A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 46: Luckiest Dumb Boy?
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 46: Luckiest Dumb Boy? - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
December 21, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Matthew
“You were awesome!” Chelsea exclaimed, giving me a hug.
“I do believe the young lady is correct!” Dad said.
“Thanks for being here, Dad,” I said.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything! We’ll see you on Sunday for dinner. And Chelsea, it was good to see you again. Wish your parents a Merry Christmas for us, please.”
“I will. Merry Christmas!”
Chelsea and I went with Mom, while Michael went with Eduardo, and we headed back to the house. Mom had ordered pizza from Giordano’s and it arrived about ten minutes after we arrived home.
“I need a shower,” I said when we finished our pizza. “I need to wash off the rest of the makeup.”
“I’ll help!” Chelsea offered.
Eduardo shook his head, Mom laughed, and Michael rolled his eyes, but neither Chelsea nor I cared. I took her hand and led her upstairs to the bathroom where we quickly undressed and got into the shower.
“I’ve missed you!” she said sexily, sinking to her knees for the ‘job’ she’d promised when we were in the car.
Chelsea took me in her mouth and it didn’t take long before I swelled and became hard. She grasped my dick with her hand, and began stroking while she sucked and licked the head. I hadn’t seen her in a while so it didn’t take very long before I groaned and spurted into her mouth. When I finished cumming, Chelsea stood up and gave me a fierce French kiss. I wasn’t thrilled with her doing that, but I really liked the blowjobs, so I stifled my feelings and kissed her.
“Let me wash off the makeup,” she said, grabbing the soap and a washcloth.
She removed the makeup from my face, then washed the rest of my body. I washed her as well, and then after we rinsed off and dried ourselves, we wrapped towels around ourselves and walked down the hallway to my bedroom where we climbed into bed.
“Tongue first, then dick,” Chelsea giggled.
I was only too happy to oblige.
? Jesse
Dad always said there was a huge difference between ‘want to’ and ‘should’. I knew Libby wouldn’t care; in fact, I was sure she’d encourage me, so long as it didn’t interfere with our plans for Michigan. And that was the true source of the problem. It wasn’t like I could say ‘yes’ to Adi, but then say ‘so long as I can sleep with other girls’. That seemed to always work out for my dad, and it would work with Libby, but I seriously doubted it would work with Adi.
“I’m not your boyfriend,” I said, moving my hand from under her sweater.
“You could be,” Adi said quietly.
“I’m not really ready to go steady with anyone right now,” I said, truthfully. “And this is only our second official date.”
“You don’t want to?”
“I think you’re very pretty,” I said. “But we haven’t talked about going steady, and we sure haven’t talked about birth control or STIs.”
“Libby gave me a book last week, but I knew most of what was in there already.”
“I didn’t mean to imply you didn’t know about them, but we’d have to talk about them before we did anything more than just kiss, and before we talk about those things, we need to talk about us.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend.”
“No, I don’t. And that means I’m free to go out with you and see if we like each other enough to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and that comes before the thing you asked about.”
“But you want to?”
“I’m attracted to you, yes.”
“And I’m attracted to you and really like you.”
“Enough that you’d want to go upstairs to my room even if we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend?”
She moved off my lap and sagged back on the couch.
“I want to do it with you, and I thought if we did...”
Which was exactly what I had feared. I didn’t think it was an intentional trap, just Adi’s way of pushing things to the conclusion she wanted.
“But would you sleep with a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “Maybe?”
“And that’s why we need to figure out our relationship first,” I said. “Let’s stick to kissing tonight, we’ll go to the play tomorrow night, and I’ll ask you out again for next Friday. One step at a time, OK?”
“Do you think your parents would let you come to New Year’s Eve party at my dad’s house?”
“I don’t know. I’m sure my dad would need to talk to your dad, but I’m not sure what he’ll say.”
“Ask him, and I’ll make sure my dad knows your dad might call.”
“Want to kiss?” I asked with a smile.
December 22, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“To me, it doesn’t seem to violate your basic outline for the future,” Jessica observed as Kara and I walked her to the hospital. “She’s not a new girl, is in college, and treated it as a natural, normal thing because of her culture.”
“True,” I replied. “The real question, and something I’d thought we’d figure out when she arrived and was living in the dorms, is what she wants and how long it lasts.”
“Orgasms!” Kara giggled. “And you last a long time!”
“True,” I chuckled, “but not what I meant, and you know it!”
“I don’t see a conflict,” Kara continued, no longer sounding as if she was teasing. “I think you just have to lay out clear limits.”
“OK. I still need to think more about it. You’re both OK if I decide to be with her, right?”
“Given you do your best talking after orgasms, I’d say you probably should, at least once,” Jessica said, with just a hint of teasing. “Assuming she’s had a recent STI test.”
“Yes, of course. And Bethany always said I made my best decisions at that point, and you remember what my Cherry Blossom said!”
Kara laughed, “Pretty wise for a fourteen-year-old!”
“Guided by her grandmother who was the one who told her no man could lie in that circumstance!”
“Big dick embedded in tight, young pussy?” Kara teased.
“I do believe, though I can’t say for sure, that Emiko felt it was true at her age as well!” I countered.
Kara and Jessica laughed, and we continued to the hospital. After Kara and I arrived home, Birgit and I had our cuddle time, Hope arrived at the house so I could drive her to Midway for her flight to Cincinnati.
“Ready to go?” I asked.
“All set!” Hope exclaimed. “Just my one bag because I’ll just be there until Wednesday. I mailed my mom’s gift to make it easier, but she’ll open it on Christmas morning.”
“Then let’s hit the road.”
“Don’t hurt yourself when you do that, Dad!” Birgit teased.
“Bye, Pumpkin!” I replied, ignoring her teasing.
Hope laughed as we walked out the back door. It was 40°F, which was relatively warm for a December 22, and there was little prospect of a White Christmas, even though the temperatures were expected to drop by Tuesday. We got into the BMW and I backed out of the driveway and headed for Midway.
“I’m going to assume you did well on all your exams,” I said.
“Of course! When is the earliest I can apply for an internship at NIKA?”
“Usually it’s Junior year, but we have taken a Sophomore in the past. And Penny was working for us in High School, but that was an exception.”
Hope smirked, “Penny is an exception to just about everything!”
“True!” I agreed.
“How does it work?”
“If it’s an internship, you work out with Dave how to put in between fifteen and twenty hours, which are paid at the internship rate. If it’s work-study, then it’s full-time with pay and a tuition stipend. But I don’t think you want to do that because it would extend your degree to five years, not to mention take away a position from someone who actually needed the tuition support.”
“Do you think I could cut it in an internship?”
“Probably, but it’s not up to me. I don’t get involved in hiring decisions below director level, though I do meet all candidates who we intend to hire. All I can say is apply in the Spring for next Fall and see what happens. I’ll obviously endorse you, but that only carries a small amount of weight.”
“Because you don’t ‘pull rank’, right?”
“Correct. The one thing I do, but only on very rare occasions, is exercise a veto if I don’t think the person fits the NIKA «kami», but those are, as I said, very rare.”
“How do I apply?”
“With the placement office at UofC. We’ll send them a notice, as we always do. That will be in early March. I’ll let you know, but they’ll post it, so you can keep an eye out, too.”
“Cool. I invited Parker to come to the New Year’s Eve party. I checked with Kara and she said it was fine.”
“Of course it is. First non-coffee date?”
“Yes. His family lives in Shorewood, which he said is near Joliet. Is there any way he could crash at the house?”
“Yes. The sunroom is closed off at 1:00am so the girls can crash, and the guys crash in the great room. We have lots of blankets and pillows. Well, assuming you’re not inviting him to stay in the guest room with you.”
“What kind of girl do you think I am?” she asked with faux outrage.
“A wonderful young woman who is in control of her own body, as it should be!”
“Too soon,” Hope said. “It’s our first ‘real’ date, and even then, it’s a party, so it’s not serious. If everything is cool, I’ll let him ask me on a real date after New Year’s.”
“Does he live in the dorms?”
“Yes, though he’s going to get a studio apartment for next year. The commute is just way too much for him to make every day, so he only goes home on weekends and breaks, but he wants to be out of the house, and a studio apartment is only slightly more expensive than the dorms.”
“Elyse and I shared a two-bedroom apartment in Hyde Park when we first came to Chicago. She went to UofC, and you know I went to IIT.”
“I only have disjointed fragments of the story, but you and Jennifer were supposed to live together, right?”
“Yes. Jen was struggling mightily with her sexuality, and that created a huge mess for both of us. In the end, what happened was exactly what she needed, and, we achieved our original goal, albeit by different means.”
“What goal?”
“To be together for the rest of our lives and have kids. As I said, different means, but same result.”
“It must have been terrible to be a lesbian teen in the 70s,” Hope observed. “It’s bad enough now from what I see.”
“It’s better, but yes, back then, admitting it was dangerous and the social pressure to conform was intense. It took some time for Jennifer’s parents to come around, but they did.”
“I take it you were OK with it?”
“You mean Jen being lesbian? Yes, of course. Sexual expression, as we’ve discussed, isn’t black and white, nor even linear. It’s a multi-dimensional matrix and people move around during their lives. I didn’t understand it the way I do now, but I always felt everyone should be free to express their sexuality however they felt best fulfilled their needs.”
“Birgit implied there is another lesbian with whom you had a relationship.”
“Katy is in a committed long-term relationship with Amy, but I’d say Katy is bisexual, though with a strong preference for women. I know a few others who are closer to Katy than Jennifer in terms of their sexual expression.”
“You’ve never experimented that way, right?”
“Nor have I ever had any desire to. My wives and I joke with the Jaegers about me and Kurt, but it’s never been anything other than a bit of homoerotic teasing, with no intent on either of our parts. Basically, we’re comfortable enough in our sexuality that we can joke and laugh about it.”
“When I spoke to Suzanne, she said something that intrigued me - that her sexual fulfillment was similar to yours. She said that what created the most fulfillment was pleasing you, and that because of that, she was open to anything that gave you pleasure, and would willingly do it, even if it wasn’t something she’d do otherwise.”
“She and I are in perfect tune in that regard - our fulfillment comes from providing pleasure for others. Don’t get me wrong, or her wrong - our own orgasms are important and extremely pleasurable, but emotional fulfillment comes from pleasing the other person. I’ve known a few other girls who have that same view of sexual expression.”
“I want to ask a VERY personal, very intimate question.”
“Go on. You know I’ll tell you if I can’t answer and why.”
“How are Kara and Jessica fulfilled?”
“By me loving them,” I replied. “But they are each VERY different, which I think you’ve most certainly noticed.”
Hope laughed, “Kara does not hide the fact that she’s basically a nympho!”
“No kidding,” I chuckled.
“And Jessica?”
“Jess likes orgasms as much as the next girl, and likes to be cuddled, but she really only receives true fulfillment from her work. It’s one of the primary characteristics of the best surgeons. And she was upfront about that from the day we met. Don’t get me wrong, Jess enjoys sex with both Kara and me, and we enjoy sex with her, but that’s NOT what keeps her going, so to speak.”
“Again, tell me if I’m getting too intimate, but are they both bisexual?”
“I don’t think that word works to describe them. It’s not easy to classify on a single dimension, and I’d have to reveal things which I don’t have permission to reveal to try to explain it further.”
“You know my background, so I don’t know too much about this, but how common is it that girls who are otherwise straight, experiment or fool around with girls?”
I chuckled, “Think about that sentence.”
Hope laughed, “Uh, yeah, I just basically contradicted myself in the same question, and tried to classify things in black and white. I don’t think even gray works.”
“No, it doesn’t, if you’re trying to sort the way Kinsey did, which while somewhat helpful, doesn’t really represent the reality of variability. Are you headed towards another question?”
Hope smiled, “I’m not surprised you figured it out. It’s about experimenting and how you decide to do it.”
“The most important thing in my mind is whether or not you’re mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for what happens after you experiment. The why isn’t all that important, because curiosity and desire are both good reasons to consider it, but you have to think about how you’re going to feel the day after you put your tongue in another girl’s mouth or pussy and she does the same to you.
“There’s also the consideration of WHO you should experiment with, if it’s just an experiment. And making sure that you and whomever you’re experimenting with is on the same page. In that sense, it’s not all that different from having sex according to your acknowledged sexuality. When you came to me, you were absolutely sure what you wanted and sure enough about how you would feel the next day, that you basically just went for it.
“The other thing to think about is the timing, if you will. In the past, several girls have spoken to me about experimentation, and not just same-sex, but toys, or other activities. My advice has varied, but often I’ve suggested not experimenting with me, but with a future partner. Not always, mind you, but often. A perfect example was a young woman who was in similar circumstances to you who wanted to explore toys and fetishes. I suggested she wait until she was with her future partner so they could explore together.”
“Interesting. But you have sometimes fulfilled their request?”
“Yes. What are you thinking?”
Hope laughed softly, “Oh, who knows! This is just my mind running free.”
“OK, if it’s not too nosy, what brought this on?”
“A fellow barista at Starbucks,” Hope replied. “I can’t get her out of my mind.”
“As in you’re attracted to her?”
“As in I have no idea! It makes no sense to me because I like guys, and no other girl has made me feel this way. I can’t imagine going through life without full-time access to a rock-hard dick, but something about this girl...”
“They aren’t rock hard full time,” I chuckled.
“You know what I meant!” Hope laughed. “And I hear there are drugs for that, which they advertise by saying you can keep it up for four hours!”
I laughed, “I said the same thing to Jess about the ‘warning’ about erections lasting more than four hours. She explained the procedure of using a needle to aspirate the blood so that permanent damage, which might lead to amputation, could be prevented.”
“Holy crap!” Hope gasped.
“Yeah. Even though they clearly wink at using it as a marketing ploy, it is a real danger.”
“Well, given my sample size of one, I have no complaints about how long you last or how long it takes for you to get it up again!”
“Good to know. So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. I was taught it was a perversion, but then again, I was taught what you and I do is a perversion of God’s ‘plan’ for sex.”
“Any god who is THAT concerned about my sex life clearly doesn’t have enough to do!” I chuckled. “Does this have to do with your grandfather?”
“No. My ‘fuck you’ to him was to fuck you! Well, and then telling him that it had happened. I can’t explain why my knees get weak around Kailey.”
“College student?”
“Junior at UofC. She’s a sociology major.”
“What do you want to do?”
Hope laughed, “Do I need to draw you a picture?”
“No, but I would love to see the movie!”
“Not watch live? Or participate?”
“We discussed how I’m dialing things back after New Year’s.”
“So it just has to happen before the 1st!”
“Yes,” I chuckled. “But now that the kidding is out of the way, what is it you want to do?”
“All kidding aside? I’m not sure. The temptation to experiment is there, but as I said, I think my sexuality is closer to yours.”
“As I’ve said to a few women over the years - one experiment does not define you. It’s what you do after that. But, unless you’re sure you’ll be OK afterwards, I’d advise caution.”
“That makes sense. Thanks for letting me talk this out.”
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