll go find your dad!” Libby teased.
I laughed, “Go for it, but be prepared to be disappointed!”
“How would YOU know? Hmm?”
“I meant he’ll say ‘no’ because you’re my closest friend. Mia was a special exception.”
“I thought you could give permission.”
“I could, and if that’s what you really wanted, I would, but it would violate the firm rule he set about girls who I was close to. It makes sense, if you think about it. And besides, I know you’re kidding because you won’t close out the possibility that you’ll want me to poke-check you at some point in the future, despite what we agreed the other day!”
“You’re really giving up on one girl at a time?”
“Threesomes sound fun!” I smirked.
“Duh! But you know what I meant!”
“I’m not going to go crazy, but I will admit that it’s OK to have fun in High School.”
“I’ll line ‘em up and you can knock ‘em down!”
“Which is exactly what I’m trying to avoid. That’s what got my dad started down his crazy path! Please do not encourage girls to approach me for sex. That would be over the line.”
“Does it bug you that much that your mom and her friend did that with your dad?”
“Enough that I don’t want to do it. WAY too much drama, and some seriously bad outcomes. It nearly wrecked Mom One’s and Dad’s relationship permanently. And THAT would have been a complete disaster for the world! Can you imagine a world without me?!”
“No, because you won’t LET me!” Libby teased.
“Just for that, after we win the tournament, I’m going to fuck you into next week!”
“Oh, what a terrible punishment!” Libby giggled.
[Chicago, Illinois] ? Birgit
“Do you want to go to Tiffany’s house with me?” I asked Estrella on Friday afternoon. “We’re having pizza and a bunch of our friends will be there.”
“Yes, please!” Estrella exclaimed. “Thanks for inviting me.”
“We like having older girls around,” I said. “They have all the good information!”
Estrella laughed, “I’m not sure how much ‘good information’ I have, but it’ll be fun. Are all the girls your age?”
“No, my friend Rachel will be seventeen next week, and MC will be there, and she’s twenty-three. She’s the medical student married to the guy who just got out of the Navy.”
“Ah, yes! I spoke with her. She’s Cubana, so we speak slightly different versions of Spanish.”
“She’s taught me some, and I’m taking Spanish next year in High School, but Dad is helping me learn Swedish because I’ll be an exchange student in a few years.”
“That sounds fun! Your dad did that, right?”
“Before we go, I need to do something.”
“Go to the clinic to get your test paper?” I asked.
Estrella looked shocked, “How did you know?!”
“Dad calls me ‘the neighborhood watch’ because I know everything that happens in the house!”
“But only your mom knew!”
“Maybe you only told her, but as soon as I saw you at the airport, I knew you had slept with my dad. Then you had the nanny room and Dad didn’t sleep there with you. The only reason he wouldn’t, would be if you hadn’t had an STI test. If you went on Monday morning, then today or tomorrow would be when the results were available.”
“You’re thirteen?” Estrella asked.
“Have you?”
I shook my head, “No. I’m not ready to have sex. I haven’t even kissed anyone yet, but I’m sure I will find someone I want to kiss sometime soon. And I asked my dad about going on the Pill when I turn fourteen.”
“Your dad is a very strange man!”
“TELL me about it!” I said, shaking my head.
“I hope you aren’t complaining! My dad would have locked me in my room forever if I said something to him about birth control pills!”
“But he let you come here.”
“I’m eighteen, and he was so worried about things in Argentina, I think he would have agreed for me to come here no matter what. My sister is trying to stay in Spain until things calm down. Our universities are on Summer break, so it doesn’t affect her studies.”
“That sounds like what happened with Tía Alejandra,” I said. “When she was supposed to go home for her Residency, her dad said she should stay here. She and Trent thought about moving to Argentina, but things keep getting crazy so they decided to stay. Now she’s going to work with Doctor Mary at Mayo Clinic. Do you want me to walk with you?”
[Grand Rapids, Michigan] ? Steve
“Shit!” I swore as everyone around me groaned.
The team from Hamilton had been ahead the entire game, and they’d just scored a goal with four minutes to go, giving them a 4-2 lead. Jesse had been strong in goal, but their forwards had accurate, rifle-like shots that were way beyond anything he saw regularly in the IHSA leagues. Sure, there were a few players who had cannons, but this team had at least six forwards who shot like pros. They would all get good looks from the NHL scouts in the stands. So would Jesse, but he was listed as a Sophomore, so they couldn’t speak to him without violating NCAA rules.
“They’re in deep trouble now,” Josie said. “Pulling Jesse would only make it worse.
“I agree,” Dmitry said. “They have played well, but this team is clearly much better. If not for Jesse playing so well and those two defensemen who keep blocking shots, the score would be much worse.”
He was referring to Lee and Kwame who were going to have bruises all over their bodies from the dozen shots they’d blocked between them. Jesse had made thirty-one saves, which was more shots than most teams took at him in the course of a game. Our team got their chances, and made the most of our twenty-five shots, but being outshot by eleven was a sure way to lose no matter how good your defense and goalie were.
Coach elected not to pull Jesse, but he did put out four forwards to play in front of either Lee or Kwame. It gave the team some chances, but in the end, didn’t pay off, and when the horn sounded, the score was still 5-3 against us.
“The kids are going to be bummed,” Jennifer said.
I chuckled, “I’m sure Libby will be happy to soothe Jesse’s wounded ego!”
“Bad day for the Chicago teams,” Mary Sarcu said.
They’d lost their morning game and finished second in their group.
“So now we have the ‘consolation game’ against the team from Quebec,” Josie said. “I was shocked they lost their game to the team from Detroit.”
“We’ll still get the automatic invitation to Canada next year,” I said. “So there is that.”
“Yeah, fourteen Canadian teams which will slaughter us and the team from Detroit!” Josie groused.
“Is this where I say ‘Wait until next year’?” Nathan asked.
“Cubs only!” I chuckled. “But it’s an eternal wait, so even then it won’t help!”
We all waited for the kids to come out, then went to meet them.
“Well, THAT sucked,” Jesse declared.
“So do I!” I heard Libby whisper in his ear after she kissed his cheek.
“You guys did a good job,” I said. “Not the result you wanted, but you have a shot at bronze medals tomorrow. And you’re going to Canada next year.”
“To be cannon fodder,” Jesse groused.
“Let’s go have dinner,” Jennifer suggested.
“I have plans,” I said. “I’ll see you guys in the morning for the game.”
Hope, Natalie, Marissa, and I left the larger group and headed to TGI Friday’s. Jesse, Mikey, and Nicole had decided on pizza, and that gave me a legitimate excuse to seek out a restaurant with a more varied menu, not that I felt compelled to spend time with the larger group. Dmitry wanted to spend time with the hockey players, and I felt he had sized up Jesse as a worthy son-in-law for when the time came, which I guessed would be about five years when Lara was eighteen. I still had my money on her, but I knew Francesca might still win the war, despite, or perhaps because of, her mother’s complete insanity.
“Dad asked what we did last night,” Natalie smirked, “and I told him we watched pay-per-view porn on the hotel system!”
“Troublemaker,” I chuckled.
“He actually called the front desk to make sure I was teasing. And had them lock our TV so we couldn’t!”
“My dad told Natalie’s dad that he overreacted,” Marissa added. “He knew Natalie was yanking her dad’s chain.”
“I could see Birgit saying that,” Natalie smirked, “but Steve would just ask if she understood what she saw and ask if she had any questions!”
I chuckled, “As enlightened and open-minded as I am, I’d send her to Kara for that discussion! Some things just shouldn’t be discussed between a teenage girl and her dad. It’s one thing to ask for birth control, it’s another thing to discuss techniques, positions, or activities!”
“Coward!” Natalie teased.
“That’s been said before when Birgit has made certain inquiries which a dad should not have to answer! I send her to Kara. The best one had to be when Birgit was nine and someone used the word ‘orgy’ in her presence. She asked Kara what that meant, Kara told her that it meant lots of people having sex together, and my precocious daughter simply matter-of-factly said ‘Just another day at the Adams’ house’!”
Hope, Natalie, and Marissa all laughed hard.
“Kara did explain that we didn’t have orgies, but by then I had laughed so hard my stomach hurt and I couldn’t finish my breakfast.”
“Your kids are all very matter-of-fact about sex,” Hope said.
“Because we treat it as if it’s a normal thing which people do. And it is. As is true about nudity, kids have to be taught that sex is evil or bad or sinful. And that harms their natural development. And things like racism and sexism are taught or modeled, which also harm kids’ natural development.”
“Don’t you think there’s a natural tendency to treat people who are different from you in different ways?” Marissa asked.
“I’m sure the ‘other’ factor does play into it, but that’s fairly easy to counter, so long as you aren’t modeling bad behavior. And the other thing to remember, is that it’s not sexism to acknowledge that, in general, men are stronger and faster.”
“What about apparent racial disparities in sports?”
“It depends on what you mean. Why are there so few black pro hockey players? A big part of that is because around eighty percent of players come from Canada, Sweden, or Russia. And it’s a northern sport, and the minority population in the main hockey states is lower than in, say, Georgia or California. There aren’t a lot of Hispanic NHL players, either. So, I think, at least for hockey, it’s just a matter of what sports are played in your area. I mean, how many pro soccer players in Europe are American?”
“I think that’s an imaginary number,” Marissa joked.
“Pretty much,” I chuckled. “The other thing you have to take into account is the cost of sports. Think basketball with just a ball and a net which are both relatively cheap and common in playgrounds; or baseball with a ball, bat, and gloves, all of which are relatively inexpensive; versus ice hockey with skates, pads, and sticks, not to mention the need for a rink or cold enough weather for a frozen pond or lake. Figure skating, tennis, or golf because of the cost of lessons and ice or course time. Football, whether gridiron, association, or rugby can be played as a pick-up game with just a ball.
“Consider auto racing. That takes significant resources even at the very beginning. Matthew took lessons and they weren’t cheap. Ditto when Albert has to pay for flying lessons. Income disparity creates a big problem that has nothing to do with racial abilities. Not nothing to do with race, mind you, because income disparity is a different problem.”
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