A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 3 - A New World
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 43: Father and Son
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 43: Father and Son - The Adams household has been referred to as many things over the years, 'The Madhouse on Woodlawn', and 'Cirque du Steve' being two of them. As chaotic as it appears to an uninitiated outsider, it's actually a very ordered home, a haven of rationality in a very irrational world. Like everywhere else though, that haven is about to have its walls smashed down by the events of September 11, 2001.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
December 14, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
I had a momentary feeling of lightheadedness, but it passed quickly.
“But I saw her in all the pictures!” I protested.
“That’s her older sister, Mirabella, who’s a Senior, and,” Kelly giggled, “still has HER V-card.”
“Angelina looks like she’s twenty!” I protested again.
“And her sister looks like she’s fifteen or sixteen, not eighteen. Angelina’s «quince» is in February!”
I stifled a groan. I’d broken the rule by assuming and judging based on looks. I wasn’t worried about her talking, but it certainly meant I could not risk taking her up on her offer of visiting her. And I needed to ask another question.
“How old is Kristy?” I asked.
“Sixteen. She turns seventeen next week.”
“OK,” I replied, relieved, though I hadn’t actually committed to being with her. “When’s your birthday?”
“I turned eighteen in October. You had to know there were Freshmen on the team.”
“Sure, but Angelina didn’t look like a Freshman.”
She certainly didn’t fuck like one, either, I thought.
“Are you upset?”
I was, a little, but only with myself, not with the girls. It absolutely wasn’t their fault.
“No, but I really should have asked rather than assumed. But Kristy will be seventeen, so that’s not a problem. As I said, have her get her test and I’ll think about it. But remember about not talking about this to anyone else, except Angelina.”
Kelly smiled, “So I’ll know you got four cards, but nobody else will.”
“Our little secret!”
“How should Kristy get in touch with you?”
“She can just come to the door and ask for me. Nobody at my house will think anything is strange about her doing that.”
The phone rang just then and Kelly scurried to answer it. She was back two minutes later.
“That was Mom; they’ll be here in an hour. The timing worked perfectly!”
“It did.”
“You wouldn’t want to stay for another half-hour and do it again, would you?”
“I would, but by the time we showered and cleaned up, it would be cutting it way too close.”
“Bummer,” Kelly replied, “but you’re right. Even though I’m eighteen, my dad would completely lose his shit!”
I held out my arms and Kelly melted into them for a tight hug and a soft kiss.”
“You’re awesome,” she sighed, hugging me tightly. “I’ll do it with you again anytime you want.”
“You’re awesome, too,” I replied. “And I very much appreciate the offer. Can I ask a question?”
“The pizza party...”
She laughed, “Mirabella had some crazy ideas, including a blowjob contest and a ‘Truth or Dare’ game where all the dares would have been with you!”
“Fourteen girls?” I said, shaking my head. “A guy can only get so many erections in a span of four or five hours!”
“The contest was each girl would have two minutes to try to make you shoot and the winner would give you her V-card immediately with no time limit! ‘Truth or Dare’ would have had time limits.”
“How did High School girls come up with this?”
“Mirabella has a friend who’s at Florida State and told her about a crazy party her sorority had! One lucky guy got to be in seventeen girls in one night, and five of them were virgins.”
“Damn!” I chuckled.
“Where did you go to college?”
“IIT. It was about ninety percent guys. But I had a lot of fun anyway!”
“I bet! Arizona State is going to be a blast!”
“I should go,” I said.
Kelly hugged me again, we exchanged a soft kiss, and then she let me out. I turned, waved, then headed south on Woodlawn. Less than ten minutes later, I was in the foyer, removing my coat and hat when Jesse came in.
“Dad, could you drive Libby home? It’s just enough past curfew we don’t want to risk it, and the moms won’t be home for another twenty minutes.”
“Sure,” I agreed. “Let’s go.”
We walked through the house, and I went to my car while Jesse went to get Libby. The round trip took a total of twenty minutes, and when I arrived back home, I went to the ‘Indian’ room door and knocked.
“Come in,” Kara called out.
I went in to find them sitting in basket chairs sipping tea.
“Have fun, Tiger?”
“I did! And there was a double-surprise. First, Kelly had a friend over, who was also a cheerleader with a V-card to surrender.”
Kara laughed and shook her head, “Only you, Snuggle Bear! A wild threesome?!”
“Alternating turns,” I replied. “Zero interest in each other, and obviously virgins.”
“And the other surprise was ‘around the world’?” Jessica smirked. “Both of them?”
“No. The second girl, Angelina, looks like she’s twenty, but turned out to be fourteen, which I didn’t know until after she surrendered her V-card. It was my fault for not asking, but all evidence, including pictures of the cheer team, pointed to her being eighteen. The pictures were of her older sister, the one who planned the pizza party, about which I did get details.”
“Are you upset?” Jessica asked.
“Not really, mostly I’m just mildly annoyed that I made a bad assumption. I won’t do that again.”
“The other girls?”
“Kelly is eighteen and Kayla is seventeen. Kelly did request that I accept her friend Kristy’s V-card. She was the third girl who was selling the candy, and she turns 17 next week.”
Both wives laughed and shook their heads.
“Only you, Tiger!” Jessica declared mirthfully.
“Not true! The pizza party plan was modeled on a sorority party at Florida State where one lucky guy was inside seventeen sorority sisters in the same evening! And five were virgins.”
“I call BS!” Kara declared.
“I could see it,” I said. “The plan that Angelina’s older sister had was a blowjob contest where each girl had two minutes to make me cum with the winner getting to surrender her V-card. After that, ‘Truth or Dare’, with the dares having time limits so as to ensure there was sufficient opportunity for all fourteen girls!”
“I’d PAY to watch that!” Kara declared.
“Most guys would pay to do it”! Jessica exclaimed.
“One thing, Jess - I felt a bit lightheaded when Kelly broke the news about Angelina.”
Jessica went immediately into ‘doctor mode’ and was out of the chair in a flash.
“Let’s check your vitals,” she said.
“Before I came to see you, I went with Jesse to drive Libby home. Well, he drove. So it’s been about forty minutes.”
“How long did it last?” she asked.
“About thirty minutes with each girl, just for intercourse...” I smirked.
“Cut the crap!” Jessica snapped.
“Sorry. It was fleeting, maybe two or three seconds, and I didn’t feel wobbly or anything, it was just like when I would stand up too quickly as a teen, though it wasn’t nearly as strong nor did it last as long as those.”
“Let’s get your vitals anyway, then it’s time for bed. You can call Mary in the morning and see what she says.”
Jessica was conceding that she was my wife, not my doctor, and my concession had to be to allow her to check my vitals, and for me to go to bed and call Mary in the morning.
December 15, 2001, Chicago, Illinois
“I’m making a New Year’s resolution,” I said as Kara, Jessica, and I walked to the hospital on Saturday morning.
“What’s that?” Kara asked.
“This current string of ‘Luckiest Dumb Boy’ situations is the last. New girls will be few and far between.”
“Is something wrong?” Jessica asked.
I shook my head, “No. We discussed the situation and how things are going to change. I also need to focus my attention on the girls who are most important to me. I’m not saying never, but the default is ‘no’, not ‘maybe.”
“Kristin?” Kara asked.
“If she still wants, yes. And I’m sure there will be a few other cousins or friends without any encouragement from a certain daughter of mine. And if you find your fantasy girl, we’ll do that. But going forward, no girls from the Philosophy Club, and I’m going to ask that my sex life be off-limits there, except with reference to the two of you and Suzanne.”
“What brought this on?” Kara asked, sounding concerned.
“Ten girls so far in a little over three months. That’s too many. And I think I identified what caused the lightheadedness.”
“It was the revelation of Angelina’s age, right?” Jessica asked.
“Yes, but a bit more than that. It was that I felt weird about it.”
“How so?” Kara asked.
“I’m not sure but it just felt wrong. And trust me, it wasn’t about her in any way except her age.”
“Good?” Kara asked with a smirk.
“She easily deep-throated me and we fucked hard.”
“Are you sure she really was a fourteen-year-old virgin?” Jessica asked.
“There have been a few young girls in the past who didn’t fuck like first-timers. Given what I’ve heard about Angelina’s older sister, I suspect Angelina had more than enough information and likely some very good tips. Add in what her friend said, and I have to say Angelina was telling the truth. So it wasn’t about how she reacted, it was how I reacted.
“You know I’ve always thought fifteen was the right age of consent, and I am not saying Angelina was too young to have sex. I’m saying she was too young for me. And honestly, I might move the age limits for the exceptions because it’s not just going to be weird for them, it’s going to be weird for me. I won’t do that to Kristin, but anyone else who might approach me may be put off until they’re at least sixteen.”
“Like you did with Misty, right?”
“That’s a pretty big change, Tiger,” Jessica observed.
I nodded, “I know. But I’ll have the two of you and Suzanne. And Elyse and I have our occasional trysts. For the next four years, I’ll have Natalie, because she has no interest in dating. The smart money is on her finding a Russian guy when she’s studying there.”
“Both Hope and Sarah have their exit plans,” Jessica added. “Are you really going to be OK with just the three of us?”
“Don’t forget the occasional dose of virgin blood!” Kara smirked. “What about Rachel?”
“That remains to be seen. I’ve barely spoken to her since Carla had her complete meltdown. We’ll see what happens in just over a year when Rachel turns eighteen.”
“And your Argentine lover?” Jessica asked.
“I’ve been studiously avoiding any flirting or sex talk in our chats, and she chats more with Alejandra than me.”
“It’s up to you, obviously,” Jessica said. “And you know you can change your mind in the future.”
“I understand, but I’m pretty sure this is the right way to go.”
We arrived at the hospital and saw Emilee standing just inside the glass doors to the ER. She came out as we approached.
“Hi, Steve. Could I stop by to talk sometime soon?”
“Sure. Any weekday evening next week after 8:15 will work, except Friday.”
“Monday at 8:30pm?”
“Monday it is. See you then.”
She went back inside, Kara and I hugged and kissed Jessica, and Jessica went into the ER. Kara and I joined hands and started walking home.
“She was polite and calm,” Kara observed.
I nodded, “I think the strategy worked. That said, as with any major changes in one’s approach to life, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
Kara laughed, “And you plan to eat Emilee?”
“That’s not what she needs,” I replied. “Well, maybe she does, but my job is to apply the clue-by-four to the forehead. I’ve had it done enough times to me that I know a thing or two about it!”
“I may have found what I’m looking for,” Kara said impishly.
“That quickly?”
“I cheated! I called someone who I was sure would have a way to find what I needed.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask.”
“Mattie Colson.”
“Before you say another word, this can’t involve Claire in any way, shape, or form.”
“Mattie promised complete confidentiality before I told her what I needed.”
“What completely insane, over-the-top idea did she have for you?” I asked.
Kara laughed, “Good guess! A pair of seventeen-year-old best friends who know about Mattie’s history. Both are ‘Steve types’; one is blonde and the other redhead. They do everything together, and they planned to lose their virginities to the same guy on the same day.”
“And the catch?” I asked.
Kara smirked, “I can watch you take all their cherries if you agree to let both girls peg you.”
“What about Jessica?” I asked.
“I’m sure she’ll peg you, too, if you want!”
I laughed, “Not what I meant, and you know it!”
“She and I discussed it in advance, before I even called Mattie, and she agreed that it was OK if it was just me, given the level of difficulty I was facing. And she agreed I could present my proposal to you.”
“And you got a 10.0 from the Russian judge!” I chuckled. “Have you spoken to these girls?”
“No. I wanted to ask you first. I know you promised, but this isn’t what you thought you were agreeing to.”
“Because Steve Adams is going to turn down a wild threesome with two of-age ‘Steve types’ over the minor issue of pegging?”
“I was worried about what you said before about no new girls and about the ages.”
“Kara, if you’ve found two virginal seventeen-year-olds who want what you’re describing, I’m not going to deny you. And I did promise you I would fulfill your fantasy.”
“Then I’ll get in touch with them and see if it’s real.”
“Knowing Mattie, I’m positive it is.”
We arrived home and I went to the sunroom to cuddle Birgit before breakfast.
? Birgit
When Dad came back from walking my other mom to the hospital, he came to the sunroom and I snuggled close to him in a chaise.
“We had sex ed this week,” I said.
“And neither your moms nor I got a phone call from the school! How is that even possible?”
“Hah, hah; very funny.”
“I’m serious, Pumpkin. I expected a phone call when you had that part of health class.”
“It was so dumb that Tiff and I wanted to bang our heads on our desks! They hardly told us anything about sex. They talked about periods and diseases, but barely mentioned birth control except for rubbers and the Pill, and they really didn’t say much about those, either. And I knew more about fucking when I was five than they taught in health class this week! I swear, Mrs. Nance is so clueless I bet she’s never had a dick in her mouth let alone let a guy cum in her mouth!”
“If you’re trying to bait me or shock me, it’s not going to work, Pumpkin.”
“You’re no fun!” I protested.
“Your moms think I am! And so does Suzanne!”
And I was SURE he was, but getting first-hand information was going to be extremely difficult if not impossible. But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t try!
“What are you doing for your anniversary tonight?” I asked.
“Jesse and Terry are hosting Guys’ Night, and your moms, Suzanne, and I are having dinner at Bucktown Bistro, then we have a two-bedroom suite at the InterContinental for the night.”
“Cuddles tomorrow?”
“Yes, because we have to be home so your other mom can go to work and I can go to Jesse’s church. We can cuddle after I walk to the hospital. Back to your class - they omitted a lot, but did they say anything that was wrong?”
“They said rubbers were a good way to prevent disease. I thought about saying something, but I didn’t want to get in trouble.”
“Rubbers are effective at reducing the risk,” Dad said. “But they aren’t perfect. Did they talk about getting tested?”
“Yes, but only if you thought you were exposed.”
“So basically, the standard message of abstinence and testing after the fact.”
“Well, to borrow a phrase, you can’t fight City Hall.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re toeing the government line with what they’re teaching and that means even complaining to the school won’t help.”
“Dumb!” I declared.
“We agree. Just remember, you follow the rules Aunt Bethany and your moms set.”
“Everyone tested first, and everyone agreeing about birth control. And no exceptions.”
“I want to start on the Pill when I turn fourteen.”
“Ask Doctor Robertson at your appointment in the Spring. She knows it’s OK with us. Got somebody specific in mind?”
I wanted to say ‘Yes!’ though I wouldn’t need the Pill for that because of Dad’s vasectomy. If it wasn’t Dad, then maybe Kjell. But I wasn’t sure.
“Maybe,” I giggled.
“Just be smart, Pumpkin,” Dad said.
“I’m your daughter!”
“And your birth mom’s! And that is what has everyone preparing for Category 5 Hurricane Birgit!”
“So, lots of blowing?” I giggled.
“Not going to work, Pumpkin.”
“Just no fun!” I groused.
? Steve
I called Mary after lunch and explained what had happened, though without specifics about the circumstances. After a brief conversation, she agreed that no changes were necessary but if I had a second incident, I’d need to fly up to Mayo immediately.
“How is studying going?” I asked Hope when we met in my study after my phone call to Mary.
“I’m prepared. I spent all day Thursday and Friday locked in your study with my books and notes. This is the first real break in three days. I have a bit of stress to work off. Think we could fuck in the sauna?”
“We could, though given my wives, Suzanne, and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight, we can’t go too crazy.”
“Then we’ll make it YOUR kind of sex, so long as you provide me with sufficient stress relief orally!”
“I think that can be arranged.”
“Then let’s go!”
We spent two hours in the sauna and whirlpool, though only the first twenty minutes were with high temperatures, during which we had a slow, sweaty, sensual screw. When we finished, I turned the temperature down and spent nearly thirty minutes with my tongue in Hope’s pussy, and then we sat in the whirlpool for an hour.
“You know you can use the sauna anytime, right?”
“Yes. I saw the laminated instruction sheet. I probably should have used it yesterday afternoon.”
“Before I forget, what time do you need to be at Midway on the 22nd?”
“The flight is at 9:00am, so 7:00am.”
“OK. We’ll leave as soon as I get back from walking Jess to the hospital. What time is your flight back?”
“Scheduled to get in at 8:00pm on the 26th. I saw you have the memorial service for Jessica’s dad’s wife.”
“Yes, but that’s mid-afternoon at the hospital, so there’s no conflict.”
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