A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 49: An Impromptu Rap Session
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 49: An Impromptu Rap Session - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
December 27, 2001, Grand Rapids, Michigan
? Steve
“So, what did you want to talk about?” I asked. “Oh, and one point - I have to make a call to Russia at midnight.”
“Well,” Natalie smirked, “given we three gave you our virginities, we figured we’d tag-team you, have you take our final cherries, then let you watch us have our first lesbian encounter with a wild threesome.”
I laughed, “Uh-huh.”
“OK, maybe not! Does this suite come equipped with a whirlpool big enough for four?”
“So long as you don’t mind rubbing shoulders, we could manage four; we do that in the sauna whirlpool back home and they’re about the same size. Are all of you OK with that?”
Marissa and Hope agreed, so I went into the large bathroom and turned on the tap in the tub, and once the water was at the right temperature, closed the drain. I went back to the sitting room, picked up the phone, and ordered a fruit platter as well as a cheese and cold cut platter. I added a bottle of sparkling wine and bottles of sparkling water. I instructed them to bring it into the sitting room, and not worry about knocking as we’d be in the whirlpool.
“Going to get us drunk?” Natalie asked with an arched eyebrow.
“If a single bottle of sparkling wine split between three healthy young women gets them drunk, I’m going to have to find a better class of young women!”
All three girls shrieked in faux outrage.
“What’s the difference between ‘sparkling wine’ and champagne?” Marissa asked.
“Origin,” I replied. “Technically, to be champagne, it needs to come from the Champagne region in France. You can’t use that name in Europe, and I believe in other countries. US wineries can use it, though the French always ask for limitations in trade negotiations, and I suspect we’ll eventually concede. It’s not a big deal, really. Anyway, the relatively inexpensive bottle I ordered is from California and calls itself ‘sparkling wine’. I’d guess they export to Europe, so that way they can be consistent in naming.”
“I’m always amazed at the things you know,” Natalie observed.
“The most important trait is having an inquisitive mind. That is perhaps the best possible foundation for an interesting, exciting, and fulfilling life. Shall we get in the tub?”
We went to the bedroom and the girls and I quickly undressed, then went to the bathroom. The tub was nearly full, so I shut off the water and we climbed in, with Natalie and Marissa sitting side-by-side opposite Hope and me. I pressed the switch to turn on the water jets.
“Was there something specific you wanted to talk about?” I asked.
“You didn’t think I was serious?” Natalie asked, barely able to contain her laughter.
“I have K-Y Jelly in my bag. Your call.”
“I think I’ll pass! You knew I was kidding, obviously.”
“Oh!” Marissa gasped. “THAT is what you meant!”
“What did you think I meant?”
“I wasn’t sure, actually. Neither of you has done that?”
“Not interested,” Natalie said. “At all.”
“Curious but not that curious,” Hope added.
“So no three-way lesbian encounter?” I inquired, trying to sound disappointed.
“Even LESS interested!” Natalie declared.
“No thanks!” Marissa exclaimed.
“Very curious,” Hope said. “But not here, not now. Maybe not ever.”
“May I ask a question?” Marissa inquired.
“Sure,” Natalie agreed.
“Steve, all kidding aside, are you thinking about sex with us?”
“Yes, though only because Natalie started out by teasing. And that’s not a complaint or objection, just an observation. And that’s tempered by the fact that none of you have any significant voyeuristic or exhibitionist inclinations. Sure, you might be curious, but not enough to actually have sex in front of someone else nor a burning desire to watch.”
“So are you voyeuristic or exhibitionist?”
I shook my head, “Not in the sense that either of those things excites me in and of themselves. When I was fourteen, a very adventurous girl exposed me to sex with multiple partners, and I developed what most people would call a lack of modesty, but what you all know as my belief that nudity is our natural state and that modesty, as a social construct, was a REALLY bad idea. In the end, I’m neither shy nor embarrassed by my body nor about having sex in front of others.”
“So you’re saying it doesn’t do anything special for you, right?”
“Steve’s kink,” Natalie said, “is teenage virgin girls with small breasts and tight pussies, as demonstrated by present company! And I think we all know his preferred way to make love.”
“Slow and gentle,” Hope said, “but oh my God, can he fuck your brains out if you want!”
“True!” Marissa agreed.
“Oh, yeah!” Natalie agreed.
“You’re both still sleeping with him, right?” Marissa asked.
“Yes,” Hope replied, “though tomorrow night might be the last. I’ve gone out for coffee with a guy a few times and I invited him to the New Year’s Eve party.”
“You’re basically permanent, right, Natalie?”
“Until I go to graduate school in Russia, yes. I see no point in changing things. I’m pretty sure my future husband is somewhere in Russia at the moment. He just doesn’t know it!”
The rest of us laughed.
Natalie continued, “Marissa, you were just with Steve that one time, right?”
“Yes. I knew the parameters and that was OK, though I sure wouldn’t say ‘no’ if he asked. But I’m not expecting it.”
“You obviously don’t have to answer, but have you been with anyone else?”
“Yes. You slept with Jack, right?”
“Yes. Hope, I’m assuming Steve is your only, so far, from what you said?”
“Yes. I think I’ve moved far enough along in the ‘Steve Adams relationship and intimacy course’ that I can dip my toe into the water.”
Natalie nodded, “I figured out, years later, that it was that course I signed up for in Russia. Sex was just a small part of it, really, when you think about it.”
Hope smiled, “True intimacy isn’t sex, though sex is a fun part of true intimacy.”
“This is pretty intimate,” Marissa observed.
“Nudity is a strong symbol of openness,” Natalie said. “If it weren’t for my sister only being fifteen, I’d suggest we have a naked Philosophy Club meeting like Steve did in the past.”
“What’s the problem?” Marissa asked. “I know your mom is OK with her being there.”
“It’s what the government would say if they found out,” I interjected. “They’d have a hissy fit if it was only adults and the kids were in the house, even if they were never in the room.”
“But what about your group saunas?”
“Easier to defend,” I said. “But still something for which DCFS could cause trouble. It’s why the kids are extremely careful about which friends they invite to normal saunas.”
Hope laughed, “Only in your house would everyone being naked be called ‘normal’.”
“As I’ve said before, nudity is our natural state, and we have to be taught to be ashamed. That’s an important point of the creation myth in Genesis - before they ate of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ they were naked and were not ashamed. Only after Adam and Eve disobeyed God did Adam hide himself because he was naked.”
“Whoa!” Marissa gasped. “I hadn’t even thought about that!”
“Here’s another thing to think about - did Adam and Eve have sex before the Fall?”
“I’m going to go with ‘yes’, despite it being heavily implied at church that they didn’t.”
“It would be illogical for Adam and Eve to not have had sex before the Fall, which means that sex is good, not sinful. It, like the rest of God’s creation, was tarnished by the disobedience of the first couple, which brought mortality into the world. Well, assuming you buy that particular origin myth. There are many, many others. I know you aren’t a fanatic, Marissa, but check out the two separate creation stories. They don’t line up.”
“Yes. I’m sure there’s a Gideon’s Bible in your nightstand. Check out Genesis 1:1 through 2:4, then the rest of Genesis 2. There is no way to make them line up. But they don’t have to line up unless you are an extreme Biblical literalist, which I know you aren’t from our talks.”
“I can’t imagine a literalist sitting in a hot tub with a guy who’d taken her virginity and that of two other girls who were also in the hot tub!” Hope smirked. “The very concept would make my adoptive parents’ and my grandfather’s head explode!”
“All the more reason to do it!” Natalie declared. “Though I’ve strategically avoided giving my dad any hint that Steve and I have been lovers since I was fifteen, though there was a three-year hiatus because my mom preferred we not continue our relationship, and then I met John.”
“Your mom knew when you were fifteen?” Hope asked.
“Yes, and after a little bit of tension, she agreed I hadn’t done anything wrong, but felt it was better if what had happened in Russia stayed in Russia. She was happy for Steve to mentor me, on the condition we didn’t have sex. That changed after I broke things off with John, but given I was nineteen, she had no say. Does your mom know?”
Hope laughed, “My mom was with Steve when she was fifteen! I was a late starter!”
Marissa gasped and Natalie had a curious look on her face.
“You’re OK with that?” Natalie asked.
Hope nodded, “Mom more or less sent me to Steve, not for that reason, but for mentoring and so I might eventually work for NIKA. I decided I wanted to sleep with him. I knew Mom had been with him because my grandfather made a false accusation against Steve when Mom was pregnant with me.
“That just seems weird,” Natalie said. “OK, I mean, obviously, it’s up to you and your mom, but my mom has the hots for Steve and Nicole and I asked him not to.”
“Like your dad would agree?” Marissa asked. “It would be REALLY, REALLY strange for Steve to sleep with my mom, and I think I wouldn’t want to know about it. In fact, I think I would ask Steve the same thing - to not do it.”
“Given neither of your dads would agree, it’s a non-question,” I said. “One of the most important rules I have about consent is that if a potential partner is in a relationship, they have to have true consent from their partner. And if that partner is a close friend of mine, then it’s a complete non-starter. So that would exclude both your mom and Natalie’s mom.”
“Have you ever had a situation like that?” Hope asked. “I mean, if it’s OK to ask.”
“Yes. There have been a few times over the years where I’ve felt that the partner truly gave consent. But they are exceedingly rare.”
“I know I might be venturing into an area where I have no right to ask, but have you made a mistake?”
The two that immediately came to mind were Frederika Röckert in Sweden and Katy O’Connor.
“I had one instance where the young woman in question failed to tell me about her steady boyfriend until afterwards, and one questionable situation which was seriously complicated, and was the right thing to do, given the circumstances. And, to my discredit, I actually cheated.”
“What?!” Hope gasped. “You?!”
“Me. I cheated on Kara not long after I agreed to be exclusive with her.”
Well, minus the commitment I’d made to Debbie V’s little sister, but saying that would diminish the shock I felt was appropriate.
“And yet she’s your Senior Wife!”
“Kara is a textbook example of forgiveness. What happened afterwards is complicated, and you’ll have to ask Kara about it because I really can’t reveal the confidences necessary to tell the story properly.”
“Given we’re WAY into ‘none of my business’ territory, have you been with other mothers and daughters?” Hope asked.
I nodded, “Yes, and the names shall remain secret to protect the seriously guilty!”
All three girls laughed.
“Sisters?” Hope asked. “I mean besides what I now know about Natalie and Nicole?”
“Yes, including a set of twins who I was fortunate enough to have threesomes with, though they didn’t do anything with each other.”
Natalie laughed, “Wow! You really have lived the male fantasy!”
Hope smirked, “He deflowered the three of us, so no more evidence is necessary!”
We decided to get out of the tub and have our snack, so we dried off and put on fluffy white hotel robes to keep warm, not because of any modesty, and went out to the sitting room to find that room service had done exactly as I’d asked.
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask Steve to stay with him,” Hope said to Natalie as we munched our snacks.
“Not worth the risk of my dad accidentally discovering that Steve and I are lovers. Marissa and I are rooming together, but all I would need is for him to come to the room for some reason and find me not there. Besides, Steve is pretty much available whenever I want him back home. This is your ‘last fling’ if I read the tea leaves correctly.”
“Maybe,” Hope said. “I mean, Parker seems nice, but as I said, I’m going to take it slowly. I fucked before I dated!”
“Me, too!” Natalie exclaimed. “Well, if you don’t count the stuff Steve and I did together before I asked him to take me to bed as dates.”
“I dated, but never got beyond kissing,” Marissa said.
“And now?” Hope asked.
Marissa smiled, “I’m enjoying college life! But I’m rigorously following Steve’s rules on STI tests.”
“Everyone should,” Natalie declared. “We could solve the entire problem of STIs if everyone had routine tests starting at age sixteen.”
“Can you imagine the complete freakout amongst parents and religious nuts?” Hope asked.
“Fuck ‘em!” Natalie declared. “But unfortunately, they are in the majority and make stupid laws and enforce antiquated morals that only exacerbate the very problems they claim to be trying to solve. Good sex education, easy access to birth control, and routine STI testing would reduce unintended pregnancies, reduce the incidence of disease, and foster healthy sexual expression and improved relationships.”
“Somebody drank the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid!” Hope declared.
“You certainly have! Though I think it was more of a protein solution in all three of our mouths!”
All three girls laughed.
“Can I ask a completely out-of-line question?” Marissa inquired.
“Sure,” I replied. “Just remember that nobody has to answer, and non-answers imply nothing.”
“Hope, Natalie, do you like giving blowjobs? Or do you do it because Steve wants you to?”
“First of all,” Natalie replied, “I don’t think Steve has ever once asked me to do anything. And there’s a reason for that - he knows I would do anything he asked me to.”
“Even anal?” Marissa asked, wide-eyed.
“I would, but he’d never ask because he knows it’s not something I particularly want to do.”
“So, blowjobs?”
“I enjoy doing it for Steve. I didn’t for Jack, because Jack expected it, and worse, made me gargle or brush my teeth before he’d kiss me. It felt almost like a chore. Steve truly appreciates it, and that makes me want to do it. Not out of compulsion, or ‘owing’ it to him because he goes down on me, but because I love him. Does that make sense?”
Marissa nodded, “It does. Hope?”
Hope winked at me, “I LOVE giving blowjobs. It’s fun and I actually really like him cumming in my mouth. He’d never have to ask because I want to. What about you?”
“I’d prefer sixty-nine to just giving a blowjob, but I do it because I know the guys like it. But mostly I prefer to use it for foreplay and have the guy inside me when he cums.”
“I know a girl,” Natalie said, “obviously no names, who used to fuck, but then finish Steve in her mouth because she felt it was powerful and like drinking from the fountain of life.”
“Steve, do you like performing cunnilingus?” Marissa asked.
“It’s like his favorite thing to do!” Natalie interjected before I could answer. “He loves the taste, it makes him super-hard, and he likes it so much he’ll do it after he cums in you!”
“What she said,” I chuckled.
“Do girls taste different?” Marissa asked. “Guys do.”
I nodded, “Yes, they do. It’s more a variation on a theme than radical differences, at least in my experience, and often it’s just a hint of difference, but enough that I could tell between two different girls I’d been with.”
“And feel?” Marissa asked. “Obviously guys are different sizes.”
“And so are girls,” I replied. “Though exercise, childbirth, and aging can affect things, just as aging can make erections less strong and more difficult to achieve.”
“Is it important?”
“It can, in some instances, increase or decrease the friction, but I’ve never experienced a situation where that was a problem. Though, being a male chauvinist pig, I will admit a preference for very tight teenage pussy!”
All three girls laughed.
“And the girls at school all talk about wanting a guy who’s eight inches long and as big around as a Coke can!” Marissa declared.
“Good luck with THAT,” Natalie said mirthfully. “The average length is somewhere between five and six inches. Steve is a bit bigger than average, but not gargantuan like that porn star in Insatiable.”
“John Holmes,” I said. “Did you see it?”
“Yes, because I wanted to watch one, just to see what it was like, and Kara suggested that one because it was fun.”
Oh, it was, I thought to myself, recalling the video we’d made.
“What was it like watching a porn movie?” Marissa asked.
“In one sense, interesting, but in another, boring. I don’t think those movies are made with a female audience or female sexuality in mind. Well, real female sexuality, not the male fantasy where the guy slaps your face and vulva with his dick!”
“Not your thing?” I asked with a smirk.
“Too degrading. I mean, I have zero problems with a teenage girl asking the gardener to take her virginity on a snooker table, but ‘suck it like you want me to fuck you’ and slapping her with his dick? Not even!”
“I’m impressed,” I said. “You knew it was a snooker table.”
“I looked it up because it didn’t look like a regular pool table like you have in the basement. The other thing that bugged me was they had her saying ‘stop’ but later had her say she liked being held down and fucked.”
“That’s one of those gray areas where I always err towards ‘no consent’,” I said. “Reluctance is one thing, but saying ‘no’ or ‘stop’ is a bright red line, even if other things imply consent. In the end, I’m not a big fan of implied consent.”
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